The Deal from Hell (59 page)

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Authors: James O'Shea

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profit margins of
as publicly held corporation
Pulitzer Prizes of
Republican Party and
status of
See also
Merger, of
Chicago Tribune
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles Times Magazine
Louisville Courier-Journal
Low, Prescott
Luce, Henry
MacArthur, Charles
MacArthur Foundation
Madigan, John
advantages of
AOL investment sold by
as “bargain hunter,”
as Brumback successor
Chicago Tribune
demeanor of
distance from journalism of
Fidel Castro and
on McCormick Foundation board
Squires' view of
succession plan of
as Tribune Company CFO
Unterman's removal from board by
Willes' meeting with
See also
Merger, of
Chicago Tribune
Los Angeles Times
Madill Record
Madison Dearborn Partners
Madore, James
Maharaj, Davan
Majeri, Tony
Mandula, Mary Jo
Market-driven journalism.
See also
FitzSimons, Dennis J.
Market-selection logic
Marro, Tony
Martinez, Andrés
Martin Luther King, Jr./Drew Medical Center investigation
Marzullo, Vito
Mastro, Randy M.
Matthew Bender Company
Maucker, Earl
Mauskopf, Roslynn
Maxwell, Robert
McCarthy, Joseph
McClatchy publishing chain (Sacramento)
McCormick, Robert Rutherford
conservatism of
“Gag Law” challenge of
legacy of
media acquisitions of
phobias of
structure and
See also Chicago Tribune
McCormick family
McCormick Foundation
McCormick Trust
McCrohon, Max
McDougal, Dennis
McKinley, William
McManus, Doyle
McManus, John H.
McNiff, Leonard
McNulty, Tim
Medill, Joseph
Medill family
Merger, of
Chicago Tribune
Los Angeles Times
Chandler family involvement in
independent directors and
industry reaction to
rumors of
Staples scandal
Willes surprised by
Merriam, Frank
Merrill Lynch
due diligence requirements of
on ESOP as funding vehicle
merger brokered by
on newspaper future
resignation as Tribune strategic adviser
as “Sam's bank,”
stock buyback funds from
Meyer, Barry
Meyer, Eugene
Meyer, Rick
Meyer family
Miami Herald
Michaels, Randy
behavior of
in charge of Tribune operations
cutbacks of
fearful atmosphere created at Tribune by
“fun” ideas of
Lipinski and
O'Shea meeting with
road show idea of
as “shock jock,”
Miller, Marjorie
Miller, Paul
Mills, Steve
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Minow, Newton
“Miracle Merchants, The” (Anderson)
“Misery merchants,” ambulance companies as
Mohr, Christina
Mollenhoff, Clark
Monopoly control, in one-newspaper towns
Montorio, John
Moré, José
Morgan Stanley
Morning Call
(Allentown, Pennsylvania)
“Morning in America” (Reagan campaign)
Mosby, Inc.
Moyers, Bill
Mullen, Pat
Mulligan, Tom
Murdoch, Rupert
Murphy, David
Murphy, Tom
Mutual Broadcasting System
Nassau County (N.Y.) Sheriff's Office
National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences
National Basketball Association (NBA)
National Journal
National Public Radio
Natural disasters, coverage of
Nepotism policies
Neuharth, Allen
New Century Network (NCN)
New Deal
Newmark, Craig
New Orleans States-Item
Newport News
News-aggregation websites
circulation investigation by
duplication of effort in
fraudulent inflation of circulation numbers
Laventhol as editor of
national and foreign staffs of
New York City edition attempts of
Patterson start of
synergy with
on Times Mirror sale
as Tribune newspaper
News literacy
Newspaper Association of America (NAA)
Newspaper industry, decline of
corporate takeover and
economic issues in
printing technology changes and
television impact on
workforce dynamics and
Newspaper in Education (NIE) programs
Newspapers as community leaders
Newsprint operations
Newsroom leaks to blogs
“News that readers value,”
News Values
New Trier Township High School
New York Daily News
New Yorker
New York Evening World
New York Newsday
New York Post
New York Stock Exchange
New York Times
Baquet hired away from
buyouts and layoffs at
Chicago News Cooperative (CNC) and
Chicago Tribune
management conduct
Los Angeles Times
Montorio hired away from New York Times Company
online news service of
as publicly held corporation
staff size of
Staples scandal and
stature of
website of
Zeleny hired by
New York University
Ney, Elisa
Nieman fellows
Nieman Foundation, Harvard University
