The Dark Shadow of Spring (6 page)

Read The Dark Shadow of Spring Online

Authors: G. L. Breedon

Tags: #Fantasy, #Adventure, #Young Adult Fantasy

BOOK: The Dark Shadow of Spring
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The wall of bursting air tossed the Mad Mages back on their feet even as it deflected the fire from the dragon’s mouth. Dillon and his gang stumbled backward, their terror twisting their faces as they screamed and ran down the tunnel, back toward the entrance above.

“Why save
?” Rafael muttered beside Alex.

“Because I didn’t stop to think about it,” Alex said, realizing it was true. He probably would have tried to save them if he had thought about it, but he probably would have had to think about it

“I think we should save ourselves!” Daphne yelled as the dragon shifted quickly on his taloned feet toward them. “Run!”

They ran, dashing across the chamber as the dragon bellowed and belched fire in their direction. Alex held tight to Nina’s hand, knowing she would be fast enough to follow. He looked over to see that Clark had swept Ben up in his arms and was running with him like he was carrying a football. Ben did not seem at all humiliated by the experience and was screaming at the top of his lungs for Clark to run faster.

A stream of fire spewed from the dragon’s mouth, swirling to follow them as they ran for the entrance.

” Alex shouted, using the rune-word for wind again even as he heard Daphne and Rafael yelling something similar beside him. A burst of air erupted behind them as they crossed the threshold of the entrance. They could feel the heat of the diverted flame as though a bonfire were chasing them, singeing their clothes and hair. But they did not look back. They kept running. They could hear the dragon’s deep-throated growl ringing in their ears and feel the mountain shake with G’allAdon’s movement as he lumbered through the chamber.

“I think he’s following us!” Alex shouted, glancing over his shoulder as they ran around a curve in the tunnel.

“Faster,” Ben shouted. “Run faster!”

“I thought you liked fire,” Rafael yelled, eyes wide with fright.

“Not when I’m in it!” Ben cried.

“Just keep running,” Alex said, trying to fill his voice with enough authority to instill in them his confidence of their survival.

They continued to run through the tunnel toward the surface, following their earlier footprints in the dust of the tunnel floor whenever they were not sure which way to go. Alex realized that must have been how the Mad Mages had tracked them. They dashed around the pit covered by the mirage-like floor, slowing to a walk along the narrow ledge by the wall, but moving as fast as they could. They did not see the dragon again and, as they ran, the bone-jarring sounds of his pursuit drifted farther and farther behind them until it was clear that the dragon had gone back. But they did not stop running. Not until the afternoon sunlight struck their faces and the smell of pine trees filled their noses.

Like a single exhausted body, they all fell to the ground some thirty paces away from where the tunnel drilled down into the mountain. Breathing heavily, they all moved closer together as the giant stone slab began to slide back down the mountain face and cover the entrance to the dragon’s lair. They watched, panting, as the rock-door slid into place with a thundering crunch.

Alex looked around as he clambered to his feet, still breathing like a fire bellows. In the distance, about fifty yards down slope, he could see five figures rushing headlong through the trees. He felt the rock of hot anger in his stomach burst back to life and shatter.

“There they are,” Alex said, gritting his teeth and raising his finger to point. “Let’s go after them.”

“Let them go,” Daphne said, still panting. “I’ve had enough gorping adventure for one day.”

“But they almost got us killed,” Alex said, feeling the heat of the anger in his cheeks. “I want to have a talk with that Dillon.”

“You can’t save their lives and then go try and knock Dillon’s lights out,” Rafael said, falling back into the dry grass of the clearing.

“You can,” Ben countered. “But do it when we get back to town. I’m exhausted.”

“Hmff,” Clark said. “I did all the running.”

 “I know,” Ben said as he punched Clark in the arm. “I’m exhausted from the ride. Thanks.”

“Yeah, any time,” Clark said.

“Isn’t anybody going to go with me?” Alex asked, searching their eyes for support. They all met his gaze, but without the looks he was hoping for.

