The Cold Kiss of Death (30 page)

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Authors: Suzanne McLeod

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

BOOK: The Cold Kiss of Death
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‘What happens now?’ I asked, a part of me still bemused by my own calmness, even though I could feel Malik smoothing over my thoughts.
He turned the key in the lift and it dipped slightly, taking my stomach with it, before the lights flickered on and it started to ascend. ‘We shall prepare for the oath, then once that is over we will go to the police station.’
The lift halted, the door gliding open. Blue carpet patterned with small silver hearts stretched down a long, empty corridor lined on one side with steel doors. I gathered the remnants of our clothes as he bade me, then followed him past half a dozen of the doors, my bare feet sinking into the thick carpet, until Malik stopped at one of them. He stilled, then lifted his chin, sniffing the air.
‘It appears we have company waiting for us,’ he said softly. ‘This is not a good sign.’
But before I could ask who, the door slid away into the wall and I had a brief moment of déjà vu. Hannah Ashby, dressed in her vamp-groupie outfit of pumpkin-coloured velvet bustier and black net skirt, stood in the opening.
‘Malik al-Khan, and the ever-delightful—Rosa.’ She arched one perfectly-drawn-in black brow in a conspiratorial fashion. ‘Don’t you think it might be better to enter instead of loitering about in the hallway?’ She gave a low chuckle, then stood back and ushered us past her.
Chapter Nineteen
y newly changed vampire senses picked up the base notes of patchouli and sandalwood in Hannah’s perfume, but for some reason the scent had the same effect as walking into the swamp-dragon’s cave. My eyes teared up. I dropped the clothes and clapped my hand over my mouth and nose as I choked on a coughing fit. I felt Malik’s hand at the small of my back as he pushed me into the room. I hurried to the far side, putting as much distance between me and the lung-burning scent as possible.
I slapped my hands over my eyes and concentrated, dialling my vamp body’s reactions down to nothing, cutting out the toxic smell, the slightly raised
da daum
of Hannah’s heartbeat, and the bitter chemical taste of the perfume that made me feel like I’d been sucking on a vamp junkie stoked up on crack as well as venom. After a couple of seconds, I stopped breathing, my heart stopped beating and the perfume was nothing more than a ghost-memory in my mind.
Dropping my hands, I pressed my fingers into my own sternum, where I could still feel the slight burn in my lungs. ‘What the hell is that perfume you’re wearing?’ I asked, glaring at Hannah.
‘It’s a bespoke perfume created by Roja Dove.’ She smiled, looking delighted. ‘He’s a renowned “nose”, trained at the House of Guerlain. He mixes liquid silver into the jus; I wear it as an added precaution when I want to avoid any confrontations with the club’s vampires.’
Liquid silver? No wonder my lungs were burning up.
Malik was standing just inside the door, his face almost hidden by shadows. His bare chest gleamed pale in the room’s dimmed light, the rose scar under his heart hardly visible, and he looked elegant and composed, despite wearing nothing but his suit trousers. Either Hannah’s perfume didn’t affect him as much, or he’d known what to expect and cut his senses off before taking a whiff of the noxious stuff.
