The Danger in Tempting an Earl (18 page)

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id you find Donovan?” Katherine asked Lucien as they headed over to Roxberry House later that day. After saying good-bye to Patricia and thanking her for her hospitality, Lucien had led Katherine out through the back of the house and helped her into a waiting hackney.

“Not yet,” he told her grimly. “I inquired after him at Riley’s—said I needed help with a debt. The consensus among the employees and the patrons was unanimous however. Nobody knew of a man by that name.”

“And do you believe them?” Katherine asked.

“I confess I’m not sure what to believe anymore, but I did tell them that I intend to return tomorrow in case someone would like to convey a message to him. If Lady Trapleigh has been honest with us, Donovan ought to thrill at the opportunity of getting another aristocrat under his thumb.”

When they arrived at Roxberry House, Katherine gave Lucien a determined look before pulling the hood of her cloak over her head. “I’ll see you inside,” she said as she alighted from the carriage. She then stepped brusquely forward and gave the wooden door leading into the mews a loud rap. A moment passed before one of the grooms appeared. “Yes?” he inquired.

“I’m the new housemaid,” she said.

With a curt nod, he opened the door just enough to grant her entry, then slipped the bolt back into place the moment she was through. Hooves clattered along the cobbles on the opposite side as the hackney continued on its way. It would make its way through a few more streets before returning to the front door, where Lucien would enter, unaccompanied.

“You must be the lady we were told to expect,” an elderly woman said as Katherine stepped inside the lobby and pulled the door shut behind her. “I’m Mrs. Ellis, the housekeeper.”

“Pleased to meet you,” Katherine said, smiling politely.

“Oh, I can assure you that the pleasure is entirely mine. Now, if you will please follow me, my lady, I’ll take you upstairs to the parlor. According to the missive I received from his lordship, I do believe he’ll be arriving at any moment and will wish to see you.” Leading the way down a long corridor while Katherine followed, Mrs. Ellis spoke over her shoulder. “There are also a few details that must be addressed, as I’m sure you are aware. Mr. Parker, the butler, will be joining us, since he has a few concerns of his own that he’d like to bring to his lordship’s attention.”

Katherine could only imagine. Lucien might have been the master of the house, but that didn’t mean the staff would have been pleased with the idea of an unmarried lady moving in. Her suspicion was quickly confirmed when Parker met her in the foyer. He nodded stiffly but didn’t smile—not that butlers were particularly prone to smiling, but still. . . . He looked positively acerbic. “The curtains have been drawn in the parlor, Mrs. Ellis. You may show her ladyship in,” he said.

No other words were exchanged as Katherine quietly followed the housekeeper into an elegant room set in beige and burgundy tones. She’d been here before, accompanied by her parents years ago, when Lucien’s father had still been alive. It was not very different from what it had looked like back then, with Gauss’s
Disquisitiones Arithmeticae
still visible on the bookstand.

Crossing the floor to a chair upholstered in a beautiful striped silk, Katherine took a seat while Mrs. Ellis remained standing by the door. The clock ticked away on the mantelpiece. Reaching for the teapot that sat on a tray before her, Katherine poured herself a cup, not because she particularly felt like having tea but because she longed for something to busy herself with until Lucien arrived.

The sound of a door opening and closing, followed by voices in the hallway beyond, had her straightening. She set down her cup just as Lucien strolled into the room looking every bit the charming gentleman and with the hint of a smile about his lips. Katherine sighed with relief, thankful that he was finally there to help her through the awkward business of dealing with his servants.

“You look as lovely as ever,” he said with a wink in Katherine’s direction—a gesture that made her insides squirm. “Lady Crossby will be staying here at Roxberry House as our guest,” he continued, addressing Mrs. Ellis and Parker. “She is to be treated in the manner her station requires, and if she gives you an order, you are to follow it without complaint.” Parker was looking increasingly green about the gills, but he said nothing. “Furthermore, nobody outside this house is allowed to know of her presence. There will be a twenty-pound bonus for each member of staff capable of keeping her visit here a secret, but, should anyone happen to let it slip that Lady Crossby is here, they will be sacked without notice or reference. Is that understood?”

