The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever (12 page)

BOOK: The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever
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Monroe sat in his car, watching as Zyir and Carter pulled off. His distaste for Zyir was growing by the day. Monroe had been away from his family for too long, and he couldn’t help but feel as though he had been replaced. Monroe picked up his cell and placed a call.

Monroe,” Buttons answered.

Buttons. I just called to give you a heads-up. Carter is sending Zyir down to Rio with his goons. He’s upset that he’s been cut off. They will be there tomorrow. It’s in your best interest to annihilate anyone associated with The Cartel if they show up on your doorstep. They are coming to kill you. Make no mistake about it,” Monroe said. He knew that if he put Buttons on the defensive, there would be no way Zyir would come back alive.
“I will prepare for their arrival,” Buttons said, his voice menacingly cold.
Monroe ended the call and then checked his rearview before pulling away from the park. “Let the games begin, gentlemen.”
Carter entered his home and for the first time since he purchased the place it felt lived in. His world had been so cold and lonely that he never appreciated the things that he had attained. The aroma of food filled the air and reminded him that he had neglected to eat. He walked into the kitchen and found Miamor over the stove. He smiled when he saw that she wore nothing but a bra and thong. Her long, shapely legs, juicy behind, and slim waist instantly sent sparks to his loins. The stilettos that graced her French-manicured feet caused him to smile. He stood back and watched her work. She clearly knew her way around a kitchen. He had missed her in his life, and her return made his entire existence complete. He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his head in the creases of her shoulder as he inhaled deeply, loving her scent.
“I could have gotten you. You didn’t even know I was behind you,” Carter whispered as he kissed her neck. Miamor’s head fell to the side as she enjoyed the feel of his lips against her skin.
“Hmm. That feels good,” she whispered. She turned toward him and kissed his lips, deeply and sensuously. “A nigga will never catch me slipping, Carter Jones. Take a look under that kitchen towel.” Miamor slipped out of his embrace and walked over to the cabinet, grabbing two wine glasses.
Carter lifted the towel and saw a small-caliber pistol lying underneath it. He chuckled and thought,
He found her incredibly sexy. The fact that she was so thorough impressed him. He was getting to know this new side of her, and now that there were no secrets between them, he respected it. She was feminine and incredibly sexy, but the little bit of street she had in her drove him wild. She made up the perfect recipe of a woman.
“Now come have a seat and let me feed my man,” she said.
“What’s for dinner?” he asked as he sat down in the chair that she had pulled out for him. She was treating him like a king.
“Steak and seafood,” she replied.
“And for dessert?” he quipped.
“Me,” she answered.
Miamor straddled Carter. The only thing that stopped her wet pussy from soaking the crotch of his pants was the tiny fabric of her thong. The sexual chemistry that was between them was supercharged. That was the one part of their relationship that they had always gotten right.
“Or we can have dessert first,” she whispered. Carter stood, lifting her as he swept everything off of the table. Dishes and silverware went flying to the floor as he laid her down on top of the expensive marble.
He removed his manhood, and in one Casanova movement he slid her thong to the side. Her wetness warmed him as he slipped inside of her. With one arm wrapped around her arched waist and the other braced against the table he controlled the pace. He stroked her slowly, powerfully, as their bodies move rhythmically.
“I love you,” Miamor whispered as he kissed her neck.
His dick penetrated depths of her that she didn’t even know existed. Carter’s sex game was official. An unselfish lover, he always pleased her first. His touch was gentle, but he moved with authority, making commands of her without ever speaking any words.
His girth made her blossom bloom, and with every dip of his hips she matched his intensity. She grinded upward, throwing her love at him as their bodies became one. Miamor knew that she had the best pussy around. Very few had sampled it, but the ones who had were easily put under her spell. Miamor had that “make a nigga fall in love” pussy. It was inevitable to become trapped in her world, but with Carter Jones she fell just as hard. Like a magnet, she was drawn to him and not Mecca, not life, not death, could pull them apart. It was serendipitous for them to spend eternity loving each other.
Miamor closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride as she felt her orgasm build. She saw blinding white as she came, and the pulsating tool inside her along with the look of fulfillment on Carter’s face told her that he had gotten his too.
He pulled out of her and grabbed her hand. “Join me in the shower, ma. I’ve had a long day. I just want to be around you.”
“What about the food?” she asked.
