The Chair (5 page)

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Authors: Michael Ziegler

BOOK: The Chair
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The transport, moving back through the tunnel, finally arrived to the main tunnel of the conduit. I quickly got out and opened the wall. As it began sliding back, my heart sank as it revealed the empty platforms of all three chairs; she had already left! Slowly walking into the room, I looked up at the map. Sure enough the map recticle was centered directly over the Guildhall School of Music in London. I ambled over to a file cabinet holding records of the trips made in the chair by Professor Gratten

Just as I was beginning to scan the files, I heard a strange whirring sound, then another one with a lower pitch. I glanced to the middle of the room where the three chair platforms were. The two tracker platforms began to blur and I could begin to see the chairs with two people, forming out of thin air. Quickly hiding behind a cabinet in the corner of the room, the chairs and their occupants materialized into solid forms in front of me. This must have been the way I appeared when first arriving here, was my thought. As I watched them stand up, I knew right away it must be Anders and Paxton.

He was wearing finer clothing than anything this island had to offer, and she was also wearing clothes they must have purchased while in London with stolen money. He was tall and thin, with blond buzzed cut hair. Some type of tattoo crept up the side of his neck and he had a very sullen look in his eyes. She was a bit cutesy and fairly small, with short dark tousled style hair and lips curled up slightly in a smirky way with shifty eyes. A thick silver chain link choker was around her neck and I couldn’t help but notice her small silver spike pierced earrings. They were both surveying the room at first and then she spoke.

 “It’s not here Anders!”

“Well…it should be here!

“It would be right here on the center platform if it was, you know that! Gratten must have returned here and then left again; check the map viewer.”

I assumed because for some reason they couldn’t find the chair in London, they probably returned to see if it was back here. They didn’t have any idea that I had returned here with it and then Ara had taken it again to―.

“London England!” Paxton blurted out, looking at the map screen. “He’s taken it back to some music school there, let’s go.”

“Hold on, we’re close now, one more jump- but let’s think this one out, I don’t want anything to go wrong this time Paxton.”

 I was afraid I’d hear those words; they were now going to follow Ara to London. They must both be armed and there was no telling what desperate measures they were capable of taking to get a hold of that chair. Ara or Catherine might easily get hurt or killed in the process. I had to do something to stop them, but what?

Anders walked up to the map window, stretched his arm out to point and it was then I happened to see a hidden shoulder holster with one of those thick barreled pistols. He swung around for a moment then looked almost directly at me. I thought for an instant that I had been seen, but no, he was just looking in my direction while deliberating; then walking over to Paxton, he grabbed her and wrapping his arm around her hugged her close and kissed her on the head.

“You’re going first Pax and when you get there, if you find the chair just come back with it; all Gratten will be able to do is follow you. If he’s right there when you arrive, kill him and wait for me to arrive. I’ll be right behind, arriving almost immediately after you. When I show up we’ll destroy one of the trackers and come back together in the other two.

“We will be in control of the island and that will be just the beginning!”

She walked up to him putting her arms around him and kissed him. “That’s what I love about you Anders, you’re sights are never set too awfully high-ha, ha.”

Anders walked over to the map window and looked back at Paxton.

“Alright Pax, ready? Let’s send you to this music school eh? Get that chair what ever you do!”

With that she looked down at her side, checked her weapon, adjusted her belt and looking at Anders sat in the tracker which soon vanished into space. I couldn’t let Anders best me at that point. I had the advantage of surprise and somehow had to grab hold of his weapon and get to the other tracker. I moved quietly around the back of a tall cabinet as he was transfixed on the map. Then, working my way around close to where he stood, I had to come out in the open and grab his weapon before he knew what happened.