“Yes, my lord,” Mrs. Ellis and Parker spoke in unison.

Lucien studied his employees in turn and with a good deal of gravity before leaning back on his heels and saying, “Very well, then. Do you have any questions?”

“If I may,” Mrs. Ellis began, “I was wondering which bedchamber I should direct her ladyship to.”

“You may put her in the one adjoining my own,” Lucien said without preamble.

Katherine squeezed her eyes shut. She’d never been quite so humiliated before in her life. Though she would not argue in front of the servants, she had every intention of berating Lucien for his thoughtlessness. She opened her eyes, surprised by the bland expressions on the butler’s and housekeeper’s faces. If they objected to the idea of an unmarried woman sleeping in the bedroom that would one day belong to their master’s wife, it did not show.

“And regarding her ladyship’s clothing?” Mrs. Ellis asked. “Will she continue to dress like a servant, or do you have something more appropriate in mind?”

“At present, the less attention we draw to her presence here, the better. Just so you understand the severity of the situation, you ought to know that Lady Crossby’s life is at risk. Two attempts have already been made, and I’ll be damned if there’s to be a third. For now, I have hired a new housemaid. That is all anyone outside this house needs to know.”

“You have our full support in the matter, my lord,” Parker said. “We’ll do everything in our power to keep her ladyship safe from harm, isn’t that so, Mrs. Ellis?”

“Absolutely,” Mrs. Ellis concurred.

“And in the event that I am not at home, Lady Crossby will remain upstairs and out of sight,” Lucien said as he looked at Katherine. “Agreed?”

Deciding that arguing would serve no purpose, Katherine nodded. No matter how much she dreaded being confined to her bedroom, she knew that Lucien was only trying to protect her.

“If that is all, I should like to go and talk to the rest of the staff,” the butler said as he turned to Mrs. Ellis. “Shall I ask Edith to go upstairs and ready her ladyship’s room?”

“That would be most helpful, Mr. Parker. Thank you,” Mrs. Ellis replied.

The servants exited the parlor, and Lucien approached Katherine, claiming the seat next to her. “I do believe I’ve ruffled their feathers,” he said, meeting her gaze.

“What did you expect? That they would nod their heads demurely as if you’re not courting vast amounts of scandal by bringing me here? Speaking of which, was it really necessary of you to insist I sleep in the room adjoining your own? Surely there must be other rooms available.”

“Of course there are.” His voice was completely serious. “There are three reasons why I want you to stay in that room, Kate. First, it faces away from the street, which makes it more difficult for someone to discover that I have a secret houseguest. Second, if a potential assassin were to make it all the way upstairs, which is of course unlikely, then I’ll be close at hand.”

“And the third reason?” Katherine asked when Lucien failed to continue.

His eyes swept over her, brightening as a smile captured his lips. “I do believe you can figure that out on your own.”

“Good heavens!” She sounded breathless—like a ninny fresh out of the schoolroom. Swallowing her embarrassment, she squared her shoulders and stared right back at him. Whatever game he was playing at, she wasn’t having much fun with it. “Is this an elaborate scheme of yours, Lucien? Why, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you concocted the whole thing so you could lure me into your bed—‘Hurry, Kate, you’d best get under the covers so I can protect you.’ ” She rolled her eyes while Lucien barked with laughter. “Honestly, do you think me a fool? Whatever thoughts of seduction you have, I suggest you keep them to yourself, and if you do make any attempt at climbing into my bed, I’ll scream—make no mistake about it.”

Stifling his laughter, Lucien nodded. “Very well. Although . . .”

“Yes?” she asked hesitantly.

“In case you change your mind, I’ll have no qualms about making you scream.”

Flames burst to life within her. “What’s happened to you, Lucien? You were never so forward, yet in the course of two days you’ve not only kissed me but offered to take me to bed as well. It’s most unsettling, and frankly, I wish you would stop.”

