The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection) (13 page)

BOOK: The Billionaire Next Door (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Collection)
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Ransom turned back to Solie who still sat there, looking
wary.  Earlier she’d tried to play boss but now it was time to show who was in

“Come here.”  It was not a request but an order, said in
a tone designed to shock her into action.

It worked.  Almost.

Solie made what seemed like an involuntary move, shifting
forward before she stopped short.  Then her eyes narrowed.  “What about the
dare?” she asked.  "Tell me what it is.”

Ransom almost sighed.  So much for being the big boss. 
He decided to change tactics, letting a seductive smile slide onto his lips. 
“Come over here and I’ll tell you about it.”

Solie frowned.  “Why should I?” 

Ransom’s smile deepened.  “Because you want to?”

She seemed to give that some thought then her frown
lifted and she graced him with a smile.  “Maybe I’ll sit beside you,” she said,
“but just for a little bit.”

That was all Ransom wanted to hear.  ‘A little bit’ was
good because once he had her in his arms he knew there would be no turning

Solie got up and took the steps that put her right in
front of the sofa and then she sat down, and she didn’t scoot away and seek
refuge all the way at the end, either.  She placed her butt firmly on the
cushion then turned to look at him, challenge gleaming in her eyes.  “What’s
the dare?”

Ransom chuckled and relaxed against the sofa cushions,
regarding her through half-closed eyes.  The girl was a brave one, he would
give her that, but now it was time to really test her mettle.

“I dare you,” he said, his voice silky soft, “to kiss me
like I’ve never been kissed before.”

He was watching her intently, expecting a flicker of
fear in her eyes, maybe even a gasp.  None of that.  Damn, this girl was good.

With nary a hesitation she jerked her chin toward him
and the look of defiance she gave him and the newly formed pout on her pretty
lips told him her fiery spirit was back.  “What do I get,” she demanded, “when
I fulfill your dare?”

That made him lift an eyebrow.  “Don’t you mean ‘if’?”

“I mean ‘when’.”  Her voice brooked no argument.  “What
do I get?”

Ransom gave her a slow smile.  “You get…” he said softly
as he began to undo the top button of his shirt, “…me.”

He’d meant it as a joke, of course.  He’d merely been
teasing her but the look in Solie’s eyes told him she took him seriously

He was on the second button when she made her move.

Like a woman warrior, fierce and fearless, Solie moved
forward and slapped her hand over his, effectively stilling all movement.  Then
her fingers curled around his and she shoved his hand down and away.

Sleek as a cat she leaned over and slid her body up his,
making him stiffen instantly.

Jesus, one move and she had him hard as rock.

Like a master seducer Solie slid her hands along his
arms and up over his shoulders then, just like she’d done last time, she slid a
soft palm behind his neck, the better to keep him in her control.

Then slowly, so tantalizingly slowly, she lowered her
face to his, closed her eyes and gently brushed his lips with hers.  They were
soft lips, delicious lips that he wanted to devour, but he would not reach up
and spoil this.  He would let her have her way.

Within seconds of teasing him Solie’s light kisses
turned more insistent.  She pressed those soft petals against his mouth,
applying a sweet gentle pressure as one hand slid down and she planted her palm
against his chest. 

Maybe she’d done it to steady herself, Ransom had no
idea.  All he knew was that the feel of her hand as it brushed against his
nipple had him fighting to keep his hands off her.  God, he wanted to reach up
and pull her into him, slide the softness of her bottom lip into his mouth,
slip his tongue deep-

That was as far as he got because, as if she’d been
reading his mind, Solie bit his bottom lip then sucked it into her mouth,
sending shockwave after shockwave up his spine.

When she released it he moaned and, giving in to his
desire, he slid eager hands around her waist.

She slapped them away and renewed her attack, kissing
him softly then applying pressure so that his lips parted, giving her free and
willing access.

It was like Solie needed no invitation.  Sliding her
tongue in she tasted him, touching her tip to his then stroking and teasing
until she was drawing low moans from deep inside him.  The girl could kiss.

Caught up in the passion of the moment he made another
attempt to hold her and this time she did not object.  Sliding his arms around
her he pressed her into him then he captured the back of her head in one hand
and tilted her face, giving himself better access.  She’d done her part,
expertly fanning the flames of his desire, but now it was time for him to
retake control.

He was kissing her deeply, passionately, urgently and
she was clinging to him like she would never let go.  With all this fire
blazing between them the night would not end with just one kiss.

More than willing to take things to the next level he began
to shift on the sofa, Solie in his arms, intent on positioning her beneath him
so that he could take the lead.

And then his cell phone rang.  Damn.  Why hadn’t he
turned the friggin’ thing off?

He was almost tempted to ignore it but the ring after ring
after ring made him pull away and, with a curse, he reached down to dig into
his back pocket then dragged it out, ready to end the call. But big and clear
on the screen was the name of the one brother he’d ever had to fret about.  It
was Rafe.

Ransom’s heart jerked.  This could only mean one thing. 
If Rafe was calling him it meant he was in trouble.

