The Beast and the Homecoming Queen (19 page)

BOOK: The Beast and the Homecoming Queen
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Justin chuckles, and sits up to give her a quick sweet kiss. “Go to sleep my love. Good night and sweet dreams.”

“Good night honey.” Quinn turns around, and Justin wraps his arm around her waist. She falls asleep to his chuckles.


Kaden sits on the couch and turns on the TV. He knows that Quinn love him, he can see it, and she doesn’t want to admit it. He thinks of her little sister and how Quinn lights up more with her around.

Kaden loves seeing that.

“Kaden can I watch some TV with you?” Lizzy asks in the doorway. Kaden turns to look at her, and smiles she is wearing black pajamas with green bows all over them.

“Your sister would kill me if she knew I let you stay up late,” Kaden says, and he watches Lizzy shoulders drop. “Fine don’t tell Quinn. Come sit next to me.” Kaden feels bad for her; he knows what it feels like when you know your mother doesn’t want you.

“I won't say anything,
” she says. Lizzy stares at the TV and Kaden can see the pain written all over her face.

“Lizzy you know if you need to talk I am here for you.” Kaden looks at her and she nods but keeps her eyes on the screen. “My mom told me she hated me and wished I was never born.”

Slowly Lizzy turns her head and when her bright blue eyes meet his, a piece of his heart breaks.

Her big eyes fill with
tears. “That is so horrible.” A few tears break free, and run down her cheeks.

“Yeah and she left me in the juvenile detention center. Then I met the man that was my father, he hated me more than she did. Lizzy you will be happy here with us, Quinn is so happy that you are here.”
Kaden smiles, and a smile appears on her face.

Lizzy wipes her noes, and her eyes. “My mom hasn’t been the same since my daddy died. She has been really mean to me, and I have been begging her to bring me home to Quinn.” A couple of tears fall and Kaden wipes them away
with his fingers.

“I'm so sorry you had to go through that, but now you have Justin, me and your sister on your side. I will always be here for you if you need a shoulder to cry on.” Kaden takes one of her hands in his.

Lizzy smiles. “Thank you Kaden.” She turns her attention back to the TV. “I know my sister is with Justin, but I can see that she loves you. It's in her eyes, my daddy used to look at my mom like that.” She looks back at Kaden. “And I see it in your eyes too, you are totally in love with my sister.”

Kaden laughs, and takes his hand away. “You are too wise for your age.”

“I get my smarts from my dad. You know Quinn is stubborn and will never admit how she feels for you. We also get that from our dad.” She smiles, and Kaden thinks she looks like the kids she is.

“I know.” he says, and turns on a funny movie for them to watch.



Chapter Fourteen

Moon & Neptune




Quinn wakes up when her alarm goes off, and Justin moans. She reaches over and turns it off, when she turns back around Justin is propped on his hand smiling at her. Quinn arches an eyebrow at him.

“What?” she asks, and wondering if her hair is going in all different directions.

“I can't get over how beautiful you are, even in the morning.” Justin
grins and pulls her on top of him. “I can't get over that you are my mate.” He kisses her nose, and she giggles. Justin frames her face with his hands, and smiles. “I can't get over how much I love you, and by some miracle you love me back.”

Quinn lays her forehead against Justin, and stares into his eyes. “You are a sweet talker. Do you want to know a secret?” She smiles, he nods. “I love every second of it.” Quinn kisses him. It starts out sweet and loving, until he flips her onto her back. He deepens the kiss, and presses his hard body into her soft and delicate body. She moans thinking about how perfect their bodies fit together. Quinn rips her lips from his, and is breathing heavy. “Justin.” She whispers.

She brings her eyes to his and he is breathing just as heavy as she is. “God, you drive me completely crazy. But I suppose you need to get ready and bring Liz to school.” Quinn nods, and grins. “Fine but I want you to promise that we will pick where we are leaving off later.” Justin's eyes target her lips, and she laughs. “Ah your light is coming back. Is that a yes to the promise, my love?”

