The Corrigan legacy (27 page)

Read The Corrigan legacy Online

Authors: Anna Jacobs

Tags: #Chronic fatigue syndrome, #Terminally ill, #Inheritance and succession

BOOK: The Corrigan legacy
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'I still can't believe it.'

'I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not, we'll have to call in the fraud squad.' He gave a quick shake of his head. 'I'm afraid that lately Des has been more interested in long lunches and his mistress, and he's been leaving too much to other people.'

She sat for a moment or two, then stood up. 'I'll be no use here. I'm going to ask a friend for help. In the meantime, do what you can, John. I'm grateful you're here.'

Outside she hailed a taxi and went straight to the hotel. Maeve or Andy were the only people she could think of to advise her.

When she got there, she met Cal and Lily at the entrance, about to go out shopping. One look at her face and he turned back.

'What's the matter?'

She explained. 'I've got to see Maeve.'

'This is her day for the big tests. Andy's gone to fetch her back, but she'll be very tired.'

'I'd forgotten. What am I going to do?'

'Doesn't sound as if you can do much at all. Are you worrying about your own money? If so, you don't need to. I earn a fair amount, enough to support both of us, and I can easily earn more.'

She smiled at him and for a moment the world seemed to recede as she kissed his cheek. 'I love you, Cal Richmond.'

Then she realized they were standing in the hotel lobby, with the concierge smiling at them from behind his nearby desk, and Cal's daughter beaming at them from nearby.

'Don't mind me,' Lily said. 'I approve. Kiss her again, Dad, if you like. I'm not in a hurry.'

Cal laughed and tousled her hair. 'We'd better go back up with Judith. She might need help.'

'That's OK. Mum's seen me in these things anyway.' She looked at Judith. 'We were going to get me something special to wear for my meeting with her this afternoon.'

'In that case, since Maeve isn't here, let me come with you. There's a boutique just down the road that has some very with-it clothes.'

As they walked along the street, it felt to her as if they were already a family. It was a good feeling, something to give her hope for the future in the midst of all this trouble.

When Maeve got back to her room, Kate was waiting for her.

'Where's Lily?'

'Out with her dad. She's meeting her mother this afternoon - Andy arranged for it to take place at the lawyer's rooms. Didn't he tell you? They've gone to buy her something smart to wear.'

'She's all right?'

'Her mother says Cal can have custody. As for Lily, she brightens up the minute her father appears.'


'How are you, Aunt Maeve? You look exhausted.'

'I am a bit tired. I'll just have a lie down, I think.'

When she'd gone into her bedroom, Kate looked at Andy. 'She looks as if she's been crying.'

'Don't tell her you guessed. She'd hate that. I assume the test results weren't good, but I didn't ask her because it was obvious she didn't want to talk. We've known her chances weren't good for a while and if anyone can cope with bad news, she can. Give her a little time. What about you? How are you feeling today?'

'Not too bad, a bit washed out after the transfusion, but they said I would be today.'

Half an hour later there was a knock on the door and Lily came back, accompanied by her father and Judith, carrying a couple of plastic bags with elegant gold labels on them. 'Is Aunt Maeve back? I've got some really cool new clothes to show her.'

'She's a bit tired, probably dozing,' Andy said. 'Can it wait?'

'Oh. Yes. She's all right, isn't she? I mean, the tests didn't show anything bad, did they?'

'I don't know. She hasn't said. But it's all very tiring for her.'

'OK. I'm going to change.' She vanished into her room with the bags.

'In the meantime,' Judith said, 'I wonder if I can ask your advice, Andy . . .'

That afternoon, Kerry looked at Wayne and grimaced. 'I'm feeling nervous about meeting my own daughter. Is that stupid or what?'

'Want me to come with you?' 

'Better not. We don't want Lily to feel threatened.'

He let out a scornful snort. 'That young woman should feel threatened, the way she's treated you.'

Kerry knew she'd never convince him differently. He saw things in black and white and to him, a child owed obedience to its parents, whatever they decided about its future. She didn't mind. It gave him strength and she was tired of being the strong one.

When she got to the lawyer's offices, she put up her chin and marched inside.

They showed her into a room with a large oval table. Lily was sitting at one of the longer sides, flanked by Cal and the lawyer, with another man sitting at the head of the table.

It was he who stood up. 'If you'd like to sit opposite your daughter, Ms Foster? I'm Jerome Thane, Lily's counsellor, and she's asked me to facilitate this session.'

Kerry did as she was told, shocked at how thin and worn her daughter was, how dark the rings round her eyes were. She didn't know what to say, except, 'Hi, Lily.'

'Hi, Mum.'

'I like your top. It's new, isn't it?'