He slid out and away from Solie, giving her an
apologetic look, then he tapped the button to answer the phone. 

He put it to his ear.  “Speak.”




Ransom sat forward as Rafe’s voice filled his ear. 
“I’ve had enough, man,” his brother said.  “I’m coming home.”

That was good news…or it could be bad.  Ransom’s brows
fell.  “Why?  What happened?  Are you okay?”

“I’m okay,” Rafe said, almost sounding exasperated. 
“And nothing’s happened.  I’m just ready to make a move.”

Now that he knew Rafe was okay Ransom wasn’t quite so
glad he’d answered the phone.  “So.  You’ve finally come to your senses.”

“You could say that.”

“Well, that’s all well and good but you caught me in the
middle of something.”

“No, wait.  Don’t hang up.”  There was a near plea in
Rafe’s voice that made Ransom pause.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“When you talk to Mom tell her…I’ll be home for

Ransom almost didn’t believe his ears.  Rafe had avoided
all family gatherings for the past year.  Still, he wasn’t prepared to get
mushy about it.  “Good to know,” he said simply.  “Mom will be pleased.”

“Thanks, Ran.”  Rafe sighed.  “I could have called and
told her myself but I just hate it when she gets all emotional and stuff.  It
might make me change my mind.”

“I understand,” Ransom said, his tone abrupt.  “Now I’ve
really got to go.”

“Okay, no prob.  I’ll talk to you some other time.”

Ransom clicked to end the call then he turned his
attention back to Solie but she’d already straightened up and left the sofa. 
Now she was standing by the window, her back to him.

“Solie, I’m sorry,” he began but he stopped short when
she put up a hand.  She turned to face him.  “It’s okay, Ransom.  I totally
understand.  You had to take the call.”

She was saying the right words but the serious look on
her face told him the mood was already shattered and the moment had passed. 
They were not going to be picking up where they’d left off.  Not tonight.

He drew in a breath and let it out then he shoved the
phone back into his pocket and slapped his hands on his knees.  “I guess I’d
better be going.”  He said the words slowly, giving her ample opportunity to
jump in and say no, just stay a while longer.

It didn’t happen.

Ransom could have wrung Rafe’s scrawny neck.  The night
had held such promise but now the only promise likely to be fulfilled for him
was a night in his bed in a house where his only company was of the four-legged

He got up, disappointed that Solie hadn’t wanted him bad
enough to ask him to stay.  In fact, the look she was giving him just then wasn’t
all that pleasant.  It was like she blamed him for the interruption.

Wanting to break the tension, he gave her a smile. 
“Come,” he said, and this time he was gentle.  “Walk me to the door.”

She nodded and turned to go and as he followed her down
the hallway all he could think was, what a lousy way to close a wonderful day. 




“He invited you out?”  Kyra’s shrill voice ripped through
the office.

“Shhh.  Will you be quiet?”  Solie glared at her.  “Or
were there some other people across the street you wanted to bring up to

“Sorry,” Kyra whispered, covering her mouth with her
fingers, then she giggled.  “This is so exciting.  I can’t believe it. Solie’s
back in the game.”

Solie grimaced. “Don’t get too excited.  It’s only a
date.  It’s not like we’ve made a lifelong commitment or anything.”  She shook
her head.  Kyra could be too enthusiastic sometimes.  “And don’t tell anyone,”
she warned.  “Especially not Jen.”  Jen was not strong in the ‘keep your mouth
shut' department.  Solie was not about to have her business be the lunchtime
topic in the hospital cafeteria.

“What about Dominic?  Can I tell him, at least?”  Kyra
looked like she had an itch she was dying to scratch.

Solie gave her a wide-eyed glare.  “Are you crazy? 
Definitely not him.  Nobody.”  She emphasized the last word, thrusting her face
forward as she did, making sure Kyra got it.

Apparently, she did.  Her shoulders slumped and she set
her lips in a pout.  “All right, I won’t tell anyone.”  She threw a sullen
glance in Solie's direction.  “Killjoy.”

“Yeah, yeah.”  Solie waved her off.  “Live with it.”

It wasn’t until several hours later that Solie got a few
free minutes where she could actually think about what she’d shared earlier
with Kyra.  Ransom had invited her out and she couldn’t have been more

Well, actually, she could have been a lot more thrilled
if she didn’t still have Raul to worry about.  Since the day he’d shown up on
her doorstep he’d called her so many times.  Each time she’d hurried him off the
phone, giving him some lame excuse or other.  She was at work, she couldn’t
talk, she’d told him once.  Another time she’d said she was on an overseas
call.  Each time she’d chosen the coward’s way out, lying to him instead of
blasting him and telling him to get the hell off her phone.

Now, though, with things looking like they could begin
to get serious with Ransom she could hide from her bugbear no longer.  Like it
or not, she would have to confront him head on.

Because, how could she jeopardize what was meant to be? 
How could she let anything get in the way of her budding relationship with
Ransom?  She’d accepted his invitation to dinner at 3030 Ocean on Saturday
night and, before then, she wanted to set things right.  She had four days to
get her house in order.