“Let it go for now, Lex,” Nina said, looking up at him. “We’ll get them back some other way. We always do.”

“I can’t wait for later,” Alex said. “I’ll go by myself.”

“Don’t be silly, Alex,” he heard Daphne say as he ran into the forest. It was exactly the wrong thing to say to him at that moment. He ignored his friends’ calls and dodged around a tree. Alex knew he had several faults. He sometimes overestimated how easy an adventure would be and sometimes didn’t plan far enough ahead, but his biggest fault was stubborn pride. He hated being told he was wrong when he felt he was right and hated being told not to do something when he thought he should.

Normally, he would never have thought that going after Dillon and the Mad Mages all by himself was a good idea, but he actively refused to think about it. He was just going to do it. He would show Dillon what happened when you nearly killed the people he loved. That was the real reason for his anger. Nina and his friends were in that dragon’s lair because of him and they had nearly died. Dillon should be held responsible for what he had done. For what had almost happened. Alex was foggy on just what that would entail, but the vague notion of socking Dillon in the nose kept floating into his head.

Although he could no longer see Dillon and the Mad Mages, any more than he could hear his friends in the Guild shouting at him from up the mountain, it was easy to track the older kids. Alex could have tracked them with his eyes closed. As most occupations in the town of Runewood tended to be hereditary, it was assumed that Alex would one day grow up to be the town’s warlock. His father had taught him woodcrafts like tracking since he was a small boy. As the town enforcer of law, it was a very important skill for a warlock to have when someone tried to evade justice.

The Mad Mages had slowed their descent down the mountain to a safe walk and it wasn’t long before Alex had closed the gap between them. As he silently stalked his quarry, he thought he heard something. Like a whisper. From upslope. He stopped and looked in the direction he thought he had heard something, but no new sound followed. That was when he had an idea: To loop around the Mad Mages and catch them in an ambush. Dillon and the others were following the same deer path that Alex and the Guild had traversed earlier that afternoon. It would take them sideways along the mountain for another half mile before veering back down slope. If he cut upward, quickly and quietly, in the direction he thought he had heard the whisper, he could get to the point where the deer path made a sharp turn before Dillon reached it. Then he could lay a trap.

It wasn’t a great plan, because he had no idea yet what the trap would be, but ambushing the Mad Mages, even all alone by himself, gave him a thrilling feeling in his chest. It took him a moment to realize that feeling was the thrill of revenge. If he hadn’t been so angry, with himself as much as Dillon, he would have stopped and cautioned himself on the dangers of revenge. As it was, he cut up the mountain slope, moving silently through the trees and underbrush and passing through a small clearing.

Alex was so engrossed in his ambush plan, and trying to deny the wisdom about the dangers of revenge that his mother and father had given him, that he was taken completely by surprise when the low pile of rocks and branches he was walking over collapsed inward, sending him tumbling down into darkness. He was so surprised, he didn’t think to scream as he fell through stones and branches down into a deep black hole. Something very much like a rock struck the back of his skull and the blackness of the cave around him faded into the blackness within his head, and that blackness stretched on and on and…


Chapter 5: Whispers in the Shadows


On his back, his right arm bent behind him, his head throbbing, Alex opened his eyes to stars. Not stars swimming before his eyes from the knock to his head, but stars in the night sky as seen through the opening in the ceiling of the cave he had fallen into.

How long?
Alex thought.
How long have I been out?
He took a moment to mentally scan his body. Nothing seemed broken, just bruised, but his head still pulsed in time with his heartbeat. He sat up slowly, his body aching in a dozen different places. He ran his hands gently over his head and found a large knot at the base of his skull. It was too tender to touch even lightly. Looking up again at the stars, he guessed he had been unconscious for at least three hours. It had been late afternoon when he set out to follow Dillon and the Mad Mages. Sunset would have been two hours away. And the sky looked very dark. Maybe four hours.

