The Arrogant Architect (10 page)

BOOK: The Arrogant Architect
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Chapter 18


“I can’t believe you didn’t answer him on the spot,” King
says, sitting next to me on the couch.

“What was I supposed to say in front of his whole staff?”

“Fuck them, Ever. You say yes.”

“I thought about it…but I’m scared. That place has the best
of the best people in the kitchen. I’m not sure if I’m ready to go up against
that, or go back to the bottom and start all over.”

“That’s basically where you’re at with your job, right?”

“It’s gotten better.”

“Baby,” the endearment rolls off his tongue so naturally and
I like it, “One day, you want to own your own restaurant, right?” 

“Of course, it’s my dream.”

“Do you think to prepare for that you’re better off at your
current work or diving in with Lorenzo?”

“It’s so weird to me that you call him Lorenzo.”

“Why?” he asks me, “It’s his name.”

“But he’s a world-famous chef, he’s cooked for the President
and so many other famous people.”

“Are you a little stars truck?”

“Extremely,” I openly admit.

“Damn, had I known all along all it took was introducing you
to Lorenzo, I would’ve done it the day I met you.”

I nuzzle closer to King. The possibility of this could
change my world, but it could also be a great risk. What if the Chef is only
doing it to help King out and doesn’t truly believe in my talents. How’s that
gonna end, for any of us…especially me?

“Why are you stressing?” he asks me, knowing me so well

“I’m not stressing,” I lie.

“Yes, you are, your heart rate just picked up, I feel it
beating against my body.”


“Yes, baby.”

I kiss the middle of his chest as he brushes the hair out of
my face. “Can we not talk about this any more today?”

“If that’s really what you want.”

Right now, I don’t know what I want. But I need some time to
process things before I make a decision that could jeopardize my future. I’ve
worked so hard to get where I’m at on my own. What if I work for Chef Lorenzo
and one day things go awry? It could ruin my reputation in the culinary world
and the future I’ve dreamed of. Switching over to him is kind of a make or
break deal. And at this point in my life, with everything I’ve been through,
I’m not sure that I’m willing to take any risks.




“Good morning, baby,” King says as I roll over in bed. He’s
on his laptop, naked, as I reach over and massage his dick.

“Why are you up so early?” I ask him and he closes the
computer, setting it aside.

“Couldn’t sleep, so I was doing a little work and research.”

“What kind of research?”

“Looking at what we could do today.”

“I have work, so you’re on your own.”

“No, you don’t,” he says, pulling me on top of him.

“What did you do?” I ask agitated, and he doesn’t respond.
Instead he tries to distract me by biting and sucking my bottom lip.“King?”


“Don’t lie to me,” I tell him as he slowly slides himself
inside me.

“I’m not,” he grips my ass cheeks and I sit up, acting like
the feeling of him has no effect on my control. “What did you do?” I ask again
and he moves below me, awakening everything inside of me.

“I love your pussy,” he says through his teeth.

“Would you stop?” I yell and grab his face with one hand.

“Oh, you want to get rough?” he asks, taking both of my
wrists and placing them behind my back as he now pummels in and out of me.

The sensation is too good to fight, with my hands in his control
and his hips wavering in and out of me, I let him fuck me, getting lost in the
feeling. Every nerve ending is firing on all cylinders.

He holds my hands more tightly together, his thumb teases my
clit, and the combined friction is too much to handle. I let go, flying out of
this world, on a rocket of bliss. King gives me a good slam, exploding inside
of me, followed by loud grunts and a few pumps to milk out the rest.

Looking down at him through hooded lids, I ask him again,
“What did you do?”

“Promise you won’t be mad?”

“That depends,” I tell him, worried right away about what
he’s about to tell me.

“You have to promise.”

“Fine,” my eyes get wide as I sneer at him, “I promise.”

