The 17 (27 page)

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Authors: Mike Kilroy

BOOK: The 17
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Mizuki squeezed his hand so tightly his fingers began to numb. He didn't mind it much. It meant she was still with him.

As they inched along, the fog began to lift and a frigid rain slapped at their faces. When their visibility returned to normal, the city was no longer in front of them, instead a large body of water, waves rising high with white caps, crashed down on a beachhead where they stood. In the distance, surrounded by a low-hanging cloud, was an island, a peak of a mountain top rising above the haze.

Zack twirled to gaze at the horizon again. The city was nowhere to be seen.

They were no closer to the others than before.

Mizuki released his hand and clenched her fists. Her cheeks became blush red and she screamed. Loudly. The shriek so high Zack had to cover his ears for a moment. “This is ridiculous!”

Her voice was hoarse with desperation as she spoke. “Zack, what are we going to do?”

Zack wasn't the screaming sort. He was the brooding sort and he stomped through the sand angrily.

Then he noticed a set of boot prints that were not his own, and then another set, smaller, leading away from their position.

Zack pointed at the sand. “There are tracks.”

Mizuki rushed to him and examined the prints. “They could belong to anyone.”

“We need allies. It's worth the risk.”

She pounded off in the direction the tracks led. Zack found himself again hurrying to keep up.

Rain still pelted them. It felt very much like a cold, late-summer day on the Atlantic Coast of Maine. Late each summer his family made the long drive to the beach and occasionally they would be met by cold, raw days like this.

It made him feel oddly at home.

Soon, they saw a lighthouse in the distance, its lamp spitting out a beacon.

Maybe this was home.

The tracks continued down the shoreline toward the lighthouse.

Zack hesitated. He reached out and grabbed Mizuki by the arm again. “I have a bad feeling about this.”

“What is there to feel good about?”

She stomped off again and he followed as closely as he could. Then she stopped. A large figure and another smaller one stood menacingly on the beach a hundred yards away. Zack couldn't make them out clearly.

They froze, uncertain as to what to do next. The figures made their minds up for them, charging down the beach in a full sprint.

Mizuki pulled a curved, serrated knife out of her backpack and Zack grabbed his dagger. It shook like a leaf in a strong breeze in his hand.

The figures came closer and Zack could make them out now. They looked human, except for ridges on their foreheads and their arms, exposed under a white, loose-fitting shirt. Their clothing, complete with cargo pants, cut off at the calves, and boots that stretched high over their ankles, was very much unlike what he and Mizuki wore. They also didn’t have weapons that Zack could see.

They did have watches strapped to their wrists.

Mizuki slashed at the smaller figure, a female, and cut her. She tumbled away into the sand. The large man who was charging at Zack stopped to tend to his fallen companion.

“They aren't one of us,” Mizuki said, her voice panicked. “They aren't one of the other seventeen, either. Who are they? Who are you!”

The woman stood, her face swollen and scarred, and felt the gash in her side. It was shallow and the bleeding had already slowed. She charged again and Mizuki simply side-stepped her.

The male just stood there and scowled at Zack with great disdain. His nose was busted and crooked and he had bruises all over his arms and legs. Finally, he grunted and bolted toward him. Zack ducked and the male flipped over him.

Mizuki and the girl tussled. The female, smaller even than Jenai, was no match for Mizuki, who had ample opportunities to kill her, but did not.

Zack's opponent was not small. He was muscular and fit

and enraged. Zack feared he could not hold him off as easily as Mizuki had held off the girl.

The male stood and wiped the sand off his pants as he circled Zack. The female also circled them, but in the opposite direction. Zack and Mizuki stood back-to-back in defense.

“We're going to have to kill them,” Mizuki whispered.

Zack had made it this far without taking a life; it was, in fact, one of the reasons why he was chosen for The Seventeen. He wondered if Mizuki's hands were as clean. "Have you killed anyone?”


“Me neither.”

“I don't know if I can do it.”

