The Broken Road (The Broken Series) (31 page)

BOOK: The Broken Road (The Broken Series)
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leave when you leave,” my father responded.

and I are staying through the weekend,” my uncle said, reaching for another
burrito, “unless my daughter decides to boot us out sooner.”

laughed. “After everything I had to do to get you here? I don’t think so, dad.”

leaned back against my chair, thoroughly enjoying the banter and the gentle
ribbing that knit my family together.

the table, Kadyn linked his fingers with mine. “You okay?”

eyes met his. I couldn’t get over how easily Kadyn fit in. “Yeah. I was just
thinking about how lucky I am.”

squeezed my hand. “I was thinking the exact same thing.”

* * * * *

we woke up the next morning, Nate surprised Lexie and me with massage and
pedicure appointments at Lexie’s favorite spa. Then he took Kadyn to Malmstrom
Air Force Base so they could tour the facilities and work out at the gym.

the time Lexie and I returned to the house, all four men were in the backyard
shooting bows and arrows at a couple of hay bales with targets painted on the
side. Our mothers were camped out in the living room watching some reality show
on monster brides.

mom patted the cushion next to her on the couch.

plopped down beside her.

do you girls want to do for dinner tonight?” she asked.

Lexie and I replied at once.

mom laughed. “I figured as much.”

tradition,” I insisted. “We have pizza and wine every time we get together. Besides,
I don’t think anyone should have to cook or do dishes on our last night

sounds perfect,” my aunt responded.

handed me a blanket as we settled in to watch one train wreck of a wedding
after another. “Please tell me I wasn’t that bad,” she finally interjected.

laughed. As Lexie’s maid of honor, I felt more than qualified to weigh in. “Not
even close. I think I was more stressed out at your wedding than you were.”

you think you and Kadyn will get married?” my aunt asked dreamily.

threw a decorative pillow at her. “Aunt Linda! We’ve only been dating for two
months. I think it’s a little too soon to be talking marriage.”

batted the pillow away. “That’s not necessarily true. I knew I wanted to marry
your uncle by the end of our first date.”

I married your father within a few months of meeting him,” my mother reminded
me. “Honestly, Kri, after seeing you with Kadyn, I can’t imagine you with
anyone else.”

I be your matron of honor?” Lexie asked jokingly.

huffed out a breath, shook my head, and rolled my eyes at her.

burst out laughing. When she recovered, she reached for the cordless phone.
“What kind of pizza should we order?”

my mom suggested.

I added.

meat lovers,” my aunt chimed in.

dialed the phone. “Should I order wings?”

reached for my purse so I could give her some money. “Yes. Wings and two bottles
of Sprite.”

you try to pay me for this pizza, I’m going to knock you upside the head,”
Lexie warned in a threatening tone.

stuck my tongue out at her as I tucked the money back inside my wallet. I
grabbed the decorative pillow from the floor and threw it at her on my way to
the kitchen.

caught the pillow and beamed me on the back of the head with it as she resumed
ordering the pizza.

ducked into the kitchen, laughing. I opened a bottle of wine and poured a glass
for my aunt, my mom, and myself. I knew Lexie would decline with all the medications
she was on.

food arrived thirty minutes later. My aunt took the pizza into the living room.
I trailed after her with the chicken wings, a pile of napkins, and a stack of
paper plates. Lexie pulled two beers from the fridge for her dad and Nate. I grabbed
the Sprite off the counter for Kadyn and my dad while my mom called the guys in
from the backyard.

dad gave me a hug as I handed him the Sprite. “Thanks, Kri. You should have
seen Kadyn shoot. He’s really good with a bow.”

handed Kadyn the other Sprite. “How’d you like shooting the bow?”

kissed the top of my head as he tucked me under his arm. “Loved it. I’m
thinking of buying one when we get back home.”

I thought. Was home in Virginia with Kadyn or was it still in Montana? My chest
Where was home for me?

said grace before we loaded our plates with pizza and settled in to eat. I
joined Kadyn on the floor and leaned into him, hoping to draw on his strength. I
was saddened by how little time I had left with my family. We stayed up talking
long into the night as we tried to make the most of our remaining hours

Kadyn and I finally settled in to sleep on the couch, I didn’t have to ask him
to hold me. He knew my heart was breaking over the impending goodbyes.

* * * * *

was still wrapped in Kadyn’s arms when I woke up the next morning. I could hear
someone showering in the bathroom, and the coffee pot was already percolating,
releasing a rich, comforting aroma.

rolled over to face Kadyn. His warm brown eyes met mine. “If only we could
freeze time,” I said on a sigh.

never leave my arms,” he warned.

smiled as I snuggled closer. “That’s okay. I kinda like it here.”

to know,” he murmured as he burrowed his face in my neck. He kissed all along
my jawline until his lips met mine in a tender kiss.

arms tightened around his shoulders when he broke the kiss. “I could get used
to this, you know.”

raised one eyebrow questioningly.

asleep in your arms,” I explained. “You’re making it difficult for me to
imagine my life without you. How did you do that?”

looked amused. “Do what?”

so perfectly into my life,” I replied as I gently caressed his cheek.

kissed the tip of my nose. “I could ask the same of you.”

going on in here?” Lexie bellowed from right behind me.

nearly fell on the floor.

caught me. The muscles in his arms bunched as he pulled me snug against his

burst out laughing.

