The Darkness Within (8 page)

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Authors: Charisma Knight

BOOK: The Darkness Within
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“Apparently, living in the human realm has had an adverse affect on your brain,” Vukasin bit out harshly.

“Don’t start with me, man,” Quinton said in a low growl.

Althea doubled over in laughter. “You two, what am I going to do with you?” She looked at both men. “I’ve missed you guys so much.” She looked over at Vukasin. “Vuk, what’s your deal?”

“Apparently, this guy was embezzling money from his brother’s company. I don’t know how long he’s been doing it, but from the look of the paperwork, I have one hell of a mess to clean up. I just hope I’m not too late.” Vukasin shook his head. “Althea, I may need some of your accounting experience to get myself out of this mess. Hopefully I won’t get arrested.” Vuk grinned nervously.

“Think nothing of it!” She hugged both men, planting kisses on their faces. “I’m sure between the three of us we can put our heads together and come up with something.” Her stomach rumbled. “Um, if you ever do get arrested, Quinton’s a criminal lawyer.”

“Gee, thanks Althea.” Vukasin laughed nervously.

She swatted him on the shoulder “Oh, come on. You know I’m just messing with you.” She looked at them. It’s a nice day to go to Little Italy. “You guys hungry?”

“Ah food,” Quinton said dreamily. “I cannot express how good it is to be able to eat solid food.”

“If it wasn’t for you challenging and conquering the demons, we wouldn’t be here now. We would have perished within that realm, along with—what’s her name.” Vukasin grinned. “Sorry, but I’m not taking any chances.”

“I really don’t think it was due to my quick thinking. Sorry guys, but I don’t think I can take on the responsibility of you becoming human. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say a higher power played a hand in this one.”

Vuk shrugged. “Perhaps. Or,
may have had something to do with it.”

“Look!” she whispered while checking out the rings on the men’s fingers. She pointed at them. “Do you know what those are?”

Both men shook their heads, looking puzzled. “We just know these rings are similar to the ones you and Taylor wear.”

“Well, whatever you do, don’t open them. If you do it’s like opening a can of worms.” She looked at them, but the men had no clue what she was talking about.

“We’re all Guardians,” she continued. “My grandfather appeared to me nights before I banished Aehtla.” She held up the ring for the men to see. “The lawyer and marketing dude were evil entities, just like Aehtla.” She smiled as a twinge of happiness and knowing ignited inside her. “The men they overpowered were weak-minded.”

“So, what exactly are you saying? Are we supposed to spend the rest of our lives capturing demons?” Vukasin asked. “Aren’t we demons, technically? After all, I am a wolf, and ole Quinton here is a vampire.”

“I think so,” Althea said with a whisper. “I know I’m supposed to continue doing this type of work because it is my destiny. I would have never guessed in a million years you two would become Guardians.” She shrugged. “Guess we’re paying off a debt to the universe. Or, I am, for my past actions.” She cleared her throat.

“But, it wasn’t your fault.” Vukasin grunted. “She made you do those things.”

“No—I gave her power over me. That’s why it was so easy for her to control me. I was a puppet, she the puppet master.” She frowned. “Guys, seriously. I don’t want to talk about this again.”

“Do you still have your powers?” Quinton asked.

“Oh no. I gave them up. Didn’t need or want them. That wasn’t a part of me; they came from her.”

The men nodded in agreement.

“So—I guess you’ll know the next time we’ll need to banish demons from the human realm.” Vukasin scratched his head and looked at his watch. “I only have an hour left for lunch. Let’s grab a quick bite to eat at the deli across the street.”

He scratched his head again, making Quinton wrinkle his nose. “You got fleas or something? Because, I saw this really awesome flea dip in the pet store the other day—” Quinton froze as Vuk cast him a cold glare.

“Really guys, you never cease to amuse me,” Althea said with a laugh.

appeared beside her. “Granddaddy

The old man hugged his granddaughter. “I’m so happy you finally found the strength inside you to fight them. You don’t know how much you truly accomplished, do you?”

“You never told me our work as Guardians would be unraveled if Viktor and Aehtla were successful in destroying me.” She cocked her head to the side. “Why?”

