The Burning Shore (38 page)

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Authors: Ed Offley

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) from the originals in storage at the German Bundesarchiv, Freiberg, Germany:
•  U-123: KTB for Seventh War Patrol, December 23, 1941–February 9, 1942
•  U-552: KTB for Second War Patrol, April 7–May 6, 1941
•  U-701: KTB for First War Patrol, December 27, 1941–February 9, 1942
•  U-701: KTB for Second War Patrol, February 26–April 1, 1942
•  U-701: KTB for Third War Patrol, April 1–July 7, 1942 (reconstructed at BdU Headquarters from BdU KTB and message traffic from U-701)


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“History of U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point, North Carolina—1941–1945,” compiled by Florence K. Jacobs, 1st Lt. USMCWR, Air Station Historical Officer, undated.
“Monthly Anti-Submarine Warfare Reports,” Vol. 6 (1945), British Admiralty, ADM 199/2062.
“Operational Intelligence Centre Special Intelligence Summary,” January 12, 1942, PRO ADM 223/15, declassified from Most Secret, Public Records Office, Kew, United Kingdom.
“Record of Proceedings of a Court of Inquiry to Inquire into Circumstances Attending the Attack on
, June 19, 1942,” National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, Records Group 125/P2.
“Report of Interrogation of Survivors of U-701 Sunk by U.S. Army Attack Bomber No. 9-29-322, Unit 396 B.S. [Bombardment Squadron] on July 7, 1942,” published in “Post-mortems on Enemy Submarines,” Office of Naval Intelligence, ONI 250-G, 1942, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, Records Group 38.
“Report on U-boat Attack to I Bomber Command,” July 7, 1942, courtesy of
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“Summary of Statements by Survivors of
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,” OP-16-B-5, July 10, 1942, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, Records Group 38.
“Summary of Statements by Survivors of
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, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, Enemy Attack on Merchant Ships,” Office of Naval Intelligence, OP-16-B-5, July 10, 1942, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, Records Group 38.
“Transcripts of Recorded Conversations Between German Prisoners,” Office of Naval Intelligence, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, Records Group 38, Entry UD, various dates.
“U-boat Situation,” Special Reports on German Navy and U-boat Force, Operational Intelligence Centre, British Admiralty, PRO ADM 223/16, London, United Kingdom.
“U-boat Situation Reports,” December 15, 1941–July 27, 1942, Operational Intelligence Centre, British Admiralty, PRO ADM 223/15, London, United Kingdom.
“Unit Historical Data Sheet, 396th Bombardment Squadron (M) of 41st Bombardment Group,” 1943, courtesy of the US Air Force Historical Research Agency, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
US Coast Guard, “WWII Reports Concerning Merchant Vessels Sinking, 1938–2002,” National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, Records Group 26, Box 22.
“War Diaries,” Commander, Eastern Sea Frontier, December 1941–June 1942, declassified from Secret, posted online at U-boat Archive,
“War Record of the Fifth Naval District,” 1942, Fifth Naval District, Norfolk, Virginia, National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland, Records Group 181.


“180 Germans to Sail on Portuguese Liner,”
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“10,000-Ton Ship Sunk by U-boat off Canada.”
New York Times
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———. “Navy in Grim Hunt: The Malay, Crippled by Shells, Makes Port.”
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———. “Sinkings Indicated: ‘Some Recent Visitors Will Never Enjoy Return Trip,’ Says Spokesman.”
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“Battle of Atlantic Pushes Virginia’s Shores—Two U.S. Merchant Ships Torpedoed Before Eyes of Thousands Who Line Resort to See Grim War Drama.”
, June 17, 1942.

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