Tempting (16 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

BOOK: Tempting
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“Where were we?” he asked before pulling her close.

She went into his arms, aroused, yet more at ease than she would have thought possible. She was making love with Alex for the first time and didn't feel nervous or apprehensive. What was up with that?

A silly question, she thought as he stroked her breasts. What mattered was how the man made her feel.

He shifted her onto her back and began to kiss his way down her body. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to him, both tensing and relaxing as he brushed his mouth against her belly, her hips, her thighs, before parting her damp curls and kissing her intimately between her legs.

His tongue was warm and sure, stroking her with just enough pressure to make her catch her breath. He moved slowly, explored thoroughly, circling and licking, pausing until she wanted to scream, then going just a little faster.

He made love to her like a man who enjoyed what he was doing, which made her want him more.

Pleasure shot through her. As he continued the easy pressure, the bottoms of her feet began to burn. She pulsed her hips in time with his movements, urging him on.

More, she thought through a veil of passion. She needed more. But he seemed in no hurry to finish things up. He continued to tease her with his tongue, barely increasing his speed. Her muscles tensed in anticipation of an orgasm that still seemed so far away. She reached for her release, straining, wanting, but it wasn't time.

He went on and on, driving her crazy in the best way possible. Ribbons of pleasure wove their way through her body. Her skin was tight and sensitive, her breasts ached. Inch by inch she got closer and closer still. So close that coming seemed inevitable and yet she hung there, just shy of the edge, desperate to fall.

“Alex,” she breathed.
Do something!

But she didn't say it. The journey was too exquisite.

He shifted slightly and she felt him slide a finger inside of her. At the same time he sucked on her very center while flicking her with his tongue.

Her release exploded like thunder. One second there was only expectation, the next her entire body was lost in sensations so intense, she thought she might never find her way back.

She cried out, then gasped for breath. She writhed beneath him as he touched her perfectly until the very last ounce of pleasure had flowed from her body.

Dani couldn't move. She might never move again, which wasn't a bad thing. Not if she could experience something like that a second time.

He pushed himself into a kneeling position and reached for a condom. After slipping it on, he eased inside of her, filling her, stretching her, making her quiver. Then he slipped his hand between them and slowly rubbed her.

She opened her mouth to tell him he didn't have to bother. She'd already had her fun. Besides, she would be too sensitive.

But there was something about the gentle touch of his fingers that was surprisingly erotic. Before she could get out the words, she found herself eager for more of what he was doing.

He stayed where he was, inside of her and touching her. He was barely moving, but there was just enough friction to get her attention. Back and forth, back and forth, little pulses that teased. She wanted more.

So when he pushed in, she pushed down, drawing him all the way inside of her. His eyes dilated, his body stiffened. The fingers rubbing her fumbled slightly.

She smiled. “Better.”

“I want you to come again. If I get going too soon…”

She was already halfway there. “I think we should be able to time it right.” She was still sensitive from her recent orgasm. He'd pushed her close; it wouldn't take much to get her over the edge once more.

“I want you inside of me for real,” she told him. “Stop playing.”

He shifted onto his knees and braced himself over her. Then, as he stared into her eyes, he took her at her word and got serious.

He filled her hard and fast, pushing into her with an intensity that made her nerve endings want to sigh. The sensation of being taken was nearly as exciting as it was arousing. She wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him in closer, holding him in place. He lowered his head and kissed her.

Pressure built inside of her. The deep thrusts shoved her closer to another release. She tried to hold back, to enjoy what he was doing for as long as possible, then she felt him stiffen. He broke the kiss.

“I can't hold back,” he said through gritted teeth.


He pushed in once more, then groaned. She felt the first shudder claim him and it was enough to send her over the edge. She clung to him as her second orgasm swept through her. She gasped, she might have screamed. Honestly, she didn't care one way or the other. The man deserved a scream or two after what he'd done.

Seconds, or maybe minutes, later, Alex rolled onto his side. He touched her face, tucked her hair behind her ear, then kissed her. Then he started to laugh.

“What?” she asked.

“I forgot to have you tie me up. Remember? It was supposed to make you feel safer and more in charge.”

Oh, yeah. She'd been worried about trusting another man. “I guess we can let that go.”

Humor brightened his eyes. “But I was looking forward to trying something new.”

“Next time,” she promised, wondering if he was really as amazing as he seemed and hoping that he was.


she caught her breath sometime close to one in the morning. They'd left the fire going, giving Alex's bedroom a soft glow. She lay curled up against him, her head on his shoulder in a classic postsex pose.

