The Craving (Rogues of Scotland #1) (6 page)

BOOK: The Craving (Rogues of Scotland #1)
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“Will you tell me what happened to send you to Ravensclyde, sweet Meg?”

His voice was a whisper, barely heard above the rain. But heard it she had. Her eyes opened and she stared at the wall of the cottage. “Will you tell me why you hate women?”

“I doona think it a tale worth telling, but if you want to know, I will tell you.”

She shifted her head until she was looking at him.  “I want to know.”

“All right,” he said with a shrug of one shoulder. He tucked his free hand behind his head and looked at the ceiling. “My father fell madly in love with my mother the first time he saw her. What he didna know is that she was trying to win my uncle’s attention. Uncle had already married and wasna interested. My father worked twice as hard to win her favor.”

“I gather he did,” Meg said.

“Unfortunately. My mother used him. She told him she loved him, but it was only to get him to marry her. She made his life hell. Nothing he ever did was good enough. She turned a proud man into a shell of what he once was.”

Meg swallowed, because it all became clear to her. It wasn’t that Ronan hated women. He didn’t believe in love. Add that to the cunning way his mother tricked his father and ruined his life, and it was no wonder Ronan had balked at marriage to the gypsy.

“My sister learned from our mother,” Ronan continued. “She was just as scheming and unscrupulous when she was trying to get what she wanted. I tried to warn her husband, but he was too enamored with her to listen. He learned soon enough. But by then it was too late. He was in the same trap as my father.”

Meg laid her head back on his chest. “I’m sorry, Ronan.”

“It’s in the past.”

“But still ruling your life,” she pointed out.

She closed her eyes as silence stretched between them only broken by the rain and thunder. Meg was almost asleep when his fingers brushed across her cheek to move away her hair.

“I’ve shared my story. Where is yours?” he asked in a low, husky voice that sent chills racing over her skin.

Meg drew in a deep breath and slowly released it. “There’s nothing really to tell. I was given a promise. The promise was broken, leaving me betrayed and alone.”

Ronan knew there was much more to the story. He might not know Meg’s past, but he knew enough of her to know that she was a good, sweet soul. Whoever had hurt her should be hung up by his balls.

Suddenly, Ronan wanted to look into her gray eyes. He rolled her onto her back so that he leaned on one forearm beside her. Her gaze met his without hesitation.

“Tell me,” he urged.

She looked away, all emotion draining from her face. “I met a man I thought cared for me. He told me he wanted me to be his. He even asked me to marry him. I was overjoyed. He was very handsome and charming. My family liked him as well. I thought everything was going along fine.”

When she fell silent once more, Ronan ran a finger between her breasts to her navel. “What did he do?”

“He left me.  Abandoned me on the day of our wedding to run away with someone else. I’ve never felt such shame.”

“You doona have reason to be ashamed, sweet Meg. He was the fool who let you go. You should be happy no’ to be shackled to a man like that.”

Her gaze swung back to him. “You’re right. Had it not happened, Aunt Tilly wouldn’t have offered Ravensclyde to me, and I wouldn’t have found you.”

“You freed me.” The impact of what she had done for him, and given him, slammed into his chest like a battering ram.

“And you awakened my body,” she said with a sly smile.

If only she knew how wonderful her body was. It might have been a long time since he’d had a woman, but he knew the pleasure he found with Meg was profound.

Enough to make him think about running as far away as he could.

What stopped him was realizing Meg wasn’t like his mother or sister. She had been abandoned by a man. She was wounded, her heart sore. And yet she had given him her most precious gift – her innocence.

No other man had touched her, kissed her, loved her as he had. It was a first for Ronan, and he quite liked how it felt.

“What a pair we are,” Meg said with a small laugh. 

Ronan rolled to his back. “Aye. A pair for sure.”

Meg returned to her spot on his chest. “How long will you stay at Ravensclyde?”

“I’ve no’ thought much about it. Why? Do you wish me to leave now?”

“On the contrary. I want you to stay as long as you want.”