“Maybe if you play your cards right.” She winks and he groans.

Justin rolls off of her, and Quinn smiles. “You are really trying to killing me.” She laughs and gets out of bed. She grabs some clothes, and turns to look at Justin. He is lying on the bed with is eyes close, and smiling.

“Thank you for loving me for me.” Justin opens his eyes, and sets up. His chest catches her eyes, and she can feel her heart speed up.

“Quinn when you love someone you love everything about then. The good and the bad, I haven’t seen anything bad about you, and when I do I will still love you. You love me even though I am a jealous controlling ass face.” She burst out laughing, and he grins.

“You are
my jealous controlling ass face,” Quinn says, as she laughs, then walks out of the door.

After Quinn takes a shower she heads downstairs, she needs to move into her dad's room. She knew that she would have to, but not this soon. But having four people share her bathroom isn’t fair, and she doesn’t like getting up this early. The master bedroom is twice the size of hers, about one and half the size bigger than the other one. Plus she has a feeling Justin is going to be sleeping next to her, and her bed isn’t big enough for that.

Kaden is already awake and cooking. Quinn smiles, and then sees her sister at the table staring at Kaden, well Kaden's butt.

“Good morning,
” Quinn says as she chuckles. Kaden looks over his shoulder at her, and nods. Her sister looks quickly from Kaden's perfect butt.

“Hey Quinn!” Lizzy says and jumps up from the table looking guilty, Quinn smiles and shakes her head.

“Go get what you need for school, we are leaving in five minutes,” Quinn says, and Lizzy nods then looks back at Kaden.

“Thank you for breakfast, Kade.” She says and bats her eyes. Where in the world did her little sister learn to flirt?

“Anytime sweetie.” Kaden turns around and hugs Lizzy.

Kaden pulls away from Lizzy, and she giggles.
The look on her face is priceless. “Liz hurry please,” Quinn says, with a smile on her face.

Lizzy nods and walks out of the kitchen. Kaden turns around and looks at Quinn. His long beautiful black hair is pulled back neatly. His face chiseled is like what you would see in an ancient statue or a Van Gogh painting. His dark blue eye
s are surrounded by thick black lashes. “Good morning sweetheart.”

Quinn loves that he calls her sweetheart, it makes her heart skip a beat. “Good morning Kaden.”

She can hear Justin and Lizzy coming towards them. Quinn quickly looks away from Kaden, she doesn’t want to make Justin mad. Not after a perfect morning, and promise to pick things up later.

She smiles when strong arms wrap around her waist. “Morning Kaden
,” Justin says, and rubs his cheek against hers.

Kaden nods and turns around. “Good morning.”

Quinn clears her throat and moves out of Justin's arms. “I will be late to school. I have some things I need to take care of.” Quinn looks back at Kaden, and wonders how he is doing. “Justin you can take Liz to my car?” She turns to face him, and he doesn’t look happy about leaving her alone. “Remember about playing your cards right,” she says, and he nods.

Let’s go Lizzy,” Justin says and puts his arm around Lizzy's shoulders.

Once Quinn knows they are out of hearing distance, she turns her attention back to Kaden. “Let me see.”

Kaden narrows his eyes, and shakes his head. “Yeah that isn’t going to happen.”

“Please I want to make sure you are better.” Quinn only got to glance at it yesterday. Kaden rolls
his eyes, and lifts up his shirt. The hole is closed, and all that is left is a dark purple bruise.

Kaden puts his shirt back down, and grins. “
Princess your blood is the gift of life. The bruise will be the last to go, but I’m fine.”

Quinn smiles. “Good I was so scared that you weren’t going to be, there was so much blood and the hole was huge. I will see you later, please be nice to Justin.”

Kaden laughs. “That is asking a lot, but for you I will try.”

