The Baby Race (24 page)

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Authors: Elysa Hendricks

Tags: #horses, #midwest, #small town, #babies, #contemporary romance, #horse rescue, #marriage of convenience, #small town romance, #midwest fiction

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Claire nodded slowly. Pain seemed to drain
from her gaze. Her grip loosened and peace settled over her. "I
think I knew all along. Banner was so insistent in his demands. But
I didn't want to question the miracle. You gave up your dream to
save Bobbie Sue. Thank you."

"Don't thank me. I won't have the money I
promised you in the prenuptial agreement. And what I earn from my
saddle making business won't provide much in the way of child
support. If you stay with me, I'll be better able to take care of

She tugged her hand free. "Oh Race, I don't
know. Financial security is important, but I want more in my life.
Bobbie Sue and Whosit deserve more. I need more."

Doctor Burton's entrance into the room
interrupted their conversation. He checked the monitors and Claire
then smiled. "Looks like the baby has decided to cooperate and move
into position. It shouldn't be long now before you have a son or a
daughter. The nurse will be in a minute and I'll be right back. I
have to check on Elizabeth. You and she are running neck and neck
here." He turned and left.

"Well, if Whosit here gets moving we might
still win Grandmere's Baby Race," Claire joked weakly. "Then our
problems will be solved. You'll have enough to save the ranch and
not have to worry about us."

He was going to lose her. Not to death, but
to fear. He-captured her hand and held it against his chest. "I've
always thought of myself as brave. I can go into the stall of
pain-crazed stallion without a second thought. But that doesn't
take courage, just a death wish. Instead I'm a coward of the worst
kind. I've been afraid to take a risk. To risk betrayal. To risk
rejection. To risk my heart. But if I don't take the risk how can I
ever hope to win what I want most out of life?" Three little words
froze his tongue.

Hope lit Claire's eyes. "What do you

"You. Win or lose. I want you to stay with
me. I need you to stay with me." Better to risk it all and fail
than lose by not trying. "I love you."

"Y-you love me?" Tears ran unchecked down
Claire's cheeks. A smile trembled on her lips.

"Yes. I love you." The words came easier now.
"For as long as I can remember I protected myself from pain by
denying what I most dearly wanted – love – your love.

"I told myself I gave Banner the money to
save Bobbie Sue from growing up like I did, an unwanted and unloved
child of an indifferent if not abusive parent. How could I put
rescuing horses before the welfare of a little girl? But I was
lying to myself. The real reason is that I love her. And I love
little Whosit here." He placed his palm against the swell of her

"You opened my eyes and my heart to the love
that's always surrounded me, the love of my family and friends,
your love. Stay with me. Be my friend, my lover, my wife. I love

"I love you too. Oh!" she gasped. "You'd
better get Dr Burton back in here. I think Whosit is about to make
his appearance."


"Yes, now."

The next few minutes passed in a blur of
activity that ended with an angry cry as Whosit made his way into
the world.

Later, after the baby returned from being
cleaned and checked, Race gazed in awe at the red, wrinkled little
face peering up at him. Nothing in his life had prepared him for
the overwhelming surge of fierce, protective love he felt for this
precious new life – his son.

Her face pale and drawn, but content, Claire
smiled at him then said, "We have to give him a name. I don't think
he'll appreciate being called Whosit much longer. I'd like to name
him after you. Is Race your given name or a nickname?"

He was saved from answering when the nurse
came to move Claire and the baby from delivery to their room.

Once settled in her room, she again raised
the issue of a name for the baby. "What is your real name?"

From behind the curtain separating the next
bed came Colin's voice, "Yes, Race, tell her your real name." The
curtain opened revealing Colin, Lizzie and a blue wrapped

"Not in this lifetime," Race whispered.

Before Claire could question him again the
room filled with people. All talking at once, Jackson, Cindy, and
Bobbie Sue crammed into the small space.

"Congratulations son. You too, Colin.

"Oh, Jackson aren't they precious. Any chance
you'd like to try again?"

"Lemme me see my baby brother. Grandmere was
right. I got my wish, "Bobbie Sue crowed."

"Where are my great-grandsons?" an imperious
voice demanded from the doorway. Conversation stopped and all eyes
turned as Grandmere entered the room.

Race heaved a frustrated sigh. Since he'd
declared his love for Claire and asked her to stay, they hadn't had
a moment alone. His leap of faith left him suspended in limbo. Now
that Grandmere had arrived, it didn't look like they'd get one.

"Well?" She looked pointedly from Race to

With an apologetic shrug at Race, Colin
nodded. Race thought he'd feel devastated at losing the ranch, but
the feel of Claire's hand in his and sight of his son's sleeping
face filled him so full of love there was no room left for sorrow
or regrets. Even though the land would be sold, The Rescue Race
Ranch wouldn't die. Somewhere, someday he'd rebuild it.

"Congratulations," Grandmere continued. "You
will of course name him after his great-grandfather."

"Hell no!" Colin swore.

"His name is Cale," Lizzie said.

"Uncle Colin said a bad word." Bobbie Sue
looked up from her examination of her baby brother.

"Come on. Let's go down to the gift shop and
find some presents for the babies." Cindy ushered Jackson and a
reluctant Bobbie Sue out of the room.

After they left, Race cringed as Grandmere
turned her attention to him. "Do you also refuse to honor your
grandfather by naming your son after him? It is after all your
given name as well."