“You okay?” he asked as he stroked her back. “You've been quiet.”

“I'm basking in contentment.”

“Basking is good.”

“Better than good,” she said, remembering how he'd made her tremble and shudder and scream. Again.

“For me, too.”

So she could add chemistry to the plus side of the list, she thought. The complications of that chemistry would have to sit on the negative side.

“If anyone knew…” she began.

He chuckled. She could both hear and feel the sound.

“Tell me about it,” he said. “It would make for some interesting copy.”

“They aren't getting it from me,” she told him.

He looked at her, then bent close and kissed the tip of her nose. “You didn't have to tell me that, Dani. I trust you.”

She felt heat inside, but this time it had nothing to do with sexual arousal and everything to do with how she felt about this man. Based on what she knew about his past, he didn't trust easily.

“I'm glad,” she said. “Maybe we could—”

A faint but distinctive ringing interrupted her. Dani raised her head. “That's my cell phone.”

It was late. A call at this hour was never good.

She jumped up naked, grabbed what looked like Alex's shirt and ran back into the great room where she'd put her purse.

“Hello,” she said as she opened her flip phone. “What's wrong?”

“Dani, it's Kristie.”

Dani's body got cold. Kristie was Gloria's night nurse. The only one still on duty.

“What happened?”

“Your grandmother collapsed. I've called 9-1-1 and the paramedics are here. They're taking her to the hospital. She's breathing and her vitals are okay. I don't think it's another heart attack, but I'm not sure.”

Dani felt the room sway. Then Alex was at her side, urging her to sit on the sofa.

“Okay,” Dani said, not able to think through the panic. What if Kristie were wrong? What if Gloria had had another heart attack? Dani couldn't stand to lose her. Not now. Not when they'd just found each other after all these years.

“I'll be right there,” Dani said. “Thanks for calling.”

“No problem. I'll phone your brothers from the ambulance.”

Dani hung up. “My grandmother,” she said. “She collapsed. She's going to the hospital. I have to get there now.”

“I'll go with you,” he said.

She wanted nothing more than having him around to lean on. But before she agreed, she remembered who he was, who his family was and how interested the world was in her.

“You can't,” she told him. “What if the press found out?”

His mouth twisted, as if he was about to tell her he didn't give a damn about the press. But they both had to.

“Call me,” he said. “Let me know what's going on.”

“I will.”

Five minutes later she was dressed. Alex walked her to her car, then cupped her face and kissed her.

“If you need me, I'll be there.”

She believed him. “My brothers will be at the hospital. I won't be alone. I'll let you know as soon as we hear anything.”

He stepped back. She got in her car and started the engine.

As she drove down the long driveway, she felt both worried about Gloria and happy about her evening with Alex. The emotions fought for dominance—and in the end, concern for her grandmother won.

She was thinking more about what could have gone wrong than anything else, so she didn't pay attention to the odd, moving shadows at the end of Alex's driveway. It wasn't until it was too late to turn back that she saw cars and people. People holding cameras.

They parted for her, but she still had to drive slowly. Slowly enough for them to take her picture and yell out questions about her spending the night with the senator's son.


at the hospital, her brothers, Penny, Elissa and Lori were already there. Lori sat with a sobbing Kristie, who stood up when Dani entered the waiting room.

“I'm so sorry,” she said, her voice thick with tears. “Oh, Dani, she just collapsed. She was doing so well. Just a couple of days ago we were talking about when my contract would end. With you staying there, Gloria was feeling comfortable being on her own at night. She's planning her own meals, scheduling her physical therapy, handling her meds. She's fine. Or she was.”

Dani knew the other woman was just trying to help and maybe make herself feel better, but for Dani, the conversation was a one-way ticket to Guilt Land.

She had moved into Gloria's house. The expectation was that she would be home at night. But last night she hadn't gone home…she'd gone to Alex's. To be honest, after she arrived, she never once thought about her grandmother.

Okay, sure, she'd told Gloria about her plans and the older woman had teased her about having too good a time but neither of them had expected her to stay out all night.

Dani glanced at her watch. It was barely after two in the morning, but it was close enough to all night for guilt purposes.

“It's not you,” Dani told Kristie. “It's me.”

Lori shook her head. “Let's not argue about it. Neither of you could have prevented the collapse. Not unless you're secretly psychic and could have predicted what happened. In which case, it would be nice if you could tell us what's wrong with her, so we know how much we should worry.”

Kristie wiped her face. “You're using logic.”