“Do you?” The words were but a murmur, yet they hummed through her, stirring her awareness. She nodded, for she’d lost the ability to speak. With slow deliberation, he reached out and placed his hand upon hers. A jolt of tingling warmth swept through her. “Because if you ask me, you wanted me to kiss you not only at the inn but in the carriage as well, and when I finally did, you welcomed it.” His words were soft and sensual, and no matter how much she longed to tell him it wasn’t true, she could not bring herself to lie to him—not about something this important. Instead, she closed her eyes and prayed for him to distance himself from her. He raised her hand to his lips, kissing the surface before turning it over and scraping his teeth against the back of her wrist. She gasped quite helplessly as heat rushed between her thighs and her breasts began to swell against the tight muslin of her bodice. “All you have to do is ask, and the pleasure you seek can be yours.”

“I don’t . . . ,” she rasped, tugging her hand away from his.

Leaning back, he rose to his feet with a chuckle. “Oh, but I think you do. Now come along and I’ll show you to your room.”


Chapter 12

tepping out into the street the following morning, Lucien cursed his forwardness. What the bloody hell had he been thinking last night, talking to Katherine as if she’d been a common doxy? Certainly, she was a widow, but she was also a lady—one who, if her constant blushes and moments of shyness were anything to go on, was also quite inexperienced when it came to being romanced. How the devil such a thing was possible, Lucien couldn’t fathom, yet he’d sensed that while he’d most assuredly affected her with his candor, he’d also succeeded in frightening her. Good heavens, but she’d barely stepped inside her bedroom before bidding him a hasty good night and shutting the door in his face.

Lucien grinned at the memory, for she’d apparently forgotten about the connecting door between their rooms and had practically leapt one foot in the air when he’d popped his head through and told her to sleep well.

“To White’s, if you please,” he told his driver as he climbed up into his landau. It was eleven o’clock and he was admittedly fleeing his own home, determined to be gone before Katherine emerged from the confines of her bedroom. Clearly, she was just as embarrassed as he after last night’s exchange.

Settling back against the squabs, he stared out at the passing buildings. He had to get his head on straight and focus on the business regarding Donovan instead of chasing Katherine around like a lovesick pup. Christ, he was making a bumbling fool of himself and scaring her off in the process.

“Roxberry! What a pleasant surprise,” the Earl of Laughton said, greeting Lucien upon his arrival. “It has been an age. My sincerest condolences on the loss of your brother and your father. They were good men, both of them.”

“Thank you, Laughton. I appreciate you saying so. As you know, it takes a while to adjust,” Lucien said, referring to the loss of the earl’s own father many years ago.

“Indeed it does,” Laughton replied.

They shared a moment of silence before Laughton broke it by saying, “Care to share a drink? I’m actually sitting just over there with Barrymore and Carlyle. You’re welcome to join us if you’ll only allow me to fetch the betting book. I was on my way to get it just now when you arrived.”

Deciding that a brandy in good company was precisely what he needed, Lucien waited for his friend to return with the book in question, then accompanied him over to where the others were sitting. “So, what will you be betting on today?” he asked the three men as soon as the necessary pleasantries were out of the way.

“Funny you should ask,” Barrymore said as he leafed through the pages. He set the book on the table and pushed it toward Lucien. “Take a look for yourself, old chap.”

Glancing down, Lucien read the words on the page before him and frowned. “You can’t be serious,” he eventually said, looking up.

Barrymore shrugged. “Since you were seen waltzing with each other at the Kingsboroughs’, you and Lady Crossby have been on everyone’s lips. I can’t tell you how many people hurried back to Town from that ball, determined to place their bets before it was too late. Some were sure you’d already proposed to her in secret.”

“But that’s preposterous!”

“Are you sure about that?” Carlyle asked him seriously, “because I’m planning to bet a thousand pounds on you and Lady Crossby tying the knot before the end of the Season.”

“You have to admit, it does seem rather odd that you would appear so publically with her the moment she’s out of mourning,” Laughton added. “Are you telling us that there’s nothing more than friendship between the two of you?”

“That’s precisely what I’m telling you,” Lucien said. At least that was all he was going to say on the matter at present.