“I’ll have the staff wrap everything up. We’ll order a pizza or something,” Carter said.
It was his simplicity that endeared him to her. He could take her around the world and back. His money was long and his reach wide, but he didn’t stunt to impress her. Time with her was enough to make him happy. Whether in a cardboard box or within the massive walls of his five-star mansion, they were satisfied with just the presence of one another.
Miamor followed him to the master bedroom and sat on the edge of the travertine-tiled bathtub as Carter ran the water. Vanilla bubbles and bath salts scented the room, and she lowered herself into the warm water. Carter pulled her close, her back against his chest as they both relaxed.
“I appreciate you cooking for me. In fact, I love that, but right now no one knows you’re here. You have to stay low. My family doesn’t know that you’ve returned, and until I figure out how to handle things you have to stay inside. No more grocery runs,” Carter said.
“You’re right. It won’t happen again,” she answered. It wasn’t what she wanted to say, but she was learning to bite her tongue. She was afraid that if she made one little mistake or displeased Carter in any way, he would dispel her from his life. He knew her well, however, and could tell that she wanted to say more.
“Why do you do that? You didn’t used to hold anything back from me,” he said.
“I’m just trying to be what you want, Carter,” Miamor said. In that moment she felt small, like she was dimming her light in order to help Carter shine, something she thought she would never do for any man.
“I want a woman that speaks her mind, Miamor. Don’t tiptoe around me. Respect me, be honest with me, and I will respect you and be honest with you. That’s all I want from you. Now what’s on your mind?” he said.
“How long do you expect for me to hide? I don’t want to feel like a prisoner here,” Miamor replied honestly.
“Just give me a little bit of time. I’m dealing with a lot right now,” Carter admitted.
She turned around so that she could face him. His face was etched with stress.
“What’s wrong?” she asked.
“Monroe and Zyir aren’t on the best of terms. They aren’t feeling each other. It’s hard to choose one brother over another. I’ve got Zyir meeting with our connect tomorrow, but by selecting him to go I can tell Monroe feels slighted.”
“Why don’t you just make the trip yourself? That way you’re not choosing sides,” Miamor suggested.
Carter didn’t respond, but he definitely heard what she said. It seemed to be the most diplomatic solution to his problem.
He rose from the water.
“Hey, where are you going?” she asked. “I thought we would go for round two.”
Carter leaned over and kissed her lips. “Not tonight. I’ve got to pack and so do you. Since I can’t guarantee that you’ll stay put while I’m gone, you’ll have to come with me. Tomorrow we’re flying to Rio.”
Chapter 10
“When in Rome.”
The ocean waves washed ashore as Miamor walked through the soft white sand, leaving indents of her feet as she went. She couldn’t believe that the beach was so empty. The entire coastline was clear; there wasn’t a person in sight. It felt like she had the entire ocean to herself. She lifted her head to the sky and closed her eyes as the sun kissed her cheeks. Rio de Janeiro was a beautiful place, and she hoped that they found time to explore the city. She understood that they were in town so that Carter could handle his business, but certainly they could find time to play before they left. Rio was the sexiest city in the world, and Miamor wanted to fuck her man on the beach, under the stars.
She looked back and saw Carter motioning for her from the second-story balcony. She turned around and headed back to the luxury villa. She entered and found him standing in white linen shorts, a white linen shirt, and a crisp wife beater underneath. He was dapper, and Miamor smiled at how lucky she was. Carter could have any woman in the world. He could certainly have any of the sexy vixens in Rio, but he wanted her.
“I plan to meet Buttons in the morning,” Carter said.
“Why not tonight?” she asked.
“Because tonight is ours,” he replied. “There’s no way you would ever let me live it down if I flew you in and out of Rio without letting you explore your way around.”
She laughed and kissed his lips because she loved that he knew her so well.
“Well, we’re in Rio and tonight I want to dance,” she exclaimed.
“I don’t dance, ma.” Carter chuckled. “And since when do you dance, gangster?” he asked mockingly, never figuring Miamor to be the type to indulge in Latin dance.
“When in Rome, right?” she asked with a laugh.
Carter and Miamor rode through the city streets presidential style as their driver escorted them to the hottest nightclub in Rio. The streets were definitely alive as the attractive people came out to play. They could see the line to the club from a block away as it looped around the building. The club was more like a hole in the wall, but it was the place to be on a Saturday night. Carter looked out the window and frowned. “You sure this is the place?” he asked the driver.
