The Billionaire Who Wasn't (55 page)

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Bush, George H.W.
Butler, Allan C.
Butler, Robert
Byrne, Desmond
Cadwalader, Wikersham & Taft; Allen & Overy
Camus, Jean-Paul
Camus, Michel, and Camus cognac company
Camus Overseas Ltd. (COL)
Cannon's Health and Fitness club (London)
Carnegie, Andrew
Cars International
Cash, Joe
Cashen, Tony
Castletroy Park Hotel (Limerick, Ireland)
Castro, Fidel
Central Buying Office Switzerland (CBOS)
Chabot armagnac
Chaminade University (Hawaii)
Chan, Anson
Chanel perfume
See also
Feeney, Charles F., philanthropy of
Chaskalson, Arthur
Chataway, Chris
Chow, Smiley
Chuck's Steak House
Citizen's Scholarship Foundation of America
City Year program
Clark, Jim
Clark, John J. ( Jack), Jr.
Clarke, Ron
Clinton, Bill
Coaldrake, Peter
Coe, Sebastian
Cogan, Bob
Cohen, Ed
Cold War
Columbia University
Computer software
Connolly, Frank
Connolly, Niall
Conroy, Mark
Conyers & Pearman
Cooperation North (Cooperation Ireland)
Corcoran, Tommy “The Cork,” 48-49
Cornell University
Cornell Tradition
donors to
Cornfeld, Bernard “Bernie,” 49
Corrigan, Frankie
See also
Ireland, Centre for Public Inquiry
Costello, John “Jack,” 6
Couran Cove Island Resort (Australia)
Courier Mail
Courvoisier cognac
Covert, Angela
Cravath, Swain & Moore
Cure at Troy
Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle
Daglian, Ara
Daimler Benz factory (Stuttgart, West Germany)
Dale, Harvey
Damon, Stewart
Davney Fund
Delancey Street foundation (San Francisco)
Delaney, Ron
De Lazaro, Buddy
Dempsey, Noel
Dennehy, John
Denning, Steve
Diamond, Aaron and Irene
Dirksen, Everett
Dividend payments
Dodd, Christopher
Dole, Bob
Dowd, Maureen
Downer, Roger
Downes, Larry
Downey, Frank “Skip,” 5
Downey, Jim
Downton, Christine V. 236
Doyle, Frank
Dueland, Tass
Duffield, David A.
Dunn, James J.
Duty-free items
See also
Cars International
Congressional hearings concerning
history concerning
states shipped to
as unaccompanied gift items
Duty Free Shoppers (DFS)
board of directors
credit for
gift of checks to employees
growth of
premier items sold
sale of shares in
secrecy concerning shareholdings.
See also
Duty Free
Shoppers, sale of shares in
Wise Man Agreement concerning .
See also
Millstein, Ira M.
Dwyer, Jim
Dwyer, John
East Meets West Foundation
Edgerton, David R.
Edmonds, Bob
Egan, Michael
Elizabeth Daily Journal
(New Jersey)
Elliott, Herb
Ellison, Larry
Empire Boeki
European Union
Eydt, Fred
Fallon, Bill
Families Against Intimidation and Terror in Northern Ireland
FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia)
Far Eastern Economic Review
Feeney Arlene
Feeney, Caroleen
Feeney, Charles F.
anonymity of .
See also
Atlantic Foundation, secrecy/anonymity concerning
childhood and teens
children of
and children's well-being
collapse at Honolulu Marathon
discomfort with wealth
family homes of
fiftieth birthday party for
and foreign languages
frugality of
itinerary of
marriages and separation/divorce of .
See also
Feeney, Danielle; Flaiz, Helga
move to France
move to Hong Kong
move to London
parents/sisters of
philanthropy of .
See also
Foundation; Atlantic Philanthropies relations with Bob Miller
as “Sandwich Man” at Cornell University
stepping down from and return to management of DFS and General Atlantic Group
in U.S. Air Force
Feeney, Danielle .
See also
Morali-Daninos, Danielle
Feeney, Diane
Feeney, Juliette
Feeney, Leo
Feeney, Leslie
Feeney, Madaline
Feeney, Patrick
Feeney, Ursula
Ferris, Dick
Field, Connie
Financial Times
Fithian, Peter
FitzGerald, Garret
Fitzpatrick, James (Jimmy)
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Flaiz, Helga
Fleishman, Joel
Fleishman Hillard firm
Fleming, Peter
Fletcher, Ken
Flynn, Bill
Flynn, Sean
Foley, Moose
Folta, Dick
Fong, Phil
Forbes, Malcolm
Ford, John
Foundation for New Era Philanthropy
Foundations perpetual/winding down
Fowler, Henry
Fox, Fred
car ownership in
Grenoble University
French American Charitable Trust (FACT)
Fu Chi and Shek Wai
Fuchs, Gilles
Futoran, Bob
Gardner, Howard
Gates, Frederick (Reverend)
Gates Foundation.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
General Atlantic Energy Corporation
General Atlantic Group Limited (GAGL)
General Atlantic Inc.
General Atlantic Pacific
General Atlantic Partners
Genovese, Anthony
Gentzbourger, Jean
Gerard Atkins and Co.
