The Bovine Connection (9 page)

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Authors: Kimberly Thomas

BOOK: The Bovine Connection
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“After breakfast, I usually relax in the rocking chair in front of the fire, finish my coffee, and talk to Elizabeth about the chores to be done that day, and then we listen to the preacher on the radio. I’m not much of a religious man. I believe… but, well Elizabeth over here is a God-fearing, good woman.” He looked over at Elizabeth and nodded. “She loves to talk in bed each night about the sermon from that morning and I enjoy listening.” Jack walked over and sat in the other rocking chair.

“Anyway,” he went on, “I had grown weary of the preacher shouting through the radio that morning, and knew I’d get the full version of it in bed that night, so I went on out to the ranch.” He chuckled and winked at Matthew. Matthew smiled warmly at Elizabeth.

“Jackson!” Elizabeth interrupted playfully… she knew he was teasing her about the preacher. Jack looked over at Elizabeth and winked and she smiled in approval. Angelica thought they were a sweet couple, but she knew Jack was obviously trying to take his time to communicate the details about the mutilations without revealing too much to Elizabeth. Maybe even trying to throw Elizabeth off track, she thought. Angelica was sharp and understood his motive, but was frustrated nonetheless. She was fidgeting and nodding her head.

Jack leaned forward and placed a hand on each knee, “I stepped out onto the front porch and looked around for the herd, but they were nowhere in sight. It was a strange occurrence given the time of day, you know. The cattle were usually down around the feeder panels. As I looked around, something didn’t quite feel right. I glanced around the ranch and realized the dogs were missing. Those dogs never left the perimeter of the house unless they were with me, or Elizabeth. Knowing the dogs liked to nap on the hay in the barn, I decided to look there first. When I went into the barn, the horses were grunting and snorting… They were pacing in circles around their stalls, acting wild. I realized something was wrong, and after searching the property, I noticed down by the reservoir one of the dogs.”

Angelica, Matthew, and Elizabeth all sat and listened with rapt attention.

Jack tensed a little, just recalling the incident. “Once I got down there,” he said, “I saw the other dog looking at the opening underneath the old outhouse so I bent down and looked in – and there was Rosie, one of our German Shepherds. She was trembling. The light was shining on her little blue eyes so I knew she was looking right at me but she wouldn’t come to me. Something was clearly wrong with her so I reached my hand in to comfort her. ‘Come on out girl’, I said… ‘It’s okay.’ Hell, she growled at me as if she were going to bite me. I couldn’t believe it. This dog sat in my lap every night.” Jack shook his head and looked at Elizabeth.

“Injured dogs have been known to bite their owners,” Elizabeth said, as she glanced over and squinted in confidence at Angelica.

“Then I heard a voice coming from behind me,” Jack continued, “so I turned around. It was my brother walking from the house. I yelled out to him that something was wrong with Rosie so he rushed down to help. After my brother lifted the corner of the outhouse, I reached in and pulled her out. She was shaking pretty bad. I examined her carefully, but she didn’t appear hurt. She sure was scared; the way she was shaking… like she had seen a ghost! That dog’s never been the same. Well…” Jack hesitated. His hands were gripped tightly together on his thighs. “When I looked away from that dog, I caught sight of a bright light in the sky. At first I thought it was a star but as I watched it, I noticed it was moving oddly, dancing around and flashing on and off. I didn’t say anything to my brother. I watched it come close enough to realize it was no plane or helicopter. It was a moving ball of light.” Jack stopped and slung his head downward. He had said more than he had intended to in front of Elizabeth.  Elizabeth’s eyes were grave as she sat and stared at him.

“Interesting,” Angelica said anxiously, shifting in her seat.

“After it disappeared, I looked out at the pasture wondering what the hell was going on. Something didn’t feel right and the night before with the…” Jack paused and then continued, “Well, anyway, it was very odd.”

Angelica looked at Elizabeth who was staring at Jack strangely with her jaw dropped. When Elizabeth noticed Angelica was looking at her, she quickly rose from the sofa and smiled, “Would anyone like some more tea?”

Angelica realized she wasn’t going to get a lot of facts about the mutilation from Jack as long as Elizabeth was around, so she stood up and said politely, “It was so nice to meet you. Thank you for having me in your home and for the iced tea. We should probably get going.”

Elizabeth smiled and nodded, “Oh yes. We didn’t mean to keep you so long.” She smiled.

Angelica opened the screen door and turned back around before stepping out of the door, “Thank you again.”

Matthew glanced over at Angelica while still talking on his cell phone outside, “All right… well, looks like we may be heading your way now. Is that all right with you? … Okay, great, see you soon.” Matthew put his cell phone back into his pocket. “We can head on over to the Anderson ranch.”

Angelica smiled at Matthew, “Perfect.”

As they walked toward the car, Elizabeth hollered out to Angelica from the porch, “You don’t believe ETs did it, do ya?!”

Angelica stopped and turned to look at Elizabeth, “No, I don’t!” she stated confidently. Elizabeth raised her hand to wave bye and smiled. Matthew had already started the car. Angelica looked at Jack as she leaned down and got in the car. Jack’s eyes said enough as they met hers. “These people are clearly scared,” she thought.




























Chapter Sixteen


ngelica glanced up. The beauty struck her instantly. Her eyes widened as they pulled onto the dirt drive leading to the large, rustic log home. Angelica looked over at Matthew, “It’s beautiful!” she mused.

The Anderson home sat grandly nestled against tall pine trees with snow tipped mountains in the distance behind it. 

