The Breed: Nora's Choice (16 page)

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Authors: Alice K. Wayne

BOOK: The Breed: Nora's Choice
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this link in the chain could truly be the key to finally stopping the Nine.

            He was surprised
to see Ayla waiting patiently outside of his door instead of barging inside the
way he had assumed she would.

            “Giving up
on spying on me?” he raised a brow at her.

            “There’s no
point. Marcus informed me today my services were no longer needed now that
everyone knows we’re sleeping together,” she shrugged.

            They had
spent most of the entire week together, making public appearances and
attempting their best to look actually smitten with each other. Sebastian found
this task much harder than he would ever care to admit. 

            “And the
Nine?” he pushed open the door and she followed him inside.

            “They were
a little less believing of our relationship. Your reputation is pretty
legendary,” she sighed dramatically, “the rumors around here helped with that
though. Eventually they just had to believe it.”

            For a
moment she looked beyond exhausted, her face haggard and worn as she stared off
into the distance, but it was only for a fraction of a second and then her sex
kitten mask was back firmly in place.

            “Being so
mischievous can be exhausting,” he eyed her shrewdly.

            “Being so
mischievous is a necessity,” she sat primly on his couch, her low cut shirt
showing her breasts nearly down to the nipple.

            “I think
the entire female gender would disagree with you. Plenty of people live their
entire lives without causing even half of the waves that you’ve caused since
I’ve been here alone,” he studied her face, honestly hoping for an insight into
the madness that was her.

            “I didn’t
meet with you for a free therapy session,” she tried carefully to hold back the
anger in her voice but he heard it anyway, “my reasons for doing things ‘are my
own’, as you would say and seeing as I’m the only person that I care about, and
I approve of my actions, I don’t see any further need to discuss anything to do
with it.”

            “Your life
is your own,” he nodded in agreement, his eye’s still attempting to find reason
in the hot mess of a woman sitting in front of him.

            “Other men
don’t care about my reasons for anything, they just hope that whatever I decide
to do involves their cocks,” she attempted to tease him and lighten the mood.

            “Other men
see you as an object or a possession, I do not,” he steepled his fingers.

            “I know how
you see me,” she looked away, “I’m just a whore, something vile and below you;
A tool to gain what you want and then discard.”

            “I see you
as a person,” he spoke clearly and meant every word, “I think you’re lost and
floundering in this world alone and doing everything that you are because you
feel like It’s the only way to survive, but I sincerely hope that one day you
wake up and realize there’s a better, easier way to live.”

            She gave
him a look that made him feel she was half wanting to slap the shit out of him,
and half wanting to hug and cry on him.

she actually did, however, was clear her throat and get down to brass tacks,
and he couldn’t help but respect her for how well she kept herself together.

            “With the
equipment delivered on time and without incident, I’ve officially begun to
receive more trustworthy tasks, and more difficult assignments, most of which
don’t concern you,” she was all business now.

            He couldn’t
help but feel that one of those tasks that ‘didn’t concern him’, somehow
involved a bullet in Marcus. He filed that away in his mind to contemplate and
decide how to go about later.

moving the last of the Breed members on this coast tonight,” she continued in
her business tone, “I don’t know where they’re sending them to, or at what hour
exactly, but I know for sure that it’s tonight.”

stretched his arms behind his head and let out a low whistle as he thought over
her information. It had such a high probability of being a trap set by her and
Sampson, but he and Casstiel had already invested so much time and effort into
their alliance with her, how could he not take her information seriously?

            He would
have to inform his men the second that she left, they needed to be prepared for
whatever was about to come at them.

            “You know,
you can literally see the battle plans forming in your eyes,” she smirked at
him, “and you have the balls to lecture me about how I live my life, look at

            “Are you
trying to have Marcus killed?” he wanted to throw her off with the question,
her reaction to it would tell him more of the truth than her mouth ever would.

            Slowly she
blinked at him, no doubt surprised and terrified by the sudden change in

            “I haven’t
been contracted to kill him, no,” she finally responded.

hiding something,” he growled, not in the mood for any more games, “tell me
what you know, and don’t test my patience, I’m weary of your web.”

            She looked
down at her hands, no doubt calculating her options, deciding what information
she could give him and what she needed to hold onto for her own safety.

            “What is
Sampson’s connection to the Nine?” he put pressure on her.

            “I’m not
sure,” she refused to look at him, “I know he has a lot of power, but I’m not
sure if he IS the leader or just a high up pawn.”

            “He’s the
one who’s been giving you your orders?” the puzzle pieces were slowly starting
to fit together.

            If Marcus
really searched for who was out to kill him, Sampson would be the obvious
choice, so he hired Ayla to be a distraction and a scapegoat. Once something
happened to Marcus, everyone would easily blame Ayla, and he would get away
scott free.


            “Yes,” she
snapped angrily, furious with herself for giving away more information than was
profitable for her to do.

            For a
moment they just stared at each other from across the coffee table, anger and
calculation sparking in each other’s eyes.

