The Dating List (27 page)

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Authors: Jean C. Joachim

Tags: #love story, #contemporary romance, #romantic story, #sexy romance, #sexy love story, #spicy romance, #story about love, #contemporary love story, #spicy love story

BOOK: The Dating List
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"Let her come to you, son," he whispered loud enough
for all to hear.

A murmur of laughter and giggles filled the air.
Everyone stood up when they saw Carrie.

The string quartet stuck up
Vivaldi's Four
as the bride started down the aisle. Harvey pulled a
handkerchief out of his pocket to dab his eyes. Carrie smiled and
tightened her grip on his arm.

They took their time strolling up the aisle. Carrie
smiled at everyone. As soon as she took one step, all her nerves
disappeared. She glanced up at Grey whose encouraging smile gave
her strength. She knew marrying him was the right thing to do,
peace settled into her heart. Calmly she smiled back at him and at
the people who came to see them wed. She spied her mother blotting
tears and Delia, too.

Before she knew it, Grey was offering her his hand.
Her father lifted her veil and kissed her before he handed her over
to Grey.

Carrie whispered to her father, "I love you,

He hugged her before turning her over to the groom.
Losing her hand in Grey's large, warm, dry one was comforting. As
usual, Grey's presence soothed Carrie. They laced their fingers
before moving away from her father, stepping up to the judge to
recite their vows. When Grey slipped the ring on her finger, a
tingle shot up her spine. Now she was his. She chuckled at the
smile of satisfaction on his face.
He's finally getting what
he's wanted. I belong to him.

Putting the ring on Grey's finger made the experience
real to her. He would be her husband forever, for better or worse.
The thought was thrilling and reassuring at the same time. Within a
few minutes, Grey's mouth was capturing hers while the crowd of
family and friends cheered. He tucked her arm into his and led them
back down the aisle as a married couple. She had never seen his
smile beam as brightly. It warmed her heart.

Time seemed to stand still and to fly by at the same
time. Her face hurt from smiling so broadly on the receiving line.
Colin shoved champagne glasses at them. Leah brought a plate of
hors d'oeuvres for them to share. Grey held the plate while Carrie
picked up a stuffed mushroom and held it to his lips. Desire
reflected in his eyes as she fed him. His lips locked on her
finger, sucking it part way into his mouth where his tongue
caressed it.

Carrie colored. "Grey! People are watching," she

"I don't care. If I had a magic wand, I'd make them
all go away."

She chuckled. "Then I'd have you all to myself."

Before he could continue his verbal seduction of his
new wife, the string quartet played more Vivaldi. The smell of
delectable hot food wafted over to the couple. Delia bustled over
to them.

"You must be the first in line for food. Then the
first dance. Come, come…time for all that stuff later, Grey." Delia
gave him a hard look.

He shrugged.

"Guess I have a lifetime to seduce my wife." He drew
out the last two words.

"You do. Come." Delia grabbed Grey's arm, pulling him
along to the long table covered by a pink tablecloth. There were
platters of cold shrimp, cold lobster, fresh crabmeat salad
accompanied by dishes of spicy cocktail sauce and Russian dressing.
A huge bowl of choice mixed greens was surrounded by smaller bowls
with fixings, like artichoke hearts, bacon bits, cucumbers, raw
mushrooms and a variety of dressings from vinaigrette to blue
cheese, fresh cole slaw and finishing the fantastic array of dishes
was a platter of fresh sliced tomatoes with gorgonzola dressing.
Chafing dishes filled with lobster Newburg, wild rice, sliced filet
mignon, fingerling potatoes au gratin, Brussels sprouts, broccoli
and cauliflower in cheese sauce and grilled vegetables took up the
last half of the table.

"The only thing I have an appetite for is you…" he
whispered over his shoulder.

"Are you kidding? Look at all this! Eat, Grey. You'll
need your strength…trust me."

He stopped to turn his head, shooting her a
questioning glance.

"I have plans for you…conserve your energy, husband."
Carrie shot him a wicked grin.

He laughed. "Can I help you, sir?"

