The Betrayed (19 page)

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Authors: Kate Kray

BOOK: The Betrayed
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Back in London, the house was a hive of activity. Ruby’s hair was tightly curled in heated rollers, while a pretty girl with a stud in her tongue applied translucent make-up. Hanging on a rail in Ruby’s bedroom were the clothes for the photo shoot – there were over 20 costumes for her to choose from. Ruby positively sparkled as she chatted nonstop with the make-up artist.

As usual, Andrew took control, moving lights and tripods into various positions, setting up shots all around the house. Ruby was too excited to even be nervous, and couldn’t wait to get started. With the help of a costume dresser, she slid into her first outfit – a sparkling long gown.

For the first set of pictures, Ruby lay on a chaise longue. Andrew gently moved her arms into position and talked her through the shot.

‘Treat the camera like an old friend,’ he told her. ‘Okay, now… relax… relax…’

Ruby smiled, and the camera clicked.

After a few more costume changes, Ruby was really settling into it. It was only towards the end of the shoot, when she changed into a bikini, that she felt suddenly uncomfortable. Looking at herself in the bathroom mirror, she felt awkward at the prospect of exposing herself in front of so many people. The costume dresser was very sympathetic and told her not to worry, offering her an alternative costume – a less-revealing beach-wear outfit with a cropped top. But it still didn’t feel right.

The lighting engineers, hairdresser, and make-up girl were booked for the day and, as time was running out, Andrew went up and knocked on Ruby’s bedroom door.

‘Are you going to be much longer, love? We’re all waiting for you.’

The costume dresser popped her head around the half-open door and shook her head.

‘Poor little love,’ she whispered, ‘she’s gone all shy. She doesn’t want to do the bikini shot. It think it might be best to leave it.’

Andrew nodded and said, in a raised voice, ‘Don’t worry, Rube. It’s okay. Let’s leave the swimwear. We can always do that shot another time, okay?’

Ruby knew that he would understand – he always did.

Back downstairs, once the crew had packed upand left, Andrew turned to Ruby and said, ‘You were fantastic! The pictures will be fabulous, and you’ll become Britain’s next top model.’ He fished his mobile out of his pocket. ‘Pizza time. What do you fancy? Pepperoni or just cheese and tomato?’

Ruby smiled. ‘I don’t mind, you choose.’

After phoning and ordering a large pepperoni and a side order of garlic bread, Andrew said, ‘I didn’t order anything for Lucy! When’s she getting here?’

‘Oh, she can’t come. Her dad’s back at home – he was away in New York – and he’s taking her out. They’re divorced. Her mum and dad.’

‘Right. Oh well, it’s just us two, then.’

‘I’m going to pop upstairs and have a bath,’ said Ruby, ‘wash off the make-up, and get changed. Will you call me when the pizza arrives?’

‘Of course,’ said Andrew. ‘No problem.’

Forty-five minutes later the pizza delivery man arrived. After paying and quietly closing the door behind him, Andrew went through to the kitchen, put the food on the table, and walked silently upstairs to Ruby’s bedroom. He tapped quietly on the door and, when there was no reply, Andrew slowly turned the handle, pushed open the door and stepped inside. Ruby was in the bathroom – he could hear her splashing. For a moment, he stood perfectly still and held his breath. The only sounds he could hear were Ruby humming a tune, and the beat of his thundering heart. Then, very slowly, Andrew tip-toed towards the bathroom door. It was ajar. He stood at the door, the sweet smell of scented oils filling his nostrils. Clammy beads of sweat appeared on his top lip, and his breathing grew heavy. Peering through the crack in the door, Andrew watched as little Ruby stood up in the bath. For a moment, he drank in the sight of her nakedness. As she reached for a towel, Andrew stepped back.

‘Who’s that, who’s there?’

Quickly shuffling back towards the bedroom door, Andrew replied, ‘Pizza’s here! You better hurry up, or it’ll get cold.’

A little later, after tucking into their pizza in front of the television, Andrew disappeared into the kitchen. Ruby heard a loud pop, and he returned with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

‘Shall we celebrate?’