To my surprise, he stepped over by the other tracker and took off his coat exposing his shoulder holster and weapon. He then began pacing back and forth, unaware of my presence, fully absorbed in his plan and wondering how it was getting on with Paxton. I had to take advantage of the moment while he was still thinking and his guard was down. As he turned his back and walked away from me, I quickly and quietly inched toward him. Then, call it his instinct, a premonition or whatever, but he suddenly turned around and saw me standing inches away!

“Wha…Hey, what the―”

 Before he could say another word I lunged for his weapon, planting a haymaker on the side of his jaw knocking him to the floor; as he grabbed for his weapon, I hit him again, grabbed him and forced his hand away from the holster.

Now believe me I’m not a prizefighter, but in this case it was all about who was going to get his way and I was resolute that it was going to be me. I grabbed his weapon before he came to his senses.









asn’t bloody sure as to how the weapon worked, but I nevertheless pointed it straight at him. “Don’t move Anders!”

He stood raising his hands up. “Who are
and how the hell do you know my

“Never mind, I know what you’re trying to do but it won’t work!”

“Wait just a minute …careful with that pistol now, are you sure you know how that thing works? You seem a little unsure of yourself and you certainly don’t appear the type that wants to hurt anyone, just give me back my weapon; I’m not going to hurt you; you’re just a little mixed up.”

“It’s you who’s mixed up.”

He took a step closer. “Look, I don’t know who you’ve been talking to but I’m just trying to help the people here on this island!”

“Ha! Right and I’m just getting in your way am I? How are you possibly helping the people here?”

 “To escape from certain leaders that have hijacked a normal way of life, dictating the way they have to live!”

“This island looks pretty peaceable to me and the people here look very satisfied.”

“Oh I’m sure they do, knowing they can do nothing to change it; they’re stranded here and they’ve been trying to make the best of it. I’m just attempting, that is
are attempting to change all that. Now come on be reasonable and hand over the weapon.”

He began boldly walking toward me as if daring me to shoot. He knew I could feel the pressure he was exerting but I knew I had to call his bluff. Pointing the weapon at his left side, I pulled the trigger; flame shot out of the barrel kicking the weapon back. He fell down and cried out holding his arm as blood trickled down his forearm.

“Don’t make me do that again Anders! Stay down. I just winged you, you got lucky.” 

I jumped for the chair as he struggled to get up, but it was too late for him to stop me; I no sooner sat down in it when everything quickly began to dissolve and I knew I was vanishing in front of him on my way to London.

When I had arrived and returned to consciousness, I recognized it was indeed Catherine’s music school. I had appeared in one of the rooms but the other tracker that the Paxton girl had previously taken was no where to be seen. The tracker’s, I thought, must not necessarily find the
same spot as the chair, only the same location. That meant Paxton could be anywhere in the building and I knew she was armed. I looked closely at my weapon again just to be sure it was ready.  The bullets must be in the handle I reasoned, but I wasn’t sure how many I had left. I found a small button on the handle and pressed it; low and behold it released a small metal holder out the bottom of the handle holding six rounds. I shoved it back in and it clicked in place; pretty ingenious I thought.

Catherine and Ara could both be around here anywhere as well. Unless I was too late, I had to find them before Paxton did. Pointing my weapon ahead, I stealthily walked down the hallway and slowly looked in the next room―nothing. I kept moving in the same direction, carefully descending the stairway to the floor below. There were a few late students walking down the hall on the floor below and heading for the stairs, I waited till they passed by. Walking to the corner, I held my weapon out as I quickly made the turn. Someone was right in front of me, was it Paxton? I started to press the trigger―but wait―no, it was Ara pointing her weapon at me.

“Richard, what are you doing here? We both heaved a quick sigh of relief and hugged each other.

“How long have you been here Ara? Have you found Catherine yet?”

“No, I’ve been walking around the building, trying to find her!”

I took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “Keep an eye out for Paxton, she’s also in this building with a weapon looking for the chair and you know she’ll kill to get it.

“Her and Anders must not have found your father while they were in London. Paxton probably thinks he came
for some reason; she has no clue as to who I am yet.”

