The Bride's Kimono (22 page)

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Authors: Sujata Massey

Tags: #Suspense

BOOK: The Bride's Kimono
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yoko and Yoshi were in the lobby talking to Hugh when I came downstairs a few hours later. They seemed to be doing all right. I watched Hugh, his head cocked attentively as he listened to Yoshi, never interrupting. Hugh had spent two years as a lawyer working inside a Japanese company; he couldn’t speak the language, but he knew how to handle himself.

Yoshi was wearing a jacket and tie, just like Hugh. Kyoko wore a sober black dress that I doubted had come from the mall. I had decided on the red dress from BCBG. Red, I figured, would hide Italian food stains, and worse.

“Very pretty,” Kyoko said, sounding wistful as she looked at me. Yoshi’s eyes passed over me without a reaction—typical good manners for a Japanese man. Hugh liked the dress, I guessed from the way he looked away from it quickly—as if he might get burned.

“I don’t think it fits well. In fact, perhaps I should change,” I said to Kyoko, suddenly nervous that I’d gone too glam.

“No, no! Please don’t go to any trouble. Your friend Hugh-san was telling us that we need to get to the restaurant on time, because it is very popular,” Kyoko said.

“I am very fascinated by Italian food,” Yoshi told us.
“One of my hobbies is cooking pasta sauces. We received a pasta bowl as a wedding present…”

“Really?” Hugh said, smiling at the two of them.

“I think Yoshi-san means that he and
received the bowl as a gift. It’s unusual to get presents instead of money at wedding time in Japan—isn’t it?” I asked. Hugh was acting as if he’d forgotten that Yoshi was Hana’s fiancé. I didn’t want to be cruel to Yoshi, but I was interested in what his reaction would be. Kyoko, I could tell, was feeling sad—but I didn’t know about Hana’s ex.

“Yes, it is unusual,” Yoshi said. “But between friends in the younger generation, presents are becoming more common.”

A mundane response, devoid of emotion. Did Yoshi merely have good Japanese manners, or was he completely cool about Hana’s death?

“Shall we go to the car? It’s parked just outside,” Hugh said.

“Let’s go,” I agreed, thinking that while Yoshi seemed calm over the pasta-bowl comment, Kyoko appeared slightly shaken. I was beginning to realize that my proposed double date, made up of four people who should not be dating—by any society’s rules—was going to be awkward.

“Yoshi, why don’t you sit in the front seat, since it’s your first time in the U.S. I want you to see the sights as we enter Washington,” I said, sliding in next to Kyoko in the backseat of Hugh’s black Lexus.

“Nice car,” Yoshi said, settling in next to Hugh without further ado. It was common, after all, for men in Japan to take the best seats in the car. “This interior is quite similar to the Toyota Windom.”

“The Lexus is the same car as the Windom, just renamed to suit American taste,” Hugh said, sounding
happy again. “I drove a Windom in Tokyo, so I decided to lease something to remind me of the old times.”

Yoshi and Hugh continued their conversation about cars, and I recalled how Hana had told me that Yoshi loved driving. Her parents thought they drove all night, when in reality, they stopped at a love hotel. Hana and Yoshi were both attractive, with healthy sexual appetites—why had they decided to have an arranged marriage? And why would Hana cheat on this man?

The music Hugh was playing over the stereo made me feel like moving—something I’d never heard before, a mix of the symphonic dance club sound that I loved overlaid with what seemed to be old recordings of American gospel. It was provocative, mournful, groovy, and upbeat all at once.

“What are you playing?” I asked Hugh.

“It’s Moby’s last album,
” Hugh said.

“You haven’t heard Moby before? His music is popular in Tokyo clubs,” Yoshi said.

“I guess I don’t get out much anymore,” I said, feeling sorry for myself. Then I looked over at Kyoko, sitting silently and staring out the window, and felt the weight of her much heavier grief take over.

“It’s been a hard day for you,” I said to Kyoko.

“Yes, a very hard day. Coming out with you tonight and listening to music is a good change.”

“Since we can’t really talk about it over dinner—can you tell me some more about the autopsy?” I asked Kyoko in a low voice.

“We each went in separately to see the body. I went first. After I came back with the answer, the police told Yoshi that he didn’t have to look, after all. The identification had been made. But Yoshi said that he had traveled so far that he wanted to know for himself.”

In conversation with me, Kyoko was calling him
Yoshi, not Mr. Watanabe, as she’d done the night before. Had something changed since they’d shared a suite?

