The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War (110 page)

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Authors: David Halberstam

Tags: #History, #Politics, #bought-and-paid-for, #Non-Fiction, #War

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North Korean assault on
turning point in


chaos in
early celebration in
U.S. capture of


Quezon, Manuel



Rainer, Hewlett (Reb)

Raybould, Dick

Rayburn, Sam

Read, Dillon

Reece, B. Carroll

Reedy, George

Republican Party

and Americanism
anti-Communism in
and China Lobby
and Eisenhower
internationalist wing of
and isolationism
and MacArthur
midterm elections (1946)
midterm elections (1950)
nativists in
presidential election (1952)
right wing of
and Truman

Reston, James (Scotty)

Rhee, Syngman

in exile
as Little Chiang
as South Korean president
unified Korea as goal of
and U.S. support
and war

Rhoden, Berry

Richardson, Bill

Ridgway, Matthew B.

army evaluation by
and Central Corridor
and Eighth Army command
and expansion of war
and Inchon
and Joint Chiefs
and MacArthur
MacArthur replaced by
and Marshall
and onset of war
successes of
as supportive of subordinates
and turning point
in Vietnam
in World War

Ritter, Bruce

Roberts, Roy

Roberts, William Lynn

Robinson, Ralph

Rochnowski, Arthur

Roh Tae Woo

Roosevelt, Eleanor

Roosevelt, Franklin D.

charisma of
and China
death of
and MacArthur
and radio
and social revolution
transition to Truman from
and war

Roosevelt, James

Roosevelt, Theodore

Root, Elihu

Roper, Elmo

Roshchin, N. V.

Ross, Charlie

Rovere, Richard

Rowley, Arden

Rowny, Ed

Ruffner, Nick

Rupertus, William

Rusk, Dean

Russ, Martin

Russell, George

Russell, Richard

Soviet Union

Russo-Japanese War (1904)



Salazar, Antonio

Salinger, Pierre

Salisbury, Harrison

Saltonstall, Leverett

Saturday Evening Post, The

Scateni, Rudolph

Schlesinger, Arthur

Scott, Hugh

Scowcroft, Brent

Sebald, William


capture and recapture of
street fighting in
U.S. Marine drive to; map

Sevareid, Eric

Shang Yue

Shen Zhihua

Shepherd, Lem

Sheridan, Philip H.

Sherman, Forrest

Sherrod, Robert

Sherwood, Robert

Shi Zhe

Shoemaker, Harold

Short, Dewey

Shtykov, Terenti

Sigur, Gaston

Simmons, Edwin

Simms, Clemmie

Singlaub, Jack

Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895)

Skeldon, Jim

Sloane, Charles (Chin)

Smith, Alexander

Smith, Brad

Smith, Jacob (Hell-roaring Jake)

Smith, Lynn

Smith, O. P.

Smith, Robert

Smith, Walter Bedell

Smith, Willard

Snyder, John W.

Soong, T. V.

Sorenson, Ted

South Korea:

Americans evacuated from
corruption in
economic success of
governance of
MacArthur’s lack of interest in
modernization of
North Korean invasion of; map
omitted from U.S. defense perimeter
U.S. advisers to
U.S. promises to
U.S. visitors to

South Korean army (ROKs):

advancing north
collapse of
leadership of
in Pyongyang
unprepared for battle
at Unsan
U.S. intelligence reports on
at Wonju
at Wonsan

Soviet Union:

air cover promise reneged by
atomic weapons of
and China
in Cold War
Communist model of
expansionism of
and Korean War
and Mao
and North Korea
Red Army
and Russian Revolution
totalitarianism of
weapons supplied by
in World War

Spanier, John

Spanish-American War (1898)

Spence, Jonathan

Stai, Mel

Stalin, Joseph

and China
crimes of
and cult of personality
death of
and Kim
and Korean War
and Mao
megalomania of
and power
and Truman

Stanley, George

Stassen, Harold

Stephens, Dick

Stevenson, Adlai E.

Stewart, George

Stilwell, Joseph (Vinegar Joe)

and Chiang
death of
and MacArthur

Stratemeyer, George

Stratton, William

Struble, Arthur

Stryker, Joe

Stuart, John Leighton

Stueck, William

Sullivan, John

Sung Shih-lun

Sun Yat-sen

Sutherland, Richard

Swift, Carleton



Taft, Robert A.

Taft, William Howard


army of
Chiang’s government in
U.S. aid to
U.S. protection of

Takahashi, Gene

Tannenwald, Ted

Tarkenton, Clint

Taylor, Maxwell

Taylor, Ronnie

Teller, Edward

Thomas, J. Parnell

Thompson, Percy

Thompson, Reginald

Thorpe, Jake

Thurmond, Strom


Tito (Josip Broz)

Tokyo headquarters:

denial of responsibility in
intelligence activities in
overconfidence in
overstaffing of
politics of
removed from reality
troubleshooting team sent to

Train, Bill

Treacy, Edgar

Trudeau, Art

Truman, Bess Wallace

Truman, Harry:

background of
and budgets
career ups and downs of
and China
and Cold War
constraints on

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