“Me neither.”

Zack was certain one, or both, of the people who stalked them now had killed before.
You don’t get bloodlust like that without having spilled it.

The male feigned an attack, causing Zack to thrust his dagger toward him. The female followed suit as Mizuki gave a swipe of her knife.

This game went on far longer than Zack anticipated. Finally, the male and female both charged in unison and Zack pushed the blade of his dagger into the chest of the male. It stuck there as his attacker wobbled backward and then fell into the sand.

Mizuki was just as successful in her counter-attack. Her wild slash split the female’s chest open like a watermelon. Blood drained quickly out of the girl as she fell to her knees and then face first in the sand.

Mizuki trembled terribly as she crouched over her. Tears streamed from her eyes.

Mizuki grabbed the girl and flipped her over on her lap. She pushed her shaking fingers through the girl’s powder-colored hair. The female’s dead eyes just gazed up at her, hauntingly as Mizuki sobbed and repeatedly murmured, “I'm sorry.”

Zack put his arm around Mizuki to console her, but there would be no solace for her.

“We didn't have a choice,” Zack said, peering over his shoulder to check the status of the male, who still lay on his back, dagger sticking out of his heaving chest.

“Killing a living thing is the worst sin you can commit on my planet.”

Mizuki put her head on his shoulder and continued to sob. He brushed his hand through her hair and prayed she would find peace.

She grabbed his hand and held it

the moons together again

and whispered “I love you.”

Zack closed his eyes and felt her hair tickle him under his chin. “I love you, too.”

Zack then felt her head come up and smack him hard on the jaw; the force knocked him onto his back.

Mizuki's hair was wrapped around the male’s left hand, Zack’s dagger held in his right. He brought the blade, still wet with his own blood, down to her throat and held it there while he smirked at Zack.

“Please,” Zack said tearfully. “Don't do it.”

The male laughed and drew a red line across her neck with the sharp blade. He released her hair and she flopped to the sand, her blood coloring it crimson in gushes. Zack crawled over to her frantically, lifted her head and placed it into his lap.

She gasped for air as she reached out her tattooed left hand to put in his right. It was so cold, but he clutched it as tightly as he could.

Mizuki tried to speak, but could not before she went limp.

Zack’s watch began to beep, as did the male’s, who wiped the blood off the dagger with his shirt.

“One more and I’m free,” he said with a smoky voice as he reached out and grabbed a handful of Zack’s hair. Zack tried to keep Mizuki’s hand in his, but let it go as the man dragged him down the beach.

Zack closed his eyes and surrendered to his fate. There was no use fighting anymore, no use struggling, no use staying alive. All he had cared about was lost.

He waited for his death, but instead he heard a grunt and felt a splash of warm liquid on the back of his neck. He craned his head and opened his eyes to see a spear sticking out of the male’s chest, his back arched, before he fell.

Zack figured the man was dead before he hit the sand.

He peered up and saw Harness standing a few yards away, his arm still down like a thrower who had just flung a javelin.

Harness stood up straight and bellowed. “C’mon, twerp. Follow me.”

Harness wore the same white shirt and cargo pants as the man he had just impaled and pounded his bare feet down the beach quickly toward the lighthouse. He got a good twenty yards away before he stopped and looked back at Zack, who stared back at Mizuki’s body as wave after wave crashed into him.

Zack crawled to Mizuki and tried to lift her, but she tumbled back to the wet sand. He tried again, but Harness was there to stop him.

“Leave her. She’s dead. We don’t have time. The fog is going to come back soon and that lighthouse will be gone. It’s the best shelter we have for now.”

Zack shook his head. “I can’t leave her.”

Another wave crashed and dragged Mizuki into deeper water.

“Goddammit.” Harness grabbed Zack under his arms and lifted him. “Don’t make me regret this.”

Zack nodded and followed Harness. When he looked back, Mizuki’s body was gone, washed into the sea. A shudder went through him. And not the good kind.

