The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure (3 page)

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Authors: Robert M. Collins,Timothy Cooper,Rick Doty

BOOK: The Black World of UFOs: Exempt from Disclosure
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(4) Rick Doty said on February 21, 2005, “Bill Moore had several sources within the U.S. Government, one being a “Mr. X,” as he called the source. I have no idea who this source was or what this source’s connection was with the government. Moore never disclosed his sources. According to Linda Howe, Moore had sources within NSA, CIA, DIA and FBI. I never met Moore with anyone other than official personnel. On one occasion, I met Moore with an NSA investigator, but most of the officials were OSI agents. During the Bennewitz affair, I met Moore with FBI agents.”


(5) H.E. Puthoff, J. Deardorff, B. Haisch, and B. Maccabee, “Inflation-Theory: Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation,” JBIS, Vol. 58, pp 43-50, 2005,


(6) Selected Institute for Advanced Studies and EarthTech International Publications,


Chapter 2


here are numerous books and Web sites devoted to this subject, so we shall only visit briefly on the subject then move to some of the key players who played significant, historically important roles related to this group.


     Operation Majestic-12 was established by a special classified presidential order on September 24, 1947 at the recommendation of Secretary of Defense James Forrestal and Dr. Vannevar Bush, Chairman of the Joint Research and Development Board. The goal of the group was to exploit everything they could from recovered alien technology (1-3).


     As a brief aside: Interestingly enough, the “OROCA Panel” was reportedly to be even higher than MJ-12 (see “Quoth the Raven,” Section 2, Chapter 4 Addendum). In the ‘80s, MJ-12 was hidden away at the NSA in the “C Group.” In 1986 it became the “Special Advisory Group-12.”


     Then in Circa 2000, MJ-12’s new designation reportedly became, the “Counsel of 12, Special Security Alliance” with new caveats of SIMCO (Special Intra-military Cooperation Office), and TIOP (Technical Information Operations Panel) which replaced the caveat MAJIC. Name changing is the favorite pastime of the bean counters, but none of those name changes can be verified to date.


     Ambitious, elite scientists such as Vannevar Bush, Albert Einstein, and Robert Oppenheimer, and career military people such as Hoyt Vandenberg, Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Leslie Groves, and George Marshall, along with a select cast of other experts (MJ-12 Support Team Members), had feverishly and secretively labored to understand the alien agenda, technology and its implications for our own technology (see (1) and for additional MJ-12 Support Team Members see footnotes 2 and 3).


     Einstein and Oppenheimer were called in to give their opinions, drafting a six-page paper titled “Relationships with Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies.” They provided prophetic insight into our modern nuclear strategies and satellites, and expressed agitated urgency that an agreement should be reached with the president so that scientists could proceed to study the alien technology.


     The extraordinary recovery of fallen airborne objects in the state of New Mexico, between July 4 and July 6, 1947, had caused the Chief of Staff of the Army Air Force’s Interplanetary Phenomena Unit (IPU, verified as a real organization in a 1980 Army CI FOIA letter), Scientific and Technical Branch, Counterintelligence Directorate to initiate a thorough investigation. From what has been learned recently, that special unit was formed in 1942 in response to two (2) crashes in the Los Angeles area in late February 1942 (1).


     The draft summary report begins: “At 2332 MST, 3 July 47, radar stations in east Texas and White Sands Proving Ground, N.M. tracked two unidentified aircraft (later called ULAT or Unidentified Lenticular Aerodyne Technology) until they both dropped off the radar.”


     “Two crash sites have been located close to the WSPG. Site LZ-1 (ULAT-1) was located at a ranch near Corona, approx. 75 miles northwest of the town of Roswell. Site LZ-2 (ULAT-2) was located approximately 20 miles southeast of the town of Socorro, at latitude 33-40-31 and longitude 106-28-29.” ULAT-2 it seems, is the one mentioned in the Air Accident report, see


     The crash near Corona is said to be detailed in an official Defense Intelligence Agency [DIA] “Digest” called the “Red Book.” But, the crash at LZ-2 is not. Instead the “Digest” lists a crash west of Socorro in 1947 that wasn’t recovered until 1948 or ‘49.