One of the servers drew Grey's attention to the
chafing dish with rice on one side and Lobster Newburg on the
other. Carrie's stomach rumbled at the smell of the rich dish.

Grey handed his plate to the server. Next he piled on
green salad and artichoke hearts. Then a smattering of vegetables
from each offering. At the cold food stations, he took a dab of
lump crabmeat salad, fresh coleslaw, and two tomatoes. He topped
off his plate with a freshly baked brioche and butter. Carrie
followed behind him with a plate not quite as full as his.

"Taking me seriously, I see," she said, eyeing his

"I always take my…uh…wife seriously when she talks
about bedroom activities." He grinned at her.

They sat down. After only one forkful of the lobster
dish, they were forced to dance the first dance. Colin zipped by
while they were dancing to refresh the champagne in their

Grey pulled Carrie close. While resting her chin on
his shoulder, she inhaled his masculine scent mixed with piney
aftershave and fresh soap. The familiar scent warmed her. A smile
lifted the corners of her mouth when she saw people laughing,
talking, eating…everyone appeared to be having a good time.

"I'm glad we didn't run away to Las Vegas. Everyone
is having fun," she whispered into his ear.

"Delia and your mom can throw a great bash when they
bury the hatchet."

Contentment settled in her heart, a sense of
wellbeing and happiness washed over her as Grey tightened his arms
around her.

"Are you happy, honey?"

"Deliriously so. Never been so happy in my life.

"Same. Didn't know getting married could be this

As she snuggled into his shoulder, he stopped. His
three best buddies from college stood there, ready to cut in. They
called themselves "The Four Horsemen" and were inseparable during
their school days.

"You didn't think we were going to let you monopolize
this beautiful woman, did you?" Bobby asked.

Grey grinned at his pals. "I should have known."

"And when Bobby's finished, it's my turn," Will
chimed in.

"And you don't get her back until I'm done," Spence

Grey stepped back, allowing Spence to take Carrie in
his arms.

"No funny stuff," Grey wagged his finger at the

"Don't you trust us?" Spence asked.

"Not for a second," Grey replied.

The men snickered.

Grey sat back down at his table and tucked into his
plate of food. Delia stopped by.

"This is amazing, Delia. Thank you," Grey reached up
to plant a kiss on her cheek.

She blushed. "The least I could do."

"You're sending me the bill, as we agreed,

"Actually, Harvey insisted on paying. It's his
daughter's wedding after all."

"How about that? They came through in the end. Good

Grey danced with Delia, Janice and the wives of the
other three Horsemen. He almost didn't have time to eat. Carrie was
shepherded from man to man, ending up with her father.

"Weren't we supposed to be second?" He asked her.

"Grey's friends can be a little…pushy?"

"I have you now."

"Thank you for everything, Dad."

"Nothing's too good for my little girl."

"I forgive you…for your infidelity."

"Thank you, Bunny. I broke your mother's heart. I
don't think she ever recovered. I regret it every day of my life.
Your mother has been a devoted and loving wife to me. Better than I

"Don't say that."

"It's true. I know she's been difficult with you. It
seems like you're leaving before we've had a chance to

"I'll be here. You know where to find me."

"We'll be back for a visit, too, if Grey can forgive
your mom."

"He's not a grudge holder."

"I think you've found a wonderful man, Carrie. I
couldn't turn you over to anyone less."

"Thanks, dad." Tears pricked her eyes.




Trying to keep busy was easy with so much to do. Leah
helped with Carrie's dress, did her makeup then stood in as Delia's
If I don't sit down, I won't have to think about
Standing with a plate of food, she shoveled forkfuls
into her mouth, not even tasting what she was eating but thinking
about what she had to do next. A hand closed over her shoulder.

"May I have this dance?" Colin asked.

"I have so much to…"

Before she could finish the sentence, Colin took her
plate and placed it on the table then led her onto the dance floor.
As his arms closed around her, she shut her eyes, melting into his
embrace. His fresh scent seduced her senses.
He smells so
Her arms closed around his neck as he pulled her in
closer to his chest.
He feels so good.
Leah sighed. They
moved slowly around the dance floor.