'Dad and Judith bought it for me yesterday.'


'Mitch's mother.'

'I'd like to meet Mitch again under happier circumstances one day.'

Lily nodded, still looking wary.

Kerry looked across at Cal and abandoned formality. 'Let's get it over with. Look, Lily, you can live with your dad from now on. I won't nag you any more about coming to America.'

'What about Wayne?'

'He'll do as I wish where you're concerned.'

Lily let out a huge sigh. 'Cross your heart.'

Blushing slightly, Kerry crossed her heart, muttering, 'It's something we do.'

'It's a good thing to do,' Jerome said in that soft, careful tone counsellors often use.

Lily sniffed, tried to hold it together but failed and began to cry. 'I can't believe it's all over,' she sobbed against her father's chest. 'I can't believe I'm safe.'

'Safe!' That word hurt Kerry. She caught Jerome's watchful gaze and a hot protest died unspoken.

'She'll be all right,' he said. 'It's just relief. Better leave it at that for today.'

The lawyer stood up. 'I have some papers for you to sign, Ms Foster, if you'll come into my office?'

She nodded but didn't stand up to leave for a moment or two. As she watched Cal pat Lily on the back and murmur to her, she felt a pang of envy and anger sear through her, but it was no use giving in to it. Forcing a smile to her face, she said, 'I'm still hoping you'll come and visit me in America, Lily.'

Lily raised her head but the wary look was back on her face.

'We'll discuss that later,' Cal said. 'Maybe Judith and I can bring her out to visit you some time. I like America.'

'Judith again?'

'She and I are an item.'

'Congratulations. About time you found someone. If ever a man had domesticated tattooed on his soul, you do.' She stood up. 'Well, I have to get going. I'll email you and send you photos of our new home, Lily. You will keep in touch?'

Lily stood up and nodded as Cal whispered something to her. She came round the table, looked at her mother uncertainly, then gave her a quick hug.

Kerry pulled her daughter back into her arms and made it a long hug, then set her at arm's length. 'You will keep in touch?' she asked again.

'Yes, Mum.'

'I do love you.'

'I love you, Mum, but I don't want to move away from Dad.'

'I know. You've made that very clear.' She blinked furiously. 'Well, I haven't all day. I'll pack your things and send them across to your Dad's. Where are these papers I need to sign?'

She and the lawyer walked out together.

'She was crying again,' Lily said wonderingly. 'Mum! She never cries.'

'Maybe she cares about you more than you realize,' Cal suggested. 

Lily nodded. 'I know she cares, but she wants me to be like her and I'm not. Can we go back to the hotel now? Please, Dad. I want to pack my bag and come home.' She turned to the counsellor. 'Thank you for helping me, Jerome.'

'I'll see you soon. I think we've a few things to talk about still.'

'Yes, whatever. Dad?' She tugged at her father's arm.

'Judith's staying with us,' he said as they packed her clothes at the hotel.

She paused and looked at him. 'Will she mind me being there?' Her voice quavered. 'Do you need to be alone together?'

'Not if you need me. Would you like me to ask her to move out for a few days, to give you time to settle in?'

She hesitated.

'I'm sure Judith will understand.'

He gave her another hug and she sighed as she rested against him.

'I don't want to mess things up for you, but if we can just hang out together for a bit, I'll know it's real.'


A gentle breeze blows across the cemetery. Faded plastic flowers stand in stiff salute on nearby graves and in the distance black limousines sit quietly respectful in a tidy row.

As the mourners walked away from the grave, Judith found herself next to Cal, who'd been invited to bring Lily, at Maeve's suggestion.

'How are things?'

'Better. She's not as jumpy, and is starting to boss me around like she used to.'

She looked behind to where Lily and her son were walking. 'That's good. I think she's more comfort to Mitch than anyone else at the moment. They seem like brother and sister already.' Mitch had been hungry for kin and he'd got his wish. He was surrounded by relatives now, as well as having three sisters.

'Funerals are so depressing,' Hilary muttered as they all got into the limousine. 'I don't know why we put ourselves through this.'

'Because we want to say goodbye properly,' Tiffany said.

She looked strained today, Judith thought. It was sad that she was now left to bear and raise Des's child alone.

As they filed into the hotel, Andy summoned a wheelchair for Maeve, who pulled a face at him but sank down on it. She was looking exhausted but was very much the matriarch of the family on this occasion. Beside her, Leo seemed colourless, though he was pleasant enough, as was his wife.

On the functions floor they were directed to an elegant room with a few small tables, and a lavish buffet. There was no sign of Maeve.

When they were all there, Andy came in and clapped his hands for everyone's attention. 'I hope you'll excuse Maeve, but she needs a rest now. She hopes you enjoy the meal and invites you to join her for a financial discussion at three o'clock. We have a sitting room booked and you can go there after you've eaten.'

