The Dare Me Date (A Small Town Romance Short Story Series)

BOOK: The Dare Me Date (A Small Town Romance Short Story Series)
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The Dare Me Date

A Small Town Romance Short Story Series

Book Two

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this publication can be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the permission in writing from the author or publisher.

Edition: January 2013


Copyright © 2013 by Tonya Kappes

All rights reserved

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What others are saying about Author Tonya Kappes


“Full of wit, humor and colorful characters, Tonya Kappes delivers a fun, fast-paced story that will leave you hooked!” Bestselling Author, Jane Porter


“Fun, fresh, and flirty, Carpe Bead ’Em is the perfect read on a hot summer day. Tonya Kappes’ voice shines in her debut novel.” Author Heather Webber


“I loved how Tonya Kappes was able to bring her characters to life.” Coffee Table Reviews


With laugh out loud scenes and can't put it down suspense A Charming Crime is the perfect read for summer you get a little bit of everything but romance. Forgetthehousework blog

"This book was fun, entertaining and good to the last page. Who knew reading auras could get Olivia in so much trouble? Sit back, smile and cozy up to, where Olivia does the dumping for you. There's heap loads of humor, a dose of magical realism, sprinkles of romance, and mystery when someone ends up dead!" Author Lisa Lim


“This book was funny and clever with a unique premise. I truly couldn't put it down.” Author Diane Majeske


“I loved this book. Grandberry Falls is my kind of town and I for one would love to live there and get to know all the local folks. I enjoyed reading this book and can't wait to read the next book about Grandberry Falls by Tonya Kappes. I have added Tonya Kappes as one of my new favorite authors.” Jean Segal


“The fantasy world that Kappes introduced came to life. This is definitely one series that will be on my To Be Read list as subsequent books come out.” author Andrea Buginsky, A Magical Cures Series

Also by Tonya Kappes


Women’s Fiction

Carpe Bead ‘em



Something Spooky This Way Comes

Believe Christmas Anthology


Olivia Davis Paranormal Mystery Series

Color Me A Crime


Magical Cures Mystery Series

A Charming Crime

A Charming Cure

A Charming Potion


Grandberry Falls Series

The Ladybug Jinx

Happy New Life

A Superstitious Christmas

Never Tell Your Dreams


A Divorced Diva Beading Mystery Series

A Bead of Doubt Short Story

Strung Out To Die


Small Town Romance Short Story Series

A New Tradition



The Tricked-Out Toolbox~Promotional and Marketing Tools Every Writer Needs

Chapter One

“While money doesn’t buy love, it puts you in a good bargaining position.”

 ~ Christopher Marlowe


“Do you realize that one year ago today we sat in this exact same spot?” I tapped the bar top, turning to look at the snuggly couple next to me. In disgust, I watched him lightly stroke the woman’s back as he leaned over and whispered into her ear. Quickly, I ducked to miss the woman’s long honey colored loose curls as she flung her head back in a hyena laugh. Running my fingers through my shaggy blonde hair, I secretly wished I had long hair like hers
“And I think they were here too.” I gestured to the couple and picked up my mug of warm beer.

The brew had been cold a few minutes ago, but having my weekly Friday night drink at Brew Ha Ha’s with Maddie, my best friend since
, didn’t even appeal to me, and it was normally the highlight of my week. There was nothing better than Brew Ha Ha’s fish fry Friday nights. But not this Friday.

…”ugh”…I sighed at the realization that on tomorrow’s lover’s holiday, I was alone…yet again.

“Did you hear me?” I waved my hand in front of Maddie’s face. Her emerald green eyes were in a stare and her mouth gapped open. A sure sign she was eavesdropping. I leaned back on my bar stool, peering over her shoulder to get a glimpse of the guy whose back was to us.

“Shh.” Her lips pursed and she tilted her head toward the guy. Her eyes jumped out of their sockets. She made a phone with her fingers, telling me that he was on the phone and she was getting the lowdown.

Yep, she was good at eavesdropping. If eavesdropping were an Olympic sport, Maddie would be a triple gold medalist. That was how we heard about most of the gossip in our small town of Floral, Wisconsin.

“I should work tomorrow. I need the money to pay my rent.” I drummed my fingers on the mahogany wood bar. “I’m not doing anything, so I might as well watch all the lovers enjoy their holiday. Plus, Maggie could use an extra hand.”

One of my many duties as hostess at Maggie’s Bed and Breakfast was to make sure that all the couples had everything they needed to enjoy their stay while in Floral. Maggie’s was well known all over the world for her five star treatment. There were only four couples at a time in the bed and breakfast, which created a yearlong waiting list on normal weeks, but Valentine’s was a different story. If you wanted a room for Valentine’s Day, you were looking at a five-year wait list.

“Do you know him?” Maddie whispered, pointing to the guy.

Leaning back again, I took a good long look at the back of his head. He definitely wasn’t from here. His grey sweater, jeans and fancy black shoes were a dead giveaway. Most men from Floral were a little shaggier, at least the ones who came to Brew Ha Ha for Friday night fish.

I shook my head, straightening myself back up on the barstool.

“You’ve been nursing that beer, Jozy.” Abraham stood behind the bar with a couple bottle of Bud nestled between his fingers. “Are you feeling alright?”

“What? You think I’m an alcoholic?” My eyes narrowed as I watched him deliver the beers to the couple at the far end of the bar.

“Not at all!” He shouted over the crowd that was coming through the door. He made his way back over and planted his forearms on the bar top. “By the time Friday rolls around, you are generally ready for a good cold one. Especially with the ski season in full force.”

