Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake (36 page)

Read Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency tenacious trents england historical

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake
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Jordan bounded up the stairs in his
home yelling for his valet.

The man appeared at the top of the
stairs, a welcoming smile on his face before he returned to the
somber, respectful expression he adopted whenever on

“I need a bath, new clothing, and a
shave.” Jordan paused on the landing and glanced around. It was
good to be home.

“Right away, Mr. Trent.” He stepped
away from Jordan. “Might I suggest burning those?” He pointed to
what Jordan was wearing.

A laugh burst out. “Please do. I never
want to see this clothing again.” He continued on into his chamber
and began stripping. “I need you to pack a trunk as

“Will you be gone long?”

Jordan grinned. That all depended on if
he was granted Audrey’s hand and he was able to get a special
license, or if her father would require the necessary reading of
the bands for three weeks, or he was forced to haul her off to
Scotland. Either way, she would be his within the month. He had
discussed his plans in length with Clayton, who was going to obtain
the special license for Jordan so that it was ready as soon as he
was granted permission by Mr. Montgomery. “Weeks,” he finally
answered. “I am just not sure how many.”

“Very good, sir.”

Jordan tossed on a robe and poured
himself a brandy before pacing about the room waiting for his bath
to be ready. It wasn’t the same pacing he had done for the past
four days, worrying about whether he would hang for crimes he
didn’t commit. This pacing was due to anxiousness. He couldn’t wait
to see Audrey. Surely the news had been delivered that he was free.
Hopefully she was waiting for him. Then he would convince her to
travel to her home so he could speak to her father. He didn’t dare
leave Audrey back here in London. They still didn’t know who had
attacked the women and he would be damned if he left her
unprotected for the week or more it would take to find her father.
It was racing season and Mr. Montgomery could be

Besides, the last time he left Audrey
for a week during the Season he had lost her and he wasn’t going to
risk it again.

Yardley emerged from the bathing
chamber a short time later. “Your bath is ready, Mr.

“Thank you, Yardley.” Jordan began
walking toward the chamber and stopped and turned. “When I am
finished I would like some tea and cake, please.”


Jordan grinned. “Yes, cake.” It was
almost a requirement if he was going to be kissing Audrey and he
intended to do so thoroughly and several times once he had her

I need to see you alone.
Meet me at High Street and Rotten Row in half an hour. Come alone,
my love. I’ve missed you too much to share you with anyone
Audrey re-read the note. She had
expected Jordan to come here. Not that it mattered where they met
because she couldn’t wait to see him either.

She glanced down at her dress. This
would not do for a ride, assuming they were to ride, especially if
he wished to meet her at Rotten Row. As soon as Bentley had dropped
her home, she had her hair arranged and donned this pale blue day
dress. It was one of her favorites; with a white ribbon encircling
her just below her breasts but it would never do for riding. She
glanced at the clock. There was barely enough time. Quickly Audrey
changed into a riding habit. The dark blue skirt was full and hid
the fact that they were split into something similar to trousers.
If by chance they rode somewhere private, she didn’t want to be
forced to ride side saddle. The blouse billowed with lace and
buttoned to her chin and the jacket fit snuggly, but not tight
enough that it would be a hindrance.

It seemed rather odd that he wished to
meet in such a place instead of calling on her. But, Bentley had
said Jordan used to ride all the time and if she had just been
released from a prison, one of the first things she would want to
do is enjoy the freedom of riding and not be cooped up in a

Audrey left the letter lay on the edge
of her bed and made her way out of her house and to the mews. She
knew she should not be riding in London unaccompanied but she could
not ignore a summons from Jordan. Perhaps if she kept her head down
nobody would notice it was she.

The groom looked at her oddly when no
one else accompanied her. “My friends are waiting.” She gestured
back toward the house. “I won’t be alone,” she assured him. It
wasn’t exactly a lie because Jordan was a friend. He just wasn’t
waiting in front of her uncle’s home.

This seemed to pacify him and the man
gave Audrey a leg up so that she could mount the horse. So that he
wasn’t suspicious she rode toward the front of her uncle’s home
until she was out of sight and headed off to Hyde Park.

Though it may be overcast, it was still
a glorious day and Audrey couldn’t keep herself from smiling. In
just a short time she would see Jordan again.

