The Beckoning Lady (33 page)

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Authors: Margery Allingham

BOOK: The Beckoning Lady
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At long last Mr. Campion left the car for Lugg, and he and Amanda walked home through the dawn. For a long time she was silent, but when they were completely alone she paused to look at him.

“I suppose it's going to be all right?” she said.

“All right?” His glance was sharp. She was far too clever; he had observed it before. “What did you notice?”

“Only,” said Amanda calmly, “that Miss Pinkerton spelled ‘judgment'
just like you do

Mr. Campion was silent for a long time. Finally he hunched his shoulders. “What a horridly odd coincidence, little Over Intelligent,” he said softly. “You will kindly shut up about that one—unless, of course, you want to come and grin at me behind bars. What else could be done? The suicide note had to be found. In what other way could the truth be made so apparent to South? Like all good officials he had to have a bit of paper to convince him.”

“Oh quite,” Amanda was affable. “Do you think the carbon was much like the fair copy?”

“Good heavens I hope so!” Mr. Campion sounded both dignified and hurt. “My sincere bet is that it is almost exact. I may be unethical but I am not criminal. The only person who could tell us would be the S.S.S. man and then only if he read the letter to the Coroner before he destroyed it. Perhaps he didn't. Anyhow, I don't think he'll offer much comment.”

“No.” Amanda spoke thoughtfully. “Sidney Simon Smith has his own troubles just now, since Fanny has found him out.”

By the time they reached the Mill they were talking of other things.

“I went in to look at Rupert before I left,” Amanda remarked, “and I tell you, Albert, I think
ought to have some twins.”

“Now that is a thought,” said Mr. Campion.



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Epub ISBN: 9781448138043

Version 1.0

Published by Vintage 2007

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Copyright © Rights Limited (a Chorion company) 1955.

All Rights Reserved.

Margery Allingham has asserted her right under the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act, 1988 to be identified as the author of this work

First published in Great Britain in 1955 by

Chatto & Windus


Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road,

London SW1V 2SA

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 9780099506089

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