Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake (46 page)

Read Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake Online

Authors: Jane Charles

Tags: #romance regency tenacious trents england historical

BOOK: Tenacious Trents 03 - A Reluctant Rake
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Jordan crossed to the bed and waited
for her. “Remove your clothing and get into bed.”

She simply stared at him. Was he going
to show her more of what happens between a man and a woman? A
thrill shot through her but she wasn’t at all comfortable
undressing in front of him.”

“Lay on your stomach and I will rub
this into your back.”

She stifled the stab of disappointment
that he didn’t wish to be intimate. “Could you turn

He chuckled and shook his head. “Very
well, but if you recall earlier…”

“Please turn around.”

Still shaking his head, Jordan did as
she asked.

Audrey slipped out of the jacket and
then the blouse before pulling the chemise over her head. Jordan’s
back was still turned and she hurried into the bed, pulled the
covers up to her chin and rolled over as he asked.

“I’m ready.”

He turned around. “I can’t very well
rub this in if you are covered.” He grasped the cover and pulled it
down to her hips. Audrey’s face burned with embarrassment but it
wasn’t as if he could see her breasts or bottom or more private

His hands were gentle and soothing,
working at the tightness and soreness that had developed since
those blasted shackles had been put on her wrists. Audrey closed
her eyes and moaned. Nobody had ever done anything like this to her
before and it was pure heaven. She might very well fall asleep
before he was finished.

Jordan studied the lines of her back.
So delicate and perfect. He began at her neck and worked his way
down her shoulders to her upper back. He couldn’t help but smile
each time she moaned. A few times his fingers skimmed the side of
her breasts, flattened because she was laying on her stomach and it
took all of his willpower not to slide the blanket all the way down
to reveal what he suspected was a perfectly well-rounded bottom. As
it was, the twin dimples at her hips teased him.

Why shouldn’t he sooth her entire body?
Audrey had gone through a horrible ordeal over these past few days,
he reasoned with himself. Her legs must be aching as

He pushed the blanket over her bottom
and it was just as he suspected, perfect.

“Jordan?” Audrey squeaked and moved to
grab for the blanket.

He placed a kiss on one cheek. “Do you
no longer trust me, love?”

She stilled. “Yes, but…”

Audrey stopped speaking, or he assumed
she did as he whisked the blanket away and she buried her face in
the pillow. Jordan simply chuckled and moved to the end of the bed
and picked up one foot and began rubbing the lotion in and
caressing the arch. By the time he moved to the second food Audrey
had turned her face to the wall. Her eyes were closed and there was
a gentle smile on her lips.

Jordan continued his ministrations
working his way up each leg until he reached her upper thighs. When
his fingers brushed against her womanhood Audrey squirmed. If she
was as half aroused as he was at the moment he could bring her to
release with just a few flicks of his finger. Her dampness already
mingled with the lotion on his fingers and it was all he could do
not to part her thighs and plunge inside. But he wouldn’t take her
this way the first time. One day yes, but not tonight. “Roll over.”
His voice was husky to his ears and he wondered if she

Audrey hesitated for a moment and then
slowly turned on her back. Jordan sat back and studied her. She was
completely naked before him and he noticed things he hadn’t before
like the blonde curls guarding her womanhood were as golden in the
lamplight as her hair in the sun. The flat planes and lines of her
stomach pointed to two perfectly molded breasts with coral tips
already tight and yearning for his lips. Audrey’s hands were fisted
at her sides and he suspected she was trying to keep from covering

Jordan stood and shrugged out of his
shirt. The outer garments had been disposed and were already on a
chair beside the table.

He could bring her to pleasure again
and deny himself. It is what he should do if he wanted to remain
the gentleman. Yet, too much of the rake remained and he wanted her
with a passion he had never experienced before.

Jordan settled at the side of the bed
and removed his boots and stockings. Did he remove his breeches now
or wait? Would she be frightened?

He turned and bent to kiss her. Audrey
returned it, her arms coming about his neck and pulling him close.
Her arms felt so good and it was his undoing. “I want to make love
to you,” he said after breaking from the kiss.

She stared at him.

“I wanted to wait until we were
married, to do something right for the first time.”

She said nothing.

“Do you understand?”

She bit her lip before she answered.
“I’m not really sure.”

It answered his question about her
virginity, or at least that is what he hoped, not that she wasn’t
sure if she wanted to make love. Did he ask?

Jordan stood, loosened his breeches and
let them drop to the floor where he kicked them away from his feet.
Audrey looked down his body and her eyes grew wide when they came
to his manhood and her mouth popped open. She may have even gone a
little pale. She searched his eyes again. “I’m not sure I

He picked up her hand and kissed it.
“Do you trust me?” he asked her once again.