Jordan washed his hair three times and
scrubbed his body twice. He still itched, fearful of lice and
whatnot. His valet assured him there was no infestation in his
hair, yet Jordan still didn’t feel clean enough.

“Are you sure I don’t smell of that

“You only smell of soap,” his valet
assured him as the man sharpened the razor before settling Jordan
on a stool before a mirror. He couldn’t wait to be rid of this
beard. As it was he needed to shave twice a day to keep the stubble
at bay. He had considered growing a beard just to not need to shave
for one day.

He dismissed the thought. The itching
would drive him to Bedlam.

“Is everything packed?”

“Yes.” His valet put the razor to his
cheek. “Please don’t speak.”

Jordan held his tongue. He was finally
free and would soon see Audrey. He didn’t want to be accidently
killed by his valet before that could happen.

He hoped her uncle was at home and
prayed he received the man’s blessing. Not that it mattered; he
intended to leave for Grosmont this afternoon, as soon as Audrey
and her maid had packed. Though he wished to have Audrey alone in
the carriage with him for the trip he knew it was unwise. The maid
was necessary so he would keep his hands and lips from Audrey. As
much as he wanted to be loved by and to love Audrey he would not
take those liberties until they were married.

If her father declined the offer he
would simply take Audrey to Gretna Green. This time he would leave
the maid behind. If there was going to be an elopement, then he
might as well break all the rules.

A grin pulled at his lips at the
thought of having Audrey alone in a dark carriage with only each
other to keep company. He would need to take Bentley’s roomier
carriage, so they could recline a bit more.

“If you keep smiling like that I am
going to miss a few places or nick you.”

Jordan sobered and tried not to think
any more about Audrey and what he would like to do with her as the
valet finished shaving him.

When he emerged from the house a short
time later his brother’s roomier coach was waiting. Jordan laughed.
Clayton knew him too well. His trunk was strapped to the back and
he gave the direction to her uncle’s house and hopped into the
carriage. Soon, very soon she would be all his.

Audrey glanced about. She had been here
a good half hour and Jordan had not yet arrived. Had she

Blast, she had left the letter on her

She slid down from the mare and led it
to a post and tied the reins. She wasn’t going to wear the poor
thing out walking.

But where was Jordan?

She would give him a few more minutes
and then leave. Should she call on him at his home or return to
hers? It was simply scandalous that she would even consider going
to his bachelor quarters but she wanted to know what had become of
him. Surely they hadn’t arrested him again for anything. They had
already proved he was innocent.

“Audrey, it so lovely to find you

She turned at the sound of Millicent’s
voice and cringed. She was the last person Audrey wanted around for
her reunion with Jordan. She walked toward Millicent. The quicker
she could get rid of her the better.

“I was driving by and saw you here.”
Millicent glanced around. “Where is your maid?”

“I didn’t bring one,” Audrey
reluctantly admitted.

Millicent tisked and linked her arm
with Audrey’s and strolled her back to the carriage. “You know
better than to travel about without an escort or

Audrey sighed. “Yes, I know. I just
wished to be alone.”

Millicent hitched an eyebrow.

She wasn’t going to answer any more of
the woman’s questions and she needed to think of a way to get rid
of her. “Why are you out? Shopping?”

“Oh, no,” Millicent shook her head. “I
am on my way to the country for a few days. You really should join

Audrey moved to disengage her arm from
Millicent’s but the woman had a tight hold on her. Something wasn’t
right and Audrey felt the need to get away from her former friend.
Then again, something hadn’t been right with Millicent for a long
time but that didn’t mean the woman was dangerous. “Well, I will
let you be on your way.” She tried again to break free but
Millicent was stronger than Audrey realized.

“Not yet, I have time.” She smiled at
Audrey though it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Besides, there is
something I wish to show you.”

Whatever it was Audrey did not want to
see it. The panic grew yet Millicent had not given Audrey a reason
to fear, other than she wouldn’t let go of her arm.

“It is right here in my

“What is it?” Audrey asked as she tried
to slow her steps and looked toward the entrance of the Park and
behind her. Where was Jordan? As much as she didn’t wish to see
Millicent fawning all over Jordan she would rather he was here,
helping her out of this predicament.

The carriage loomed before them.
Millicent’s trunk was on the back. The driver sat in the seat but
there was no footman to assist.

“Please be a dear and open the

Audrey looked at her. “I am sure you
can manage well enough.

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