     The first-ever-known UFO crash retrieval case was to have occurred in 1941 at Cape Girardeau, MO, see:


This crash kicked off early reverse-engineering work, but it did not create a unified intelligence effort to exploit possible technological gains apart from the Manhattan Project uses.


     The debris from the primary field of the 1947 crash 20 miles southeast of Socorro, NM, excited metallurgists with its unheard of tensile and shear strengths. The nuclear process (called neutronic at that time) engine used heavy water and deuterium with an oddly arranged series of coils, magnets, and electrodes — descriptions that resemble the “cold fusion” studies of today. But, this setup could have also been related to the use of the isotope H5 (see LANL Reverse Engineering in Section 3, Chapter 3).


      Harry Truman kept the technical briefing documents of September 24, 1947, for further study, pondering the challenges of creating and funding a secret organization before the CIA existed (although the Central Intelligence Group or CIG did exist) and before there was a legal procedure for funding non-war operations.


     Here we will take a step back to the spring of 1947 where in a small cave overlooking the Dead Sea in Palestine, a 15-year-old boy stood in the dim light and stared bewilderedly at a mass of leather wrapped in a linen cloth. The unsightly bundle was stored in a large, two-foot-high clay pot.


     This lad held in his hands what has since been termed “the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times. .. an absolutely incredible find!” Here were parts of the Bible that date back into the second century B.C.E. (Before the Common Era), over 1000 years earlier than the oldest copies available up to that time. How would they compare with the more recent copies?


     Millar Burrows, who worked with the scrolls for years carefully analyzing their contents, stated there was “a remarkable agreement, on the whole, with the text found in medieval manuscripts.”


     The differences were so slight and negligible that it gave “reassuring testimony to the general accuracy of the traditional text.” Burrows further exclaimed, “It is a matter for wonder that through something like a thousand years the text underwent so little alteration.”


A textual discovery of another kind reportedly occurred in the New Mexican desert by U.S. military authorities.


     Harry Cooper (Tim Cooper’s father), a retired AF MSgt (1963) who died in September 2000, said that a very ancient Hebrew bible, written in a Hebrew language predating anything so far discovered, was recovered from a large oval object buried in the sand. The recovery team had no idea how long the object had been there. This incident reportedly occurred near White Sands in March 1947. James Jesus Angleton was reportedly there; see Chapter 1 in Section II for Angleton.


     A Colonel Paul Helmick who was then commander of Alamogordo Army Airfield (later to become Holloman AFB) ordered Harry Cooper (then NCOIC of the Photo Lab) to print up a report on the White Sands oval object recovery. Part of that report referenced the recovered ancient Hebrew bible; reportedly, the report was forwarded to Col Helmick and then onto Wright Field.


     Just after this March 1947 NM incident, a liaison was established with a Hebrew language scholar (we believe it was William F. Albright, a well known Biblical scholar and the father of modern Biblical archaeology) for a textual comparison between the Dead Sea Scrolls and what was found in what can only be described as a space craft of unknown origin. This incident was depicted in both an episode of the “X-Files” and a Discovery Channel program which covered the “Bible Code.” However, these depictions did not directly address the story given in the preceding paragraphs.


: Could there be a simpler explanation as to why this ancient Hebrew Bible was found in this particular UFO? Can we assume that all space-venturing beings love souvenirs and that they have been souvenir hunting on this planet for over 10,000 years according to Extraterrestrial Biological Entity-1 (EBE-1, Section II, Chapter 4)?  Is it possible they brought this ancient Hebrew Bible with them circa 1947 as a guide to Earth's ancient religions then used it to create crop circles?