Nixon, Richard M.
Nondifferentiating content
Non-disparagement clause
Northern Trust Company
Northwestern University
“No shop” clause, in merger deal
Obama, Barack
Ober, Eric
Objective reporting
Ochs family.
See also New York Times
O'Connor, John Joseph (Cardinal)
O'Connor, Flannery
Oklahoma Press Hall of Fame
Oneal, Michael
Oprah Winfrey Show
Orlacchio, Anthony
Orlando Sentinel
Osborne, Hank
Osborn, William
O'Shea, James
background of
Baquet replaced by
Chicago Tribune
foreign and national news editor
Chicago Tribune
Washington, D.C., bureau
Des Moines Register
firing of
foreign and national news staff reductions by
Los Angeles Times
See also
O'Shea, James, at
Los Angeles Times
Michaels' meeting with
O'Shea, James, at
Los Angeles Times
controversies and
cost-cutting pressure on
difficulties as
Hiller's relationship with
Hollywood Walk of Fame event
newsroom leaks to bloggers
newsroom suspicions
public trust and
Osnos, Peter
Otis, Harrison Gray
Our Iceberg Is Melting
Page, Larry
Page one ads
PageRank algorithm
Paid-content strategy
Palmer, Kyle
Paper mills
Parker, Bill
Parks, Michael
Parsons College
Parvaz, Dorothy
Pate, William
Patriot Ledger
(Quincy, Massachusetts)
Patterson, Aaron
Patterson, Alicia
Patterson, Eleanor “Cissy,”
Patterson, Joseph
Patterson, Thomas E.
Patterson family
Payola investigation
Pearlstine, Norm
“Penguin parable” (Kotter)
Pension plans, of Tribune employees
Perelman, S.J.
Persily, Julie
Pew Research Center Project for Excellence in Journalism
Philadelphia Inquirer
Philips, Chuck
Phillips, John
Photocomposition process
Possley, Maurice
Pouchie, Michael
Powers That Be, The
Preferred stock, Times Mirror Company
Princeton University
Prior, Markus
Privileged Son
Production, newspaper
Profit margins, newspaper
Profit-sharing plans, of Tribune employees
“Project Prosperity” (Squires)
Prosecutorial misconduct
Public service institutions, newspapers as
Puerner, John
Pulitzer, Joseph
Pulitzer Prize Gold Medal
Pulitzer Prizes
Carroll's pursuit of
Chicago Tribune
Des Moines Register
Los Angeles Times
of publicly held newspapers
Washington Post
for Watergate story
Circulation, newspaper
Radio industry payola investigation
Raffensperger, Gene
“Reading by 9” children's program, in
Los Angeles Times
Reagan, Ronald
Real estate advertising decline
Reardon, John
Recession of late 1970s,
newspaper for young people
Reily, Sean
Reinsdorf, Jerry
Renaissance Communications
Republican Party
Reuben, Don
Reynolds, Frank
Rezulin diabetes drug investigation
Risser, James
Rivera, Geraldo
Roberts, Gene
Roberts, Millard
Roderick, Kevin
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano
Ross, Polly
Royko, Mike
Rukeyser, Louis
Rumsfeld, Donald
Rustic Canyon Partners
Rutten, Tim
Ryan, George
Salomon, Bob
Salomon Brothers
Salopek, Paul
San Jose Mercury News
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002,
Save the Children Federation
Savings and loan scandal
Schermerhorn, James
Schiller, Jay
Schlessinger, Laura
Schlosberg, Richard T., III
Schwartz, Maralee
Schwarzenegger, Arnold
S corporation,
Chicago Tribune
Sears, Pete
Sease, Cindy
Seattle Post Intelligencer
Secondary syndication markets
Secret Communications
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
“Securitizing” loans
September 11, 2001, attacks
Shah of Iran
Shakur, Tupak
Shapiro, Mark
Shaw, David
Short sellers
“Show doctors” (media consultants)
Shriver, Maria
Sidley Austin law firm
Simon, David
Simpson, O.J.
Sinclair, Upton
Sito, Louis
Six Flags Entertainment
Skadden & Arps
Sloan, Allan
Smith, Ed
Smith, Richard Norton
Smith, Scott
Solomon, Digby
Solvency opinion
Soriano, Alfonso
South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Spears, Britney
Springer, Jerry
Spring Street Project
Squires, Jim
St.John's Law School
St. Louis Post Dispatch
St. Louis Star
Stanford University
Stanton, Russ
Staples scandal
Stephens, Mitchell
Stern, David
Stewart, Potter
Stinehart, William
Stock buyback, Times Mirror
Stone, W. Clement
Strikes, newspaper
Stumbo, Bella
Subprime mortgage meltdown
Sulzberger, Arthur
Sulzberger family.
See also New York Times
Sunday opinion section,
Los Angeles Times
Super-voting status, of Chandler stock
Taft, Robert
Tax avoidance schemes

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