“It seems like the right time,” Lori said.

“You don't have to be so smug about it,” Kristie muttered.

The two women hugged.

Dani was glad they'd worked things out, but she was still feeling like crap. She walked over to Cal and let him pull her close.

“I should have been there,” she murmured.

“Want to tell me where you were?” he asked.

“Not really. I was off having fun, which is all that matters.”

Penny came over and punched her lightly in the arm. “Stop it. You didn't make this happen and feeling bad won't help. Let's wait and see what the doctor says.”

Dani scowled. “You sound like Lori.”

“Really?” Penny looked pleased. “Because I like her a lot. She's so together.”

“Meaning I'm not?” Elissa grumbled as she joined them. “I'm tough.”

“You're practically titanium,” Walker said as he put his arm around his fiancée.

“At least we can be neurotic together,” Dani said, doing her best to hang on emotionally. The need to start crying was strong, but she was determined to beat it. She wanted to stay in control so she could be ready in case there was something she could do.

“Look at the bright side,” Reid said. “Last time Gloria collapsed, no one gave a damn. Now we all care about what happens to her. That has to be good.”

Dani nodded slowly. She understood his point, but in some ways it was easier when she hadn't cared. Last time, there hadn't been so much to lose.


' house by six that morning. Dani had phoned to say there wasn't any news on Gloria and right after her call, his phone had rung again. He sure as hell hadn't expected it to be his father.

“It made the morning papers,” Mark had said by way of greeting. “How soon can you get here?”

Alex sat across the breakfast table from his parents. He hated feeling as if he was sixteen and had gotten caught doing something stupid. The need to squirm and explain kept rushing through him but he ignored both. More difficult to push aside was the sense he'd been a disappointment.

He reminded himself he was a successful lawyer in his thirties. He didn't have to answer to anyone. Too bad he couldn't believe it.

He wanted to defend himself, but against what? So he accepted the cup of coffee his mother gave him and waited for her or his father to make the first move.

Neither of them seemed in a hurry to speak. There was something in Katherine's eyes—a lurking accusation, as if asking why he had to pick Dani from all the women available to him.

This had to be hurting her. Dani represented so much failure to her. Now if Alex got involved with her, would that make the wound deeper?

If he got involved? Wasn't he already there and beyond?

“Is it true?” Mark asked. “There's a picture of Dani leaving your place around one-thirty this morning. Is it really her?”


Mark glanced at Katherine, then back at Alex. “We'll take care of the situation. I'll call a meeting first thing. Please be available.” Mark stood and left.

Alex didn't like the sense of being handled, but what was he supposed to say? Sure, his personal life was his business, but as his father was running for president and Dani was Mark's long-lost biological daughter, there were questions and realities to be dealt with.

“Good to be a member of the staff,” he said when Mark was gone.

His mother picked up her coffee, then put it down. “He's in crisis mode. He's not angry.”

“I got that.” Mark hadn't been anything. But his father had never been emotionally involved with his family. Not the way Katherine was.

“So you're seeing her,” she said, her voice carefully polite, as if she didn't want to give anything away.


“Is it serious?” Her mouth tightened slightly, her hands trembled.

“Mom, I'm sorry all this is happening and that it's upsetting you.”

“But you're not sorry about your relationship with Dani.”

It wasn't a question. “No.”

He was reminded of his conversation with Dani earlier that evening. How they'd discussed that both their previous spouses had been sorry about being caught, but not about the act itself.

This was different, he told himself. Yet someone was still hurt.

“You didn't say if this was serious or not,” Katherine pressed.

He shrugged. “I don't know yet.”

“You're sleeping with her.”

His mother was the most amazing woman he'd ever met. She had determination and class and more love than any three people he knew. He would take a bullet for her, but he wouldn't let her run his life.

“I'm not discussing Dani,” he said quietly. “Not in that context.”

“I see.”

Two words. Easy, simple words said in a tone that hinted he'd broken her heart. That by shutting her out, he was saying she didn't matter.

“I know Dani is a complication,” he said, trying to give a little.

“For all of us. You're aware of the difficulties this relationship presents.”

He nodded.

She drew in a breath. “Alex, I don't want to run your life or judge you. You've been an adult for a long time. You've made good decisions and bad ones. I thought you knew the difference.”

“I do.”

“I don't think so. Why her? Why now? There are so many other women out there. Women like Fiona.”

His concern and compassion turned to anger. “My marriage with Fiona is over. I've let it go, I wish you would. I've made my position clear.”