‘I’m not allowed to drink!’ Ruby said, giggling. ‘Mum says I’m too young.’

‘Well,’ said Andrew, sitting down next to her, ‘I won’t tell her if you don’t. It can be our little secret. You did so well today, I think you
a treat.’ He handed her a glass. ‘A toast – to Ruby, Britain’s next top model.’

Ruby sipped the champagne. It tasted funny and the bubbles went straight up her nose, making her sneeze. But she didn’t want to disappoint Andrew, so she gulped back the rest of the glass as if it was lemonade. Andrew watched her carefully as he refilled her champagne flute. After the third glass, Ruby was giggling and stumbling over her words. ‘Thanks for today, Andrew,’ she said. ‘I really enjoyed it.’

‘You were great. I was proud of you. It’s just a shame that…’

‘What?’ asked Ruby, her eyes struggling to focus.

‘It’s a shame you couldn’t do the bikini shot.’

‘I’m sorry, I let you down,’ said Ruby, suddenly serious. ‘I just didn’t want to put on the bikini in front of all those strangers. I was just shy, that’s all.’

Andrew watched Ruby with unblinking eyes.

‘Well, I suppose…’ he said. ‘Oh, maybe not’.

‘No, go on. What?’asked Ruby.

‘I suppose – if you want to finish off your portfolio – I suppose we could do the bikini shots now? We could do them in my study. I’ve got tripods, the camera, I’ve got everything. What do you think?’


‘Then your portfolio would be ready to send out for agents. Without it, it’s not really complete.’

Ruby thought for a moment, her head felt giddy from the champagne. ‘Okay,’ she said finally. ‘Why not? I’m not shy in front of you.’

Andrew took a deep breath and held it. ‘That’s sorted then’ he said. ‘You pop up to your bedroom and get changed into the bikini, and I’ll get set up in my study.’

He helped a rather unsteady Ruby to her feet, and she swayed across the lounge, up the stairs, and into her bedroom. She put on the bikini, her inhibitions washed away by champagne. She made her way to Andrew’s study, fluffing her hair before she entered.

Opening the door, Andrew’s eyes widened with excitement. Without saying a word, he took her by her tiny hand and led her to the white leather couch. He poured her another glass of champagne, which she dutifully drank within seconds.

After positioning her on the couch, Andrew stood behind the camera and started to take photos. Ruby, eager to complete her modelling portfolio, did exactly as Andrew said. After all, she told herself, he knew best… he was the expert. Finally, having taken what must have been over a hundred shots, Andrew sat on the edge of the sofa and handed Ruby a refill.

‘You see? There was nothing to worry about, was there. Quite the little model now, aren’t you?’ He reached for her hand, and held it firmly in his. They sat that way for several minutes, until Ruby finally looked up at him.

‘Can I have a smile?’Andrew asked.

In spite herself, Ruby felt her lips started to curl. She felt funny, kind of sick.

‘That’s better, ‘Andrew said. ‘Now, how about a kiss?’

Ruby felt the blood rush to her cheeks. Did he mean like before? She looked at his lips, her head was swimming. She wanted him to stop talking to her, to let go of her hand.

‘Perhaps you would like me to kiss you?’ Andrew whispered.

Ruby’s eyes dropped to the floor and she gave a breathy sort of sob. Andrew leaned forward. His lips felt warm and spongy on hers, and wet on the inside as he parted them.

‘There’ he said. ‘Does that feel better?’

She swallowed hard, the champagne tasted horrible in her mouth. Andrew got to his feet, and slipped a hand under Ruby’s hair, gently pushing her backwards across the couch. Ruby’s shut her eyes tight, and felt cold as Andrew climbed on top of her. She took a deep breath, one that shook her whole body. She tried to push Andrew off, but he was too heavy. She tried to stop him, he was too strong. She tried to call out, but there were no words.



osie tried several times to contact Ruby on her mobile, but it always went straight to voicemail. Assuming that it was turned off because of the photo shoot, and not wanting to disrupt the first steps of her daughter’s modelling career, she decided to try calling back later. But by ten o’clock there was still no reply to the message that she’d left, so she called the landline.

‘Hi Andrew, how’s it going?’