Which was enough to keep people talking as they ate the superb food.

'What's that young woman doing here today? I gather she was Des's mistress. It's a bit off inviting her,' Leo muttered to his wife.

Mark overheard them. 'Apart from the fact that Tiffany was going to marry Des, she's carrying his child. She has a right to join the mourners, don't you think?'

Leo goggled at him. 'How many children did my brother have?'

Mark smiled. 'Four that we know of and this baby.'

'I never did understand what women saw in him.'

Mark decided to change the subject. 'Don't you think your daughter is looking better?'

Jean nodded. 'Better than she's looked for ages.' She nudged her husband. 'Isn't she, Leo?'

His expression softened as he caught Kate's eye. 'Yes. I'm glad you're on the mend, love.'

She returned her father's smile. She knew that was as near as she'd get to an apology for his behaviour towards her, but somehow she didn't care. Today she hadn't woken foggy-brained. That filled her with joy and hope. She had about fifteen tablets to take every day now to boost her immune system and start leaching some chemical overloads from her system, but she'd take a hundred tablets a day if it'd get her better.

Judith put some food on her plate and tried to force down a few mouthfuls, then gave up the attempt and pushed the remaining bits and pieces neatly into a pile at the side. She was more interested in watching Mitch, sitting at a nearby table with his three sisters, all of them talking animatedly.

'Aren't you eating?' Cal asked.

'I'm not hungry.' She gestured. 'Look at them. It's lovely to see the next generation so full of life at a time like this, isn't it?'

'Yes.' He hesitated. Since she'd moved back to her mother's they hadn't really had a chance to talk because Lily had been very demanding. 'Have you sorted things out at the business, found any sign of Tate?'

She shook her head. 'No. The police are involved now, but the accountant thinks we'll have to file for bankruptcy. Tate embezzled a lot of the firm's money and he seems to have planned his escape very cleverly. If that happens, Mitch won't get his dream of going to Harvard, and I'll have to find a job to help pay his way through university. Then there's my mother. Des gave her an allowance and bought that house she's living in, but it's part of the estate and she'll probably have to move back to her old unit, which is a poky little place.'

'Are things that bad at Corrigan International?'

'It sounds like it.'

'I'm sorry.' He took her hand for a moment. 'It won't make any difference to us, will it?'

'I hope not. But I can't seem to think of myself just now. I'm spending all day at the office, trying to help.'

As three o'clock approached, conversation faltered in the private suite they had adjourned to after the meal. When Maeve came in on Andy's arm, it died out completely. He led her across to an easy chair and waited until she was seated before taking a chair slightly behind hers, placing himself outside the circle of Des's relatives.

'There are,' Maeve began, 'several things which need discussing. Firstly, Des's will, or rather the lack of one. I'm sorry to tell you that my dear brother died intestate, which leaves us with some interesting decisions to make.'

There was a babble of noise.

'Did you know?' Cal asked Judith.

'I wasn't sure. He hated the thought of making a will but I hoped he'd done something about it after I left. If it wasn't for Mitch, I wouldn't care.'

Maeve tapped the side of her water glass to regain their attention. 'The second thing we need to discuss is Des's business, which is in serious trouble. It appears that his Director of Finances has absconded with a great deal of money and if the company is not to go bankrupt, something needs doing.' She paused. 'I hope, Judith, that you and Mitch will let me help you through this patch, both financially and with my experience of business.'

Judith stared at her in shock. 'Are you sure? It'll take a lot of money to set matters right. And - surely you have better things to do?'

Maeve waved one hand in a dismissive gesture. 'I'm not short of money. But there is a condition to my helping you. I think Mitch should take a gap year before he goes to university and be involved in the restructuring. He'll then be able to base his studies on a sound, practical understanding.'

One look at Mitch's beaming face was enough for Judith. 'We can't thank you enough.'

Maeve nodded. 'The third thing we have to deal with is what to do with Des's estate once we've salvaged it. We have four of his children here and one unborn child, represented by its mother. Can we all agree that any money should go to Judith and to them.'

'Typical of Des to leave a mess for everyone to sort out,' Leo said into the silence. 'Will there be anything left do you think?'

She smiled. 'Oh, yes. I'll make sure of that.'

'Will you have time, though?'

There was silence as Jean exclaimed 'Leo! What a thing to say!'

'You always were a plain speaker,' Maeve said, 'so I'll be equally plain. It's been discovered that I am in remission, thanks to a radical new treatment for my sort of cancer. So even though there are no guarantees about how long I'll last, I should have more than enough time to rescue Corrigan International and make sure Des's children have something worth inheriting.'