Ronan idly played with the drying strands of hair that had come loose from her braid. “I doona understand why you gave yourself to me. That man was an arse to be sure, but you will make a good wife and mother.”

“I am the second of four daughters. My father gave my intended the dowry before the wedding.”

“And the bastard ran off with it.”

“Aye. My sisters need to find husbands as well. There’s nothing left for me to find another husband with.”

Ronan soaked in that bit of news. “What about your aunt? Can she no’ help?”

“She did. She allowed me to come here and make it my home. At least I have somewhere to go that isn’t the convent.”

“So you’ve resigned yourself to being alone?”

“I have.”

Ronan didn’t quite understand why the thought of Meg with another man made him want to hit something, but he also knew Meg shouldn’t be alone.


~ ~ ~


Meg wondered if everyone would be able to tell she was no longer a maiden as she and Ronan walked back to the castle once the storm had passed.

When no one looked twice at her, she relaxed.  No matter how wrong it was, she couldn’t berate herself for what she had done. For those few moments, she had been worshipped, needed, and loved. It went a long way to bolster her failing self-esteem. 

Just before they reached the castle, Ronan stopped her with a hand upon her arm. “Is all well?”

“Aye,” she said with a smile.

“You’re glowing, lass.” There was a very male smile pulling at his lips. “I did that to you.”

She playfully rolled her eyes. “So you did. I suppose I should thank you.”

“Oh, but you did. With a most precious gift,” he said in a low whisper.

Meg shivered as she always did when he talked in that husky, seductive voice. “I must go. There are things I need to tend to. Will you be at dinner?”


Ronan watched her walk into the castle before he strode into the stables and gathered the tools he would need. With his arms full, he was about to head out on foot when the stable master stepped in front of him.

“Where are you headed with those?” the man asked.

Ronan nodded in approval of the man. “I’m off to one of the cottages to make some repairs.”

The man eyed him for a few moments before he let out a whistle and a white gelding ran up to the fence. “Take a mount. You’ll get there faster.”

“Thank you.” 

“How long will you be staying at Ravensclyde?”

Ronan stopped on his way around the man. “I doona know.”

“Where did you come from?”

It wasn’t like Ronan could get upset with the man. He was looking out for Meg and the castle. “Somewhere far away. Meg has offered for me to rest at the castle for a while. I want to pay her back by helping out where I can.”

The old man’s blue gaze went to the castle. “She came here several months ago heart sore. I’ve no’ seen a true smile from her before today.”

“I’ve no intention of hurting Meg if that’s what you’re asking,” Ronan said. “She should be protected. It’s good that she has someone like you looking out for her.”

The stable master gave a nod of his head and disappeared back into the stables. Ronan quickly grabbed a halter and readied the horse. With his tools in hand, he mounted and rode out of the bailey.

For once, he knew exactly what he needed to do.

















Meg found herself searching for a glimpse of Ronan throughout the rest of the day. Disappointment filled her when she couldn’t find him. And a part of her worried that he had left.

“It’s not like he promised he would stay,” she told herself. 

Ronan had given no promises, nor would he ever. After he told her what happened to him, she knew without a doubt that he would remain for only as long as he wished. Afterward, she would never see him again.

Meg’s mind was so full of Ronan that she couldn’t concentrate on the chores she needed to get done. Her body still hungered for more of him, but there was something else on her mind, something she was afraid to let linger.

Ronan had made sure not to plant his seed within her. She hadn’t thought much about it at the time, but she knew he might be the only way she could have the family she wanted.

Meg ran the back of her hand across her forehead as she helped stir the boiling water for the washing. Her time at Ravensclyde was limited to the remainder of Aunt Tilly’s life. Once she died, the castle would pass to her eldest son. Even though he had his own castle to manage, Meg was sure he wouldn’t be too happy with her remaining forever.

Eventually, Meg was going to have to leave, and even if she could convince Ronan to give her a child, there was nowhere for them to go. Meg was fully dependent on her family, and with no dowry, she could very well end up in a convent.