Getty, Christopher
G.I. Bill of Rights
Giving while living.
See also
Feeney, Charles F., philanthropy of
Glucksman, Lewis L.
Glucksman, Loretta Brennan
Goldman, Richard
Goldman Sachs bankers
Gould, Milton
Gracey, Nancy
Great Depression
Green, John
Gruenstein, David
Gulf War
Halberstam, David
Handlan, Ray
Hannon, Paul
Harney, John
Harney, Mary
Harris, Richard
Harris, Sandra Ann
Harrison, Bernice
Harte, Paddy
Harvard Project Zero
Harvey, Richard
Harvie-Watt, Sir James
Harville, Tom
Havel, Vaclav
bid renewals in
downtown Honolulu duty-free store
Hawaiian Retail Group
Honolulu International Airport
statehood for
Hay, John
Hayslip, Le Ly
Healy, John
Heaney, Seamus
Hederman, Mark Patrick
Hennessy, John
Hern, Margaret
Hitchcock, Jane Stanton
Honeywood, Phillip
Hong Kong
downtown duty-free stores
Kai Tak airport
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Host International
Hotel Lotte of South Korea
Howell, Ted
Hoy, Wilson
Human rights organizations
Hume, John
International Duty Free Ltd.
International Longevity Center
Iraq War
Centre for Public Inquiry (CPI)
Irish Republican Army (IRA) and Sinn Fein
Limerick Institute of Higher Education
Program for Research in Third Level Institutions
Shell pipeline in
Irish American Partnership
Irish Times
Isle of Youth Study
after-sales service at airports in
Japanese tourists
Javits, Jake
Johnson, Lyndon
Johnston, David Cay
Jones & Guerrero
Joyce, John
Kaplan, Mark
Karamatsu, Maurice
Karoubi, Jean
Kehoe, Barry
Kelley, Jean and Roy C.
Kennedy, Edward
Keough, Donald R.
Khan, Farid
Kiberd, Damien
Kidnapping of children
Kinirons, Martin
Kinkai Properties Ltd.
Kinney, Desmond, and Esmeralda
Kiu Fat Investments Corporation
Klebnikov, Paul
Korean War
Kraak, Gerald
Kravis, Henry R.
Lachman, Lawrence
Laird, Lord of Artigarvin
Landy, John
Lakeville, Connecticut
LaMarche, Gara
Leahy, Alice
Legent Corporation
Le Nhan Phuong
Leon, Robert
Leonard, Craig
Lewis, Bob
Lewis, Charles
Limerick Leader
Lindseth, John
Linnan, Dr. Michael
Loeb, John
Long, David
Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy (LVMH)
Lowy, George T.
Lund, Kay
Lunn, Hugh
Lyons, Joe
McCarthy, Aine
McCormack, Elizabeth
McCrea, Colin
McCue, Peter
McDonagh, Father Enda
McDonagh, Paddy
McDonagh, Peter
McDowell, Michael
McGee, Vincent
McInerny, Patrick Michael
McKinsey & Company
McLamore, James W.
McMichael, Gary
MacNeill, Eoin and Brian
Mahlstedt, Jeffrey Cornish
Mann, Michael
Mann, Monique
Marcos, Imelda
Mariani Jr., John F.
Marriott, Bill
Marriott Hotel chain
Masterelli, Jack
Martin, Micheál
Matching funds
Matousek, Bob
Mayhew, Patrick
Mayne, James O'Neill
Medallion Hotels
Mercury International
Mexico City, Mexico
Miller, Alexandria
Miller, Chantal
Miller, Judith
Miller, Marie-Chantal
Miller, Pia
Miller, Robert Warren
daughters of
marriage of
move to London and return to Hong Kong
See also
Feeney, Charles F., relations with Bob Miller
Millstein, Ira M. (the Wise Man)
Minard, Lawrence
Mitchell, George
Mitchell, Tom
Monteiro, Carol
Monteiro, John
Moore, Jack
Morali-Daninos, André and Danielle.
See also
Feeney, Danielle
Morgan Stanley bankers
Morino Associates
Morrison, Bruce
Mullins, Gerry
Murdoch, Rupert
Mutch, Frank
Naples, Italy
National Security Agency
Netherlands Antilles holding company
New Age Shoppers
New York Daily News
New York State Liquor Authority
New York Times
Newman, Paul
Nini Ricci perfume
Nordeman, Jack
Norris, William
Noustas, Elias “Papa,” 38
N. Peal
Nussbaum, Bernard
Oak Foundation
O'Connell, Brian
O'Connor, John
O'Dowd, Niall
O'Driscoll, Gus
O'Dwyer, Paul
Oechsli, Chris
O'Faolain, Nuala
O'Hare, Daniel
O'Mahony, Sean (Lieutenant Colonel)
O'Neill, Greg
Order forms with perforation
O'Regan, Brendan
O'Reilly, Anthony
O'Rourke, Mary
O'Seighin, Micheál
Pacific Business News
Pacific Islands Club Resort hotels
Packer, Kerry
Paisley, Ian
Parker, Alan Moore

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