“Yes,” she whispered.

“I promise that we will be married
before the month is out but I fear I cannot wait any longer to make
you mine.”

Audrey visibly swallowed and nodded.
“Show me.”

Though it wouldn’t have mattered if she
were a virgin or not, deep down he was pleased at knowing that he
would be her only lover.

Jordan stretched out beside her and
took the heavy breast in his hand. The nipple hardened further and
he suckled it as his hand smoothed down her body. He should take
more time but if he wasn’t in her soon he would be spilling his
seed on her stomach or the bed and that is not how he wished this
encounter to end. They groaned in unison as his fingers slipped
between her damp folds. Audrey arched against his hand and he
shifted and knelt between her thighs. As one hand caressed and
circled bringing her higher and closer to release his other fingers
entered her and stretched. She arched, pushing her breasts into the
air as her head pressed back against the pillow. Jordan leaned
forward and took one bud in his mouth just as she tightened around
his fingers and cried out. He almost came at that

Audrey panted and relaxed back against
the bed and looked at him as he removed his fingers, shifted and
pressed into her tight heat. She winced.

“I’m sorry. It only hurts the first
time, I promise.”

She nodded and bit her lip as he
pressed further and withdrew and repeated the movement. He slid his
fingers into the folds once again and caressed her. Audrey’s breath

She was probably the most passionate
woman he had ever met. He’d never known a woman to find release so
easily and he continued working toward her release as he slowly
entered her channel. When Audrey screamed out again, he plunged and
filled her completely, the walls of her womanhood pulsating around
him from her orgasm. He could not last long in this state and began
to move within. It took but a few thrusts before he joined her in
the little death. He hadn’t come so quickly since he had first
discovered intercourse. Jordan collapsed on his side beside

He would make it up to her. In time,
after he recovered.

Audrey woke as the sun was beginning to
rise. She shouldn’t be laying here without any clothing when
Patricia brought them breakfast but she wasn’t ready to be dressed
for the day either.

Jordan lay on his side. The growth on
his chin tickled her shoulder and an arm was draped across her
middle. She had slept deeper last night for the first time in a
very long time and it had nothing to do with being free of the
shackles. Though she didn’t want to get out of the bed or pull away
from Jordan, she needed to put something on. A lady did not lay
around unclothed.

Slowly she lifted his arm and slid from
the bed. One of the blankets had been pushed to the foot of the bed
and she tied it around her body, tucking a corner in just under her
arm. Jordan had mentioned he had nightshirts in his trunk and she
settled onto the floor to open it. She glanced back at the bed.
Should she ask him to get the shirt? It wasn’t as if she was prying
and he did say there was a shirt in here, she just didn’t feel
right looking through this stuff.

His breathing was deep and after he had
rescued her, removed the shackles and made sweet love to her she
loathed waking him so she could have a nightshirt to wear. He
deserved to sleep. The past few days had been just as awful for him
as they were for her.

She lifted the lid. Clothing was neatly
folded but she didn’t see any night shirts. One by one she took
items from the trunk until she got to the bottom. There was nothing
in here to sleep in. Had Jordan been mistaken or had his valet
forgotten to pack any?

A doll in a lavender dress lay at the
bottom of the trunk. She smoothed the wrinkles and wondered how it
had gotten dirty. Someone had tried to clean what she assumed was
mud away, but there were parts that remained stained. Why would
Jordan have a doll?

A piece of hair peeked out of a pocket
and Audrey drew it out. It was a light color of red tied with a
pink ribbon. Did Jordan have a daughter or had this belonged to his
sister, Madeline, and why did he travel with it?

This was really none of her business
and she shouldn’t pry. She hadn’t meant to and all she really
wanted was a nightshirt, which he apparently had not

With a sigh she began to put the items
back in the trunk resigned to put on one of her new

Jordan knew the moment Audrey left the
bed. She was a part of him now and he missed her presence. He
didn’t open his eyes but lay there waiting for her to come back
assuming she wished to use the chamber pot. Given her reluctance to
undress in front of him last evening he doubted she wanted him
witnessing such a private moment. Instead of hearing what he
expected, the hinges of his trunk creaked. Jordan opened his eyes
barely enough to watch. What was she looking for? She piled his
clothing on the floor beside her. His heart stilled for a moment.
There was one thing he always traveled with and had since he went
away to school. It was simply a habit now, but one he had no desire
to break. The young boy that still lingered inside hoped to return
the doll one day and apologize. Would Julia even remember

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