“Sí, sí,” the driver replied.
“It looks like a fucking dive,” he said.
“Lighten up, Carter Jones. Tonight we welcome the unexpected,” she whispered.
Carter put his pistol in his waist and Miamor put a small .22 in her clutch before exiting the car. They walked straight up to the entrance, and Carter tipped the bouncer generously to be let directly into the club.
As soon as they stepped inside, Carter realized why it was so popular. The vibe was sensual, seductive, and the dance floor was packed full of people dancing to Latin music. The club glowed red, casting an illuminating hue all over the room. Everyone in the club seemed to be the most beautiful people either of them had ever seen. Carter found his eye wandering as they made their way through the crowd. The thick shapes of the Rio women enticed Carter, and the fact that they were scantily dressed left nothing to his imagination.
Miamor laughed and said, “See, I told you that you would have a good time.”
They found a table and a waitress brought them a round of drinks. “
Hola, Americanos,
” she greeted with a smile.
Every waitress in the place served in boy shorts and bra, but the one who served them made the uniformed look seem erotic. Her breasts popped out of the bra, sitting perky and high, and her flat stomach was flawless. Her wide hips were accompanied by a beautiful behind.
“My name is Lucy and I’ll be serving you tonight. This first round of tequila is on the house. Let me know if I can get you anything else,” she said. Her accent was exotic and her dark hair gave her a mysterious look.
“You need to loosen up!” Miamor shouted over the music. “Drink up!”
Carter and Miamor hit a shot of tequila, and then Carter ordered cognac as Miamor indulged in her cocktail.
“You want to try it?” she asked, nodding at the dance floor.
“Nah, ma, you know my movements don’t change much. I don’t do the two-stepping thing. Go ahead though. I’ll enjoy the view,” he said as he leaned into her ear.
As Lucy placed their third round of drinks on the table, she smiled and asked, “You guys aren’t going to dance?”
Carter shook his head.
“You have to,
Do you know how many American men run away down here just to visit this very club?” Lucy exclaimed as she stood with her hand on her hip.
“I’ll pass, ma,” he said with a smile.
“I guess that’s easy for you to do with a girlfriend like this,” Lucy said as she winked at Miamor. “How about you? You no dance?”
Miamor shrugged and Lucy shook her head. “Oh no!
you are too pretty to be a wall flower,” she said.
Lucy grabbed Miamor’s hand and pulled her to her feet. “Can I borrow her?” Lucy asked. “Please,
I promise I will bring her back in one piece.”
Carter waved his hand and sat in the cut as he watched Miamor be pulled onto the dance floor with Lucy as her partner.
“What do I do?” Miamor asked.
“You let me seduce you,
Just relax and have a good time. The little pill I put in your drinks will have you rolling in no time,” Lucy whispered in her ear.
Miamor’s mind numbed as Lucy circled her like a predator. Her nipples hardened, and Lucy pulled her close. Her breath caught in her throat as Lucy’s hands roamed all over Miamor’s body, leaving a tingle every place that she touched.
“You’re a very pretty girl. He is lucky to have you,” Lucy whispered in her ear as she planted a wet kiss on her neck.
Miamor’s mind spun and everything felt good. Her entire body tingled, ached, begged to be touched. She had never popped Ecstasy before, but now that it had been slipped to her, she enjoyed the ride. “Did you give him some?” Miamor asked as she glanced over at her man.
“I did,
and I usually don’t partake in the club’s activities, but as soon as you two sat down in my section I knew that I wanted to suck the sweetness out of your pussy while you suck on his black dick,” Lucy whispered.
Miamor’s eyes popped open, and it was then that she realized that she had even closed them. Lucy’s words made her panties wet, and she moaned helplessly. She had never been so horny in her life.
“I bet his dick is big, eh?” Lucy asked. “Tell me it’s big,

“It’s big.” Miamor panted as Lucy grinded on her to the slow beat of the music. Her hands were planted on Miamor’s hips as she aligned their pussies, grinding and winding slowly.
“I want to suck that black dick. Can I suck his dick, mama?” the Latina asked.
Under normal circumstances Miamor would have cut the girl’s tongue out of her mouth, but Miamor was in the moment. The overwhelming desire that she felt made her consider sharing Carter with the voluptuous South American vixen. It was every man’s fantasy to bring another woman into his bed with wifey, and Miamor smirked as she thought,
That just might happen tonight.
