Tempting Her Reluctant Viscount (27 page)

Read Tempting Her Reluctant Viscount Online

Authors: Catherine Hemmerling

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General, #England, #Mystery, #Spies, #fake courtship, #london, #London Stock Exchange, #unrequited love, #Regency

BOOK: Tempting Her Reluctant Viscount
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It was then Michael knew he loved Hope. Loved her beyond all words and reason. Remembering the fear he felt at seeing her clinging to the side of that old house, the stark bleakness of imagining a world in which she did not exist as his. It was unfathomable.

Pulling back just far enough to look Hope in the eyes, Michael said, “I love you, Hope Stuckeley. I think I have known since I met you that I belonged with you, but I was so unsure of my own place in the world that I ignored what was right in front of me. I could have lost you tonight without you ever knowing how I feel, so know now…I

Michael could see the tears welling up in Hope’s eyes and fervently hoped they were tears of happiness.

“Oh, Michael…I love you, too,” she laughed and added with a blush, “I have imagined myself in love with you since our first meeting, but that was me being ridiculous.”

“Wait,” Michael said with mock umbrage. “Ridiculous?”

Hope leaned in a kissed him gently before explaining, “Yes. You see, I thought I knew you. Great war hero, humble viscount, man of few words… and all that is who you are—well, except the few words part—” Michael threatened Hope with his pillow and she laughed again. “But you are so much more than that. You are kind and decent. You are loyal and honorable. You are also imperfect, but in the most endearing ways. And slowly, as I found myself getting to know the real you, I began to learn what real love is. And what I feel for you now is real, it is true, and it is forever.”

“So does this mean we are officially engaged now?” Michael asked teasingly as he rummaged through his discarded clothing for the ring.

He slipped it on her finger even as Hope said, “Oh yes.”

As he watched his beloved admire his gift, Michael couldn’t believe how lucky he was that he had found this remarkable woman. Despite the tragedy of the last few days, something beautiful had come of it.

From a thoroughly happy notion to one much more grim, Michael’s thought of the past events reminded him that Cochrane-Johnstone had kidnapped Hope, likely with the plan to kill her. And he was still out there somewhere. He really should go to the authorities immediately and report the crime and inform them of the men’s hideout.

Reluctant to leave the warmth and comfort of his current position, Michael had to force himself to rouse Hope, who was now on the verge of falling asleep.

“Hope, love?”


“I hate to say this, but we need to get moving.”

Opening her eyes in shock, Hope replied, “Again? Are you able to…so soon, I mean?”

Michael groaned when he realized what she thought he meant, because truth be told, he
ready to go again…and again…and very likely again.

“No, sweetheart…I mean, yes, I would
to make love to you again, but we need to get dressed. I need to take you to Elizabeth’s and then I need to report your abduction to the authorities. Hopefully, some of the men will still be at the house and they will be able to arrest them.”

“And I’d like to check on my father,” Hope replied. “Yes, Michael, you are right. We should be going.”

“Your father?”

Hope looked at Michael sadly. “I heard Cochrane-Johnstone order his death just before I escaped. And then that gunshot…I’m just hoping he managed to escape. He tried to save me, Michael. In the end, he tried to do what was right. Or at least, what he thought he had to…for me…for his family.”

Michael didn’t know what to say to that and wondered if he shouldn’t give Hope more time to come to terms with what could have happened before rushing off.

But Hope had already swung her feet over the edge of the bed and sat up, clutching a blanket to herself modestly, leaving Michael no choice but to follow suit.

Standing up, Michael began unabashedly gathering up their clothing, handing Hope her dress and undergarments as he came across them. Hope watched him with interest, trying to figure out just how they had done what they had done. His male member, which she remembered so clearly pushing into her hard and hot and huge, was now just a dangling bit between his legs.

So very curious
, she thought with a frown.

“What is it, my dear?” Michael asked.

Hope looked up at Michael with alacrity and blushed. “Ah, nothing…I was just…I don’t understand how…oh, never mind,” she trailed off in embarrassment.

