The 47 Ronin Story (20 page)

Read The 47 Ronin Story Online

Authors: John Allyn

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Literary Collections, #General, #47 Ronin, #Ronin, #Historical fiction, #Japanese

BOOK: The 47 Ronin Story
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"I don't like it,'* Hara muttered. He had come to the inn in Nihombashi where Oishi was staying with Onodera and Chikara to report on the situation as it existed.

"There are over sixty of us in Edo now," he went on, shaking his head, "certainly enough to raise some attention somewhere. How can it be that neither Kira nor the Shogun is aware of our presence?"

"It does seem strange," Oishi agreed, "that we seem to be so invisible."

"I'm afraid they're laying for us. As soon as we make a move they'll be all over us by the hundreds."

Oishi nodded. This was what he had been thinking, too.

"There are only two possibilities," he told Hara. "Either they actually don't know we're here or they're waiting, as you say, for us to start something. I'm incHned to believe the latter is the case. After all, what laws are we breaking by coming to Edo? None. Therefore no one has any legal grounds for challenging us."

"But I don't think we're even being watched!" Hara interjected.

"Possibly not. They don't need to watch us— they only have to watch Kira. That's much simpler and requires fewer men."

"In that case, shouldn't we attack quickly before their guard can become too well organized?"

"That's a good point," Oishi was forced to agree, "but it's even more important that our strike, when it comes, have the advantage of such careful planning that failure will be impossible."

Hara mumbled to himself, then nodded.

Chapter Seventeen

"You're right—you're right, as always."

"The first thing I want to do," Oishi said, "is to get a look at the situation for myself. Will you meet me in the morning and take me to Kira's?"

Hara's eyes flashed. "Nothing would give me more pleasure—except to see Kira's head rolling in the dirt."

"At dawn then, we'll meet by the bridge across the Sumida—the one nearest here that crosses into Honjo. We'll be disguised as servants on our way to work."

The next morning Oishi was strangely excited. He felt as though he had come to the end of a long road with everything he wanted waiting at the other end. For the first time he was going to see his master's enemy!

He met Hara as scheduled and they crossed into the ward of Honjo, then entered Matsuzaka where Kira's mansion was. They met few passers-by in the streets at this early hour, but there were a great many dogs and Oishi began to fear that they would be a problem during the attack. A body of armed men might disturb them and set off an alarm of howHng that could alert their enemies. He would have to think of something to do about that.

Now they approached the front of Kira's gate and slowed to inspect it as they passed. It was well built and too heavy for them to think of battering down. They also noted slits high up where archers could fire down on them and peepholes below where all who entered had to show their faces.

They leisurely circled the entire estate and found a rear gate that was no less formidable than the one in front. Horibe had of course reported on all these

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features in detail and had even obtained a floor plan of the house, but Oishi still wanted to see them himself before he drew up final plans for the attack.

When they arrived back at the front gate, they took up positions at an open market across the road and waited. They were there for much of the morning and began to fear they would be questioned by the proprietor when they heard the gate start to open.

A squad of archers ran out and formed in ranks. Then an ornate palanquin was quickly carried out, followed by another squad of archers, and the whole procession moved away down the street. Oishi had to look fast, but he was rewarded at last. Inside the palanquin was the unmistakable figure of Kira, recognizable from all the descriptions he had heard. It was only a brief glimpse, but he would never forget that scowling face and blackened teeth. This was the face he swore he would next see before him at the end of a long sword.

He turned to Hara and reahzed that he had been holding his breath. He let it out long and slowly.

"I think that's all we need to see for now," he said, and they returned quietly to where the others were waiting.

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Oishi's men were now scattered all over Edo. So far they seemed to have escaped detection by the local authorities, but they paid for their secrecy in terms of not being a single unified force.

