The Bellbottom Incident (8 page)

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Authors: Neve Maslakovic

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Mystery

BOOK: The Bellbottom Incident
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“Sorry, I got time-stuck. Which was better than being struck by the car that just ran the stop sign.”

I could almost see Dr. Little’s ears perk up, though he seemed more interested in the scientific ramifications of what had happened than he was in my continued safety. “Ah. The opposite of a ghost zone, if you will. History protected you. If you had been splattered all over the pavement, it would have affected the driver’s day, that of the ambulance personnel, and so on.”

“Yes, and mine, too.”

“Well, I’m glad the car didn’t mow you down,” Abigail said, a concerned look on her face.

“For a second there I thought I’d hit the wall because History was sending me back…you know, because of the matter you’re studying, Dr. Little.”

Dr. Little shook his head. “If History wanted to send you back, Julia, it wouldn’t strand you by a stop sign. It would channel you in the direction of STEWie’s basket by the Open Book, which is where we’re heading anyway.”

“I’m older than you by what, a month or so?” I asked as we resumed walking.

“Twenty-eight days.”

“So I will be the first one to go, if these things happen in order.”

“They may not. As you have just seen, History can be unpredictable. Let’s pick up the pace—Mooney said to meet him at five thirty. It’s past that now.”

There was, however, no one waiting by the Open Book to meet us.


“He’ll come,” Abigail said after we’d waited by the sculpture for a good half an hour, during which time the sun had sunk under the horizon and the campus street lamps had started to flicker on. Students were gathering for some kind of rally in the plaza, but there was no sign of
graduate student. “He said he would, and Dr. Mooney always keeps his word, right?”

He usually did, this was true. “I imagine he’ll show up if for no other reason than that he must be so curious about what we could tell him—this must be the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to him. Speaking of which…Dr. Little, has Dr. Mooney ever said anything to you about having met us in the past?”


“And you, Abigail?”

Abigail shook her head. She was seated with her back against the sculpture with her knees drawn up. For some reason my mind interpreted the image in the fading light as if she were a Lilliputian leaning against a normal-sized book rather than a normal-sized person leaning against a large book.

“Well, he never said anything about it to me either,” I said. “So what do we make of that?”

Abigail stuck up her chin. “He must have had a good reason.”

“Humph,” was all Dr. Little said.

I was with him on that one. I didn’t like being kept in the dark.

Dr. Little was also on the ground, cross-legged on the grass. He had stepped into STEWie’s basket already dog-tired from the triple pressure of being a new parent, teaching, and conducting research. The catnap in the physics courtyard had helped temporarily, but he was back to looking beat. I fought back a yawn myself and the impulse to lie down on the grass for just a brief moment. By now it was past midnight in our internal clocks. And here? I checked my watch. It was 6:15. Dusk came early in the fall.

“Why is no one doing what they’re supposed to be doing?” Dr. Little complained after we had waited a while longer in silence. “Sabina is wandering around instead of waiting where she could easily be rescued. Mooney isn’t here even though he said he would be. This is why I don’t research

He meant historical figures, which is what almost every other professor and graduate student in the TTE department studied, in addition to doing their more technical work. I understood why he felt that way, even if he had phrased it strangely. He wanted his heroes to remain heroes. The more information the STEWie program gathered on a historical figure, the more
—and therefore imperfect—an image emerged. For example, a research team had recently happened to confirm that Beethoven was quite fond of cheap wine…
If you want your heroes to remain heroes, you best not look too closely
. It was the unwritten rule of time travel. Probably life itself, really.

“I don’t know why Xavier Mooney didn’t come, but for all we know Sabina could simply be time-stuck somewhere on campus,” I said. The blanket, water bottle, and first aid kit had remained undisturbed, so we were fairly certain she hadn’t come back to the Open Book and left again. “Once it gets completely dark, maybe she’ll be able to emerge from her hiding spot, wherever that is, and make her way back here.”

“And what’s your hypothesis about Mooney, then? He’s forty-five minutes late.” The young professor fought off another yawn, as if irritated with his own body’s behavior as well as that of the people around us. We were all hungry—the granola bars and water we’d shared while waiting had not gone far, and we had done a lot of walking. Dr. Little had budgeted for a short run, and in my haste to get going, I’d left my shoulder bag, which always contained an abundance of snacks, behind in the lab.

“I guess he must have changed his mind about coming for some reason, or got held up at his desk. Either way, I don’t think there’s any point in waiting here any longer. The cafeteria is where Sabina found shelter before, so she may come back for the night.” I bent down to pick up the blanket, water, and first aid kit.

Abigail reluctantly got to her feet and dusted off her bottom. “I guess if the professor were coming, he’d have shown up by now.”

Dr. Little pulled himself up too, but more slowly.

“You want me to carry the duffel bag for a bit?” I offered.

As if I had said something to impugn his manhood, Dr. Little heaved the bag up on his shoulder. “I’m fine. Let’s go.”

“I think I just saw her—well, a person in a white lab coat—going in
direction. Did you see her, Julia?”

Dr. Little gave Abigail an unconvinced look, clearly not sharing her excitement. “Lots of white coats on campus. Could have been a researcher coming to the rally straight from a chemistry or medical lab.”