“Perhaps so, but if it’s all the same to you, I’m going to trust my instinct on this, and my instinct says otherwise,” Carlyle said as he tossed back his drink. Leaning forward, he dipped the quill that Laughton had placed on the table into the accompanying inkwell and scribbled his name in the book. He then got up and said, “It was good seeing you all again. Especially you, Roxberry—it’s been far too long. Regrettably, I have an appointment that I must keep, so I really must be off.”

“Is it business or pleasure that’s depriving us of your company?” Barrymore asked.

“Well, there’s a striking young heiress who’s willing to part with a Rembrandt, so it may prove a bit of both if all goes smoothly,” Carlyle said as he thrust his hands into his pockets and leaned back on his heels with a broad smile.

Barrymore grinned. “I don’t suppose you’d let me join you?”

“Not a chance,” Carlyle told him. “But if you’re still interested in the other lady we were discussing earlier, then I can tell you that she usually goes for a stroll in the park with her beagle around this hour.”

“In that case, I must be off as well,” Barrymore said, taking his leave along with Carlyle.

Lucien watched them go. “Care for a game of cards?” he asked Laughton.

“Certainly. But if I win, you’ll have to tell me what’s really going on between you and Lady Crossby. I could use the advantage.”

“I’m afraid I’ll only disappoint you then, for what I said before is true. She and I have no plans of marrying.”

“Hmpf! More’s the pity, if you ask me,” Laughton said, reaching for a deck of cards and starting to shuffle. “I’ve always thought the two of you would be perfectly suited for each other.”

Lucien winced. If only Katherine agreed. Somehow, he’d have to change her mind. “I don’t suppose you’ve ever heard of a man by the name of Donovan?” he asked, deciding to change the topic of conversation. He needed to concentrate on why he’d really come here—to get answers.

Laughton shook his head. “Doesn’t sound familiar. Why do you ask?”

“A friend of mine’s in a bit of trouble,” he lied, offering the story he’d fabricated on the way over. “After falling into debt, he went to Donovan for help, but apparently the man’s unsatisfied with how fast my friend is able to pay him back—started issuing threats and so on. Anyway, I thought I’d try to locate the blighter myself—get the matter settled so my friend can relax.” Lucien trumped one of Laughton’s cards. “I wish he would have come to me first, but I believe he was too proud.”

“Pride can certainly lead to a man’s downfall,” Laughton said. He frowned. “Surely your friend must know where to find him though?”

“Apparently, Donovan tends to find
not the other way around, though he did mention seeing him at Riley’s once or twice. I went over there yesterday to try and locate him, but everyone was very tight-lipped.”

Laughton shook his head. “Sorry, I can’t help you with that, I’m afraid. No reputable gentleman would ever set foot in a place like Riley’s, no matter what.” He gave Lucien a meaningful look.

They finished their game and Laughton took his leave with the excuse that his mother expected him to put in an appearance at her soiree later. “Best of luck with finding this Donovan fellow,” he said to Lucien as they parted ways. “I hope your friend gets out of this mess quickly and trust that you will advise him to avoid such people in the future.”

“Will do,” Lucien said, rising to shake his friend’s hand. He cursed himself as soon as he was once again alone. The lie had yielded no result, and he was no better off than he’d been when he’d arrived. Instead, he’d wasted two hours on meaningless small talk.

think you and I ought to have a little chat,” a voice murmured just behind Lucien’s left shoulder.

Spinning around, Lucien almost came nose to nose with a familiar face. “Starkly! What the devil?”

The corner of Starkly’s mouth edged upward. “It’s good to see you too, Roxberry. Now, if you will please follow me.” With no other word, the earl walked off, leaving Lucien with little choice but to do as he’d asked.

s Lord Roxberry at home?” Katherine asked Mrs. Ellis when she finally managed to pull herself together and venture downstairs. After her conversation with Lucien last night, Katherine had lain awake for hours on end, contemplating Lucien’s every word. As a result, she’d slept in and had (in the hope of avoiding Lucien for a little while yet) asked to have her breakfast delivered to her room. She’d taken her time with the meal, since she’d asked for the newspaper to be sent up along with it, and she savored the distraction that considering new investment opportunities offered.