Hara and Horibe acted as deputy commanders and relayed Oishi's messages to subordinate group leaders who in turn passed the word along to each individual samurai. Since they still had no idea when or where the decisive attack would be made, Oishi's first order was for each man to become famihar with the area around Kira's mansion and, if possible, to learn to know Kira by sight. He had to trust that none of them would become too aroused at the sight of the black-toothed scoundrel and make a single-handed attempt on his life. In his message he stressed the fact that Kira's guards were well trained, and that any rash act against their master would be easily put down. Furthermore, such a move would alert all of Edo to their presence and their chance of eventual success would be doomed.

So far it was working out as he had planned. The men, alone or in small groups, received their intro-

duction to Kira by casually passing by his gate at times when it was calculated he would be coming or going. Their tours of duty were of varying lengths and no one stayed long. The only exception was a permanent guard stationed over a shop directly across from the mansion. He kept a complete log on all arrivals and departures, and Kira's palanquin was discreetly followed to learn the pattern of their enemy's affairs. The question was, how long could they keep this up before Kira's guards began to recognize them?

Yoshida recognized another very real danger as well.

"We're extremely vulnerable in one way, Oishi-dono," he said one night at a strategy meeting with Hara, Horibe, and Onodera in Oishi's room at the inn.

"What's that?" Oishi asked in concern.

"We're all completely dependent on you for our directions. . . . Not that I would have it any other way," he added hastily as Oishi's brow furrowed. "But wouldn't it be more reasonable for you to guard your person more carefully?"

Oishi shook his head at the prospect of limiting his own movements, but the others agreed with Yoshida.

"There are 'accidents' that could happen to you if Kira willed it," Hara said.

"But I can't travel around with an armed guard," Oishi snapped. "What good would I be to anyone?"

"Perhaps the answer is not to travel at all," Yoshida suggested. "A squad of four or five fighting men could stay here with you at all times." ^^ "I think he's right, Oishi-dono," Horibe put in. "You're taller and more easily recognized than the rest of us. As time goes by, you'll be spotted as a

Chapter Eighteen

spy, if not actually identified as Lord Asano's chief retainer."

Oishi fretted for a moment and then sighed.

"I hate to think of shutting myself off—I had so much of that for so long in Yamashina."

"I sympathize with you," Hara said, "but what can you gain by seeing our enemy again?"

"Nothing, I suppose ... I had hoped to be able to see Daigaku, but his confinement is well enforced. Still, perhaps it's just as well. I don't want him involved in our plans if I can help it."

The others nodded. This was the best way.

"Have all the men had a chance to see Kira by now?" Oishi asked abruptly.

Hara hesitated and looked at Horibe. He cleared his throat and prepared to speak, his eyes strangely downcast, when they were interrupted by a quiet knock at the door. Horibe opened it a crack, then quickly let in a grinning Kataoka.

The monkey-faced man bowed courteously to Oishi, nodded to the others and found a place to sit on the floor.

"You look pleased with yourself," Oishi observed.

Kataoka's grin grew broader.

"I've discovered a new diversion for rich merchants like myself in Edo."

"Oh? And what do the visiting merchants find to occupy themselves with in Edo nowadays?"

"Lessons," Kataoka said in confidential tones. "Lessons in the tea ceremony."

"Tea ceremony!" Oishi exploded.

The others looked at one another in surprise. Had Kataoka lost his mind to be playing games with them at a time like this?

"Of course I know the ceremony better than he

does," Kataoka went on calmly, "but the tea master talks a lot and that part is entertaining."

"Fm glad you're amused," Oishi said sarcastically. "Some of us are not so fortunate in being able to choose the way we spend our time."

But Kataoka was not the kind to take a gentle hint.

"I learn much gossip of the court from my teacher," he went on imperturbably. "About many of those in high places."

"And how does this help us?" Hara asked impatiently. "I couldn't care less about the gossip of the court."

"But it would be nice to know Kira's plans in advance, wouldn't it?"

"Of course it would."

"Well, my teacher has a client who should be an excellent source for such information."

"And who is this client?" Hara asked wearily.

"I thought you'd never ask. He used to be court Master of Ceremonies. His name is Kira."