“Sorry, Abigail,” I said, “I was looking in the other direction.” I scanned the plaza crowd where she had pointed, in the direction of St. Olaf’s Hall. Judging by the homemade cardboard signs the students were holding, it was a pro-Carter rally urging people to vote in the upcoming Tuesday election. Someone was getting ready to make a speech, but for the moment everyone was still milling around, making it impossible to determine whether Abigail really had glimpsed Sabina in Dr. Mooney’s white lab coat. Complicating matters further, many of the rally attendees and those crossing the plaza by foot or bicycle were in Halloween costumes. “Why won’t everyone stand still?” I complained. “Watch out for that bicyclist, Dr. Little!”

Dr. Little, standing with his feet apart, didn’t bother moving. “I’m pretty sure History will not let me be hit by a cyclist, Julia. Just like it stopped you from being run over.”

That may well have been true, but I still adopted a more careful approach, stepping aside to dodge the bicyclists weaving across the plaza around the pedestrians. I was still staring in the direction in which Abigail had thought she’d glimpsed Sabina, trying to see over people’s heads, when a bike bell chimed behind me. I turned quickly, ready to jump out of the way again.

It was Xave, streaking across the green toward us, his head bedecked with a white wig. He came to a stop next to us and hopped off his bike, a red one that seemed to be an early version of Scarlett, his future bicycle, as though parts from it would be incorporated into its successor.

“Where have you been?” Dr. Little demanded loudly, so as to be heard over the increasing chatter of the crowd.

“And a howdy to you too.”

“You’re an hour late.”

“No, I’m not. We said half past five.”

I double-checked my watch. It showed just about six thirty. Dr. Little checked his, which showed the same.

Xave looked from Dr. Little to me. “Don’t you have daylight saving time in the future and all the annoying changes it entails?”

Dr. Little’s mouth turned downward. I heard him swear under his breath as we moved toward a less busy spot by the cafeteria. “Right. It’s October 31—DST ended last night. I still had my original run date in mind.”

Xavier—the older one—had sent us forty-eight hours ahead of Dr. Little’s original coordinates. Instead of being one o’clock when we’d arrived, apparently it had only been noon.

“I should have remembered that,” Dr. Little continued in the tone of an academic mortified to have gotten something wrong. He adjusted his watch, and I did the same with mine. “We wasted the last hour of daylight waiting for Mooney to show up.”

We had, but it was no one’s fault. I said as much. “We rushed here to 1976 without much planning. And Steven, you haven’t been getting enough sleep since Piper was born.”

“That’s no excuse.” I couldn’t tell if he was glaring at me because I had used his first name or what.

Xave raised an eyebrow at us. “So this is what time travel is like, huh? Girls lost in time. People bickering over an hour here and there.”

“It does mess with your head,” Abigail conceded.

“Far out. I’m looking forward to it.”

“Well?” I demanded. “Did you ask around the physics building and St. Olaf’s Hall?”

“I did.”


He shook his head at us. “No luck. Sorry.”

We digested the news silently.

Xave regarded us for a moment, then said, “Look, it seems to me that what you need is a good meal and some rest, and then we can put our heads together and see what to do about finding Sally. Why don’t you join me for”—he raised his voice as a speaker started shouting into a microphone, eliciting an approving roar from the crowd—“DINNER?”

Dr. Little gave him a frank look and shouted back through cupped hands. “It’s not that easy…We can’t exactly go WHEREVER WE WANT.”

“History might STOP you, or something like that?”


“Well, what would you do in my place? I’m burning with CURIOSITY.”

“Sure, we can join you for just dinner,” I said quickly as the speaker went temporarily quiet, getting in the words before Dr. Little had the chance to disagree. Xave had a point. We wouldn’t be doing Sabina any good if we fainted from hunger. Besides, the cafeteria was where we wanted to be anyway, the likely place Sabina would return to as night fell, wherever she was at the moment.

Xave had locked his bicycle into an empty spot in the rack by the front doors. “Fair warning—the cafeteria food is really bogue,” he threw over his shoulder as we followed him inside.

“Did he say
?” Abigail whispered to me. “What does that mean?”

“From what I know of cafeteria food, it can’t mean anything good.”

Long rows of green plastic tables, which had thankfully been changed out at some point before my arrival at St. Sunniva as an undergrad, formed the eating area of the cafeteria. Students sat at the mostly packed tables engaged in lively conversation over their dinner trays, except for a loner here and there reading a paperback. There was a somewhat larger number of women than men, which was not a surprise since the school had only turned coed in 1968 and I knew it had taken a good decade for the numbers to even out. No one had a laptop or a tablet or an e-reader or a smartphone, which was not a surprise of course, but I couldn’t help but notice that it made for a more social setting. The only electronic device in sight was a radio blaring in one corner. I coughed. The place reeked of cigarettes. Still, they didn’t mask the cooking scents wafting from the kitchen, and I suddenly realized how ravenous I was.

Xave pointed the three of us to a table that had just emptied, then came back after a minute to ask, “Scarily fried chicken or dismembered sausage links?”

At first I thought the attributes were related to the bogue quality of the food, but then I remembered it was Halloween. The staff must have chosen to get creative with their menu. “Fried chicken, I guess,” I said.

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