‘Oh, hi! Yeah, good.’

‘How’s Ruby? I tried to call her on her phone, but I guess it was switched off for the photo shoot.’

‘Exactly,’ said Andrew, sounding as upbeat and confident as ever. ‘It’s lovely to hear your voice, sweetie. Well, Ruby did brilliantly… absolutely fantastic. She worked her socks off, bless her. She’s a natural, a little star. In my humble opinion, she’ll go a long way in this industry. And don’t think that I’m saying this because she’s your daughter, the truth is Ruby is very photogenic. The camera loves her nearly as much as she loves the camera.’

‘Wonderful! Thank you, darling. I’m so grateful for what you’ve done. Can I have a quick word with her, just to say goodnight?’

‘She’s fast asleep. She’s been so excited all day that I think it finally caught up with her. I’ll get her to call in the morning.’ Andrew quickly changed the subject. ‘Now, please tell me, how are Aunt Madge and Dibble coping with country life?’

‘She misses London, I’m afraid. She can’t wait to get home… it’s “her programme” tomorrow night, remember?’

‘What time are you leaving?’

‘I’ve got an early start and two short scenes, but I should be finished by lunch. Back at home by early to mid afternoon, I suppose.’

The following morning, Ruby still hadn’t called. Rosie left yet another voicemail on her phone: ‘Hiya, Rube. I spoke to Andrew last night. He was very pleased with you… said you’re the next Kate Moss. I’ll be home this afternoon. Call me back when you get this, okay? Love you.’

After listening to the message, Ruby sat on her bed staring at her mobile. Tears streamed down her face. She wanted to talk to her mum more than anything in the world, but what could she say? Her head was pounding from last’s night champagne, and her private parts were burning and sore. She felt so alone – confused, frightened, and betrayed.

Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, Ruby felt an icy wave of fear wash over her. She jumped out of bed and checked the lock on her bedroom door, double checking that it was locked. Of course it was… it had been locked since last night.

‘Rube, are you up yet?’ Just the sound of Andrew’s voice caused her breathing to halt. She felt sick. ‘I’ve made you breakfast, and Mummy will be home later today.’

She couldn’t believe her ears. Andrew was acting as though
had happened. She stood in silence, frozen to the spot, as Andrew tried her door handle.

‘Come on, love,’ he said, in a sickly tone, ‘time to get up.’

Ten minutes later, dressed in an old tracksuit and with her hair scraped back into a ponytail, Ruby cautiously went downstairs. Andrew was busy in the kitchen, frying bacon and singing along to the radio.

‘Morning, darling,’ he said. ‘One egg or two?’

Ruby winced at the word ‘darling’… that was what he often called her mum. ‘I don’t want anything,’ she replied curtly.

Andrew turned off the radio, drew himself up to his full height, and turned to Ruby.

‘Listen Ruby, what happened last night…’ he said, quietly and affectionately. ‘I won’t tell your mum that you got drunk. Or that you made advances towards me. She would be so angry if she knew you betrayed her like that.’

‘But… but…’

‘No, Ruby, ‘Andrew continued, in a more commanding tone, ‘I think it’s best if I don’t tell her. I won’t get you into trouble. It will be our little secret.’

Ruby didn’t know what to say. She knew that she shouldn’t have drunk the champagne – that would make Mum pretty mad – but what he’d done to her… well, she hadn’t asked for that. She was old enough to know what had happened – she had been raped.

Looking at him, she wondered if she knew him at all. She had thought that they had a special bond – in a father and daughter way – but she had been very wrong. But what about her mum’s feelings? And the house where they now lived? Ruby could feel the tears come, she was in complete turmoil. Okay, she told herself, she
craved for Andrew’s attention. Yes, she had wanted and needed his love… but a father’s love, not this.

Andrew just stared back at Ruby, watching as the tears rolled down her cheeks. This time yesterday, she never would have believed that he could be so cold and callous. He turned back to the stove, and switched the radio back on.

‘So, one egg then.’

That afternoon, after dropping Aunt Madge and Dibble back home, Rosie unlocked the front door.

‘Hello!’ she called. ‘I’m back.’

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