Quinn walks out of the house, and smiles at Justin he is leaning against her car talking to Lizzy. He laughs at something Lizzy says,
and then he looks up at her. He keeps his wonderful smile when he looks at her, and his eyes light up. Quinn loves the way he looks at her, like she is the only girl in the world.

“Wow, I want someone to look at me like that.” Lizzy says, and Quinn smiles at her little sister.

“You will when you are way older. Like when you are fifty.” Quinn winks at Lizzy she gets an eye roll in return “Get in the car, we will leave in a minute.” Lizzy nods and does what Quinn says.

“Thank you for letting me talk to Kaden.” She lays her head on his chest.

He wraps his arms around her, and kisses the top of her head. “Quinn there isn’t a competition, you are my mate not his. You love me that is all I need.”

Quinn looks up at him, and he smiles down at her. “So you aren’t jealous anymore?”

Justin laughs. “I didn’t say that, I will always be jealous. Just like I will always be a wolf. It's part of what I am.” She smiles, that is good to know. “See you later my love,” he says with his lips against hers, and he kisses her. Justin keeps the kiss sweet, and she can't wait until they are alone again.

Justin moves aw
ay from her. “I love you Justin,” she says, and he stops.

Justin turns around, and a huge smile on his face. “I love you too.” He winks, and Quinn jumps when her car horn goes off. She turns around and glares at her little sister, Lizzy smiles. “You better get going, my love.”

Quinn nods, and gets into her car. “Yeah I didn’t want to see you suck face with Justin again. It kind of makes me sick and I didn’t want to throw up in the car.” Quinn laughs and starts the car.

“Whatever! Next time close your eyes.” Quinn says as she is pulling out of the driveway.

After Quinn dropped her sister off at school she decides the mall is the best place for her to shop.

She needs to get Lizzy a new phone, and get a new bed for the master bedroom. She walks up to her cell phone company, and a young man turns around.

Quinn's heart drops, it's the hunter slash wolf, Jax. “Quinn, what a pleasant surprise.” He grins at her and she feels angry. “What can I do for you?”

Quinn stares at him, and shakes her head. “Yeah I need to add a phone to my plan.” She moves in front of the phones.

“How's the omega?” Jax asks, and Quinn slowly brings her eyes up to meet his.

“He has a name.” s
he says, and looks back down.

Princess, I know, Kaden right? How's Kaden?” Jax asks, and winks at Quinn.

, thanks to me,” she says and looks back up at him, his mouth drops open.

“You gave him your blood?” Jax sounds and looks shocked.

“Of course I did, I would do it for anyone that needed it,” Quinn says and stands straighter.

“You are different from the other pure bloods, I will follow yo
u to my death if you need me,” he whispers, and bows his head.

“I will keep that in mind,” s
he says, and he lifts his head to look at her. His pale green eyes look softer.

“I am sorry I came to kill you.” He smiles, and shrugs.

Quinn nods, and looks down at the phones. “I will forgive you if you give me an awesome deal on two new phones.”

“Anything for you
, Princess.” Jax winks at her.

After t
wo new smartphones, and a new king size bed being sent to her house tonight, Quinn also picked out new bedding. It is black with royal blue design, she hopes Justin likes it. Quinn walks into the school office and tells them she had to take care of her little sister, which isn’t a lie.

Quinn walks into the lunch room and walks to Justin. He is sitting with his back towards
her; she walks to him, and kisses his cheek.

“Sorry ma'am, I have a girlfriend, and I know she wouldn’t like to
see another woman kissing on me,” Justin says, and grins. “But I haven’t seen her today, so you'll do.” He scoops her up in his arms, and kisses her on the lips.

Quinn giggles the whole time, and when Justin pulls away she playfully hits him on his shoulder.

“Put me down, crazy boy!”

“Not if your life depended on it. I have missed your pretty face.” Justin smiles at her, and she shakes his head.

Quinn looks around and notices that everyone is watching them. “Justin people are staring.”

Justin looks around, and laughs. “Let them stare my love.” He sl
owly puts her down on her feet. “Did you get everything settled?”

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