The Catherine Kimbridge Chronicles #1, Inception (36 page)

BOOK: The Catherine Kimbridge Chronicles #1, Inception
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Catherine Kimbridge Chronicles

Characters, Places, Ships

and Random thoughts


(del ra Lu)

Six legged creatures that resemble dogs. Intelligent, Seemingly bent on destroying any intelligent life they chance upon. Their technology is impressive in that they have powerful energy generation systems but they utilize inferior computers and artificial intelligence platforms. They are lead but a pack system headed by an elected official called the First of the First...

ESX Arizona

An experimental VASMR space craft piloted by Catherine Kimbridge.



A human female who has been rebuilt after a heroic death by a powerful race known as the Heshe. Her body is filled with regenerative nanites that repair tissue damage and can reengineer her on the fly to withstand incredible stresses. Cat as she is called by her friends is the title character. The series explores her rise through the ranks as she helps to shape the Galactic Coalition of Planets as a force for good.  

Admiral "Bud" Faragon

Head of admiralty board. USC Yorktown is his flagship.

Rigel Kentaurus,

A ternary star system roughly four light-years from Sol

Ricky Valen

A major character who is briefly introduced in book one with the line… "Mars II, this is Prospector 49. Request permission to dock at first available gate. Over"  "49, you are cleared for gate 3. Do you have any cargo to declare?" The rebuilt Catherine Kimbridge is indeed that cargo.

Deimos base,

Mars II, a lunar base that survives the D’lralu attack


A Heshe who Cat sacrifices her life to save.


Aliens that look to be some type of land-based cephalopod with eight ridged legs and matching eyestalks. The legs appeared capable of working both for locomotion and manipulation. Communicate by changing the color of patches of their skin much like squid on Earth.


United Space Command, replaced by Galactic Coalition of Planets

Dr. Ken Kirkland

Chief engineer on the Bowman... And chaplain, later First Officer of the Yorktown. Wife: Rebecca Ann civilian cook, later Lt. Bowman environmental

USC Bowman

Humanities first interstellar ship. The Bowman was primarily a ship of exploration but given the massive amount of armament and shielding on the recovered D'lralu vessel the powers-that-be had decided that Earth's first starships should have defensive systems built in.

In addition to reactive hull plating, the Bowman was able to generate a displacement field around itself that in theory at least should shunt energy weapons around the vessel. The inertial dampeners could be configured to transfer momentum from a colliding mass to the entire ship. This meant the impact energy required to 'hole' the ship would need to be enough to crush the entire ship at once.


The Bowman was also outfitted with a single center mounted rail gun and four chemical torpedo launchers. The torpedoes included low-yield nuclear payloads and small quantum fold generators. Unfortunately the hyper drive engines in the torpedoes were of limited use because the firing solutions still took too long to calculate for the torpedoes to be effectively used in a light speed engagement. Likely the next generation of missiles would have this capability removed until it could be perfected.

Dr. Riley

Irish medical doctor on Bowman with a German accent.

Lunar One

Primary lunar base and city

Orbital One

Primary Earth orbiting base… destroyed and rebuilt several times

Lt. Jim Cortez

Communications officer

Lt. Kelley Shelby

A petite blond woman with a southern accent was at navigation on Bowman. Killed

Commander Jason Ruck

First officer, an African American... Promoted to captain of Avenger. Future love interest for Catherine Kimbridge

Lt. Commander Andrew Martinescu

Weapons control Officer on Bowman

Ganymede station

Research Station

Lieutenant Commander Sherry Melbourne

Admiral Faragon's administrative officer on the USC Yorktown

The First of

the First

Title given to the current leader of the D’lralu

Chief Engineer Commander Thais Figarero

Brazilian Chief Engineer of the USC/GCP Yorktown

Ensign Davis

Red Shirt I think


D'lralu mother tongue


Admirals Pike, Chu and Forrest, Faragon, McMullen, Cartwright, Chelsea


A D’lralu First Officer was an officer called Mirdan. He was the Third of the Seventh


Hopper (Hupenstanii) called Gibby. Doctorate in Human studies


Hoppers… Gibby, Trifa

Galactic Coalition of Planets


Chief Wroblewski

Weapons officer on USC/GCP Yorktown

Lt Zimmerman

Ziggy... Communications officer on Yorktown

Gliese 581g - similar to earth

20 light years away... 0.92 on Earth similarity index roughly 1.7 g surface gravity. Centered in goldilocks zone

Yakin and Yurka

Heshe explorers visiting Uruk system with Yarin

Other Books

Andrew Beery

(Click on titles to jump to order page)


The Catherine Kimbridge Chronicles

Inception, #1 - July 2012

Redemption, #2 - January 2013

*Exploration, #3 - 2013 Summer

Deception, #4 - 2014


The Ways of Mages
(with Catherine Beery)

The Ways of Mages, #1
  -Revised July 2012

The Ways of Mages: Two Worlds, #2
- Aug 2012

The Ways of Mages: Sta
rfire, #3
January 2013

*The Ways of Mages: Three Swords, #4
- 2013

* Coming Soon

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