The Ball (36 page)

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Authors: John Fox

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Harcourt, Robert, 16

Harlem Globetrotters, 312

, 45, 47, 59, 60

Harper's Weekly

Harrison, James, 263

Harrow School, 223–24

Harvard University, 219, 226–28, 231, 249, 253, 255–57

Heisman, John, 231–32, 233

Henry II, King, 105

Henry IV, King, 84, 91

Henry VII, King, 93, 99

Henry VIII, King, 105

Heraclitus, 13

Herrera y Tordesillas, Antonio, 127–28, 129–30

Hill, Amos, 288–89, 294

Hispaniola, 114

hockey, 186

Holman, Nat, 308

Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 256

Homer, 42

Howard, Dwight, 281

How Football Explains America
(Paolantonio), 229

How Soccer Explains the World
(Foer), 229

Huaorani Indians, 325–28

Huizinga, Johan, 14, 15, 29

Hulbert, William, 206

hunter-gatherer tribes, 29–33

hunters, 71–73

Huron Indians, 144

Indians, 143, 146, 148, 155

lacrosse played by,

Intercollegiate Athletic Association (ICAA), 258

Intercollegiate Football Association (IFA), 226, 242, 243, 244, 248

Inuit, 31–32, 143

Ireland, 230

Iroquois, 144, 146, 148, 152, 159, 162, 169, 171, 173

Iroquois League, 151, 157

Iroquois Nationals, 149

Irving, Washington, 191

Isaacs, John, 312

Italy, 98

Jackson, DeSean, 265–66

Jacques, Alf, 164–68,
, 169, 170, 172

Jacques, Louis, 164–65

jai alai, 113

James, LeBron, 281

James, William, 13

Jamestown, 179

Jamieson, Cody, 141–42, 171

Japan, 59

Jesuit Relations, The
, 144–45

jeu de paume
, 81–97,
, 100–102, 105–11, 303

John XXII, Pope, 74

Johnson, W. B., 63

Johnston, Davie, 53–54, 58–59, 65, 69, 78, 79

Johnstone, David, 78

Jordan, Michael, 280, 281, 320

Journal of the American Medical Association
, 253–54

Keller, Joe, 289

King, Graeme, 53–57, 65, 68, 69, 78

King Football
(Oriard), 256

Kirkwall Ba', 48–59, 64–74, 76–79, 223, 320

Kirsch, George, 191

Knickerbocker Base Ball Club, 191–96, 200–202

Konner, Melvin, 17

Korea, 59

Kuczaj, Stan, 18–21, 23–26

!Kung bushmen, 30

lacrosse, 141–73,
, 174, 230–31, 269, 270, 282

balls for, 160, 162, 173

Beers and, 155–57

box, 158–59

as Creator's game, 160–63, 167–68

fields for, 156

growth in U.S., 170–71

Indians barred from competing in, 156–57

medicine games, 162–63, 164, 173

NCAA Championship, 141–42

rules for, 156–57

shamans and, 162

sticks for, 144, 160, 164–68,
, 169, 173

women's, 160–61, 171

World Championships, 149–50, 153, 171

Lacrosse Hall of Fame, 165

Lahontan, Baron de, 145

language, 35

Lapchick, Joe, 310

Leamington Spa, 109

Lee, Richard, 30

Leslie, Bobby, 53–54, 56–57

Levine, Peter, 205

Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 177

Lindon, Richard, 233, 234, 238

Little Pretty Pocket-Book, A
(Newbery), 182–84,

Litwack, Harry, 308

Lizárraga, Fito, 112–13

Lizárraga y Barra, Rafael “El Huilo,” 136–37

Lobo, Rebecca, 295, 300, 301

, 56

Long, Terry, 261

longball, 154, 180

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 279

Los Llanitos, 112–13, 120–26, 135, 136, 138–40

Louis XIII, King, 105–6

Louis XVI, King, 107

Louvre, 105

Lynn Live Oaks, 196–97

Lyons, Oren, Jr., 141, 169

MacCambridge, Michael, 217

Madden NFL
, 265

Maes Howe, 49

Maigard, Per, 180

management, scientific, 241

Manchester United, 322–24

Mandelbaum, Michael, 241

Manning, Eli, 236

Marin, Peter, 264

Marino, Lori, 23

marn grook