“Yes, you have,” she snapped. “Although you haven't said why. Fiona is far more appropriate than Dani Buchanan. Of course that's not a very high bar to get over. Is it asking too much for you to have a relationship that doesn't tear this family apart?”

More guilt, which wasn't Katherine's style, he thought as his anger faded. “Are we torn apart? You matter to me, Mom. You always will. I don't want to hurt you.”

“Then don't,” she said, almost pleading. “Don't hurt me.”

Which was another way of saying “Don't do this.” But it wasn't her decision to make.

Long ago he'd vowed to protect his family, no matter what. It had been a vow born of pain and fear as he'd watched his biological mother die on the street. He'd never been in this position before with Katherine. Never felt he was doing the wrong thing.

But being with Dani wasn't wrong and he refused to let circumstances control his personal life.

“I need to get to the office,” he said. He stood and kissed Katherine on the cheek. “I'll call you later.”

She nodded, but didn't speak. There was still tension between them. Unresolved issues. It had never been like that with her and he didn't like it now.


with a stiff back and cramped arm. Somehow she'd managed to curl up in a corner of a sofa at the hospital waiting room. She straightened and saw Cal talking with a doctor. She stood and hurried over.

“What?” she asked. “Is she all right?”

The doctor, a pleasant-looking woman in her late thirties, smiled. “She's fine. There was a mix-up in her medication. Everything worked its way through her system, so she'll be perfectly all right. We're going to be releasing her in a few hours. There aren't any special instructions. Just make sure she knows what she's taking.”

The relief was as quick as it was powerful. Dani turned to Cal and hugged him.

“She's okay. It's fine.”

“I know.” He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head. “Let's tell everyone else.”

They turned back to the full waiting room. Dani looked at her other brothers, their fiancées, and wondered when her family had gotten so big. For years it had seemed like her and her brothers against the world. But not anymore. With Penny's, there was even a second generation beginning.

It was more than she could take in on an hour of sleep. “You tell them,” she said. “I want to go to her room.”

Dani hurried down the hall and walked into her grandmother's room.

Gloria lay on the narrow bed, her face pale, her eyes closed. Dani stopped next to her and lightly touched the back of her hand.

Gloria opened her eyes. “I'm not dead,” she said. “That's something. Of course if you've been looking for an excuse to lock me away due to mental incompetence, you've found it. I can't believe I did that. Even an idiot should be able to handle three or four medications. I must be getting old, which I hate to admit.”

Dani felt her throat closing. Emotions flooded her, making it impossible to speak. This was her
Whatever complications and biological connections might or might not exist, Gloria had been her family her whole life.

“I don't want you to die,” Dani said, then shocked herself and possibly Gloria by bursting into tears. “I d-don't want you to die.”

“Hush, child. I don't want that, either. I have a lot of things to atone for and that's going to take some time. Being an idiot isn't fatal. Well, I suppose it could be if I continue to take the wrong pills. But I'll be more careful. Does that work?”

Dani covered her face with her hands and nodded. Gloria patted her arm for a few seconds, then said, “Bend down so I can hug you. You'll feel better and so will I.”

Dani did as she asked. Gloria put thin arms around her and squeezed.

“I've been a horror to you,” she said, her voice soft and shaky. “So cruel. There's no excuse, although I'm likely to try to give you one. You're like me. Oh, not the bad things. You're better than that. You have a lot of your mother in you. I always liked Marsha. I hated her, too, for being strong. My son was never strong. There was too much of his father in him.”

Dani sniffed and straightened. She wiped her face. “What are you talking about?”

Gloria smiled and blinked away a few tears of her own. “I'm saying I was hard on you. Too hard. I wanted you to be better than me, but I never knew how to say that. You didn't run away, like your brothers. I kept waiting for you to, so I pushed and pushed and then one day you were gone. I've missed you so much.”

Tears trickled down Gloria's sunken cheeks. “I'm sorry. I know that's a useless thing to say, but I mean it. I'm so sorry, Dani. I love you. I have from the moment your mother handed you to me and I held you.” She smiled. “Even then you were feisty. You grabbed onto my hair and you wouldn't let go.”

Dani didn't know what to think. There was too much information, but in the best way possible. She felt happy and confused and connected with the woman she'd most admired all her life.

“I love you, too,” she said. “I wanted to be like you.”

“Perhaps you need a more inspiring goal. Maybe you should be like Katherine Canfield. She's a saint, isn't she? Everyone says she is.”

“She's very special, but you're my family.”

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