Tessa's Redemption (4 page)

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Authors: Josie Dennis

BOOK: Tessa's Redemption
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Chapter 4

“Good morning, Miss.”

Tessa smiled at the housekeeper. “Good morning, Mrs. Iverson.”

“I’ve set out a spread on the sideboard,” the woman said. “What with your guest, I was thinking it was best.”

Tessa glanced at the sideboard, which was laden with meats and eggs and bread. With two gentlemen in the house at present, no doubt more food would be needed than when it had been just Alex and herself. It was far from the meager portions her family had to subsist upon when she still lived at home.

“Capital idea, Mrs. Iverson. Thank you.”

“How long do you think the gentleman will be staying, Miss?”

Tessa had no notion. She opened her mouth to speak when Alex answered from the doorway.

“As long as my lady deems it satisfactory, Mrs. Iverson,” he said.

Tessa caught Alex’s eye as he strode into the room. The meaning of his words penetrated. Satisfactory. Her cheeks flamed, but she nodded her agreement.

“Very good, Miss.” Mrs. Iverson inclined her head to Alex. “Good morning, Mr. Alex.”

“A very good morning to you, Mrs. Iverson.” He crossed to the sideboard. “Lovely breakfast, I daresay.”

“I’ll see to sufficient victuals for your guest’s extended visit going forward.”


Tessa studied her teacup during their exchange. She couldn’t look at the housekeeper. Surely she knew why Angel was now living with them. If she did not, she certainly must have wondered.

After the woman left them in privacy, Tessa faced Alex. “Mrs. Iverson has been nothing but polite and kind to me these past months, Alex. Surely she knows that we are not married.”

“Of course.” Alex placed his full plate on the table and sat. “But she will continue that behavior, I’ve no doubt. She has been in my family’s employ for years, and I trust her completely.”

His conviction struck her, that worldly air that always seemed to cling to him. Would that she had half of his confidence. Perhaps some of his polish would rub off on her by the time their liaison concluded.

“You are always so certain about matters,” she said. “I daresay I cannot be in this situation.”

“What situation is that, my sweet?”

“Angel is here now,” she whispered. “Last night we…He and I…”

Alex’s brows drew together. “Do you regret last night?”

Her mind filled with images at his words. Alex, teasing and licking her until she’d screamed out his name. Angel’s huge shaft inside her, stretching her, filling her, until she couldn’t tell where they separated. He’d seemed to touch her heart as he found his climax deep within her.

“I do not,” she admitted on a gasp.

He nodded. “Then we go on as we have, Tessa.”

“But Angel said…” She fiddled with her napkin as she recalled that moment of completion he’d had with her. “Angel said it is as if we are truly wed now.”

A clouded expression crossed Alex’s face, and faint lines creased his mouth for a moment. In a flash, it was gone. She hadn’t missed it, however. Perhaps he was not quite as certain about all of this as she’d believed.

“Those words change nothing,” he stated.

She longed to question him further, but his clipped tone brooked a cessation to the topic. How could Angel’s words not change matters? She had loved him once. Her body clearly felt a connection. She feared it would not take much for her heart to fall for him again. Did she even wish for it to?

Yes, she had nearly married him six months ago. Yes, she had cried bitter tears when he’d cast her aside so easily because she had not lived up to his expectations. She did not know Angel as well as she knew Alex, however. Even after Angel’s taking of her, Alex was the one in whose arms she’d wanted to slumber.

Angel had been a comfortable warmth at her other side, though. His tenderness after their coupling had been a surprise. Oh, she was truly ruined now.

“You are worrying again, love,” Alex said.

She caught his gaze and managed a smile. “I promise to try my best not to.”

Alex grinned. “That is my girl.”

Tessa’s heart fluttered at his words. Oh, he had such power over her. It seemed as though lately more was engaged than just her body. Last night, after unbelievable pleasure had left her boneless, she’d still longed to sleep in his arms. She knew her situation was tenuous at best. Alex’s words of this morning seemed to bring that to her mind.
As long as my lady deems it satisfactory.
But what of Alex’s satisfaction? He was bound to tire of her. Was her enthusiastic response to Angel’s lovemaking a point in her favor? Or would he simply set them both out of his home?

