Authors: B.N. Toler
“No. I’m not on my period,” she said as she began scanning the floor. Her face was bright red as she picked up her bra. I
embarrassing her. But why . . .
Then it hit me.
But no . . . really? It couldn’t be.
But what other explanation could there be?
I had just taken her virginity.
Fuck me.
I walked back into the bathroom and tossed the condom. Cleaning up quickly, I ran a hand through my hair. She’d just lost her virginity on my uncle’s bedroom floor. I am such a fucking asshole. But why wouldn’t she have told me?
I didn’t know how to make this right. But I had to try. When I came back out, she was holding up her torn panties, giving me a pointed look with one brow quirked. “Sorry about that,” I laughed.
“Don’t be,” she chuckled as she bent down to grab her dress. God, her ass was the definition of perfection. To top it off, she still wore her heels and I felt my dick getting hard again.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked.
She didn’t stop to look at me, but continued shaking her dress out. “Does it matter?”
Does it matter?
Was she serious? Did she think I was some kind of asshole that wouldn’t have cared? That I wouldn’t have wanted to make it special for her? That pissed me off. “To me, it does,” I seethed.
“It was none of your business.”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” I asked calmly, but the edge to my voice conveyed how much I fucking hated what she’d just said. “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me? I feel like an asshole right now.”
This time, she looked at me. “Because I didn’t want you to hold back.”
My anger ebbed slightly. I moved toward her and she pulled the dress to her chest, covering herself. Yanking the outfit from her, I tossed it aside. “If you’d told me, I wouldn’t have held back. A man can be gentle and rough at the same time, Nicole.” Her tongue darted out and she licked her lips as I pulled her to me and pressed our bodies together. “I know we only have tonight, but let me show you. Let me show you how walking that fine line between pain and pleasure can be fucking phenomenal.”
She stared back at me, her bright eyes filled with a curiosity that bordered lust. As I leaned down and kissed her shoulder, she whispered, “Okay.”
The Engagement Party
As I ride the escalator down to baggage claim, John stands at the bottom, holding one of those signs like a limo driver would.
The sign reads:
I’m still laughing when I reach him and we give each other a quick one-armed hug. “Good to see you, man. Thanks for coming.”
“Of course. Wouldn’t miss it.”
After we collect my lone suitcase, we head to John’s car. As soon as we’re on the road, John asks, “How’s the job going?”
I run a hand through my hair. “Okay, I guess. I’ve got the New York Bar coming up. I can’t wait to get that shit behind me. The office is busy though, so that’s good.”
“Good.” He nods once, his expression stoic. John is my best friend. I know exactly what he’s thinking.
“You thinking you made a mistake?” I ask.
He winces with my words and shakes his head. “No. If I were there, I’d be fucking miserable without her.” I know he’s telling the truth. I spent a few weeks living with him after he first left Edie and he was a fucking mess. I couldn’t even give him a hard time about it and call him a pussy because I’d felt so bad for him.
“Then what is it?”
He sighs, his hands gripping the steering wheel a little tighter. “Old dreams die hard . . .” he explains. “It was something I wanted for so long . . . I guess I wonder about it, is all. Not that I have regrets,” he clarifies quickly. “I thought I’d be working in criminal law. I’m handling property disputes and divorces.”
“I see.” I nod. “How’s Edie?”
His somewhat grim expression fades as a huge smile seizes his features. “She’s good. She’s really good.”
“God, John. I gotta tell you . . . this whole thing shocked the hell outta me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for you, and Edie is a gem, but . . .”
“I know,” he laughs. “Surprised me, too. But Edie . . . I don’t know how to explain it without sounding like a huge pussy, but . . . I feel like I’m at home with her. It’s been a long time since I felt that way.”
What could I say to that? There’s no point in pointing out how crazy it all seems. The man is happy. He’s my best friend and if he’s happy, I’m happy. So I let him know. “I’m happy for you, John. Truly.”
“Thanks, dick.” And were back to familiar territory.
“So . . . how’s Nikki?”
John’s brows rise and he sighs loudly. “I don’t know. Edie’s been spending a lot of time with her lately. I think something’s up. I saw Nikki two days ago and she looked . . . off. I asked Edie about it last night and she said Nikki was going through some shit.”