“I’m afraid you just missed him, my lady. He’s gone out,” Mrs. Ellis informed her.

Katherine breathed a sigh of relief, thanked the housekeeper and made her way back upstairs, determined to follow Lucien’s advice that she remain out of sight when he was not at home. Stepping onto the landing, she glanced right, toward the bedchamber where she’d spent her entire morning. The thought of returning there held little appeal, so she decided to go left instead, toward a spacious salon, perfect for entertaining informal visitors like close friends and family.

Venturing inside, she considered again the words Lucien had spoken to her the previous evening.
“All you have to do is ask, and the pleasure you seek can be yours.

At the inn, he’d accused her of trying to seduce him, and he’d been right. Well, somewhat at least. Her main goal had been to uncover his intentions. Now that she knew what they were, she could scarcely form a coherent thought whenever he was near. But was this yearning he’d stirred within her so blatantly obvious? Was she really that transparent?

Trailing her fingers along the edge of a Hepplewhite cabinet, she let out a sigh. Of course she was, or Lucien would never have said such a thing—nor would he have risked the security of their friendship by kissing her in the carriage or continued in his pursuit of her at the inn. It was as if he could read her mind, but if that were the case, did he also know the depth of her fears?

Crossing to a piano that stood in one corner, Katherine seated herself on the bench and opened the cover. Should she even be afraid? This was Lucien, after all. She’d known him her whole life and trusted him more than she’d ever trusted anyone else. Her fingers skimmed across the keys, evoking a soft and languid melody. Her fears were likely unfounded when it came to Lucien. He would never want to hurt her, not deliberately at least. But what would happen if she took that leap, discarded her inhibitions and concerns and allowed him the right to undress her? There was always the risk that he wouldn’t like what he saw, that he’d reject her just as Charles had done.

Her finger hit a wrong note. She blinked, steadied herself on a deep breath and resumed her playing. Lucien would certainly be more tactful about it but she would know that he found her wanting, and the pain that would bring—to be looked upon with distaste by someone so dear to her heart—would crush her.

“Lady Gray was just here, inquiring about you, my lady,” Parker announced from the doorway.

Stopping in mid-tune, Katherine turned to face him.

“But since his lordship is not at home, I thought it too suspicious to invite her in,” the butler added. “However, she did ask me to give you this.”

Rising, Katherine went to retrieve the book that Parker was holding. “Thank you,” she said. With a nod, the butler took his leave, and Katherine lowered her gaze to the book—
by Jane Austen. She opened it and discovered a note:

Dear Katherine, I know how difficult it must be for you to be confined in this way, but it is necessary, though I shall miss your company today. The book is a gift, one I consider appropriate under the circumstances. I hope you will find it amusing and that you haven’t yet read it. Until we meet again, your friend, Patricia.

Katherine couldn’t help but smile at the kindness as she walked across to an armchair, book in hand. She was determined to get started on it right away so she could discover what Patricia had meant by finding it appropriate.

Recalling the last conversation they’d had, Katherine couldn’t help but wonder if the book might have something to do with her relationship with Lucien. Most likely, considering that Miss Austen’s books were all terribly romantic. Katherine shook her head. Patricia knew of her reservations, yet she’d championed her brother, urging Katherine to offer him the same degree of honesty, insisting Lucien wouldn’t hurt her.

But what if he did so unintentionally? Was that a risk Katherine was willing to take? Bowing her head, she stared down at
now resting in her lap.

Lucien had known her since the day she was born. He’d watched her grow—had been her closest friend for so long. Didn’t she owe him the truth?

Katherine frowned. Lucien had returned, and he’d done so with a clear purpose. Surely it couldn’t have been easy for him to confess his true feelings for her, to risk their friendship in pursuit of something more. He’d taken a leap, no doubt fearing rejection, yet he’d been willing to suffer it if there was but a chance. And what had she done? She’d led him on, only to pull away, frightened of what he would think of her and doing to him exactly what she was so afraid he might do to her. She took a breath, her jumbled thoughts aligning until everything became clear. She loved him, and if Lucien was brave enough to take the leap, then she must be so as well, because the very last thing she wanted to do was break his heart.

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