“Well, not today.” I pushed the warm mug away from me. Abraham was right. I loved working at Maggie’s. In fact, I started out there when I was fifteen-years-old, folding the laundry. It was nestled perfectly near the lake and ski resort that attracted a lot of visitors. Winter and summer were our busy seasons with great snow skiing and great water skiing, but Valentine’s Day brought all the lovers to Maggie’s, and this was the second year in a row that I did not have a date.

“I can change that.” Abraham set a frosty mug in front of me, filled to the top with a very inviting dark and tan, a pricey drink that I only get on special occasions. “I don’t like seeing you all down-faced. There are a bunch of us going skiing and then back here for a few drinks if you want to join us.”

“Aww thanks. I’ll think about it.” I picked up the mug just as Maddie elbowed me in the ribs. “Ouch!”

She tilted her head toward the mystery guy as her eyebrows lifted in delight. Making eye contact, I grinned in reciprocation of his smile.

“He was on the phone with someone saying he was waiting for someone from You know---that dating website.” Maddie caught herself from falling off the barstool as she watched him go into the bathroom. “Her name is Jasmine and he’s never met her.” There was a little too much excitement in her voice.

“Of course they are meeting for the first time,” sarcasm dripped from my lips. I picked up the mug and took a gulp. “Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I bet they are going to snuggle up at the ski lodge and just have a grand ole time.”

She grabbed my arm, making me spill the beer again.

“Maddie!” I brushed my hands down my shirt that was now soaked with beer. “What’s wrong with you?”

“You don’t have to work tomorrow.” A grin crossed her lips, lifting her eyes into a mischievous smile. “You can pretend to be Jasmine!”

“Uhh…no,” I said flatly. “Besides, Jasmine will be here. He’s hot ,and I’m sure they have seen each other through pictures or something.”

“No, they haven’t. That is the big thing about that site. You aren’t allowed to see pictures or anything, so you get to know the soul and spirit of the person before you fall in love with their appearance.” She tapped her ear. “He said to the person on the phone that he had no clue what she looked like. It’s perfect!”

“Right.” I rolled my eyes. Maddie and I had done some really stupid stuff when we were
, but this would be an extremely stupid stunt. “And how do we explain who I am when hottie Jasmine shows up?” I let out a big sigh, “Doesn’t Jasmine sound like a hot name?”

“Hot or not, she’s not here and you are.” Maddie grabbed her bag off the bar and pulled out her wallet. “I dare you.”

“You dare me?”

“Double dog dare you, and put a hundred on it.” She pulled a one-hundred-dollar bill out of her wallet. “You did say you were going to be short on rent this month.”

Even though it was a very enticing offer, I wasn’t ten years old anymore.

“You have
to be kidding.” I looked over and Maddie definitely wasn’t kidding. Her face was as straight as an arrow, not a smirk or grin to be seen.

“No, I’m serious.” She slapped the Benjamin Franklin on the counter. “One hundred dollars on a dare that you won’t tell him you are Jasmine. Hurry up and decide before he comes back out.”

“I don’t know.” I looked between her and the bathroom door. What harm could it do? I could totally pretend to be someone else for the rest of the night, which was only a few hours. It would be the easiest one-hundred-dollar bill I had ever made.

With shear horror, I watched the bathroom door open. The guy’s eyes scanned the bar as if he was looking to see if anyone new had come in. There hadn’t.

“Well?” Maddie nudged me.

“I”…I stammered, knowing this was not a good idea.

“Oh, Jasmine, you are so funny!” Maddie threw her head back as her laughter filled Brew Ha Ha’s.

“Did you say Jasmine?” The guy’s southern accent filled my ears as it dawned on me what Maddie had just done.

“Yes, her name is Jasmine.” Maddie stiffened her back, creating a straight line. “Right, Jasmine?” She nudged me.

“Um. . .” I stuttered. “Yes.”

Just for a brief moment, I felt a sense of fright and fear. Only for a moment. Then excitement began to build. Not only was I going to win that dare, I was going to have a nice couple of hours with a really hot guy.

“Are you...?” I started to ask.

“Yes, I’m Benjamin.” He bent over, wrapping his arms around me as if I would’ve expected it. Gingerly, I patted his back with my fingertips and glared at Maddie over his shoulder.

Amusement sat on Abraham and Maddie’s faces.

“You didn’t tell me you were bringing a friend.” He pulled away and dragged an empty barstool down, sitting it between Maddie and me. He placed his warm palm on my knee. “Or I would’ve brought someone.”

“You know. It’s just. . .” I waved my hands in the air, trying to forget about the excitement of his hand that was sending my heart racing.

“Too far of a drive from home.” He finished my sentence, only it wasn’t my sentence, it would have been Jasmine’s. “I told you that we could have met closer to New York. Then when I didn’t see you, I was afraid you didn’t get my email since I had been hacked. But here you are.”

New York?
Jasmine was obviously from New York and I was obviously not with my worn jeans and wool grey sweater, not to mention crazy shaggy hair.

“Here I am.” I planted a big fake smile on my face and patted his hand that was still on my knee.

“Okay, Jasmine and Benjamin, I’m leaving you to your date.” Maddie stood up and pointed toward the door. “I’ll see you back to the room.”

“So you aren’t staying at the resort with me?” Benjamin questioned, his eyes were dark and assessing. “I thought...”

“You are wrong.” Maddie jabbed a finger at him. “Jasmine doesn’t go around meeting any ol’ guy in strange places and stay with them.”

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