Ara folded her arms looking around. “But she’ll recognize me! I’m the one who put her and Anders in the tank to begin with. I left the chair on the lowest floor; we’ve got to get back there before she finds it or she’ll be gone! Catherine may or may not be here, but we have enough to deal with knowing Anders and Paxton are on the loose!”

Ara pulled my sleeve. “Where

“I shot him and left him at the conduit, but he’s scarcely wounded and still dangerous. I’ve got his weapon and took a tracker; Paxton’s took the other one.”

Holding our weapons out as we made our way down to the next level; Ara came close and whispered. “Then both trackers as well as the chair are here in this building! We absolutely cannot let her find the chair!”

After opening several doors down the hallway without seeing anyone, we descended to the next floor and opened one door. There in the back of the room was the tracker that Paxton must have arrived in, but she wasn’t there. Unexpectedly, we heard the sound of two female voices shouting on the floor below us – “she has a gun!” they shouted; then, scuffling feet running down a hallway.

Ara looked at me disconcertedly. “Paxton’s going to find it, come on hurry Richard!”

 She was already down on the bottom floor; we quickened our pace and headed for the last set of steps. Keeping our weapons at the ready, we descended the stairway quickly looking around the corner. We reached the lower floor and barely caught a glimpse of someone’s feet rounding the corner into another smaller room.

Ara whispered frantically, “the chair is in there Richard, hurry!” She ran ahead pointing her weapon. Then, turning the corner, she could see Paxton standing in front of the chair and there was another woman standing close to her, frozen and very frightened.

“Don’t shoot!” the woman shouted.

I then rounded the corner and could see both women. One of them was Paxton and the other was Catherine!

Paxton quickly grabbed her by the hair pulling her head back and pointed her weapon at her temple. “Don’t either of you move or I’ll blow her brains out!”

“Richard what’s this all about?” Catherine shouted, sobbing hysterically. “Where have you been and who

Paxton yanked on her hair once more. “Shut up and don’t move a muscle! Well, well, well, if it isn’t Ara and who’s this other dooly with you? Drop your weapons now! You’re too late; I’m taking this chair and you’re gon’na watch me do it. Don’t try and follow; we’ll both be waiting at the other end and shoot the second you arrive!”

She pushed Catherine forward onto the floor and quickly sat down in the chair laughing and pointing her weapon at us; in a matter of seconds, she and the chair dissolved into nothingness.

I ran over to Catherine and gently helped her up off the floor. “Are you alright?”

She sobbed. “No Richard, I’m not alright! Where have you been and who is this other woman with you?”

Ara picked up the weapon and sat down running her hands through her hair looking Catherine over carefully. As I began attempting to explain our circumstances to Catherine, I knew what must be going on in Ara’s mind. She was sizing Catherine up and comparing her with what she had anticipated. I felt awkward as I was trying to explain who this striking blonde in boots was standing next to me, both of us pointing weapons at another bizarre looking woman holding her hostage. I couldn’t tell her about the island, as it would compromise the people who wished to remain unknown.  It took awhile, but I managed to make up a suitable story, leaving out some details between Ara and myself, of course, that I knew she would certainly not want to hear. I told her there was a city somewhere in England that Ara and Paxton were from. The chairs were some sort of scientific experiment gone awry still in the experimental stage, causing Ara’s father to go missing. Catherine excused herself and left to freshen and clean up while Ara and I had to quickly decide what to do from there.

“I better not go back just yet Richard… as Paxton said, they’d be waiting for me.” She leaned her back up against the wall looking a little bewildered.

“What do you mean
better not go back yet? You mean
, I’m staying with you!”

“No Richard, Catherine must be freaked out and she needs you here now. The chair and my father are not your problem; you don’t need to get any further involved in this.”

“I don’t like anyone, especially a young punky girl like Paxton to tell me what I can and can’t do; I’m going back with you and see this thing through.”

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