All those present reacted in pleased surprise. Kataoka had indeed made progress.

"Well done, Kataoka," Oishi said with a smile. "I knew you weren't just wasting our time."

"I didn't," Hara growled, and then laughed along with the rest of them.

Onodera nodded his gray head.

"I can't think of a better way to keep up with Kira's social life—and as it appears, that's what we need to know about most. If we can pin him down to a specific place and time ..."

There was no need to say more. All were busy with their own thoughts until Oishi remembered some unfinished business.

"Hara, you were reporting on the men's tours of

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Chapter Eighteen

duty. Did you say that there are still some who haven't seen Kira?"

Again Hara hesitated.

"That is true."

"And for what reason?"

Hara scowled at the floor. This was the kind of report he hated to make.

"Because some of the men on the list have— disappeared."

"Disappeared," Oishi echoed bitterly. "You mean deserted, don't you?"

Hara made no answer and Oishi sighed.

"How many have left us?"

"About a third of our force."

"And you didn't mention this before?" Oishi asked in some anger.

"It makes no difference," Hara said doggedly. "We'll go ahead without them."

"You shouldn't be too surprised," Onodera said gently to Oishi. "You yourself said some men would turn from us when the scent of battle was actually in the air."

Oishi nodded.

"I know. Forgive my outburst." He shot a glance at Horibe. "You were right, Horibe, when you said time was against us. How could I expect to keep the men at a fever pitch for battle when I kept putting them off."

Horibe shook his head.

"It's not time that's working against us—only fear."

"Caused partly by the disunity of our organization," Oishi said. "Which will become worse with my isolation."

He sighed. A drastic move was evidently called for. In spite of the dangers involved, it was important to

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do something about their unity. He went to the door and beckoned to the man outside.

"Mimura," he said as the servant stepped in, "I have a special mission for you."

Mimura's head bobbed rapidly as he listened.

"I want you to find a suitable place—a public restaurant, perhaps—where we can all assemble."

"All of us?" asked Hara in alarm.

"Yes," Oishi said grimly. "It's time for one last meeting to reaffirm our purposes before our 'fighting men' drift away, one by one."

The others murmured among themselves in concern but Oishi continued with his instructions to the servant. It was essential that the loyal band grow no smaller.

After a few days of searching, Mimura found that Oishi's suggestion of a public restaurant as a meeting place was a good one. They could meet in the middle of the day like any other group of merchants and call themselves a "social group."

In Fukagawa, a central district of the city, he found an inn with large private dining rooms and reserved one on the ground floor. His reasoning was that in a downstairs room they would have a better chance of fighting their way out of any trap that might be sprung. He asked to see the kitchen on the pretext that his group was particular about the food it was served, and noted the location of the rear door for use in case of an emergency. He also asked that his party be disturbed as little as possible during the meal as the financial measures under discussion would require great concentration.

When the arrangements were completed, Oishi sent

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Chapter Eighteen

out word to all the Ako men remaining in Edo and on the appointed day they began to gather. Mimura entered the dining room with Oishi, then went to make one last inspection of the kitchen to be sure the rear exit was unobstructed. He had barely put his head in the door, however, before he quickly closed it and ran white faced back to Oishi.

"We can't meet here," he spluttered excitedly.

"Tell me what's wrong, Mimura," said Oishi gruffly. "I'll decide whether we meet here or not."

"I'm sorry," Mimura apologized, "I'm sorry if I overstepped my bounds ..."

"Get to the point," Oishi said. "What is the matter?"

"It's the boy—the fire boy who was in our house in Edo before . . . before our Lord Asano's death. He's here, in this kitchen! Fortunately, I got out before he saw me. But if he should come into the dining room for any reason ..."

Oishi thought rapidly. "The chances are if he's only a kitchen helper, he won't be serving us . . . How did you happen to miss him before? I thought you'd inspected this place and found it safe?"

"I'm sorry," Mimura said in abject apology. "He wasn't here the other day. I should have checked this morning ... it is an oversight I most seriously regret."

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