“Your boss texted you and asked if you could work a double
today. I responded and—”

“You did not.” I cut him off and grab my phone from the
nightstand. His cock slipping from me and as much as I don’t like the feeling,
I’m irritated with him.

Hey Ever, there was a mix up in the schedule. Do you
think you could work a double today?

Actually, I was about to text you. I went out of town
with a friend and his car broke down. Not sure how long it will take for the
shop to get the part to fix it and then us to drive back. I might miss tonight
and tomorrow.

Oh…okay. I’ll see what else I can do. Let me know when
you’re back.

Throwing my phone at King, he blocks his face and has the
biggest grin on it. “I am so pissed at you right now.”

“Are you really?” he asks.

“Yes, what if I was to get fired?”

“I think you’ve got the job in the bag at Lorenzo’s
restaurant.” Glaring at him, I storm into the restroom and slam the door. He
opens it before I can lock it and butts his way inside.

“You can’t control my life like this.”

“You’re really mad?” he asks with his bottom lip stuck out,
as he clearly doesn’t see something wrong with this.

“Yes, I’m pissed.”

“Stop it, baby.”

“Don’t ‘baby’ me, or try to fuck your way out of this.”

I leave the bathroom in search of my clothes. Finding my
pants, I pull them on and throw his t-shirt that I am wearing at him.

“Don’t, Ever, please.”

“You made me a promise and you broke it, so don’t ‘Ever’

Grabbing my shoes, I fly downstairs and search for my purse.
“What, are you just gonna walk home?”

“Yeah, I am. I need some space from your crazy ass.” He’s in
my face and I push around him. “Come on, I was only kidding, your boss didn’t
even care.”

“But I care, King. Don’t you fucking get that?” I reach for
the doorknob and he flies through the house like a naked monkey stopping me and
kneeling in front of me with his hands wrapped together like he’s praying.
“Please don’t go,” he begs me and I tell him. “Get off the fuckin’ floor.”

“Not unless you’re staying.”

“I need space,” I scream at him, so frustrated that this man
can go from being so loving and caring to insanely controlling in a split

“I’ll give you space, but please stay here.”

“Why?” I look down at him still on his knees and he says,
“Because when I’m away from you, it’s like half of me is dead. But when we’re
together, I feel so alive. I’m who I was meant to be. It’s hard to explain.”

“You know that is totally fucked up, right? We just met!
It’s too much pressure.”

“And so am I. I’m fucked up. I’m crazy and I’m falling for
you. Don’t leave me now. This is just the beginning.”

“Jesus, King, I’m not leaving you, I only wanted some

“Then take it here…please.”

“Fine, I’m gonna shower and call my work.”

He nods and I walk away. Never have I been in such a
dysfunctional relationship in all of my life.

Chapter 19


Sitting on the rocky sand bed at low tide, I look out at the
waves. King has left me alone since our blow up this morning and I have to
admit, I don’t like the silence or being apart from him.

Our relationship has progressed at lighting speed and the
feelings I have for him are so strong it scares me, but what scares me even
more is to think of not being with him.

But he’s so frustrating at times, that I never know when I’m
going to snap and need a break and I don’t like that feeling. It’s not healthy,
or the way to begin any relationship. I wish he could see sometimes how his
actions affect others.

Closing my eyes as I breathe in the fresh sea air, I sense
him behind me. I wonder if he can sense
, when I’m close to him.

“It’s beautiful out here,” I tell him and I hear the crunch
of his shoes against the ground.

“It is. I don’t appreciate it enough. Just like I didn’t
appreciate you this morning and I’m sorry for that, Ever.” He sits next to me,
the most genuine and clear expression on his face. The ways he changes
sometimes, it gives me whiplash. “I don’t want to control you, I mean, I

“Be serious, King.”

“Ever, you…” he breathes deeply and stops talking. “You mean
more to me than I think you realize and I want to spend every goddamn second
with you that I can. Is that such a bad thing?”