            “If you act
on the information I’ve just given you, not only have you killed me, but you’ve
killed any chance of gaining new information on the Nine,” she played the only
card left in her deck.

            He steepled
his fingers and met her gaze. So many avenues of action, which was the right
one? Keep her secret? Let her drown? Which move benefitted his people best?

secret’s safe,” he nodded his head, “your reasoning is solid. At this moment I
have too much to lose by capturing Sampson, and there is no way that I can
react to tonight’s situation at the docks personally without completely giving
away our entire union.”

            Ayla took a
deep breath and smiled in relief.

            “Your days,
however, are numbered,” he warned her, “You’re trying to play too many games
with too many people and it’s going to catch up with you.”

about your own neck,” she snapped, tired of all his lecturing.

            “As you
wish,” he shrugged, “now if you’ll excuse me, I have phone calls to make, and a
battle to plan.”






            “Nora what
the fuck are you doing?” rage was slowly eating away at his lust.

cuffing you,” her voice shook slightly when she saw how angrily he eyed her.

            “You do
realize how easily I could snap these flimsy human toys right?” he scoffed, not
understanding what she was trying to accomplish,
testing his

            “But you
won’t,” she worried her bottom lip between her teeth.

right, I should snap this entire fucking bed in half,” he growled, thrashing
his arms.

            “You won’t
because you’re my mate, and if anyone can understand me, if anyone can…
with me, you can,” she suddenly pleaded with him.

            He closed
his eyes and tried to focus his breathing and calm the storm of emotions raging
inside of him.

            “Talk to me
then,” he demanded, his teeth grinding with the effort to keep his anger at
bay, “if you want me to understand you, then explain yourself, don’t just sneak
around slapping handcuffs on me.”

            “I…” she
wrung her hands together and looked away in embarrassment, “I’m scared.”

            “You know I
would never-”

            “I know,”
she nodded her head, still looking off in the distance, “but knowing that isn’t
enough to stop the feeling. With you in this position I feel a little more in
control, even though I know you could still break these and do whatever you
want, I’m hoping that you won’t; that you’ll let me have this baby step.”

            More than
anything he wished he could reach out and touch her face. He wanted to comfort
her and cradle her against his chest, but his hands were cuffed above his head
and if he broke the tiny chain links, he would surely also break her trust.

            “Ok,” he
replied simply, and she finally met his eyes, “if this is what you need, then
this is how we’ll do it.”

            She let out
a sweet sigh of relief, the anxiety finally leaving her eyes.

            “I do have
a condition though,” he gave her a cocky grin, “I told you the next time we
were together I would taste you, and I intended to keep my word.”

            They both
looked upwards in unison at the way his hands were cuffed. One set cuffed his
wrists together, then another set cuffed the chain from the first set to one of
the bars of her bed frame; the entire look forming a triangle.

telling me to… you want me to sit on your face?” a blush of nervous excitement
crept over her naked body.

            “Yes,” he
breathed heavily, then thrust his hips upwards so that she slid forward on his

            She leaned
forward gripping his shoulders, and contemplated how she would achieve what he
was asking for.

            “If you let
my hands loose, I’ll lift you up there easily,” he murmured, his cock twitching
and brushing against her.

            There was
only one way to do it she decided; she would have to climb over his big body,
grip the bars of her bed frame and lower herself down onto him.

            She grinned
wickedly at the challenge, and felt his cock jump harder as she gripped the
bars and began to climb.

            Now he was
the one writhing underneath her, his hips pressing forward straining to feel
her delicious flesh, his neck muscles bulging as he stretched to catch her
breasts in his mouth.

            Next was
his tongue hotly sliding down her stomach as she moved her body farther up
along his.

            Finally she
was in position, her pussy soaking wet and inches from his lips. She hesitated
for a fraction of a second… what she was about to do was intimate in a way
nothing else had ever prepared her for.

            “Nora,” he
moaned her name with a hunger and desire so deep she wouldn’t dare deny him.
Slowly she lowered herself onto him fully, and learned what true pleasure he
could give her.

            She thanked
God for the bars of her bed frame, because she needed them. The moment her lips
touched his, he kissed her as hotly and passionately as he would have her
mouth, and the cry she let out would have woken her neighbors, if she had any.

            His tongue
was so skilled as he ate her, she was trembling within seconds, her mouth
becoming a fountain of moans and gasps, each one egging him on for more.

            The moment
he sucked her clit between his lips she hissed viciously and ground her hips
against him hard. She couldn’t keep herself from rocking, her body was
responding to him now more than her own mind.

it,” he growled the words against her soaked flesh, “grind on me.”

obedience she showed him was incredible. Without hesitation she rolled her
hips, causing her clit to slide across his tongue, up and down, up and down,
she repeated the motion until her mind was cloudy, until nothing in the world
mattered but the feeling of his mouth on her.

            Her nipples
were rock hard, and the feeling of them rubbing against the cold metal bars
every time she moved upwards was driving her insane. Her legs were quivering
underneath her, and she knew she wasn’t going to last much longer.

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