"We fit so well together," he said.

She giggled. "Vertically and horizontally."

A laugh rumbled in his chest, the vibration tickling
her breasts.

"The wedding is perfect. You did a great job," he

"I was only a small part of it."

"Stop being self-effacing and take some credit. God,
you smell good."

His lips on her neck made her shiver. "So do

The music stopped. Colin took her hand.

"Let's go for a walk. No one will miss us."

She followed along as he led her down a gravel path,
over a little bridge at the end of the property that spanned a
stream and into the woods. A large almost flat rock outcropping
provided a perfect place to perch, away from prying eyes.

Colin sank down and pulled Leah into his lap for a
passionate kiss. His hand covered her breast, starting a familiar
fire inside her. His tongue slid along the crease of her lips,
parting them. Her hands gripped his shoulders as she arched her
back, pressing her breasts toward his chest. A groan escaped his
throat. His lips moved to her neck on their way south. She pushed
away from him and stood up.

"We can't do this." She pushed to her feet and turned
away from him.

"Who will know?" He followed her.

"What if someone comes looking for us?"

"Can't blame a guy for wanting to make love to his
girl one last time before she leaves…forever." Colin frowned,
turning his gaze to his shoes.

"Didn't we do that last night?" She faced him.

"A couple of times…so who's counting?" He shot her a
wicked grin.

"It's not forever. I'm coming back at Christmas."

"Six months from now. You'll probably come back
engaged to some hot French dude."

She laughed. "Doubt that."

"Are you kidding?" He stood up and started pacing.
"When they see you there, in Paris…with your stylish clothes and
hot…it'll be all over for me."

"I've never met a man better than you." She rested
her hand on his forearm.

"Then marry me before you go!" The words rushed out
of his mouth.


"You heard me. The judge is still here. Then I know
you'll still be mine when you come back." He took her hand.

"That's insane. You can't mean it."

"I do. And I've got the ring to prove it." He whipped
a small box out of his pocket.

Leah's eyes widened. "Colin…no. We can wait. We have
to wait. I'm not going to rush into this. If we can't wait six
months, then we shouldn't be together."

"I didn't think you'd go for it, but thought I'd try
anyway," he said.

"Don't look so glum. I'm flattered you want to marry

"I do. I want to be with you always." He pulled her
into his embrace.

Leah rested her cheek against his shoulder.

"I love you, too. I'll stick if you will."

"Hah! That'll be easy. I'll never find another woman
like you."

"Really?" She pushed away and cocked an eyebrow at
him. "You'll be at a university…crawling with eligible
women. I'll be in the company of women and gay men. We'll see."

, not women."

"I see you're still living by the dating list. No
discussion about age…"

"You know about that?" He jumped up.

"Carrie told me…well, she dropped something about it
and I wormed it out of her. But don't tell her."

"So all this time…"

"Yeah, I knew. Knew you were coming after me."

"How come you didn't hold out?"

"You're irresistible. Wanted to…couldn't."

"So the dating list worked after all. Now we should
take it a step further…"

She was quiet.

"You think I'm going to find some hot babe at
Kensington…so you're afraid to commit! Got it. Not gonna

"How do you know?"

"Because you have my heart. I can't give away what I
no longer possess."

His words stunned her. She never expected such
commitment from him. Emotion choked her as his love surrounded her.
I can't lose him. How will I ever find another love like

Suddenly her feelings broke through her defenses. All
these weeks she had maintained control, especially in front of
Colin. But his declaration cut through her defenses, shredding them
into little pieces like dried out newspaper. Raw emotion bubbled up
in her chest as she burst into tears, covering her face with her
hands. He was beside her in a second, folding her into his

"Don't cry, baby. Our love will survive, you'll

Big, strong hands rubbing her back quelled her
trembling. Colin pulled a handkerchief out of his breast pocket to
hand to Leah. She fisted the white cotton, holding it to her

"And I thought you didn't care." His quiet voice
calmed her.

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