“No, King, it’s not. It’s sweet of you and how I feel too.
But what we have…I’ve never experienced. A few weeks ago, I was okay living my
life alone. Then you crashed into it like a tornado and I’m adjusting…but I
need you to let me. And part of that means, I’ve gotta make my own decisions.”

“Absolutely,” he says.

“Like cooking at Lorenzo’s restaurant, and as much as that
was a dream come true, working under him is not the future I see for myself. I
want to own my own restaurant and make a name for myself. I don’t want to be
known because I am the product of someone who’s already famous.”

“I understand completely. I truly had no idea he was going
to offer you a job.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I’m flattered. But I think I’m on the
right path where I am to get the experience I need. Then everything will be all
on my shoulders and what I’ve dreamed about since I was a little girl,
can make happen.”

“From this moment forward, I will support you fully,
beautiful. I won’t make a decision without you, and I most certainly will not
control your life.”

“Thank you,” I say, resting my head on his arm. He kisses
the top of my head and holds onto my face with his soft hand.

“Does this mean you’re going to work tonight?” I look at him
and he raises both his hands in front of him. “Hey, I was only asking.”

“If I don’t work,” I mutter, hating how easily he makes me
cave, “What do you want to do?”

That sexy ass devilish grin comes across his face and he
says, “A lot of fucking.” He stands and reaches for my hand. I take his and we
walk down the beach. The tide is already coming in, pushing us close to the
rocks of the cliff.

“What do you have in mind?” he asks me and I like that he’s
asking me– I can see he’s really trying.

“I don’t know. I normally hike or relax when I’m off.”

“Let’s not try and kill me again.”

“Sorry about that.”

“What if we went somewhere?” he suggests.

“Like where?”

“I don’t know. You ever been to the Marble House?”

“No, what is it?”

“Can I show you?”


“Are you okay if it’s an overnight trip?”


“Don’t get all pissed, okay?” I roll my eyes at him and he
says, “I might have gotten a little carried away this morning after I texted
your boss. So I booked some stuff.”

“You are so controlling. You know what? I’m gonna skull fuck

He smirks and says, “Right… I’d like to see you try.” Then
his eyebrows scrunch together as he processes the vision and he says, “No,
wait, you can’t do that…can you?”

“You know, King, for being as smart as you are, you can be
really dumb sometimes.”

Chapter 20


“Who are you texting?” King asks me as we drive to this
place he calls the Marble House.

“Mistee from work. She’s all worried about me being stuck
out of town.”

“Sorry about that,” he says.

“No, you’re not.”

“You’re right…I’m not.”

Stop stressing. I’ll be back in a few days, but
everything is good.

I had no idea things were that serious with that guy. I
mean, you went out of town with him?

It was a family thing, my dad knows his aunt and we
tagged along, now we all four are stuck.

Isn’t he really rich?

What’s that matter?

How does a rich person’s car break down?

It’s his aunt’s car. But it’s a hybrid and the charger
for the battery went out or some stupid shit. 

All right, well…you owe me.

No, I think you were indebted to me first.

She doesn’t text back and I tell King, “If anyone asks, we
got stuck out of town with my dad and your aunt.”

“Who’s gonna ask me?”

“I don’t know, but that’s what I told my work.”

“Did you ever talk to your boss?”

“Yeah, I talked to him and he said he got the shifts
covered, so I’m not gonna worry about it.”

“Good, you deserve a few days off.”

I smile, knowing deep down that he really has my best
interests in mind. “So the place we’re staying at, is it by the Marble House?”

“Yeah, it’s not far. I can’t wait for you to see it all.
This is what inspired me to become an architect.”


“Yeah, I visited there when I was a kid and I knew right
then what I wanted to do. I wanted to be known for creating and restoring
buildings of this magnitude.”

“So, do you design and restore?”

“Yeah, it’s rare in my field to do both, but I couldn’t
choose so I didn’t.”