She was really gone.


Part III

Chapter Three

The Doldrums

Zack traced the moon on the top of his right hand with the index finger of his left, around and around and around. It was the only thing he could think of doing and the only thing that kept him focused enough to function.

Harness clanked about in a nearby room, much like he had clanked about in that kitchen in that cabin once. Finally, he emerged with a metal cup full of water.

Some water sloshed out of it as Harness held the cup out to him. It was unsteady in his hand. “Here. Take it. Drink.”

Zack looked up and saw Harness up close for the first time and gasped.

Harness’ nose was swollen and one eye closed from a recent beating and he turned his head away and spat blood mixed with saliva.

His hands were puffy and misshaped from the busting of knuckles. His fingers, all of which had been broken at one time or another, snaked out from his hands like the crooked roots of a tree.

He no longer looked like a seventeen-year old boy, strong and virile, but of a much older man, mangled by a hard life.

Zack grabbed the metal cup and sipped. The water tasted metallic.

Harness groaned as he sat and noticed Zack staring at him with a wince.

“They don’t heal us anymore when we get jacked up. And we heal badly.”

Zack noticed a scar running across Harness’ forearm and another across his forehead. He was a fractured boy and Zack could tell he knew it.

Harness pointed a crooked finger at him. “You have a watch, too. What’s it say?”

Zack peered down at the display. “Twenty-five.”

“That’s how many of you are left?”

Zack nodded. “I guess. Your watch doesn’t say that?”

Harness shook his head. “No. No. We’re not part of your group. We’re part of a … different group. We were dumped in here as hunters, I guess. We were told if we kill three of ya, we get out of here. They’ll fix us up like new and send us home.”

Zack almost didn’t want to ask, but his curiosity was too strong. He always had to know things. “How many of us have you killed?”


Zack gulped. “Why did you save me? Why haven’t you killed me?”

Harness coughed violently and a spray of watery blood colored his hand in a splotch of crimson. He shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I’m tired of it. Maybe I saw you and just couldn’t do it. It may have seemed like I hated you, but I didn’t. I was just trying to toughen you up. You know, tough love and all that crap.”

Zack took another sip of Metal Cup Water. It was growing on him. Either that or he was too thirsty to care. “I need to find the others. We have a plan, but it’s not going so good. Every time we tried to get to the others, the world would change and we’d get lost.”

Harness took a gulp of his own Metal Cup Water and looked smugly at Zack. “I can get you there. It’s really easy once you figure it out.”

Zack knew better than to doubt Harness. He knew his dumb macho jock guy persona was just an act, a self-defense mechanism, perhaps. He knew, in fact, that Harness was brilliant. “What is this place?”

Harness grabbed another makeshift spear from behind him and drew a circle in the thick dust on the floor. “We’re in a very large and very elaborate gimbal.”

Zack had heard the term before, but had no clue what it was.

Harness noticed Zack’s confused look and shook his head. “A gimbal, like what NASA uses to train astronauts. A series of concentric rings spinning around a central fixed ring.”

Zack was still clueless.

Harness began to draw a gimbal in the dust. “That messed up building in the middle is on a ring that doesn’t move. Then there is another ring around it and another around it. They spin on different axes. But I think there are two more rings that you can’t see. I think one is time and the other is some strange fifth dimension. That’s why if you think you are walking in one direction, soon you’ll be walking in another. That’s why the weather is so freaky. That’s why time sometimes seems to stand still, while at other times seems to be moving fast.”

Zack stared at him in awe.

“I know,” Harness said. “It’s hard to wrap you dweeb brain around.”

“How … how can you get around then if these axes are constantly moving?”

“Ah ha,” Harness said. “But they’re not constantly moving. The gimbals lock. It’s usually a big problem when that happens in a real-life mechanism, but not here. Here it’s a window of opportunity. It happens once a day for a few hours. The next gimbal lock is coming soon. Hopefully you can get there before the gimbal lock releases.”

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