Michael looked down at himself, and when he saw where she had been staring, he chuckled. Thankfully, he let the subject drop. Hope slipped her chemise on over her head and then stepped into her gown. Turning her back to Michael, she silently asked him to help fasten her up. Then she walked over to the mirror hanging by the door of the room and twisted her hair into a knot at the base of her neck.

“Do I look presentable enough?” Hope asked Michael, turning in a circle in front of him.

“You look lovely, as always…but it might be a good idea to avoid the main streets on our way to Elizabeth’s.”

With a look of mock outrage, Hope slapped at Michael affectionately. “So lovely I shouldn’t be seen, hmmm? I believe I see your point very clearly, sir.”

Michael grinned and was immediately rewarded by one of Hope’s smiles.

“I love you, Hope Stuckeley.”

“I love you, too, Michael. I do.”

And with that, the couple went to the stables and procured one of Michael’s carriages to convey Hope to Lady Lancaster’s and Michael to the magistrate’s office, both of them hoping that this night would mark the end of the Stock Exchange hoax mission and be the beginning of their lives together.

Chapter Twenty-seven

The greatest treasures can often be found in the most unexpected of places.

~The Duke of Lancaster

The next morning, Hope was sitting with Lady Lancaster in the Rose Room. She was relaying the events of the previous evening as best she could, still not knowing Michael’s side of the story or how he came to find her hidden away in the country as she had been.

“I cannot believe I forgot to ask him again how he found me, not to mention I never learned if he found any evidence at my father house.”

“It is of no matter, Hope-dear,” Lady Lancaster replied airily. “I am quite sure Michael will arrive any minute, if for no other reason than to ensure you are all right.”

Hope blushed slightly. No doubt the duchess was correct, but about which event would he be inquiring…the kidnapping or the lovemaking?

“And when he does,” the duchess continued, “we shall ask him.”

“Ask him what?” Michael drawled from the doorway where he was leaning against the doorjamb, giving Hope a scorching look that would have melted butter. Hope was very grateful that she was seated, for surely her knees would have given out under such a heated gaze.

Turning an even brighter shade of red, Hope forced herself to look away before she started drooling. Lord, but he
handsome, with his dark hair falling rakishly over one eye. He had dressed quickly earlier, but he still managed to look dashing in his tan breeches and dark brown vest that just matched his boots. And every day, he seemed to become even more and more beautiful.

He was a danger to one’s equilibrium, that was for certain, especially when one still clearly remembered his very naked and manly form from the night before.

Resisting the urge to fan herself, Hope said, “M-Michael, ah, we were just talking about you.”

Michael smiled knowingly as he replied, “So I gathered.”

Pushing away from his spot by the door, he walked across the room and sat next to his beloved on the settee across from the duchess. Then he took her hand and brought it to his lips for a kiss of welcome, lingering there a touch longer than was proper, as a sultry promise of more to come. When he lowered it again, he didn’t let it go, instead choosing to hold it loosely, caressing it ever so softly with his thumb.

And Hope lost her ability to speak.

Her jaw was somewhat slack, and if a herd of elephants were to stampede through the Rose Room right that instant, she would not have been able to drag her gaze from his. Oh yes, this was love…and it was very, very good.

Lady Lancaster rolled her eyes and cleared her throat loudly.

“Michael,” she said sternly,” if you would be so kind as to release Hope from your spell, we have much to talk about.”

With a sheepish smile so uncharacteristic of him, Michael said, “My apologies, Elizabeth. I do not know what came over me.”

Raising her brow regally, the duchess replied dryly, “Oh now, that is
true. You know very well what came over you…and she is sitting to your left, dear boy.”

Flushing heatedly, Michael wisely did not disagree.

Nodding her approval, Lady Lancaster continued, “Hope has been telling me about the happenings of last night, but she could not tell me anything of the role you played before she encountered you on that ledge. Would you be so kind as to enlighten us?”

“Oh yes, of course,” Michael replied and quickly told of the events from his perspective from the night before.

“So you found proof the hackney driver was lying—was paid to lie, or as good as. Did you turn the note over to the magistrate last night?”

“Yes, I did. Now it is in the hands of the authorities.”

“Surely they will do what is right with it,” Hope replied confidently.

“And after you found the evidence, how did you come to know where Hope was being held?”