The room erupted in cheers, with Mitch and Lily reaching her first, to clip her up in a hug, only to be superseded by Andy, who spun her round until she ordered him to put her down.

'Why didn't you tell me?' he demanded.

'I couldn't talk about it at first, had to get used to it. Strange how hard it is to face life after you've prepared yourself for death. Now, let me sit down, you fool!'

But she was smiling as she took her place again. 'I think that this would be a good time for the champagne I ordered, and I hope that no one will stop even our youngest Corrigan joining us in a toast.'

Lily looked across at Cal and he nodded and waved a hand in permission.

Andy picked up the phone and a few minutes later two waiters brought in a trolley with bottles of chilled champagne waiting to be poured. When everyone had a glass, Maeve stood up.

'The champagne is for two very special toasts. The first one is, of course, to Des!'

They all echoed that name and raised their glasses.

'And I'd like you to bear with me a few minutes longer before we make the second toast, because I want to explain it to you. Ever since I was first diagnosed with cancer, I've been trying to decide who I should leave my money to. Since I'm childless, it seemed appropriate to leave it to my five nephews and nieces, so I tried to find out more about them, because I'm a practical woman and I didn't want to give it to someone who'd waste it. I decided that each of them should receive something, but I wanted to keep my business intact and leave that to one person only. It was a difficult decision to make and now - well, there isn't the same urgency.'

Everyone's eyes are on her, Judith thought, looking round the room. She's got us in the palm of her hand. No wonder she's been so successful.

Maeve smiled across the room at Lily. 'During the investigations we found that I had another niece - welcome to the family, Lily - and as if that wasn't enough, Tiffany is expecting Des's child. So that will make seven in the next generation of Corrigans, whether they bear the name or not. And there's also Andy, who has not only been my right hand man for some years, but has become like a nephew to me. I couldn't in all fairness leave him out. So there will be eight of them to inherit my money. I used to think of it as the Corrigan legacy.'

She stared into the distance for a moment or two. 'However, my thinking about legacies has changed completely over the past few weeks. I think that it's Des and Leo who have given the family the best legacy of all, a wonderful bunch of youngsters, and not a bad apple among them.'

Leo stared at her in surprise.

'You're a fortunate man, Leo Corrigan,' she said. 'But I hope you'll share your good fortune with me and let me get to know my Australian niece and nephew.'

Her brother was clearly too emotional to speak, so she raised her glass. 'So we come to the second formal toast. I'd like to drink to the Corrigans.'

'The Corrigans.' Everyone raised their glasses and sipped.

'And now I'll let you enjoy the rest of your champagne in peace.' She sat down, looking exhausted.

But as Leo stood up and made his way across the room, his expression grimly determined, the noise faded and everyone turned to watch him.

Worried about what Leo intended, Andy stood up protectively.

When he got to his sister, however, Leo bent down and pulled her into his arms. 'A good toast,' he said in a voice thickened by emotion. He patted her on the back several times then said gruffly, 'I'm glad we're speaking to one another again, Maeve.'

'Then perhaps you and Jean will come and stay with me at Saltern House before you go back to Australia? And perhaps you'll send your son and his family out to stay later?'

He nodded and put an arm round his wife, who had followed him across the room. 'Yes. Yes, we will.'

Judith sniffed and hunted in vain for a tissue.

'More happy tears?' Cal pressed a handkerchief into her hand. 'Here you are.' Then he turned a bit pink, took a deep breath and got down on one knee. 'Will you marry me, Judith?' His voice rang out and people stopped talking to stare at them.

She gaped at him, astonished by the public nature of his proposal, then forgot about the other people and pulled him to his feet. 'Of course I will.' She went into his arms for a lingering kiss.

Lily nudged Mitch. 'I didn't feel safe till I knew Mum had gone to America, but now she's gone without me I can get on with my life. I told Dad he should propose to your mum today and he said it was too soon. So I bet him it wasn't and dared him to get down on his knee and do it in front of everyone. She's said yes, and look at her face, how happy she is. So I win ten pounds off Dad.' Then Lily turned to her brother. 'You don't mind, do you?'

He grinned. 'I suppose that means I'll have to put up with living with you, brat. But I reckon I can do that.'

Cal looked across the room at the two youngsters and raised one thumb as a sign of victory.

'Told you so!' Lily mouthed at him.

'While we're all here . . .' Cal called out and then waited for silence before saying, 'We have another announcement to make. Judith and I intend to get married as soon as it can be arranged and we'd like everyone to attend the wedding.'

Once again the room erupted into noisy cheers and applause. Andy went round filling the glasses with more champagne and another toast was drunk, though Mitch removed the second glass of champagne from a protesting Lily.

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