, 30–31

Marples, Morris, 222

Martial, 45

Mártir d'Angleria, Pedro, 114, 116–17

Mary, Queen of Scots, 303

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 257

Maya, 120, 123, 131–32,
, 134, 232, 264–65, 271, 320, 325

ball courts of, 5–6,
see also ulama

Popol Vuh
of, 131–33, 135, 320

Mazatlán Historical Society, 139

McBurney, Robert, 285

McCray, Lawrence, 177

McDonald's, 281–82

McGill University, 227, 231, 282

McGrath, Ben, 265–66

McGwire, Mark, 187

McLendon, John, 313–14

Mencken, H. L., 286

Menominee, 144

Merlin, 60

Mesoamerica, 7, 114–20, 134, 138

see ulama

met de krik ketsen
, 186

Mexico, 112–15, 119, 120, 128, 131, 137–39, 145

Michoacán, 118

Miller, Mary, 133

Mills, A. G., 209

Minnesota Quicksteps, 189

Mohawk, 148, 151, 155, 168

Molière, 106–7

monasteries, 7, 81–82, 102–5, 114

Monrovia, Calif., 178, 187

Montana, Joe, 236

Montreal, 148

Montreal Canadiens, 159

Montreal Lacrosse Club, 155

Montreal Shamrocks, 282

Morris, Peter, 193

Motolinia, Fray Toribio de Benavente, 116

Much Ado About Nothing
(Shakespeare), 86

Muir, Edwin, 50

Mullins, Sharon, 237

Naismith, James, 267–78, 281–83, 285–86, 302–3, 313–14

Naismith, Rachel, 313

Napoleon I, Emperor, 84, 91, 249

, 252–53

National Association of Base Ball Players (NABBP), 202, 204

National Association of Professional Base Ball Players, 205

National Basketball Association, 11

National Center for Catastrophic Injury Research, 262

National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), 258, 259

Lacrosse Championship, 141–42

National Football League (NFL), 11, 217, 223, 234, 260, 261, 263

footballs used in, 235–38, 240

National League, 207, 209

Newbery, John, 183,

New England Patriots, 236

New Leadership Charter School, 291–98,
, 301, 308

New Year's Day, Kirkwall Ba' on, 51–52, 64–71, 79, 320

New York, 174

New York Clipper
, 206

New York Daily News
, 308

New Yorker
, 222, 265

New York Giants, 236, 261, 265–66

New York Mutuals, 195–96

New York Renaissance Big Five, 309–12

New York Times
, 252, 258

New York Tribune
, 203

New Zealand, 230

Normandy, 62,
, 63

Northwestern University, 257

Obama, Barack, 315–16

Odyssey, The
(Homer), 42

Ohio League, 234

oina, 179–80

Ojibwe, 144, 147–48, 161–62

Olmec, 117–18, 120, 320

Olympic Games, 41, 320

Oneida, 151

Oneida Club, 226

Onondaga, 141, 148–55, 158–63, 168–70, 172–73

Onondaga Redhawks, 149–50, 164, 168–70, 172

Oriard, Michael, 241, 256, 264

Original Celtics, 309–10, 311

Orkney, 48–59, 64–71, 76–79, 223, 320

Ortiz, David, 187

Oshkosh All-Stars, 312

Otomac, 326

Overman Wheel Company, 274, 275

Oxford University, 225

Páez, Chuy, 112–13, 122, 124, 136–40

Páez, Chuyito, 122

Paleolithic era, 71–72

, 113

Paolantonio, Sal, 229

“Parker's Piece” (Stephen), 80

Parkman, Francis, 146

Paso de la Amada, 118

, 143

, 106

Peace, E. C., 245

Peart, Jeff, 197–98

Pellis, Sergio, 22

pelota de viento
, 113, 114

pelota de vasca
, 113

Philadelphia Eagles, 265–66

Philadelphia SPHAs, 307–8, 310, 311

Philip of Castile, King, 93

Physics of Football, The
(Gay), 261

Piaget, Jean, 20, 25–26

Pierce, George L., 275

play, 13–36

brain size and, 22–23

cognitive skills and, 21–22

play (

deep, 264–65, 266

deficit in, 8–9

dolphins and, 17–21, 22–26, 28–29, 318–19

Playing for Keeps
(Goldstein), 195

Play Their Hearts Out
(Dohrmann), 289