Brightening, Michael answered, “That was simply a matter of extraordinary good luck. I was just returning to the Rochester’s when I saw Hope being pushed into a strange carriage. I was too far away to stop the abduction, but had no trouble following. Once there, Hope did all the work, and I was just there to escort her home.”

Michael smiled at Hope with undisguised pride. “You should have seen her, Elizabeth. She was amazing…so very brave.”

Hope blushed modestly and waved her hand as if it were nothing, but inside she knew that night had changed her life. She had faced her greatest fear. Not with any aplomb, but nevertheless with success. Now, going forward, nothing in her life was beyond her reach. There was truly nothing she could not do. It was a heady notion, that.

“Facing one’s fear is a sign of great courage, Hope-dear. Michael is right to be proud of you…as am I. Now perhaps you will realize why we all have such faith in you, when at times it is lacking in yourself.”

Nodding, Hope did indeed realize the faith of which the duchess spoke, and she would always be grateful to the people who helped introduce her to…well, to her true self.

The duchess returned her focus to Michael. “And after you dropped Hope off here last night, you went on to see the magistrate?

“Yes, I informed him of the kidnapping, the attempted murder, and about Hope’s…father,” Michael looked sick as he said the word. “And we instantly set out to the old estate, hoping to capture at least some of the perpetrators.”

“Please tell us that you were able to apprehend the monstrous men.”

“Yes,” Michael admitted dryly. “We caught Cochrane-Johnstone and the hired cutthroats. They were still combing the countryside looking for Hope, not knowing that I had followed them and thereby provided an escape on horseback. They presumed that Hope could not get far on foot, especially in the dark.”

“And they were taken into custody?”

“Immediately. The magistrate was happy to have Cochrane-Johnstone in his grasp. He and his runners had been hunting the man for some time.”

“And my father?” Hope asked quietly.

With regret, Michael looked at Hope and said, “He was nowhere to be found. Cochrane-Johnstone refused to say anything at first until one of his thugs said that Stuckeley had run out during the confusion carrying a large brown satchel. And that was when Cochrane-Johnstone began shouting about his money—about how
had taken off with the money.”

Hope blanched. “My father has all the money from the fraud?”

“No, the magistrate has the money,” Michael said, taking Hope’s hand gently. “While Cochrane-Johnstone and his men were too inept to figure out where we went, they had no trouble tracking down your father. Perhaps the pull of the money made him the keener target. In any case, we found him not to far from the house. Dead, as you suspected, my love.”

Both relieved and appalled, Hope couldn’t help but shake her head. “I must find Abigail and give her the news.”

Michael stood immediately and said, “I shall come with you. There is something of import I had hoped to speak with your stepmother about.”

“Oh, sit down, both of you,” Lady Lancaster commanded. “I will call Mrs. Stuckeley to join us here.” And with no further ado, the duchess rang for a servant who was sent off to locate the woman and have her directed there, thusly.

Within moments, Abigail entered the room and looked upon the assemblage with no small amount of curiosity.

“You wished to see me, my lady?”

“Not I, my dear, but Hope and Michael. Please, won’t you have a seat?”

With a smile for her stepdaughter and a nod to the still-standing Lord Lichfield, Abigail made her way into the room and found a seat within the group’s small circle of conversation.

Michael resumed his seat and looked at Hope, and he indicated that she tell Mrs. Stuckeley her news first.

Nodding her understanding, Hope turned to Abigail and took her hand. “We have some news…about father.”

Sensing her stepmother had nothing yet to say, Hope told her all that they knew.

Abigail closed her eyes in grief.

“So he was doing what he thought he must,” she said quietly. “The dear, foolish man.”

Michael and Hope looked at each other helplessly.

Sighing, Abigail looked at Hope and continued in a more soul-weary tone, “But the luckiest thing he was ever blessed with was the one thing he was willing to discard in the most heinous of ways…and that is you, Hope. With you as his daughter, he would have died the wealthiest of men, even with nary a cent to his name.”

Hope felt the tears well up in her eyes. “He never realized how lucky he was to have married you either, Abigail. And neither did I. But I know it now. I love you very much…mother.”

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