“What shit?” I ask.
Please don’t let it be boyfriend trouble.
“Dude, fuck if I know. Edie hasn’t divulged jack shit, not that I’ve really tried to get the scoop. I do have a penis and all.”
“But it’s so small.” I take a stab. That’s what friends are for, right?
“That’s why you were gagging on it last time,” he shoots back and I snort out a laugh, almost choking on it.
“You’re a dirty bastard, John.”
“With a huge penis,” he adds.
“Is that what they’re calling huge these days?”
“That’s what your mom is calling huge these days,” he retorts. “She says hi, by the way.”
“Ugh! Don’t mention my mom and your penis in the same sentence ever again, dude.”
“Okay,” he agrees. “I have a huge penis, period. Your mom says it’s the biggest she’s ever seen, period. There. Two sentences.” And the bastard starts laughing.
I punch his arm. “Stop talking about your fucking flaccid dick and my mother, asshole!”
He laughs again as he rubs his arm, his face turning red. Even though I’m pissed, I’m laughing too. I swear, for two highly-educated lawyers, we have the maturity level of middle-schoolers sometimes.
“Now, back to Nikki,” I order.
John clears his throat, getting his laughter under control. “I honestly don’t know what’s going on. But Edie’s told me before Nikki’s father is a douche and she has this pageant, or something, coming up. Might be that.”
“Has she spoken to you?” he asks.
“Nope.” I run a wide palm down my face. “And I’ve fucking tried.” God, have I tried. The girl is relentless in ignoring me.
“Little piece of advice . . .” John begins.
“Yes . . .”
“Let her go. Or, don’t pursue her. I’ve seen her turn down a fuck-ton of men since I’ve been with Edie. If she wants you, she’ll come to you.” The muscles in my jaw tighten. I hate the thought of men hitting on her all the time. And even though John says she’s turned them down, I can’t help but wonder what happens when he’s not there. Has she slept with anyone else? That’s a stupid and selfish thing to think, considering I’ve slept with other people since we were together, but I can’t help it.
“Maybe if you act like you’re over it, she’ll wake the fuck up,” he continues.
I nod. That makes sense. Obviously calling and texting hasn’t impressed her. Maybe appearing indifferent will make her look at me differently.
I have never been so nervous in my life. John picked up Parker from the airport this morning and he’s somewhere in this house. As soon as I arrived, I practically sprinted to Edie’s room, praying like hell I wouldn’t bump into him. Edie’s in the bathroom, primping, and John is checking in with the party planner.
When I ask Edie where Parker is, she says, “They got back a couple hours ago, but I’ve been in here getting ready so I haven’t seen him yet.”
I nod as I plunk myself down on her bed, the frilly skirt of my dress spreading across the white comforter. “I know you’re nervous.” Edie sits beside me.
“I’m okay,” I assure her with a weak smile.
Taking my hand in hers, she squeezes it. “I don’t know Parker well, but Suit thinks the world of him. He’s a good man. He’ll help you.”
“Help me how?” I ask, and there’s an edge to my tone as my emotions seize me in a death grip.
Men will always let you down.
I remember my self-taught mantra. “He lives in New York.”
Edie turns to me, her white linen robe wrapped tightly around her waist. Her brown eyes are wide as she gives me a look that says,
Listen to me.
“I know you’re scared . . . for many reasons. But you have to give him a chance. Now, if he acts like a dick, I’ll be on him like a fly on shit.”
I can’t help smiling. She rarely curses, and I’ve never heard her threaten to go after someone. That’s usually my role in the friendship. “If he acts like a dick, promise you’ll kick him in the balls.”
Edie takes one hand and swipes it across her chest, crossing her heart. “He won’t walk or screw for months.”
Taking a deep breath, and putting my nonsense aside, I stand and pull her to her feet. Today is about her; not me. “You need to get dressed.”
A few days ago, Edie went with me to my first appointment. No one told me they were going to shove a miniature baseball bat inside me. That wasn’t pleasant. But we saw the tiny little being growing inside me. My baby. My future.