Why hadn’t anyone found him? Maybe his friends were still looking for him. If it wasn’t too dark, they might have kept searching. It wasn’t uncommon for the Guild to stay out well into the night on a weekend. Their parents wouldn’t begin to worry for another hour or so. If they found him.

“Help,” Alex croaked. His throat felt like it was coated with dry leaves. Maybe it was. “Help,” he said again. Louder this time. Almost a shout. “Help! I’m down here! In a cave!”

, he thought. What he needed was light. He stood up slowly. He was a bit wobbly, but not unstable. The crystal glow-wand was still in his back pocket where he had slipped it while running from the dragon’s lair. Part of the glow-wand, at least. It had shattered. He took a shard of crystal out of his pocket, spoke the rune-word for light, and tried to focus his mind to draw the magical energy of the land up into himself and guide it into what remained of the wand. His head spun with the effort, but he was rewarded with a dim blue glow from the broken magical crystal. It wasn’t much, but a little light was better than nothing.

“Help!” Alex shouted again, his voice stronger now.


What was that? Had he heard that? The voice had seemed too close to be above ground outside the cave.

“Who’s that?” Alex asked the darkness.


Louder, if that was possible, but still not from above ground. Alex spun in place and held the shard of the crystal wand high above his head. The cave was small, only twenty feet wide, and completely empty. A thin layer of moss covered one of the stone walls and the debris from the collapsed ceiling eight feet above covered the uneven and rocky floor, but there didn’t seem to be anyone or anything else in the chamber.

Maybe that bump to the head was worse than I thought
, Alex said to himself.

“Is someone there?” Alex said aloud, raising his voice to cover his mounting fear. If there was a voice down here with him, why did he keep hearing it in his head and not with his ears? Who comes?


That was definitely a voice in his head. Come for who? Come from where? Alex cocked his head and looked around the cave again. The voice had seemed stronger when he was standing near the moss-covered wall. He stepped cautiously forward.

“Who’s there?” Alex said. “Who are you?”


“Is there someone behind the wall?” Alex asked aloud, stepping closer to where the voice seemed strongest. Strongest in his mind.


Alex reached his left hand out and placed it gently on the wall. He could feel the moss tickling his palm. “Who are you?” Alex said, leaning in toward the wall. “Are you trapped?  Do you need help?”


Alex screamed as light seared through his brain, filling his vision with a burning whiteness even as he closed his eyes. The pain of the light in his mind brought him to his knees and the scream another octave higher.


The stubby remains of the light crystal clattered to the floor of the cave as Alex clasped his hands to his head, pressing them in with all his strength, trying to push the light out, to physically squeeze the pain from his head like pushing a sliver from beneath skin. Alex thought for certain that the scream that still howled out of his throat would drown out the voice in his head, but he was wrong.


“No!” Alex yelled back at the voice. He didn’t know what it was or where it came from or what it might want revenge for, but he knew instinctively that it was
. Not evil in a simple sense, but vile beyond words. The antithesis of all that that was good and pure, the antithesis of love and compassion and beauty. If those things could be said to be in the nature of light, the voice in his head was the nature of darkness. In the midst of the pain of the blazing white light in his head, a memory surfaced, new and powerful. “
The Dark Beast marks you again
.” Before that memory could settle into a thought, another voice filled the cave, soft but powerful, melodic and strangely accented.

“Don’t be afraid,” the voice said. “I can help you.”

Alex looked up as the blinding white light in his mind faded and the mysterious voice of the cave whispered away to nothing. Framed in the opening of the cave above his head was a beautiful girl, her long, golden locks falling forward, a pretty button nose in the middle of her narrow face, her bright blue eyes, piercing even in the dim glow of the broken glow-wand. She wore a simple blue shirt with a long black vest and she reached her arm down toward Alex.

“Climb up on that rock there and I’ll lift you out,” the girl said. Alex recognized the accent now. English. There were no English girls in the Rune Valley. He was sure he would remember if there were. Especially if they looked like her.

“Are you real?” Alex asked even as he followed her instructions to step up on the highest rock in the cave, picking up the remains of the glow-wand as he went.

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