Pliny the Younger, 45

Polamalu, Troy, 260

Polish immigrants, 179

polo, people, 36–37,

Pontiac's Rebellion, 147

Popol Vuh
, 131–33, 135, 320

Powless, Barry, 160, 169

Price, Peg, 237–38

Princeton University, 218, 226, 244–45, 257

Rutger's football series against, 218–22, 226, 246

Rambo III
, 32–33

Ramirez, Manny, 187

, 142–43

rats, 21

Reed, David Allen, 285

Remington, Frederic, 253

Renaissance, 102–6

Riegle, Dan, 235–36, 238, 239, 240

Ring of Brogar, 49

rivalries, 55–56, 201, 319

Rock, Harry, 284

Rodgers, Aaron, 263

Romanian Oina Federation, 179

Rome, ancient, 44–47, 59, 60, 320

Ronaldson, Chris, 84–85

Ronaldson, Matthew “Matty,” 84–92, 96–97, 100–102

Roosevelt, Theodore, 208, 255, 257, 286

rubber balls, 142, 232, 233, 326–27

in baseball, 193

, 114–18, 124, 138–40

Rucker, Holcombe “Ruck,” 290–91

Rucks, Mike, 287–90

rugby, 224–25, 227, 228, 230, 242, 251, 257

scrummage in, 243–44, 248

Rugby, England, 233, 234

Rugby Football Union, 225

Rugby School, 224–25

Russell, Bill, 308

Rutgers University, 218, 226

Princeton's football series against, 218–22, 226, 246

Ruth, Babe, 178

Sahlins, Marshall, 30

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre, 91

St. Magnus Cathedral, 55, 64

St. Nicholas Projects, 290

St. Olaf's Church, 76–77

Saitch, Eyre “Bruiser,” 311

San Francisco Examiner
, 193

San Francisco 49ers, 236

Saperstein, Abe, 312

Sarlangue, Mathieu, 109–10

Sauk Indians, 147–48

Schwarzer, Joe, 274–75, 307

Scientific Basis of Fascism, The
(Gini), 180

seals, 16

Seigneur, Marc, 109–11

Selig, Bud, 212

Seneca Indians, 148, 151, 155, 168

Seymour, Harold, 195

Shakespeare, William, 86, 185

Sheehy, Brian “Cappy,” 198, 200

shinny, 143

Shrine of the Eternals, 178

Shrovetide, 61, 63, 73, 74

Skara Brae, 49

Smith, Sid, 141–42, 171

Smith College, 302, 304–5,

soccer, 7, 11, 171, 176, 229, 230, 231, 242, 269, 283, 327

balls for, 238

Société Sportive du Jeu de Paume et de Squash Racquets, 108

Society for American Baseball Research, 182

Society for the Advancement of Baseball Research (SABR), 176–77

soule, la
, 62–63,
, 73, 75, 230

Spalding, Albert G., 204–10, 212, 237

Spalding, Walter, 206

Spalding Inc., 206–8, 237

basketball and, 274, 275

Spalding's Official Baseball Guide
, 207–8, 209

Spanish explorers, 114, 126–28, 131, 134, 135, 145–46

Spence, Rodney, 79

Spencer-Pierce-Little Farm, 196–97

, 42–43, 44, 45

spoilsports, 13–14

sports, beginning of, 36–47

Sports Illustrated
, 289

Springfield, Mass., 278–82

Dunbar Community Center, 287–88, 289, 291

New Leadership Charter School, 291–98,
, 301, 308

Stade, George, 265

Stagg, Amos Alonzo, 250, 259, 283

Stanford University, 248, 257

Stanley, Paul, 117

Stefanski, Zbigniew, 179

Stephen, J. K., 80

Stephens, John Lloyd, 271

stool-ball, 185, 186, 200

Strzelczyk, Justin, 261

Sulzberger and Schwarzchild, 237

Sumner, William Graham, 254

Super Bowl, 217, 236, 238, 261, 263

Superclásico, Il
, 56

Sutherland, Jock, 259–60

Syracuse Orange, 149, 172

Syracuse University, 159

Taft, William Howard, 255

“Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” 175–76, 197, 213

ta kurt om el mahag
, 180

Tarahumara, 142–43

, 124

Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 241

tennis, 4, 7–8, 80–111, 114, 145, 176, 319

author's playing of, 4–5, 7–8, 96

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