That evening as soon as she’d showered and climbed into
bed Solie placed the phone on the bed right next to her, hoping desperately that
this was one of those nights when he would call.  She was in luck.

As soon as she answered the phone and he began to speak
she broke in.  "Raul, we need to talk.  Can I see you tomorrow?”

“Ah ha.  Finally coming to your senses.”  She could just
imagine his face as he gloated.  “I knew you’d come around.”

Solie didn’t bother to make him any wiser.  “Can you
meet me at Grand Forno tomorrow around seven o’clock?  I’ll head there straight
from work.”

“That anxious, are you?”  He chuckled into the phone. 
“You want yourself some Raul candy real bad.”  Then he paused as if a thought
struck him.  “So what made you come around?  You’ve been avoiding me all this

“N…nothing in particular.  I just need to talk.”  Solie
chose her words carefully, not wanting him to get suspicious.  The last thing
she wanted to do was scare him off.  “So, can you come?”

He gave another laugh, a relaxed sound that made her
almost sigh in relief.  “How can I resist,
mi amor
, when you plead like

By the time the call ended their rendezvous was
confirmed for seven o’clock on Thursday.  If all went well she would be free of
Raul a whole two days before her date.  All she could do now was keep her
fingers crossed that she didn’t blow it.

Next evening, dressed in a simple black skirt and white
blouse, Solie entered the coffee shop and selected a deserted table close to
the rest rooms.  It wasn’t that she liked being in that location but the
patrons tended to chose other, more pleasant areas before looking in this
direction.  That was exactly what she wanted, whatever little privacy the
restaurant could provide.  And for what she was about to do she wanted quiet,

By the time Raul arrived she was ready.  Waving him over
to the table she directed him to his chair, making sure he was positioned just
right.  Then she placed her purse on the table between them – she’d made sure
to select a small one this morning – and leaned forward with a smile designed
to put him at ease.  “Glad you could make it,” she said, keeping her face
pleasant when all she wanted to do at that moment was slap the smirk off his
face.  He was looking too pleased for her liking.

mi amor
.”  That annoying endearment
again.  “You’re looking good today.  Good enough to eat.”  He gave Solie a
suggestive smile that made her shudder inside.

Time to get his dirty mind off that track.  “What can I
get you?  It’s my treat.”

Raul gazed at her for a full ten seconds, just leering,
not saying a word.  Then he shrugged.  “Surprise me.  You’re good at that.”

She was good at surprises, all right, and boy, was he in
for a big one.  She got up from the table and went to place an order for iced
tea, iced coffee, a panini and a salad.  Within minutes she was back, tray in
hand, and when he reached out and shifted her handbag her heart jerked. 
Shoot.  What if his hand touched the button?

"Here you go, Raul,” she said, a super-bright smile
on her face.  “Go ahead and help yourself while I go powder my nose.”  She
grabbed the purse from the table and rushed past him to hide herself away in
the ladies’ room where she could do a quick check of her device.  Satisfied,
she headed back out to slide onto the chair across from him.

Shifting her meal to one side she made sure to deposit
her purse close to him and then she began to speak.

She hardly ate, preferring to let him blab away in his
good old Raul Escobar way.  Then, when he was good and comfortable, she decided
it was time to take control of the conversation.

“Raul, we have to talk.”  She leaned forward and looked
him straight in the eyes.

“But of course,
mi amor
.  That is what I love to
do, to talk to you…among other things.”  He gave her a cheeky grin and leaned
forward, too, so close that they looked ready to share a kiss.

Solie’s immediate impulse was to pull back but she
fought the urge.  She needed him close and if this was the way to get that,
then so be it.

“Raul,” she said, “I want you to tell me why you’ve been
stalking me.”

Raul tilted his head and gave her what he must have
thought was a seductive smile.  It wasn’t.  “Oh, my love, is that what you call

“Yes,” she said fiercely, “that’s what I call it.  For
the past five weeks you’ve been harassing me, calling me at all hours of the
night, then you show up at my home and invite yourself in and then, to top it
all off, you threaten me.”

“Threaten you,
mi amor
?  I’m hurt.”  He gave her
a playful pout.  “How can you say that?”

“I can say that,” she said through clenched teeth,
“because it’s true.”  Stealthily, she shifted her purse closer to him.  “Don’t
you admit that you’ve called me after midnight, even at two in the morning?”

“But don’t you see?  It is because I love you.”

“So you admit it.”

“Of course,
mi amor
.  What won’t I do for love?” 
Raul was turning on his Latin charm now, full force.

“And you admit that you barged into my home?”

“I wouldn’t say ‘barged in’.  You wanted me there.  I
could see it in your eyes.  That’s why I came in.”

“And what about when you threatened violence if I showed
interest in anyone else?”  She was warming up to the questioning.  She knew
exactly what to ask to get him to tie himself up.  She hadn’t watched all those
episodes of ‘Law and Order’ for nothing.

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