The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate (32 page)

BOOK: The Curious World of Calpurnia Tate
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For more information on children abducted and raised by the Comanche, see
The Captured
by Scott Zesch and
Comanches: The Destruction of a People
by T. R. Fehrenbach. Many of the abductees who were eventually returned to their white parents had a difficult time fitting back into society. Some even returned to their adoptive Comanche families. And, yes, some people do claim that it is possible to predict the weather with a jar of bear grease. (See the
entry on G. Gordon Wimsatt.) I have not seen this in action—although I would dearly love to—and cannot vouch for its veracity.

Finally, the biggest thanks of all go to my wonderful agent, Marcy Posner, and my equally wonderful publisher, Laura Godwin.

For information regarding upcoming appearances, please go to

The writing of this book was fueled by Haribo gummi bears.



Jacqueline Kelly
won the Newbery Honor for her first book,
The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate
. She was born in New Zealand and raised in Canada, in the dense rainforests of Vancouver Island. Her family then moved to El Paso, Texas, and Kelly attended college in El Paso, then went on to medical school in Galveston. After practicing medicine for many years, she went to law school at the University of Texas, and after several years of law practice, realized she wanted to write fiction. Her first story was published in the
Mississippi Review
in 2001. She now makes her home with her husband and various cats and dogs in Austin and Fentress, Texas. You can sign up for email updates


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Title Page

Copyright Notice


Chapter 1: Armand Versus Dilly

Chapter 2: The Armadillo Crisis

Chapter 3: The Barometer Speaks

Chapter 4: Devil Birds

Chapter 5: Rara Avis

Chapter 6: A City Drowned

Chapter 7: Amphibia and Reptilia in Residence

Chapter 8: A Birthday Controversy

Chapter 9: The Mystery Animal

Chapter 10: Family Reunion

Chapter 11: Aggie's Ordeal

Chapter 12: The Bandit Saga

Chapter 13: Dr. Pritzker in Action

Chapter 14: Money Troubles

Chapter 15: Thanksgiving

Chapter 16: The Scruffiest Dog in the World

Chapter 17: The Travails of Idabelle and Other Creatures

Chapter 18: Grasshopper Guts

Chapter 19: Navigating the Inner and Outer Worlds

Chapter 20: An Astonishing Sum of Money

Chapter 21: Secrets and Shame

Chapter 22: The Value of Learning New Skills

Chapter 23: My First Surgery

Chapter 24: Dogs, Lucky and Not

Chapter 25: A Puffer Fish of One's Own


About the Author



Copyright © 2015 by Jacqueline Kelly

Henry Holt and Company, LLC

Publishers since 1866

Henry Holt
is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010

All rights reserved.

The epigraphs at the beginning of each chapter are from
The Voyage of the
Beagle by Charles Darwin.

eBooks may be purchased for business or promotional use. For information on bulk purchases, please contact Macmillan Corporate and Premium Sales Department by writing to [email protected].

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Kelly, Jacqueline.

The curious world of Calpurnia Tate / Jacqueline Kelly.—First edition.

pages        cm

Sequel to: The evolution of Calpurnia Tate.

Summary: “In rural Texas in 1900, when a storm blows change into town in the form of a visiting veterinarian, twelve-year-old Callie discovers a life and a vocation she desperately wants. But with societal expectations as they are, she will need all her wits and courage to realize her dreams”—Provided by publisher.

ISBN 978-0-8050-9744-3 (hardcover)—ISBN 978-1-62779-511-1 (e-book)   [1.   Family life—Texas—Fiction.   2.  Sex role—Fiction.   3.  Veterinarians—Fiction.   4.  Texas—History—20th century—Fiction.]   I.  Title.

PZ7.K296184Cu 2015        [Fic]—dc23        2015000920

First hardcover edition 2015

eBook edition July 2015

eISBN 9781627795111

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