The Accidental Empire: Israel and the Birth of the Settlements, 1967-1977 (69 page)

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Authors: Gershom Gorenberg

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction

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Kissinger, Henry


Kol, Moshe

Kollek, Teddy

Kook, Avraham Yitzhak Hacohen

Kook, Tzvi Yehudah


Labor Ministry

Labor Party

congress of 1971

fall of, in 1977

Mapam Alignment and

Labor Zionism

Lahat, Shlomo

Landau, Moshe

Land of Israel, vision of.
See also
Whole Land of Israel

Land of the Hart

Laner, Dan

Lapid, Arnon

Law of Return

League of Nations


Lehi (Stern Gang)

Levin, Marlin

Levinger, Miriam

Levinger, Moshe

Levy, Hannah

Liberal Party

Lifshitz, Oded


Luria, Yitzhak


Ma’aleh Adumim


McNamara, Robert

McPherson, Harry



Maoz Hayim

Mapai party

Mapam kibbutzim

Mapam party



Masri, Mazuz al-

Massu’ot Yitzhak


Medzini, Meron

Meet the Press
(TV show)


Meinrat, Gershon

Meir, Golda

background of

debate over occupied territories and

peace negotiations and

as prime minister

Rabin and

resignation of

Yom Kippur War and

Meir, Hannah


Merkaz Harav yeshivah

Merom Golan

Meron, Theodor



Meyerson, Morris

Military Intelligence


moshavim (cooperative villages)

Moskovic, Moshe


Mount Herzl cemetery

Mount Scopus

Movement for the Whole Land of Israel

Mughrabi Quarter

Mussolini, Benito



Nablus (Shekhem).
See also
Camp Kaddum; Elon Moreh; Sebastia


Nahal (Pioneering Fighting Youth)


Narkiss, Uzi

Nasser, Gamal Abdel


National Religious Party (NRP)

national unity government

Nazi Germany



Ne’ot Mordechai


Netanyahu, Benjamin

Netzer, Moshe

Neveh Ya’akov

New Left


New York Times

Nir Oz

Nixon, Richard M.

non-belligerence agreement

Nusseirat refugee camp


Ofer, Avraham



Olmert, Ehud

Or Etzion yeshivah

Orlik, Daniel

Orthodox Jews, isolation of

Orthodox kibbutzim

Orthodox Zionists.
religious Zionism

Oslo Accords

Oz, Amos


Palestine, partition of

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)

Palestine National Council (PNC)


Dayan Plan and

demonstrations by

employment of

Hussein and

Jerusalem and

Jewish terrorism against

land expropriated from

land purchased from

legal and citizenship rights and

Oz on

pilgrimages to lost homes by

population and demographic issues

Rabin and

Palestinian Authority

Palestinian autonomy

Palestinian nationalism

Palestinian refugees

Palestinian self-determination

Palestinian state

Palestinian terrorists

Palestinian uprisings


participatory democracy

Pedatzur, Reuven

Peel Commission (1937)

Peres, Shimon

background of

as defense minister

Rabin resignation and

Perry, Yaakov

Phantom warplanes

phased strategy

Porat, Hanan

Purple Line


Qibyah raid



Rabat summit (1974)

Rabin, Leah

Rabin, Yitzhak

as ambassador to U.S.

assassination of

background of

election as prime minister in 1974

election as prime minister in 1992

fall of, in 1976–77

Gush Emunim and

negotiations of 1974–75 and

Oslo accords and

Peres feud

Sebastia and

Sharon as adviser to

Six-Day War and

Rabinovich, Kobi

Rachel’s Tomb

Rafiah Plain settlements

Bedouin expulsions and


Rafi party


demonstrations in

Ramat Rachel

Rapoport, David

Rasis-Tal, Yoram

Ravitzky, Aviezer


religion of labor

Religious Affairs Ministry

religious school system

religious Zionism.
See also
Gush Emunim; messianism;
and specific settlements and groups

Remez, David



Richardson, Elliot

Rifai, Zaid al-

Rogers, William

Initiative (Rogers II, 1970)

Plan (1969)

Rostow, Eugene

Rostow, Walt W.

rule of law

Rusk, Dean



Sabbato, Chaim

Sadat, Anwar al-

Sadeh, Yitzhak


Salman, Ya’akov

Samaria, settlement in

Sapir, Pinhas

Sarid, Yossi

Sasson, Moshe

Sat, Eytan

Saudi Arabia

Saunders, Harold

Scranton, William

Sea of Galilee

Sebastia settlement bids.
See also
Camp Kaddum; Elon Moreh settlers

cabinet debate on


elections of 1977 and

Palestinians protest

secular nationalism

secular Zionism.
See also
Labor Zionism; socialist Zionism


separation-of-forces agreement (1974)


