The Cowboy Meets His Match (15 page)

BOOK: The Cowboy Meets His Match
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“Can you get Tate up on his horse?” Erin asked.

“Yes.” Sawyer scooped the teen up and put him in his saddle.

“Do you feel you can ride by yourself?” Sawyer asked.


“You sure?”

The teen nodded, but his lips tightened, going white.

As Erin and Sawyer mounted their horses, another burst of wind hit them, peppering them with sand and debris. Something slammed into her upper arm, making her shout in pain. When she looked at Sawyer, he'd slumped forward against the neck of his horse. Tate still sat in his saddle, but he didn't look steady.

“Sawyer,” Erin called, but the roar of the wind swallowed her cry. Awkwardly dismounting, she went to Sawyer's side. He'd been knocked out cold, and a trickle of blood ran down the side of his face. Thankfully he'd kept his seat, slumping against the horse's neck. Her dad's horse, Duke, didn't rear, instead remaining steady and bearing Sawyer's weight.

She grabbed Duke's reins and wrapped her horse's reins around her jeans' belt loop. “Easy, Duke.” She tried to reassure the horse, laying her hand on the horse's neck. “You're an amazing pro.” Her right upper arm burned like fire, but she moved to Sawyer's side. A tree branch lay a little beyond where Duke stood. Had that hit Sawyer? The blood that had trickled down his face had stopped. She took off her belt and gathered Sawyer's hands around the horse's neck, anchoring Sawyer's wrists together.

“I'm depending upon you, Duke, to get him back.” She took the reins of her brother's horse. “You think you can stay on the horse yourself or do you want me to ride behind you?”

“I don't know, Sis.”

“Okay, we'll try me riding behind you.”

She tied Duke's reins to the saddle of her brother's horse, then gathered Dancer's reins in the other hand and mounted behind Tate. The pain in her shoulder made the horizon go a little fuzzy, but she drew in a deep breath. “Is this going to work for you?” She saw the doubt and fear in his eyes, but he nodded. “You can grab my arm to steady yourself.”


Lord, help
, she prayed as she started the group home.

She carefully picked their way up the wash and gained the high ground. Once up on the prairie, the wind buffeted them. Sawyer remained hunched over his horse's neck, and Tate clutched her arm. Erin wanted to gallop, but keeping Sawyer and Tate on their horses was her main priority.

Suddenly the skies opened up and it started raining, drenching them to the skin. Sawyer moaned and started to move. She guided her horse to Duke. Laying her hand on Sawyer's back she called out, “Stay still.”

He quit moving.

As the horses walked, she kept checking on Sawyer and Tate.

“I'm not going to make it, Sis.”

“Yes, you are. You're part of
and will not let a little rain storm stop you.”

The horse stepped in a gully, jerking her and Tate. He yelled and went slack against her. A jolt of pain shot through her shoulder, making her see stars. When Tate started to slump, she wrapped her arm around his waist to steady him. She tried not to jostle his arm but hit it, causing him to moan.

She would make it, she told herself, fighting the pain and blackness crowding her vision. They all would.

It seemed like an eternity before the ranch house came into view. When she rode into the yard with two injured males, her mother and aunt raced out the back door.

“What happened?” her mother shouted.

“The wind managed to take out both Tate and Sawyer.” Erin winced as she walked the horses into the barn. Her mother grabbed the reins.

“I think Tate's arm is broken.”

Her mother and Betty reached up for him. Erin helped slide her brother off the horse as carefully as they could. She slowly dismounted with her shoulder protesting. Walking to Duke, she untied Sawyer's hands, and the three women tried to maneuver him gently to the ground, but with his weight and momentum, he crashed into Erin, knocking her backward, and then the lights went out.

* * *

Erin woke in the emergency room, looking up at the white-tiled ceiling.

“Good, you're awake.” A man in a white lab coat and scrubs looked down at her.

“Where am I?”