tried to scowl at her, but Kadyn’s lips crashed against mine. I knew he was
daring Lexie to stop him, so I played into the kiss.

dog piled on top of us. “If I sit here, then you can’t leave,” she announced

laughed. “Wanna bet?” He rose, nearly knocking us both to the floor. How he
managed to catch the two of us was completely beyond me.

heard the bathroom door open, so I yanked some clothes out of my suitcase and padded
off to take a shower. I knew Lexie would keep Kadyn entertained.

hollered after me. “You know, Nate and I are big on water conservation. I think
you and Kadyn should shower together. It will save water.”

turned and narrowed my eyes at her. She had a wicked gleam in her eyes.

laughed. “I think that’s a spectacular idea.”

eyes widened as he rose from the couch. I spun around and sprinted toward the
bathroom. I locked the door behind me, then stood back and stared at the door.
I was half expecting Lexie to pick the lock. Eventually, I climbed into the

were in the kitchen cooking bacon, eggs, and toast by the time I finished my
shower. I gave Kadyn a quick kiss. “The bathroom is all yours.”

you sure you don’t want to join me?” he asked teasingly.

poured a steaming cup of coffee. “I’m already clean, thanks.”

boxed me in against the counter. “I could take you outside and roll you in

shook my head. “As appealing as that sounds…” I trailed off as I took a sip of

removed the coffee cup from my hand. He set it on the counter, kissed me
thoroughly, then strode off toward the bathroom. “You have no idea what you’re

stared at my cousin in shock. “What have you done to him?”

shrugged. “I just planted a few ideas. I thought it might jump start things
between you.”

glared at her over the top of my coffee cup. “You are very, very bad.”

know,” she agreed rather flippantly. “You can thank me later.”

heaped bacon, eggs, and toast onto our plates and carried them into the dining
room. The rest of the family trickled in for breakfast. We tried to keep things
light, but I could tell I wasn’t the only one choking back tears.

loaded our bags into the car while my mom and I washed the dishes. As soon as
we finished the dishes, we reluctantly began our goodbyes. My aunt and uncle
hugged me as one. “You stay safe, Krissy.”

aunt hugged Kadyn. Then my uncle shook his hand. “You take care of our girl.”

will,” Kadyn promised.

dad shook Kadyn’s hand before pulling him in for a hug. “It was nice to meet
you, Kadyn. You come back and visit us anytime with or without Kri.”

mom hugged Kadyn while Nate hugged me. Then Nate shook Kadyn’s hand. “Thanks
for coming, Kadyn. I really appreciate you bringing Kri.”

nodded. “I hope you and Lexie can visit us in Virginia when she’s feeling
better. I’ll give you a tour of the Pentagon when you come.”

tried to sweeten the deal while hugging Lexie. “I’ll hook you up with a tour of
the Capitol. I can show you all the places the general public doesn’t get to

swiped at her tears. “That sounds wonderful, Kri.”

was too choked up to speak by the time my parents hugged me. “Be safe, Kri.
Call us when you get back to DC,” my mother pleaded softly.

wrapped her arms around Kadyn’s waist as she gave him a warm hug. “Thank you
for bringing my cousin back home. I owe you one.”

returned the hug. “You owe me nothing. It was a pleasure seeing you all
together. You get better so you can come visit us in Virginia.”

will,” Lexie promised. She grabbed me for one last hug. “I like him,” she
whispered loudly. “He’s a good guy.”

smiled at Lexie. “I know,” I whispered back.

nudged my shoulder. “Don’t screw it up.”

won’t,” I replied. I winked at Kadyn, who had witnessed the entire exchange.
For reasons far beyond my understanding, Kadyn remained unfazed and undeterred
by my misguided attempts to screw things up. I doubted there was anything that
would scare Kadyn off.

* * * * *

and Pa met us for lunch at the Windbag. That had been Kadyn’s one and only request
when we decided to spend time in Helena on our way back to Spokane. He wanted
to meet them so he could thank them for helping me leave Tom. By the time lunch
was over, Gra and Pa were just as smitten with Kadyn as I was.

a whim, I asked Kadyn to hike Mount Helena with me. I had missed the mountain
almost as much as I had missed my friends. “We're lucky there isn’t any snow up
here,” I huffed as we reached the summit. I grabbed Kadyn’s hand and led him
straight to the edge of the cliff. I sat down on a very large, flat rock that was
buried into the soil so that it sat flush against the ground. “What do you

a great view,” he admitted as he plopped down next to me.

soaked in the view and the scent of sun-drenched pine. “I had to work out in
the gym during the winter, but I’d hike this mountain every evening after work
as soon as the days were long enough and the weather turned nice. It didn’t
matter what was bothering me. By the time I reached the top, I’d have my
problems all worked out.” I ran my hand over the top of the rock we were both
sitting on. “I was sitting in this same exact spot when I made my decision to accept
the job in DC.”

you regret the decision?” he asked softly.

gazed out over the city. Helena still felt like home. I tore my eyes away from
the city as I sought Kadyn’s eyes. “No. I don’t regret my decision. If I hadn’t
accepted that job, I never would have met you.”

scooted me closer. “I was afraid you wouldn’t want to return to Virginia after
coming back to Montana.”

thought of staying here is tempting but not nearly as tempting as you,” I responded

smiled. “

threw an exaggerated look onto my face and nodded. “Oh yeah.”

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