She still did not trust Angel, not with his rejection still such a raw wound on her soul. At least with Alex, she knew what to expect. For the most part, at least. The devil you know, and all of that. The devil and the angel.

She feared she was condemned to live in that in-between purgatory until one or the other finally cast her aside.

“Good morning,” Angel said from the doorway.

Tessa’s head shot up, and she found Angel’s eyes focused sharply on her. Their blue depths were unrelenting. She flinched as she recalled the harsh judgment she’d seen on the eve of their wedding. That was absent today, however. Yes, concern was evident in his gaze today, and her heart gave a little flip.

“Good morning,” she returned.

“Angel,” Alex intoned from his seat.

Angel turned his head toward Alex. “D’Bushey.”

Alex barked out a laugh. “After last evening I daresay we can set aside propriety, Angel. At least in private.”

Angel inclined his head. “Alex, then.”

“I take it you have settled yourself?” Alex asked him.

“Yes. Your housekeeper has seen my things placed in a chamber not far from yours.”

His eyes glittered at Tessa, and she knew without question that he would spend little time in that guestchamber.

“It is quite nice,” he said to Alex. “Thank you for your hospitality.”

Alex snorted. “Help yourself to breakfast then,” he said. He stood, beckoning to Tessa. “Tessa and I are off to the village.”

Tessa started and looked at Alex. He just smiled that knowing grin of his. “Alex, what are you about?”

“The village?” Angel asked. “Why, pray?”

Alex waved a hand. “My lady desires to do a bit of shopping.”

“Then I shall join you,” Angel said.

Alex glared at him. Angel bristled under the scrutiny but seemed to hold his ground.

“I believe you have clients to attend,” Alex stated.

“How the devil do you know that?” Angel sputtered.

“I have my sources in the village,” Alex returned.

Angel glowered at Alex. She had never seen such an expression on his face. Tessa felt the undercurrent of animosity flowing between the two men. This was not about shopping in the village.

“Very well,” Angel said at last.

Alex held his hand out to Tessa. “Come, love.”

She saw a tightness around Angel’s mouth as she placed her hand in Alex’s. Despite last night’s shared passion with her, the two men were on far-from-friendly terms. Perhaps she should rethink her hasty acceptance of this tangled liaison. This was far beyond anything she’d ever imagined that day she’d left her home to beg at Alex’s door two years ago. And after Angel threw her out last April? She never thought she would see him again, let alone know him intimately. Again she was struck by the incredible memory of both men loving her into oblivion.

The world might condemn her for a harlot, but she hoped with all her heart that Alex and Angel found a way to work out their differences.

* * * *


“I do not know why you insisted on driving us into the village today, Alex,” Tessa said.

They walked along High Street back toward his carriage, Alex playing lady’s maid as he carried the few items she’d chosen. She never bought much when left to her own designs. Most of her clothing, even her undergarments and other fripperies, he had picked out himself. Sometimes it seemed she was determined to play the poor relation even still.

Today she wore a cunning jacket over a lovely walking dress he’d chosen, the autumn colors bright. The day was warm enough in their part of England despite the season. Soon fall would give way to winter. He could well imagine spending that frigid season warm by the hearth in his fine parlor. Would Angel still be with them come the holiday season? Would Tessa? The thought of spending a long, cold winter alone caused his stomach to seize.

“Why did I take you to the village, love?” He shrugged. “I wanted to get you alone.”

She tilted her head as she leveled a look at him. “You said yourself that Angel had clients to see today. Why not keep me at the house?”

He flinched at her choice of words. Her utterance assured him that she still thought of herself as only his mistress. As someone to be kept and coddled and used when the mood struck.

“Had we remained at the house, Tessa,” he began, taking her hand and tucking it into the crook of his elbow, “I would have easily broken the bargain I made with the saintly Angel.”