“How did he handle the viewing?” I asked. “Did he break down?”

“Not at all. He handled things well. Even when the police tried to ask if he was something called a pimp—absolutely ridiculous! We both showed our business cards, and that was that. After we came back to the hotel, Yoshi telephoned Hana’s family to give them the news and hear what they want done. He was quite firm about wanting to do this himself.”

“What did her parents say?”

“Mrs. Matsura cried. I could hear it clearly, even though Yoshi was the one on the telephone. Then Mr. Matsura took over the conversation. He requested that we make the arrangements to bring the body back on the plane. The medical examiner’s assistant told us that after Hana’s parents send a fax asking for her body’s release, she will be treated by a mortician and packed in dry ice and put in a special box. We will have that box as extra baggage when we fly back.”

A special box—just like the one that held the antique kimono. How ironic. I said, “This all sounds terribly expensive.”

“Well, it’s strange. Mrs. Chiyoda must have felt badly that this happened on her tour, because she gave me the ticket to travel. Yoshi paid for his own ticket, I know. It wouldn’t be fitting for him to do anything else—especially since he’s not going to be marrying into Hana’s family, after all.”

“I still don’t understand why the Matsuras didn’t come. Wouldn’t they want to know for themselves that their daughter had really died?”

We were on the Roosevelt Bridge at this point, and
had been traveling at a sedate sixty miles an hour, when Hugh suddenly dropped to forty.

“What’s going on?” I abandoned thoughts of Hana’s family for a moment.

“A car has been tailing us for the last ten minutes. I’m trying to see if it’s there for a reason.”

Kyoko and I both turned around and looked at the bright blue compact car that had braked to avoid hitting us but remained on our tail.

“Hugh, you’re paranoid,” I said, but still felt a little uneasy.

“Isn’t that a Geo?” Yoshi asked. “What a funny car to be making a chase: it’s not capable of very high speeds. Hugh-san, why don’t you take the next exit and see if they follow after?”

“I’m going to go downtown first and then circle back to Georgetown,” Hugh said. “I’ve got to warn you, I don’t know all the roads, and Washington’s a damn difficult city to navigate. It makes Tokyo look like Disneyland.”

“Disneyland is actually outside of Tokyo,” Yoshi said. “It’s a crazy place. Very crowded.”

I kept my eyes on the blue car. Yes, it had no intention of passing us. I wished I could see the face of the driver, but in the dark, it was impossible to tell even how many people were in the car.

“I wonder if it’s car-jackers,” I said.

“Hope not,” Hugh said, sliding into the fast lane and speeding up to seventy. Then, driving from one lane to the other on the northbound side of Constitution, he wove between vehicles and took a sharp left onto Seventeenth Street. A few more turns and the blue car was not with us anymore.

“On to Georgetown,” Hugh said, sounding confident again.

“Well done,” Yoshi congratulated, but I didn’t say anything. I felt as if I’d come close to disaster and been pulled away at the last minute. We shouldn’t have gotten away, but we did.


he Italian restaurant was called Café Milano, on Prospect Street in Georgetown, the almost too-cute-to-be-real neighborhood where many of the streets were still paved with rosy old bricks. Georgetown’s large town houses, built in the early nineteenth century, were maintained with a fastidious fervor, with gleaming brass knockers on the gaily colored doors, and the window boxes overflowing with geraniums and chrysanthemums.

Still, there was an edge to the neighborhood—as Hugh began a careful backward swing into a tight parking spot on Thirty-third Street, a man in a soiled Bob Marley T-shirt and army pants emerged out of nowhere, halting the endless traffic in the road with an upheld hand.

“Do you see that man? He is going to help you!” Yoshi said.

“Damn, he’s going to want a parking fee,” Hugh muttered.

“What parking fee? This is a public street,” I said.

“It’s a very Washington thing. There are opportunists who see people trying to park and extort money from them.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t park here,” Kyoko said uneasily as I opened the door next to me and got out. By now, the man was complacently leaning on the hood of the car. I made to walk past him, but he spoke.

“Nice car, baby.”

“Thanks,” I said tightly, although of course the Lexus wasn’t mine.

“Thanks isn’t enough, baby.”

“We found that spot by ourselves.”

“I stopped traffic for you.” The man grinned nastily at me, showing a gold tooth. “I stopped a big Mercedes SUV that would have rear-ended your sorry little butt. Now, my normal service fee is three bucks, but for Chinese folks, it’s four.”