Constructed with the same oversized logs as Elk Lodge. With many different angels to the roof, the cozy structure was an architectural wonder. A covered porch with four Adirondack rocking chairs, it was almost as exquisite as the Elk Lodge, she thought. The porch was supported by dark cherry stained logs stretched twenty feet high. Large windows were strategically positioned to take in the panoramic view of the property. The landscaping was perfectly groomed, resort-like. It made Angelica wonder if the same architect was used for both.

Next to the red-tin-roof barn, she could see the silhouette of a man standing beside a horse.

Un-groomed dark hair fell out around the edge of his black cowboy hat as he unsaddled a black horse. He was tall, well-built. Angelica looked over at Matthew, “Is that Michael?” she asked, shocked.

Matthew laughed. “Yes ma’am, that’s him,” Matthew shook his head.

Matthew was instantly taken with Angelica that morning in the restaurant, and he had started playing around with the idea they might become closer. However, at that moment in the car he understood they’d probably never be anything more than friends.

Michael turned around… a surprised, yet interesting grin lit up his face exposing perfect teeth, causing Angelica to turn to Matthew and smile, unaware of how obvious her reaction was.

Matthew rolled down the window as they pulled in and yelled, “How about it, Cowboy?” Michael laughed.

Matthew stopped the car and got out. Angelica grabbed her satchel from the floorboard. Hesitating for a moment, she put it back, flipped down the visor and took a quick look at herself in the mirror. She opened her mouth to check her teeth and quickly ran her fingers through her hair and fluffed it. Angelica grabbed her satchel, opened the door, and stepped out feeling a subtle nervousness.

Matthew and Michael were already talking as she walked toward them.

Michael glanced in her direction while speaking to Matthew. His expression changed – suddenly he appeared curious.

Angelica extended her hand and said, “Hello.” Her tone soft and her posture unusually submissive.

Michael smiled, “Hello.” His hazel eyes appeared light blue-green with specks of yellow between his thick black lashes.

Matthew was amused as he observed them silently hold eye contact for what felt like a long moment. He was well aware of Michael’s effect on woman, however he had never seen that particular expression on Michael’s face, and with a low chuckle and quick shake of his head he said, “Michael, this is Angelica Bradley with the
Liberator Magazine

Michael reached his tan, broad hand out slowly and placed it into Angelica’s small hand, already extended.

Michael grinned once again exposing his perfect smile. “Hello, Angelica Bradley with the
Liberator Magazine
. Nice to meet you. So, you’re doing a story on the cattle mutilations?” Michael asked as he kept his eyes locked on hers, taken with her beauty.

“Yes, I’d like to speak with you about the cattle mutilation on your ranch in 2000, if you don’t mind,” she said softly as she glanced away shyly making eye contact with Matthew and then back to Michael.

Michael broke eye contact, looked at Matthew and then back to Angelica… he was no longer smiling. Angelica’s face felt red. She was startled by his reaction.

“I’ll tell you what my father told me. I wasn’t living here at the time it happened.”

Matthew spoke quickly before Michael could finish his sentence… “Hugh was Michael’s father and sadly passed away several years ago.

“Oh, I’m sorry for your loss,” Angelica said sincerely.

“Michael came home to take over the ranch. He was off traveling the world like a big shot.”

Michael interrupted Matthew, “Would you like to go in the house where it’s more comfortable? I’ll start coffee.”

“Yes, thank you, coffee sounds nice,” Angelica answered politely in a girlish way. Confused by her completely new persona, Matthew amused, looked over at Angelica suspiciously.

Michael patted his horse on the back and then walked toward the house. Matthew led the way as they stepped up onto the high vaulted porch and into the silent house. Michael’s house was well kept. A large grey cobblestone fireplace took the show and above it hung mounted antlers. Angelica was convinced that it was the same team that assembled the Elk Lodge. The décor was rustic western, yet stylish. Original art and photography from different regions of the world hung on the walls.

There were spectacular views of the ranch from each window.

Angelica took in a breath and whispered, “Wow.” Looking up she noticed wood beams held together by big black iron bolts, and noticed a loft with a view through the tall a-frame windows along the front of the house. She wondered if the loft was Michael’s bedroom. Looking back down, she saw the men were in the kitchen talking. Michael was starting a pot of coffee while Matthew was pulling a chair out from the table.

Angelica walked into the kitchen. ”You have a beautiful home. It looks like new construction.”

“Yes, I had the house renovated a few years ago. We practically tore the old house down, but kept most of the original hardwood floors. I put in the grey slate countertops and the stainless steel. Knocked out all the walls to open it up… Got rid of the second floor and created a loft. Big project,” Michael said as he turned around to take the cream from the refrigerator.

“Michael’s a city cowboy,” Matthew said, smiling mischievously at Michael. Angelica noticed Michael giving Matthew a mocking look while narrowing his eyes.

“That’s an
oxymoron!” Angelica said as she laughed. “Well, he certainly has good taste,” she whispered softly as she glanced back around.

Angelica pulled the chair out and sat down at the table beside Matthew, “I guess we should get started,” Matthew suggested.

“Oh, yes… you’re right!” Angelica pulled out her pad and pen and didn’t hesitate, “What can you tell me about the cattle mutilation?” Angelica asked in true journalist’s tone. Angelica leaned over and grabbed her digital recorder from her satchel.

Michael looked at Matthew and raised his brow causing his forehead to wrinkle, “I’d rather you not record the conversation, Ms. Bradley.”

Angelica rose and softly pushed her hair back away from her neck, “Oh, okay,” her voice dropped. She laid it down on the table, “I understand.”

Michael sat down at the table, “Like I said, all I can tell you is what my father shared with me before his death. He was very ill toward the end. I was traveling back here to the ranch as often as I could to be with him. We’d do a lot of fly fishing and cooking, you know… just talking and spending time together, that’s when he shared bits and pieces with me.” Michael gazed at Angelica. For a moment, his eyes appeared vacant.

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