Grateful to be out of Grandmere's spotlight
Colin and Lizzie concentrated on little Cale.

Before Race could respond to Grandmere's
challenge, Claire said, "We'd be pleased to give our son his
great-grandfather's name as his middle name. I'd like his first
name to be Jason." She looked at Race. "Is that all right with

"I suppose that will do," Grandmere agreed.
"Though I'd rather he were called…."

"Jason is fine." Race cut her off.

As if he approved, the baby yawned and his
eyes blinked open.

"Then Jason it is. Jason…" Looking pointedly
at Race, Claire paused and waited.

"Do you plan to tell your wife her son's
middle name?" Grandmere smiled triumphantly.

He glared at her. "You'll wait forever before
I'll utter the name that caused more schoolyard fights until I
finally got smart enough to call myself Race. If I never hear that
name again it'll be too soon."

"Horace. His name is Horace."

Race looked up at the tall, blond, bearded
man filling the doorway and groaned.

"Travis?" Colin asked. "Is it really you?
When did you get back? Are Mom and Dad with you?"

"Got in this morning. They'll be back next
week. I caught an earlier flight. I was just coming over to see you
at the picnic when everyone disappeared. Now I know why. Congrats,
little brother. You too, cuz. A couple of handsome boys you've got
there." He strode into the room and introduced himself to Lizzie
and Claire. After taking a peek at each baby, he slapped Colin then
Race on the back.

"Have you no greeting for your Grandmere?"
Grandmere gave an imperious huff.

"When have I ever forgotten my best gal?"
With that he scooped her into a bear hug.

"Put me down, you great oaf. Did you leave
your manners in the jungle?"

Travis gently lowered Grandmere to her feet.
Clucking like a ruffled hen, she made a show of smoothing her
rumpled suit.

Race thought that maybe Grandmere protested
just a tad too loudly. As her eldest grandchild, Travis had always
be her favorite, able to get away with most anything. A fact that
hadn't always endeared Travis to his cousins, especially when one
of his exploits ended up with them in hot water while he blithely
charmed his way out of the situation.

"There's someone, actually two some ones I'd
like you to meet. Wait here." Looking excitedly smug, Travis darted
out of the room.

Race exchanged a puzzled look with Colin.
What did Travis have up his sleeve this time?

A few minutes later Travis returned with a
woman. Hugging his side, she smiled shyly. Her dark, exotic beauty
contrasted sharply with Travis' all-American blond ruggedness. Just
a hair over five feet tall, she barely reached his shoulder. Her
colorful sari-type dress revealed a trim yet womanly figure. She
wore her straight, black hair in a thick braid that fell past her

"I'd like you to meet my wife, Galenia."

"Married?" Race asked.

Colin recovered first. "Congratulations.
Welcome to the family, Galenia. When did this happen? Why didn't
you let us know?"

"Galenia's English still isn't that fluent.
We got married this morning." Travis held up his hand. "Long story.
I'll tell it later. But first there's someone else you need to
meet." He took a brightly colored bundle from a nurse standing in
the doorway. After she left, he lifted the edge of the blanket and
said, "My son, Horacio Adriano Ramirez Reed."

"Your son?" Colin asked.

Travis grinned and nodded.

Race chuckled. "Looks like big brother beat
us both again."

"Oh my," Grandmere whispered, for once nearly
speechless as her gaze moved from infant to infant to infant. It
only took seconds for her to recover her poise. "Horacio?"

"Though my wife insists on calling him
Adriano, I thought the Latin version of Horace would please you."
Travis wrapped his free arm around Grandmere.

She reached out and stroked the baby's soft
cheek. "Oh, it does. I'm pleased with all three of my
great-grandsons and the three of you."

While the others seemed oblivious to the
subtle softening in her eyes, something in the way she looked at
Travis, Colin and Race in turn warned Race of what she was about to

Before Grandmere spoke, he had to have
Claire's answer. He had to know for sure. He captured Claire's face
in his hands and turned it to him. "I love you, Claire. Will you

"Yes. Forever. I love you."

No matter what else happened now, he had
everything he needed or wanted in life – Claire, Bobbie Sue and the
baby – his family.

He covered her lips with his own, sealing
their promise with a kiss.

Seconds or minutes later Grandmere's discreet
cough as well as Colin and Travis' laughter pulled them apart. A
blush crept up Claire's cheeks, but Race just met their knowing
gazes and smiled.

Grandmere cleared her throat and waited until
she had everyone's attention. "It is apparent that little Horace
here is my first great-grandson."

Race winced at the sound of the name, but
Claire squeezed his hand and past pain melted away.

"And Travis is therefore entitled to the
reward promised. But since I have never played favorites…"
Grandmere paused to glare at Colin and Race when they tried to
stifle their laughter. "…I feel it only fair to bestow a like
amount on each family."

Before the enormity of what had just happened
could fully sink in, Grandmere finished in a dramatic flurry. "And
I offer the same to whichever family sees fit to produce my first

Race flashed his grandmother a wicked grin.
"I'm afraid with this crew." He nodded at Colin and Travis who were
cooing in a less than dignified manner over their new sons. "You're
going to go broke."

Masculine laughter and feminine blushes
filled the room.

Grandmere smiled contentedly. "Unlikely, my
dear boy. Unlikely."





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