Sereni, Ada

Settlement Committee

Settlement Department

Settlement Division

Shabtai Tzvi

Shalev, Meir

Shamgar, Meir

Shamir, Meir

Shamir, Moshe

Shamir, Yitzhak

Shapira, Anita

Shapira, Haim Moshe

Shapira, Yaakov Shimshon

Sharm al-Sheikh

Sharon, Ariel

Likud alliance and

Oslo Accords and

as prime minister and Gaza

Rabin adds to staff

Rafiah expulsion and

Sebastia standoff and

West Bank and

Shazar, Zalman

Shehadeh, Aziz

Shehadeh, Raja


Shemer, Naomi

Sherf, Zeev

Shiloah, Tzvi


Shin Bet security agency

Simons, Chaim

Simons, Dina

Sinai II agreement

Sinai oil fields

Sinai Peninsula

withdrawal of 1956

withdrawal of 1979

Sinai war (1956)

Sisco, Joseph

60 Minutes
(TV program)

Six-Day War (1967)

religious Zionism and

soldiers’ experience of


socialist Zionism.
See also
Labor Zionism; secular Zionism

Soldiers’ Talk

Soviet Jewish immigrants

Soviet Union


Spark of the Light of the Messiah, The

Sprinzak, Ehud

Stalin, Joseph

Steinmatz, Avraham

Straits of Tiran

student revolutions

Suez Canal

Suez Crisis of 1956

Sukkot attack of 1968

Supreme Court, Israeli


Yom Kippur War and

Syrian heights.
Golan Heights


Tabaki, Hajja Rasmia

Tabenkin, Yitzhak

Tal, Yisrael

Tale of Two Utopias, A

Talmi, Meir

Tamir, Yehudah

Tel Aviv

Temple, destruction of

Temple Mount

conspiracy to attack

territorial compromise

territorial integrity


Jewish extremists and

Oslo Accords and

Rafiah and

Teveth, Shabtai

Thant, U



Tomb of the Patriarchs (Ibrahimi Mosque)

massacre at

Tourism Ministry

See also

Tuqan, Fadwa

Turkish Palestine

two-state option

two-tier legal system

Tzur, Tzvi


ultra-Orthodox Jews

United Kibbutz (Hakibbutz Hame’uhad)

“Ideological Foundation” (1955)

United Nations

Jerusalem resolution

PLO and

resolutions of 1975

U.N. Emergency Force (UNEF)

U.N. Security Council

Resolution 242

United States

Allon Plan and

Eshkol and

Khartoum and

Meir and

negotiations of 1967–68

negotiations of 1974–75 and

Nixon and

opposes settlements in UN

Sinai pullout of 1956 and

Six-Day War and aftermath

student rebellions in

U.N. anti-Zionist resolution and

U.N. Security Council Resolution 242 and

War of Attrition and

Yom Kippur War and

U.S. Congress

U.S. National Security Council (NSC)

U.S. State Department

Upper Hebron.
Kiryat Arba


Vietnam war

Voice of the Turtledove, The

, defined


Waldman, Eliezer

Warhaftig, Zorach

War of Attrition (1969–70)

war of independence (1948–49)

Washington Post

Watergate affair

Weissglas, Dov

Weitz, Joseph

Weitz, Ra’anan

West Bank.
See also
Etzion Bloc; Hebron; Nablus; Sebastia;
and other specific settlements and towns

Allon and

Arab employment and

Arab leaders in

Arab residents’ status and debate over holding

Begin and

Dayan and

Egypt-Israel accord of 1974 and

Egypt-Israeli negotiations of 1975 and deadlock with Jordan

Eliav and

Eshkol and

ethnic struggle in, post-Sebastia

evacuation of settlements in

extraterritorial status of settlers in

growth of settlements in, post-1984

Gush Emunim settlements

Hussein negotiations and

international law and

intifada in

Israeli population in

Israelis visit, in 1967

joint rule concept

Jordan seizes in 1949

“Judea and Samaria” as name of

Khartoum and

Labor vote on settlement, of 1977

map of,

Meir and

military rule of

municipal electons of 1976

northern settlements in

Oslo Accords and

outposts in, post-1998

Palestinian demonstrations in

Palestinian state proposals and

Palestinian terrorists in

Peres and

PLO and

post-Sebastia debates and

“quality of life” settlements in

Rabat summit and

Rabin and

rebellion in, foreseen

resolution of June 19, 1967, and

Sebastia compromise and

self-rule plan for, proposed

settlement of, post-1967

settlement policy changes of 1976

Sharon and

Six-Day War and

Six-Day War and future of

Transjordan conquers

Yom Kippur War and

Western values, fundamentalist attack on

Western Wall

West Jerusalem

When Prophecy Fails

Whole Land of Israel

elections of 1977 and

Labor advocates of

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