“We’re not Chinese,” I hissed, hoping that Kyoko and Yoshi hadn’t heard his racist comment. They’d gotten out of the car and were standing on the sidewalk with Hugh outside the modern red-brick building that housed the restaurant.

“Rei!” Hugh beckoned to me. “Come over here, I’ll give you the money.”

“Lady, as far as I can see, you weren’t the driver. It’s up to your husband what he’s gonna give me.” The man advanced on me, so there was less than a foot of space between us.

For some reason, the man’s casual misreading of my national origin and marital status made me just as angry as his assumption that we were going to pay because we were afraid. I’d endured too much crap for the last day and a half, a time when I was dressed like a doll who could barely walk. Tonight, I was wearing Lycra. I had mobility.

“Go bother someone else,” I said, and turned away from him just as Hugh came barreling into the street to retrieve me. A stream of profanities followed us all the way to the entrance of the red-brick building where Yoshi and Kyoko stood anxiously waiting.

“Why in heaven did you do that?” Hugh asked me in a low voice as he gave all our coats to a coat-check person. I could see from the looks of a few patrons’ faces that they’d seen what happened. They were shaking their heads and looking at me with sympathy. But not Hugh.

“I lost control, okay? I’m sorry to ruin the evening,”
I said, mindful that Yoshi and Kyoko were probably worried about the prospect of another murder.

“It’s all right, Rei,” Hugh said, but I could hear from the strain in his voice that he really didn’t think so. “Let’s just go in before we lose our table.”

“I’m glad Rei-san is all right, but is that a typical thing for the American street? Dangerous men asking for money?” Kyoko asked Hugh.

“No,” he answered, flashing her a reassuring smile. “But after all we’ve gone through on this ride, I think we deserve a drink.”

When we finally sat down, and I had a chance to gaze around Café Milano, I knew instantly why Hugh had chosen it for Kyoko and Yoshi. It was Italian design heaven. The walls were decorated with silk ties framed like artwork, and the tables and curved bar were packed with more examples of European fashion. Women in well-cut little dresses and men with intensely stylish suits—or cashmere turtlenecks and leather pants.

“Eurotrash heaven,” Hugh said, following my eyes. “But the food’s absolutely delicious—simply done, yet stunning.”

“Just reading this menu is exciting,” Yoshi said. “I think I will try the ravioli Max Mara with cheese, artichoke hearts, and prosciutto inside.”

“Max Mara is a clothing label, isn’t it?” Kyoko asked.

“All the dishes are named after Italian fashion designers,” Hugh said, smiling at her. He’d chosen the perfect restaurant. Kyoko and Yoshi could tell their friends they’d done more than purchase designer labels—they could say they’d eaten them, too.

“Would anyone like to drink wine?” Yoshi asked when the waiter appeared.

“I’d love some,” I said gratefully. “Would you honor us by choosing the wine, Yoshi-san?”

“All right.” Yoshi took the wine menu eagerly in his hands. At last, he selected a Vini Spumante. Hugh seemed startled by the choice but gave the order to the waiter. I wondered if Italian sparkling wine was very expensive. Hugh had told me ahead of time that he planned to pay for the whole meal, and knowing how hard it was to try to split checks in Japan, I agreed in principle. Kyoko didn’t drink anything, but Hugh, Yoshi, and I shared the bottle. It was a delicious wine—bubbly and sweet enough to set off the salty appetizers that arrived a few minutes later.

“You made a wonderful choice, Yoshi-san. Do you know a lot about wine?” I asked.

“Oh, no, hardly! It’s just that we don’t have choices like this in Japan. It’s easy, with such a fine list, to pick something enjoyable.”

“But how did you know which wine to choose?” I persisted. I hadn’t thought he was prosperous enough to indulge in regular wine buying in Japan. I knew I wasn’t—even though I loved American and European wines, all I could afford was Japanese beer.

“I read magazines,” Yoshi said. “They have recommendations that I try to remember.”

“Choices are difficult, aren’t they?” Hugh said. “I personally think the hardest choices to make are about relationships.”

Kyoko drew her brows together as if she were perplexed.

“‘Relationships’ means the situation between two things, or two people. Boyfriends and girlfriends, or husbands and wives,” I explained, shooting Hugh a warning glance. I couldn’t tell what he was up to.

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