“The bargain?” She blinked. “What sort of bargain?”

He looked away, feigning interest in the front window of the dressmaker’s shop beside them. “Oh, nothing you have to concern yourself with. Just a gentlemen’s agreement.”

She stopped, tugging his arm until he did likewise. “Tell me.”

He faced her, staring straight into her dark blue eyes. There was nothing for it. She was no longer the little country mouse he’d spoiled two years earlier. Her mind had blossomed along with her body and, with it, her spirit.

“We agreed that neither one of us would take you without the other present.”

Her lovely mouth gaped as her cheeks turned pink. “Alex!”

He assumed an air of nonchalance he hoped she would not see through. “It was necessary to set some ground rules, Tessa mine.”

Her brow furrowed, and then she faced forward once again. “I suppose I must bow to those rules as well.”

His throat tightened at the implication her words wrought. “Are you saying you wish to be with Angel alone?”

“No!” She looked about, no doubt searching the villagers strolling about for any prying eyes. “Not at all, though I shall be damned for that admission,” she added in a softer tone of voice.

He followed her gaze, seeing the usual assortment of folks with nothing more to engage them at present than seeking and spreading gossip. His money had shielded Tessa from more than one tale being bandied about in the last six months. However, he was in no frame of mind to make such arrangements today. Not with her so sensitive and their domestic arrangement with Angel so new.

He urged her toward the carriage. He quickly saw that the driver was still absent. He was probably hefting a pint at the Rooster’s Comb across the way. Alex decided to take advantage of the fortunate privacy afforded by the man’s thirst.

“Let us climb aboard, love.” He held her hand as she stepped inside then set her meager packages on the floor.

She settled down on the seat and bowed her head. “This is all so new for me, Alex.”

He closed the door and sat beside her. “I know, Tessa. I wouldn’t have suggested any of it if I thought there was any other way.”

“Any other way?” She glanced up at him, her eyes narrowed. “Pray, what do you mean?”

He bit his tongue. How could he ever tell her that he loved her and feared he was losing her at the same time? He smiled at her instead.

“I want you to be happy,” he said. “I thought being with Angel would make you so.”

Her gaze skittered away. “It has.”

There was something more she wasn’t saying, he was certain. He took her hands in his. “Tell me.”

“I enjoy what you and I have as well,” she whispered.

His heart leapt at her words, all the doubts he’d harbored since last evening fleeing in a rush. He brought his mouth to hers and kissed her. “Ah, Tessa.”

She kissed him back, her delicate tongue stroking his, then pulled away. “You said you promised Angel.”

He laughed. “I promised I wouldn’t
you. I never said I wouldn’t

She smiled softly and he took her mouth again. His fingers worked at her bodice and soon her breasts were free to his touch. Her supple flesh filled his hands, and he pinched her puckered nipples.

“Oh!” she cried.

He took one nipple in his mouth, tonguing and teething the tip until she melted against the back of the seat. He flipped her skirts up out of the way and tore at her drawers.

“Alex!” she gasped.

“Yes?” he asked, trailing his lips over the silky flesh of her inner thighs.

“You—” She gave that shiver he so delighted in and he smelled her sweet, salty scent of arousal. “You said you were only to kiss me.”

“Yes, love. And I shall only kiss you.” He flicked his tongue over her clit. “Everywhere.”

He sealed his mouth over her pussy and started the suction he knew would send her crashing toward climax. Again and again he stabbed his tongue at her, licking and sucking and twirling as she bucked against his mouth. He was sure his balls would be sore for the rest of the day due to the deprivation, but he would taste her orgasm now.

She cried out his name in the next moment, spreading her legs wide as she succumbed. He lapped at her juices, delving greedily into her cunt as the last tremors ceased.

“Alex!” a man’s voice growled.

He lifted his head from her delectable flesh to find Angel glaring at him. His head poked into the carriage, a dark frown marring his perfect face.

Alex made a show of licking his lips and grinned. “Hello, Angel.”

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