“Which do you like better?”


“Do you do it more often?”

“About fifty-fifty, there’s something to be said about
having a building of your own out there that one day someone else will have to

I can see the fire in his eye. This is what he really loves
to do. This is the reason that he has been so lost in his work for so many
years. I mean, he’s cut ties with his family, he said he hasn’t dated since
college, he’s drowned himself in his work, and hearing the excitement in his voice
tells me why.

“This is it,” he says, parking on the street next to the
enormous white mansion.

“It looks like the White House.”

“It resembles it. Come on.” Eagerly he jumps out and then
opens my door and we walk into this amazing place.

“How many rooms are in here?” I ask King as we enter through
the front and look in both directions down the expansive halls.

“Fifty in total. It was built between 1888 and 1892.”

“Wow, that’s old. Has it been restored?”

“Nope, this is what something looks like when it’s taken
care of.”

“It’s gorgeous.”

“It’s perfection, baby. This place is the staple for the
design of mansions across the US.”

After King checks in with the clerk at the front, we are
free to roam about. Going into the first room, my eyes are drawn to the
ceiling. It is painted with the most beautiful cherub I’ve ever seen,
surrounded by clouds and multiple layers of beveled gold. All the while, King
is talking a million miles a minute, explaining everything so fast I can hardly
understand him as we move through this stunning place.

Coming to the bottom of a massive staircase, we wander up it
and into a room. I’m drawn to a wall of stained glass windows. “Are these
original?” I ask him as I peek through them, looking out at the ocean. King
takes his very stiff cock and presses it against my ass. “They are. God, I’m so
hard for you.”

“Are you sure it’s me, or is it all the architectural talk?”

He reaches down with one hand and pinches my nipple firmly
in between his fingers. I yelp in pain and he says, “It’s you, beautiful,
always you. Walking with you as you strut around this place makes me want you.”

I look around the room we are in and ask him, “Are there
cameras in here?”

“Would it matter if there were?” he responds coolly, already
walking towards the door. Quietly, he closes it and I follow. The second he
turns around, I press him against it, dropping to my knees.

“I guess it wouldn’t,” I tell him and wrestle his shaft out
of his pants. Taking my hand, I grip the base, the same way he did the other
day and push all the skin up, then lick and suck his tight balls before sinking
down around him. This time I’m more eager though, knowing how much he likes
this and how horny it makes me to please him. He’s already got one hand on my face
guiding me up and down his length, and the other he wraps into the back of my

‘That’s it, eat me up like a good girl,” he says and I shake
my head, devouring all of him, breathing through my gag reflex. He takes both
of his hands and grips my face, tilting so I’m looking up at him resting on the
door of this stunning room. I’ve never felt better about creating such a sin.
Letting go of his shaft, I give control over to him. He barrels in and out of
my mouth. My pussy, eager and jealous. Reaching down, I rub myself and he
tenses, then grunts far too loudly as he gives me his cum. I look up at him and
see his eyes are on me touching myself, and both of his hands are still
clutching my face as I suck him dry. Pulling away, I stand and he touches my pussy,
kissing my neck. I push him away and he says, “Let me make you come.”


“Please, I want to fuck you in here.” His eyes are heavy
from coming and then someone opens the door. King keeps his back to them, as I
stand facing the older gentleman, blocking his view of King putting his dick
away. “You’re not allowed to close the doors.”

“I’m sorry, I was admiring the room, as a whole.” I can
taste King on my breath and hope the man doesn’t sense anything strange. King
drapes his arm over my shoulder as we walk out of the room and casually stroll
down the hall.

“I think there are cameras in there,” he says as we go for
the exit, and I could slap him. “Shut the fuck up,” I scoff, as we exit the
front doors. He ignores my remark and I ask him, “Are you sure?”

Getting into his car, he says, “Probably not, but saying
there were was my way of getting you out of there so I could fuck you and make
you come.”

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