     As the story is told, in 1955, senior code breakers at the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) (see reference 4, Figure 5 for Alien Codex also done by NSA) completed deciphering this “Hebrew” Bible code; that information was transmitted to the infamous secret government UFO investigative group known as MJ-12.


     According to certain sources (one was Cantwheel) who leaked MJ-12 documents in the 1990s, “The Hebrew Bible was confirmed as the long sought after key to understanding extraterrestrial UFO sightings ... and this information was shared with the Vatican as early as 1949.” As incredible as this might sound, it must be remembered that the Air Force’s Project SIGN staff had considered Biblical UFO sightings and the writings of Charles Fort in its attempt to put a historical label on flying saucer reports prior to the 20th century.


     Tim Cooper contacted Paul Helmick by phone a many years ago. As Tim recounts Helmick was livid when asked about the 1947 Alamogordo UFO recovery in the sand and his relationship with Tim’s father, Harry Cooper. Helmick was reassigned from Alamogordo to Edwards AFB retiring in the years 1953-54.


     Cantwheel told Tim Cooper verbally in 1995 and by another source he knew in 1990 that military and civilian intelligence contacted William F. Albright at Johns Hopkins to examine selected scripts they had found for comparison to the photographed Dead Sea Scrolls that he looked at in 1947. Albright died in 1971.  According to sources, William Friedman and Callimahos (NSA cytological experts, see links) completed the linguistic analysis sometime in 1954-1955 and that Einstein was consulted on some cosmological aspects of it before he died in 1955. Albright had commented that the New Mexico script was written in a proto-Hebrew language deemed much older than the Hebrew Moses might have used to compile Genesis.


     This prompts the question of just how much a role Friedman and Callimahos might of played in decoding the Alien Codex for NSA mentioned in the document for Figure 5.


     However, since this particular story only has a few sources and doesn’t fit in with the known history of MJ-12, it will have to remain in the hearsay column or, "grey  basket” for now.


     So where did we leave off? In April 1954, a group of senior officers of the U.S. intelligence community and the Armed Forces gathered for one of the most secret and sensational briefings in history. The subject was Unidentified Flying Objects — not just a discussion of sightings, but how to recover crashed UFOs, where to ship the parts, and how to deal with the occupants (Ed Doty, the uncle of Rick Doty informed these authors that he attended a “UFO Crash Recovery” course at LANL in 1954).


     For example, in the “Special Operations Manual (SOM1-01) Extraterrestrial Entities Technology Recovery and Disposal,” MAJESTIC–12 “Red Teams” mapped out UFO crash retrieval scenarios with special attention given to press blackouts, their body packaging, live alien transport, isolation, and custody. Other reported members that supported MJ-12 were part of MTAP-12 or the MJ-12 Technical Advisory Panel.


     UFO-related secret programs have consumed a significant part of America’s “black budget” since the Manhattan Project. For example, the 1997 government-disclosed intelligence budget portion alone was $26 billion and according to Tim Weiner’s 1990 book, Blank Check, the total black-budget was about $35 billion. Even the most sensational conspiracy of modern times—the Kennedy assassination—could likely be linked to the UFO cover-up and the military cabal, as several of the documents seem to demonstrate (see reference (1) and Chapters 1 and 2 in Section 2).


     Overall, the United States UFO program grew out of necessity. First, to determine the alien threat; second, to exploit their advanced technology in anyway we could to gain a military, economic or even a psychological advantage and win World War II; and third, to maintain power, authority, control of technology, governments, and world stability. Initially, to make the project public would have sent unpredictable turmoil into science, religion, politics, and global economics. But beyond those reasons, was religious and political power the overriding reason for the suppression of extraterrestrial knowledge with religion of the greatest concern?  Governments and religious authorities have a long history of suppressing knowledge that conflict with traditional beliefs, so who were some of the players involved in this conspiracy? What roles had James Jesus Angleton, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Rick Doty and those mysterious Men-in-Black played in the cover-up? Section 2 will attempt to answers those questions and more.

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