“You're in the university hospital in Albuquerque. You suffered a dislocated shoulder, and after we popped it back into place, it appears something else happened to your shoulder. You have a nasty cut and deep bruise. Trying to support your brother's weight wasn't a good idea.”

Memories of the afternoon came into focus. “I didn't have a choice. I couldn't leave my brother and Sawyer in that wash at the mercy of the storm.”

“True, and I heard you're quite a hero.”

She didn't feel like one. “Where are they?”

“The men who came in with you are both stable.”

“I'd like to see them.”

The doctor hesitated.

“The younger man is my brother.”

“I know. He's in one of the other emergency bays.”

She tried to get up but gasped at the pain. The doctor helped her lie back down. “Let the nurse tend to your arm before you go trotting off.”

“Are my mom and aunt here?”

“No, they haven't made it. The helicopter was only able to bring in the three injured patients. Can you tell me what happened, so I know some background on the other two patients?”

She described what had happened on their ride.

He left the bay and Erin wanted to follow him but knew she had to wait for the nurse.

Twenty minutes later, Erin emerged from her cubicle, her arm braced in a sling. She found Tate at the other end of the emergency room bay. He was awake.

“What happened, Sis? All I remember is my horse rearing, then nothing?”

“Your horse rolled over and threw you off. Sawyer and I got you back on your horse, but then Sawyer got knocked out.”

Her brother looked at her arm. She started to shrug, but the pain stopped her. “I don't know what hit me, but I got a whopper of a bruise.”

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Nothing's broken.” She carefully studied her brother. “And you?”

“My forearm's broken, and I have a couple of cracked ribs. I don't have a concussion, but I do have a massive headache. I think I can go home today, but the doc thinks I should stay the night.” Tate waved his arms. “He said something about us being out in the middle of nowhere and if I needed help it was better to be here for twenty-four hours.”

“He's right. Besides, Mom would like you and Dad here so she can keep an eye on both of you.”

Tate considered her words. “I guess you're right. Have you seen Sawyer?”

“Now that I know you're okay, I'm going to go find him.”

Tate started to get up, but she gently touched his shoulder. “Wait for Mom.”

Nodding, he lay back down.

At the nurses' station Erin found the doctor who had treated her. “Where's the other man who was brought in with us?”

“Are you his wife?” the doctor asked.


“Are you related to him in any way?”

“Work colleagues.”

“Do you know if he has any family close that we can contact in this emergency?”

Erin's heart raced. What was wrong with Sawyer? “No. I know he has a brother, but I don't know his name or number. Wasn't his cell phone on him when they brought him in?”

The doctor turned to the nurse and asked her to find out if there was a cell phone in Sawyer's belongings.

Erin walked out of the ER and ran into Sylvia.

“What happened?” Sylvia asked, observing Erin's condition.

Erin rubbed her hand over her face. “There was a riding accident this afternoon with my brother, Sawyer and me. My brother's going to be okay, but Sawyer—”

Sylvia paled and stumbled toward the nurses' station inside the ER. “What's wrong with him?” she whispered.

“The doctor won't tell me what's wrong and needs to contact his family. I know he had his cell phone when we started the ride, but it wasn't in the helicopter when they brought him into the emergency room. We're looking for his brother.”

The doctor saw Erin. “Did you find a relative?”

Sylvia spoke first. “I'm Sawyer's mother, and you can talk to me. I can give you any permission you need. I know his birth date and know what medications he's allergic to. What is his condition?”

Erin's mouth dropped open. “Surely—”

“It's a long story, Erin, but Sawyer's my son and I can give permission for treatment. I assume he isn't married.”

Erin nodded.

After consulting with the doctor and signing the papers, Sylvia came back to Erin and sat down.

Erin studied the woman. “You're nothing like Sawyer described.”

A sad smile curved Sylvia's mouth. “That woman's dead.”