The room itself didn’t manage to live up to Malik’s style. It could have been a lounge in any bland hotel suite, decorated in shades of blue with silver-fronted furniture: except for the floor-to-ceiling glass wall behind me. The glass wall gave a god’s-eye view of the Blue Heart’s dancefloor three floors below, packed with a mass of bodies undulating to a beat that vibrated through the glass, though I couldn’t actually hear anything.
Hannah had positioned herself behind one of two sofas, her hands resting on a familiar vamp’s broad shoulders - Darius, her personal fang-pet. He sat slumped, staring fixedly at me from half-lidded eyes. He was dressed as the last time I’d seen him, in my flat: naked apart from his diamanté Calvin Klein briefs and calf-high boots. Little beads of blood-tinged sweat shone on his forehead and trickled down his flushed romance-model’s chest. He looked like he’d been on a binge-drinking session and wasn’t far off collapsing into a blood-dream - the vamp equivalent of being utterly, totally drunk.
‘Of course, it doesn’t bother too many of the vamps in the club,’ Hannah carried on, ruffling Darius’ tawny waves. ‘Most of them keep themselves offline anyway, unless they’re actually feeding. And while there are plenty of willing donors walking around, once I’ve fed Darius here, I prefer not to worry about anyone else. So the perfume is my way of being safe rather than sorry.’
‘What is your reason for being here, Hannah?’ Malik’s voice was soft, a hint of threat riding along with his question.
I could probably hazard a guess that the answer had something to do with a Fabergé egg, seeing as she knew about my Disguise spell, and no doubt also knew that every other vamp in town was expecting ‘Rosa’ to turn up tonight with Malik and with me missing for the last couple of days, Hannah being here wasn’t really a surprise.
Unfazed, Hannah turned her delighted smile on him. ‘I thought I would do you a favour.’ She tipped Darius’ head back, offering his throat. ‘They plan to refuse you your blood-tithe, although I suspect you already know that. So I thought I’d offer you some provisions.’ She trailed a finger across Darius’ chest, smearing a line in his blood-sweat. ‘He has fed well, as you can see’- gorged was more like it - ‘and is willing to do whatever you want, aren’t you Darius?’ She patted his cheek.
‘Yess,’ he slurred, eyes still eerily fixed on mine, his head lolling to the side.
Malik didn’t move, didn’t even blink, but I felt the tension tighten his body. A sudden edge of shared hunger clenched like a fist in my stomach, nearly doubling me over.
‘All I ask is you try not to kill him,’ Hannah added, leaning down to lick Darius’ exposed throat. ‘I find him satisfying in so many ways; I would be so disappointed to lose him.’
‘Leave us then,’ Malik ordered.
She pushed at Darius’ shoulder, urging him up. He staggered to his feet and stumbled towards Malik, who opened his arms, catching the taller vampire to his chest, then in one smooth easy movement, hooked an arm under his knees and lifted him, cradling him like a bride about to be carried over a threshold. Darius might have weighed not much more than his Calvin Klein’s for all the effort Malik seemed to expend.
‘Actually, it’s you who’s going to leave us, Malik. I still have a favour to do for someone else.’ She smiled and lifted a black holdall from behind the sofa and dropped it on the seat. It gave a metallic clank as it landed. ‘Elizabetta wants Rosa to dress appropriately for the ceremony.’
Somehow I knew
wasn’t going to be my kind of thing.
‘Use the bedroom.’ Hannah waved at the other door. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll both be right here when you finish.’
Malik hesitated, then looked at Darius in his arms, his expression turning predatory, and I swallowed against the constriction in my throat; whether it was fear or envy I wasn’t sure.