Carter leaned back in the booth and felt his dick jump as he watched Miamor dance with Lucy. Undoubtedly they were the two most beautiful women in the club, and the steamy session they were having on the dance floor had Carter on brick. He ordered a cigar, and a pure Cuban was brought out for him. He clipped the end and held it up to the flame that a waitress held for him. All the while his eyes never left the show Miamor was putting on for him.
Their eyes locked, and Carter exhaled a mouthful of smoke. He nodded for her to return to the table, and Miamor obliged, bringing Lucy back with her.
“That was quite a performance, ma,” Carter said as he licked his lips. The way he did it told Miamor that he wanted to lick another set of lips as well, and she smiled.
“Why don’t we head back,” she said.
Carter stood to his feet and Miamor added, “All three of us.”
Momentarily thrown off kilter, Carter paused. He didn’t know if this was a trick or if he had heard her wrong.
“When in Rome, right?” she asked again with a mischievous smile. Carter loved the spontaneity of it all. He would have never asked her for a threesome, but he for damn sure wasn’t going to turn one down at her suggestion.
Carter grabbed Miamor’s hand, and Miamor grabbed Lucy’s hand as they left the club and entered their awaiting car.
“Back to the villa,” Carter instructed as he rolled up the window that separated them from the curious eyes of the driver.
As soon as their privacy was official, Miamor lowered her head into Carter’s lap, releasing his already hard penis.
” Lucy moaned as she admired his size. Carter sat back in the seat as Miamor pushed Lucy’s head down onto Carter’s dick. Carter gasped as Lucy’s mouth took him in.
“Oh shit,” he whispered as she went to work.
Miamor kissed his lips and whispered in his ear, “This is going to be the best night of your life.”
He gripped the back of her head, intensifying their kiss as he clenched his ass and fucked Lucy’s mouth at the same time. Her head game was out of this world as she topped him off, licking and sucking his dick.
“Scoot down,
” she whispered as she pulled him off the edge of the seat. There was something about the way she called him
that made Carter want to cum in her mouth, and when he felt her tongue dip in his ass he moaned out loud.
“You like that, baby?” Miamor whispered. Miamor lowered her head and went south on her man as she sucked his dick while Lucy licked his ass. Carter felt as if he would explode at any moment. He placed his hand on the back of Miamor’s head and sucked his teeth.
“Psss, damn, ma. Suck that shit,” he groaned. Carter had hit a lot of women in his day, but he had never had a session this good. He had no idea that it was the E taking him to new heights.
The nut that built up inside of him finally erupted, and Miamor locked eyes with him as she swallowed every drop. She and Lucy arose as the car stopped moving.
“Let’s take this inside. I’m not done with you yet,” Miamor said. He had never seen her so uninhibited, and he liked it.
The threesome adjusted their clothing and then rushed into the villa. The women couldn’t keep their hands off of Carter as they fumbled to get him out of his clothes. Carter kissed Miamor passionately and pulled back suddenly. “You got any condoms?”
Miamor shook her head because they didn’t use them with one another, but she wasn’t so high as to let another bitch sample her dick without protection.
“I have them,” Lucy whispered as she removed a Magnum from her purse. She ripped it open and slid it onto Carter’s dick. It was hard, as if the first nut had never even happened. The softness of her hands made him close his eyes as Lucy began to stroke his dick gently.
Carter turned Miamor around and pulled his hardness away from Lucy. He slid into Miamor from behind, standing in the middle of the room, and gripped her hips so that she had nowhere to run.
Lucy loved the sight and couldn’t feel left out for long. She got on her knees in front of Miamor and parted the petals of her delicate flower.
“Oh my goodness!” Miamor yelled in pleasure when she felt Lucy’s mouth on her clit. The dick Carter was serving from behind and the ecstasy that Lucy provided in front threw Miamor into a frenzy. Her body shook, having earthquakes of pleasure as the pair pleased her. She scared herself because she loved this threesome so much she knew that she would definitely try it again, and next time it wouldn’t be only for Carter.
Lucy folded her lips over her teeth and bit down on Miamor’s clit, feasting on the juicy piece of flesh until Miamor could no longer take it.
“Eat it! Please, keep going, Lucy. Oh shit, Carter! Oh, Carter!” Miamor screamed.
BOOK: The Cartel 4: Diamonds Are Forever
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