Chapter Twelve

ylvia sat beside Erin in the chairs just inside the emergency room doors. “I'm ashamed of what kind of mother I was.” She looked down at her hands. “That woman is dead.”

Sylvia remained quiet for a long time.

“You don't have to tell me about it,” Erin reassured her.

She shook her head. “Has Sawyer mentioned me?”

“Yes. I was complaining about my mother and he tried to reassure me—”

Sylvia's shook her head. “Surely, not your mother. She's been wonderful since your dad was brought in. She's been a rock for all of the other women who've had their husbands on the floor.”

“What I've learned is that we all have feet of clay.”

“That's hard to believe.”

“It's true, as both Mom and I have discovered.”

With her hands clasped tightly in her lap, Sylvia began. “The wheels came off our life after my husband died of a heart attack. I was lost. I depended on him for everything. Neither of us had parents. We knew each other from foster care. Two lonely souls were attracted to each other. We weren't in love, but married, just to have someone. Once Dennis died, there was no one except my two teenage sons. Left alone with the responsibility for them, I panicked, and my boys suffered.” She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “What I would give if I could go back and change what I did. But I can't.”

Sylvia explained what happened next with her series of boyfriends. “When you're in a program like AA, you learn to accept responsibility for your actions. It was my fault. I brought those men into our home. I don't blame Caleb or Sawyer. The best thing Caleb did was leave and take his brother with him.”

Erin laid her hand over Sylvia's and squeezed. “He's an amazing man. I hate to admit it, but I'm glad he won the contract over me. He recognized things in my brother that never would've occurred to me, but once I knew there was a problem, I could do something about it.”

“Where are they?” Mary Morning Star demanded.

“They are here, Sister,” Betty said, holding Mary's arm.

“There you are, Daughter.” Mary hurried across the room. Looking at Erin's sling, Mary stopped short.

“I've only got a bruised arm and my shoulder was dislocated. They put it back into place. It's sore, but I'll be okay.” Erin stood.

Mary looked at Sylvia for a confirmation.

“That's true.”

Tenderly, Mary wrapped her arms around her daughter and held her.

Betty stepped forward. “I thought your mom was going to pass out on me, too, when you went down.” She explained how they'd waited for the helicopter, loaded in the three patients and then taken off.

“I don't believe your mother ever went the speed limit on our drive here,” Betty added.

“How are your brother and Sawyer?” Mary asked.

“Tate's fine. They cast his arm and want to keep him for the night for observation. But Sawyer hasn't regained consciousness. They want to run some other tests.”

“Do we need to contact someone in his family to give permission?”

“No need,” Sylvia spoke. “I gave it.”

Mary and Betty stared at her. “I thought only relatives could give permission,” Mary said.

“That's right. I'm Sawyer's mother.”

Betty's jaw dropped and Mary gaped.

“How?” Mary asked.

“There's time for that later, Mom. Why don't you go and find Tate? I believe he wants to see you. Now, he would not admit it, being a boy his age, but he needs you, just like I need you.”

Mary grabbed Erin's free hand and held it to her chest, then leaned down and kissed her. “Thank you for bringing your brother home. And how you managed to bring in two men and three horses, I'll never know, but I'm proud of you, Daughter.”

After a moment, Mary and Betty headed off. At the door, Betty stopped and held up something in her hand. “Here's Sawyer's phone. We found it on the floor of the barn after the paramedics took the three of you off in the helicopter. I thought you might need it to contact Sawyer's relatives. Of course, you don't need it now, but why don't you keep it for him? You know how I am with this stuff.” Betty gave the phone to Erin, then followed Mary.

Erin stared down at the fancy phone.

“He's come a long way since he was a teenager who was always begging for a fight,” Sylvia whispered.

“Have you ever thought that he might've been trying to protect his mother?”

Sylvia's face lost all color.

The moment the words popped out of Erin's mouth, she knew she'd made a mistake. “I'm sorry, Sylvia.”