“What purpose would that serve?”
asked. “I had faith in you all along. Our line is strong. Your intuition is now stronger than ever. This is your true power and one of many strengths of being a Guardian and Collector.”

The men cleared their throats. “What about us?” Quinton asked. “What are we to do?”

“My dear boys,” Taylor strolled toward the men. “You both are to assist my granddaughter in her efforts. You will Collect and Guard the evil entities that plague mankind.”

“But how?”

“Never question the power of a Collector. Didn’t I tell both to have faith?”

“So, you knew their souls would be transformed into human bodies? But—why?” Althea asked. “I’m not complaining, I’m just trying to understand.”

smiled at her. “Because what the three of you have is true love. Quinton and Vukasin will sacrifice themselves for you a thousand times over if they believe it will keep you safe from harm.” He turned to look at Althea. “And you. I felt your pain after Viktor claimed them. Instead of giving up and submitting to despair, you continued to fight—like a true warrior. You’ve made me so proud.”

“It wasn’t easy,” She confessed drily. “I thought they were lost to me.” Vukasin and Quinton hugged her firmly.

“You deserve complete happiness. You all have a second chance now,”
assured her. “Now, I must go.” He held out his hand to Quinton and Vukasin. “It has been a pleasure meeting you. I know you’ll take care of my grandbaby, and I look forward to one day fighting by your side.”

“Looking forward to it, sir,” Vukasin said with a wolfish grin. “Thank you so much.”

Quinton stepped forward, shaking
’s hand. “It was nice meeting you. I hope to see you again, some time soon.”

Before anyone could say anything else,

“I want to go home,” Althea said sadly.

Quinton stroked her cheek before swiping a finger beneath her chin, forcing her to look at him. “Cheer up, beautiful. He’ll be back.”

“I miss him already,” she confessed. “It was so nice having him here, in the flesh.”

“Come on, let’s get something to eat and go home,” Vukasin urged.

Quinton frowned. “Which home? Between us, we have three houses.”

“What are you proposing, vampire?” Vukasin asked with a grin.

“Um, we’re no longer vampire and wolf,” Quinton snapped.

“Oh, but we are,” Vuk said. “I’m sorry, but
has left my memory intact. My sense of smell is stronger than when I was a wolf. When the moon is full, there’s this urge to shed my clothes and run wild through the woods.”

“Why did you think he did that?” Althea asked with curiosity. “Shouldn’t you guys have asked him this while he was here?”

“Actually, I’m glad he did,” Quinton said with a smile. “I too remember the other realm. Perhaps he did it so we don’t forget where we come from. I kind of like to think that the wolf and vampire essence will allow us to resist demonic temptation.”

“Makes sense.” Vukasin nodded in agreement. “
isn’t one to provide too much information. It would seem that he prefers for us to discover answers on our own. He glanced at Althea. “You should get used to calling us by our human names.

“Personally, I’d like to still call you guys by the names I gave you,” Althea confessed. “Jack and Frank, that’s going to take some time to get used to,” she said with a laugh.

Quinton lifted her up in his strong arms. “Making fun of our names, now?” He looked over at Vukasin. “She needs to be punished.”

“Promise?” Althea giggled as the vampire carried her up the stairs and into the room. Vukasin followed close behind.

“We more than promise,” Vukasin assured her as they carefully undressed her like she was a rare piece of candy.

Althea sighed as Quinton pushed her down on her back. “It’s Vukasin’s turn to take me from behind. She looked up at Quinton. “You get to take me from the front.” She looked at them both, and even as human, they appeared to have canines and incisors. For a brief moment, she could have sworn their eyes changed colors.

“What’s the matter, sweetness?” Quinton asked as Vukasin slipped behind her.

“Nothing—“ She moaned as both men planted kisses along the sensitive part of her neck. “I’m just— “Oh, dear God.” She panted as their hands explored her flesh. “Just getting used to your human forms.”

“Is it a bother?” Quinton ceased his ministrations.

“No. You both still invoke the same feelings within me. I wouldn’t trade this for the world. I’m just so happy we have a second chance.”

“Me too.” Both men agreed as they thrust their cocks deep inside her.



The End




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