The Darkest Night (31 page)

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Authors: Gena Showalter

BOOK: The Darkest Night
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She melted against him, so filled with love it bubbled out of her in a continuous stream. “When I wear it, will I be fighting to protect my virtue or fighting to take yours?”

“Mine, of course.”

Arousal thrummed to instant life and she shivered. “Wanna blow this meeting and go to our room? We can get a recap later.”

“More than I can say.”

They stood. And the man with the blackest violent streak in the whole wide world chased her laughingly
from the room, leaving everyone staring after them in wonder and envy.

Perhaps their time would come….

ISBN: 978-1-4268-5081-3


Copyright © 2008 by Gena Showalter

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