“That's okay. You were only telling the truth.” Unsteadily she rose to her feet. “I arrived early for my shift, but now I've got to get to work. See you later.”

Erin felt as if she'd just crawled out from underneath a rock. She tried to access Sawyer's phone but didn't know the password. She thought and thought, wondering what he would use. What was his horse's name?

Suddenly the phone sprang to life. A name appeared on the screen: Caleb Jensen, Sawyer's brother.


The other end remained quiet.


“Yes and who are you?”

The man didn't sound welcoming. “I'm Erin Delong, and I'm glad you called.”

“Why is that?” He didn't seem too pleased that she had answered Sawyer's phone.

“There's been an accident. I needed to get a hold of you so you could give the doctors permission to treat Sawyer for his injuries, but apparently, your mother works at this hospital and gave her permission.”

“I don't know what joke you're trying to play, but it isn't funny.” The tone of Caleb's voice let her know he didn't appreciate any foolishness.

“It's not a joke,” Erin reassured him. “Sawyer, my brother and I were caught in a freak storm out on the range behind our ranch house, and we all ended up in Albuquerque at the University Hospital. You might want to come see him, and your mother.”

“There's been a lot of miracles in the history of the world, but, lady, I don't appreciate you including my mother in that group. Why don't you give the doctors my number, and I'll talk to them.”

“Then give me your number because I'll never get into this phone again.”

Caleb told her his number and hung up. The man didn't sound happy, but knowing what she did about the boys' upbringing, Erin couldn't hold it against him. She found the doctor and gave him Caleb's number. The room swirled around her and she stumbled into the doctor.

“If you don't sit down, lady, you're going to end up in a bed next to your brother.”

Erin knew he was right and walked to the waiting room at the end of the hall and sat. She laid her head back against the couch and prayed.

It was going to be a long, difficult night.

* * *

Finally, after several visits to her brother's and father's rooms, Erin ended up in Sawyer's room. Her mother stayed with her father, and Betty settled in with Tate.

Slowly, Erin walked to the bed. Sawyer still hadn't awakened. “This isn't exactly the way I thought we'd wind up. It was just supposed to be a ride, Sawyer, not some life-changing event.” Picking up his hand, she held it to her cheek. “C'mon, Sawyer, wake up. I need to see your eyes. So much has happened that you'd love to know.

“You might've been unconscious, but you did a great job riding in, staying in the saddle. If there was any doubt about you being a cowboy, it's gone. And if you hadn't been there, I never would've gotten my brother onto his horse.” She didn't mention the bruise she sported when round two of the wind struck. “You'll have to put that on your résumé—the man can stay on a horse even if he's unconscious.”

“That's an impressive thing to put on one's résumé,” said an unknown voice.

Erin looked over her shoulder and saw an older version of Sawyer. “You must be Caleb.”

He nodded, stepping next to her. He pointedly looked at her clutching Sawyer's hand. “How's he doing?”

She didn't want to let go of Sawyer, but at the steely look from his brother, she released Sawyer's hand, gently placing it on the bed. “The doctors say he's doing fine, but for some reason, he hasn't woken up.” Her voice got thick and she struggled.

Caleb studied his brother. “He was always the one to stir things up.”

“I know. He told me he was always in trouble.”

Caleb's eyes narrowed. “I'm surprised he said anything at all.”

“He tried to encourage me when I got all wobbly about my mother.”


The word hung in the air.

“He saw something I didn't and inconveniently pointed it out.”

Caleb smiled. “That sounds like my brother. He's got a talent.”

“True, but the way he said it lessened the blow.” She stared down into Sawyer's sleeping face. She wanted to run her fingers over his cheek but didn't think his brother would appreciate the action. “Was he always like that?” Looking up, she caught Caleb's look of surprise. He quickly masked it.

“He's had his moments.”

What did that mean? “I've been impressed with Sawyer's ability to bring the town folks in. And, he's listened to suggestions.”