Be careful of this one, Genevieve,
’ Malik’s voice whispered in my mind. ‘
She is more than she appears
.’ The connecting door opened, apparently of its own accord, and I wondered if he had some sort of kinetic ability too. I filed that question away for later.
When the door had closed behind him and his meal, I turned back to a smugly smiling Hannah. And Malik’s warning reminded me that I was in Rosa’s body and I had use only of her vamp senses; all my own abilities with magic were gone. It wasn’t something that had ever bothered me much in the past, but then, I’d never knowingly sparred with a sorcerer before as ‘Rosa’. Now I couldn’t
the magic, and even my unwanted aptitude for seeing ghosts was gone; after Cosette’s recent help, it made me feel oddly vulnerable.
‘So, Hannah, what
your reason for being here?’ I said, echoing Malik’s question.
She walked over to me and stood looking at the gyrating dance crowd below. ‘They’re like chickens in the fox house, aren’t they?’ she laughed, the sound scornful. ‘Totally unaware of the dangerous possibilities that surround them. But we’re not like that, are we, Genevieve?’ Her fingers toyed with the silver death’s head pendant that nestled at the base of her neck. ‘We know how unpredictable life can be - unless of course we have a helping hand.’ She blew on the glass, misting it with her breath, then waved her palm over the now-opaque window. ‘Allow us to
,’ she murmured.
Within the glass a picture appeared: a room similar to the one we were in. Declan and Elizabetta were standing facing each other and a crystal wine glass - half-full of dark purple-red liquid - sat on a small table between them. Elizabetta held out a thin silver knife - more ornate than Malik’s, the blade already bloodied - and smiled up at Declan. Anticipation was written all over her currently young face. Declan’s blue eyes crinkled in an answering grin as he took the blade, then he held his arm over the glass and in a movement almost too fast to see, sliced along the vein that bulged blue under his pale Irish skin. His dark blood dripped down from the cut to merge with that already in the glass.
‘They agree to support each other, to spill blood together.’ Hannah spoke quietly next to my ear.
Declan offered his still bleeding wrist to Elizabetta as she offered hers to him and together they spoke, lips moving in silent unison. Then with a ritualistic deliberation, they bent their heads to each other’s wrists and drank.
‘Now they agree to share the spoils,’ Hannah said in a throaty whisper.
‘Spoils meaning me, the sidhe me, of course,’ I said, my matter-of-fact tone belying the apprehension that crept over me. The picture fogged and disappeared. I turned to look at her. ‘Neat little show, Hannah, but it’s not exactly breaking news or anything, is it?’
‘Maybe not, but I think it’s always better to know what your enemy is up to, even if all it does is confirm one’s own suspicions.’ She indicated the bag on the sofa. ‘That way, one doesn’t fall prey to false promises.’
Ri-ight: Elizabetta’s outfit, or whatever it was. I strode over to the bag, which clanked as I unzipped it and pulled it open. I lifted out what was lying on top: a gold neck collar with a long heavyweight gold chain attached to it. The chain looked like it could pull lorries. It ended in a wide gold wrist-cuff. I pursed my lips. ‘I HOPE this isn’t some sort of muscle-man bondage crap.’
‘Look at the rest, Genevieve.’
I pulled it out: an elaborate gold-metal bikini, which could double as a handy chastity belt if the leather thongs that kept it on were replaced with padlocks. Attached to the metal briefs was a fall of red material that was going to end up a tripping hazard, let alone the fact that it did nothing in the modesty stakes. It all looked vaguely familiar ... As I imagined wearing it all - gold bikini, metal collar and chain - the iconic movie image of the enslaved princess chained to her fat, bloated alien captor clicked into my mind.
‘Elizabetta wants me to kill Malik then.’ I made it a statement.
Hannah chuckled. ‘Her exact message was, “Slaughter the monster, and I will welcome you and yours into my blood with open veins.”’
‘Open veins,’ I mused. ‘Interesting choice of words.’
‘The movie is one of Elizabetta’s favourites, and knowing Rosa’s fondness for chains ...’ Hannah shrugged. ‘Elizabetta decided the costume was appropriate. You do understand what she means, don’t you?’
‘Yes. Elizabetta is offering her protection if Rosa kills Malik and swears fealty to her.’ I hefted the metal collar; the thing was heavy, even for my enhanced vampire strength. It was some sort of gold-plated steel, maybe. ‘And of course, if Rosa took the deal and she was still the vampire that Elizabetta thinks she is, she would bring a sidhe with her.’ I lifted my lips in a half-smile. ‘The irony is, Rosa is not that vamp, so old Liz is going to be one very disappointed sucker.’
‘You’re rejecting her offer then?’ Hannah asked, sounding only mildly interested.
I gave her my best
do I look stupid?
look. ‘C’mon, Hannah, even if I were the actual Rosa, I would have to be suicidal to trust her, wouldn’t I?’
‘As I said,’ she gave me a rueful smile, ‘we are both aware of the dangerous possibilities that exist.’
‘Which is something I could’ve worked out on my own.’ I narrowed my eyes. ‘So if all this info is supposed to make me produce the Fabergé egg in gratitude, it’s not working. Why don’t you tell me something I don’t know ... like why you really want the egg?’
‘The egg is a highly valuable item, Genevieve’ - she slyly arched one carefully drawn-in brow - ‘surely you Googled it on your computer.’
I smiled, knowing it didn’t reach my eyes. ‘As I said, it’s a neat little trick, spying on people like that.’ I waved at the now clear glass. ‘But you see, the egg wasn’t the only thing I Googled. You don’t need that sort of money, do you, Hannah? Not when your net worth is in the same bracket as a small African country.’
She smoothed her hands down her body, giving me a coquettish look from under her lashes. ‘One can never be too rich or too thin, isn’t that what that American said, the Duchess of Windsor?’
I cast a judicious eye over her well-endowed curves. ‘Too thin doesn’t appear to be in your remit, so why don’t you stop playing games? There’s no way you want the egg for its monetary value, and to be honest, if I were going to sell it, I could do that myself.’

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