The thought chilled her.

It always had, but now, more than ever, the reality of her future was weighing heavily upon her shoulders. If only she could decide her own fate.

Meg finished with the laundry and went into the castle. She was in her chamber when she glanced out her window and spotted Ronan talking to the stable master. Her heart immediately began to pound at the sight of such a man, a man she knew to have gentle, loving hands that wrung multitudes of pleasure from her.

The conversation done, Ronan turned to a water barrel and dunked his head. He flipped his head back, water flying everywhere, as a huge smile graced his handsome face.

Meg glanced down at her stained and sweaty gown and immediately began to undress.  She took her time in cleaning her skin with a cloth and bowl of water. Then she brushed out her long hair until it glistened before she put on a clean gown.

Anticipation of possibly seeing Ronan urged her down the stairs well before the evening meal. But once more, she was disappointed, as he was nowhere in sight.

With nothing else to do, Meg walked into the kitchens to help.


~ ~ ~


Ronan smiled when he saw the saffron shirt laid out on the bed along with another kilt. The Galt tartan was all he had ever worn, but it was filthy. He was no longer in a world he knew. Two centuries had passed, and much had changed in Scotland. Perhaps it was time he did as well.

The only claim he had to the Galt clan was his name, and even that didn’t give him the desire to search them out. He had no coin, no home...nothing. He was well and truly on his own. There might have been something to interest him away from Ravensclyde if Stefan, Daman, and Morcant were with him. 

Alone, well, that was a completely different story. 

Meg had offered for him to remain at Ravensclyde for as long as he wanted. Oddly enough, he didn’t feel the desire to leave. Was it Meg holding him? Surely not. He knew better than to let a woman close. 

It had to be the fact that he was alone. That was a solid explanation, and the only one he would even consider. Despite the fact his cock was already hardening at the mere thought of Meg.

Ronan removed his kilt and folded the tartan carefully before setting it atop the chest against the wall. He then pulled the saffron shirt over his head and let it settle against his skin. Next, he picked up the Alpin kilt and made quick work of putting it on.

He paused before leaving the chamber to run his fingers through his hair. It wasn’t until he scratched his jaw that he felt the whiskers. It had been so long since he had to shave that Ronan had forgotten about it.

It was obvious someone else had thought of it though when he turned and found everything he needed to shave set on a small table near the window.

With a chuckle, Ronan set to work. It took longer than usual as he got used to holding the blade in his hand once more. At least he didn’t cut his face. When he finished, he ran a hand over his jaw pleased not to feel any stubble. 

He hurried out of the chamber, and only belatedly realized halfway down the stairs that it was excitement that urged him onward – excitement at seeing Meg again.

He came to a halt in the great hall when his eyes landed on her. She was a vision with her auburn locks flowing around her, the color like a beacon for him. She was talking to the servants when she glanced up and saw him. A soft, welcoming smile tilted her full lips as she stopped mid-sentence.

Ronan started toward her. With a quick word to the servants, Meg met him in the middle of the great hall. She eyed the kilt and gave a nod of approval.

“You look very handsome.”

He gave her a wink. “It was a nice way of telling me my kilt needed to be cleaned.”

“The Alpin kilt looks good on you.”

She gestured to the table. “It’s time for our meal.”

They had no sooner taken their seats than the hall began to fill with people. Food was then brought out and set on the tables. Ronan looked around the great hall noting the ease in which everyone ate.

There had been too much tension between his parents and his uncle and aunt for there to have been a nice supper – or any meal for that matter. 

“What did you do today?” Meg asked.

Ronan swallowed his bite and shrugged. “I began to fix a roof.”

Meg paused in her eating to look at him. “You went back to the cottage.”

He wasn’t sure if she was happy or not since no emotion showed on her face. Ronan gave a small nod. “I want to earn my keep.”

“And the discussion with the stable master?”

“He offered two of his sons to help me tomorrow.”

For long moments, she silently stared at him.  “Thank you. I’ve been trying to find the time to help the family, but there are few men to spare.”

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