“That's part of his job.”

She found herself lovingly studying Sawyer. His beard showed, making it look as if he'd just ridden in from the range, and his brown hair could use a good cut. She pushed a lock back from his forehead, unable to hold back from touching him.

Tears welled in her eyes as she remembered how he'd reached out to her and Tate without any hesitation. “No, what he's done for my family is more than just making the rodeo redo go smoothly.” Looking up, she didn't hide what was in her heart.

Caleb swallowed. “You said something about my mother.”

Erin stepped away from the bed. Of course, Caleb would want to know about his mother. “Sylvia's the night nurse on the floor above us where my father is. We met her when Dad was hospitalized for a stroke.

“When the helicopter brought us in earlier today, the doctors wanted a contact number for Sawyer. I told Sylvia, and that's when she revealed she was Sawyer's mom. He saw her yesterday when he came with me to see my dad.”

The world clicked in place and she understood Sawyer's silence driving home last night. He'd come face-to-face with his mother. The mother who'd abandoned him, who'd sided with temporary boyfriends over her own sons. He'd been wrestling with the ugliness of his past.

“So, how'd you come by my brother's phone?”

Caleb's clipped tone snapped her out of the memory. “When my mother and aunt drove in from Tucumcari, they brought his phone with them since it had fallen out of his pocket when we pulled him off my dad's horse. That's why I had it when you called. Would you like for me to get your mother? I'm sure she could take a break.”

Caleb shook his head. “There'll be enough time to talk to her later.”

The tone of his voice said he was done talking about his mother and he didn't want to talk to her, either. But Caleb Jensen didn't know Erin wasn't one to back down. She wanted to stay with Sawyer a little bit longer.

“Do you plan to stay in Albuquerque for long? I think the hospital will allow you to bunk in here, but you probably need to check with the nurses to make sure it's okay.”

He folded his arms across his chest and took on a steely look. “I don't plan on leaving my brother, so I guess I'll need to talk to his doctor.”

“Check with the nurses' station just outside. They'll have the doctor's name and how to get in contact with him.” Erin didn't move.

Caleb nodded and left.

She turned back to Sawyer, picking up his hand, again. “I hope you don't mind I ran your brother off, but he was trying to intimidate me. And he didn't want to talk to your mother, either.” She stroked the back of her fingers across his cheek. “You need to wake up. I now know why you were so quiet last night and today before all of this happened, but you don't know this new woman your mom's become. She's nothing like the woman you told me about. Please open those beautiful hazel eyes.”

She heard a commotion out in the hall. Rushing from the room, Erin saw Caleb facing Sylvia. From their body language, the confrontation wasn't going well.

“What right do you have to assume any medical decisions for Sawyer? You haven't been in our lives for the last fifteen years, so what makes you think you're allowed to make decisions now?”

Sylvia blanched as if her son hit her.

Erin moved to her side. “This isn't the time or the place for this discussion. Besides, Sylvia was the only one here when the doctors needed permission.” She looked from mother to son. “Would you rather have had Sawyer not treated? What if there'd been a brain bleed? Would you have wanted them to waste time trying to contact you and not treat your brother?”

Caleb took a step back as if her words nearly flattened him. “I don't believe you. In emergency situations, doctors act all the time,” he shot back.

“True,” Sylvia answered, “but I was here. I told the doctors I was his mother, and maybe those extra few minutes made the difference. I don't know.”

“Yeah, if that's true, why isn't he waking up?” Caleb snapped.

Sylvia's shoulders hunched, and her eyes filled with moisture. “I don't know,” she whispered.

Erin glared daggers at Caleb, slipped her arm around Sylvia's shoulders and led her to the elevators. Nothing was said while they waited, but Erin felt the woman's pain.

Once they were inside the elevator car, Erin said, “He's speaking out of hurt and fear.”

“I know, but what he's saying is true.” Her stark words only reinforced the somberness of the situation.

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