The Death Card: A Liz Lucas Cozy Mystery (3 page)

BOOK: The Death Card: A Liz Lucas Cozy Mystery
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“Winston, it’s a good
thing Emily and I made everything ahead of time,” Liz said as they pulled up in
front of the lodge. “I just have time to get the salmon ready for the outside
barbeque grill, the rice can cook while the guests have the last of the appetizers,
the green beans just need to be heated, and that killer cantaloupe dressing is
in the frig. We’re good to go. I’ll pull one of the frozen desserts out while
we have dinner and let it soften. Easy peasy.”

After dinner
was finished and the last guest had left the lodge, Liz replenished the brandy
in the keg Brandy Boy wore around his neck which was used to deliver the wee
nip of brandy to thirsty guests in response to the small bell next their
cottage. The cottages were stocked with dog treats the guests gave him in
return for the brandy. When Liz had finished with Brandy Boy, she and Winston
went downstairs to her living quarters. She sat down at her desk and called

sweetheart, how went the session at the police chief’s office?” he asked.

She told him
about the coroner and the sheriff. “Roger, two things seemed strange to me. The
name Tom Rice was written in Leroy’s day planner on his desk. I asked Seth
about it, and he told me Leroy had been responsible for the man being convicted
and sent to prison for wife-beating. I’m going to get on the computer and see
what I can find out about him.”

“Don’t waste
your time. That’s why I keep Sean on the payroll. He’s a genius at finding
things out about people, but you already know that from the work he did in your
other two cases. I’ll put him on it first thing in the morning. Think it’s more
important that you get some sleep. What’s the second thing?”

“Remember how
Seth told you he’d been having his tarot cards read this afternoon?”

“Yes. I
thought at the time it seemed completely out of character.”

“So did I.
Well, I found what’s called the Death card in a tarot card deck on the
carpeting in Leroy’s office, or should I say Winston found it. He was pawing at
something, and when I went over and looked, it was the card. I recognized from
the one tarot card reading I had a long time ago.

“The office
was cleaned this morning, so it would have to have been left there sometime
during the day. I asked Seth if he’d dropped the card on the carpeting. He was
adamant that he’d never stepped into the room. He said he saw Leroy from the
doorway and never went into the room. He also said he didn’t get the card from
Madame Dika. He said she was fiercely protective of her cards. Do you think
Leroy had visited her or maybe the murderer dropped it?”

“I have no
idea, but let me tell you what Sean told me about her. I called him after I
talked to you and asked him to see what he could find out about Madame Dika.
She has a past that includes some prison time for theft. When he examined the
court records, he found out she had a thriving psychic practice in Beverly
Hills, catering to wealthy people in Los Angeles. Evidently they would go to
her and ask her help with something or other. Lots of it involved love affairs,
and almost all of her clients were women. She told them she would help them if
they would lend her their favorite piece of jewelry for two weeks, so she could
get their vibes imprinted on her psyche. She told them when their vibes had
meshed with hers she would be able to help them.”

“You’ve got to
be kidding me! And people really fell for that?”

“They not only
fell for it, they did it in droves. According to what Sean found out, more than
one hundred people testified at her trial. What she did was have someone create
a replica of the piece of jewelry, think it’s called paste, anyway, she gave
them the piece of jewelry back two weeks later, or what they thought was the
original piece, except it wasn’t. Instead it was a knock-off fake. They wanted
to be helped so much they never questioned whether it was the original piece
they’d given her. She used a fence to sell the original pieces, and they split
the proceeds.”

“How was she

“One of the
women’s husbands took his wife’s necklace to his jeweler and asked him to
create a bracelet similar to the necklace for her. The jeweler had designed and
made the original necklace and told the man that what he’d brought in was a

“Wow! What a

“Yes, and
she’d foolishly kept records, so one thing led to another, and the prosecution
was able to find a number of the people she had defrauded. Madame Dika, who
went by the name of Madame Tsura then, was sentenced to five years in prison,
but was released after three years for good behavior. And guess what? She just
happened to land in Red Cedar.”

“I wonder if
she’s running a scam now,” Liz mused. “Maybe I should have a tarot card

“I don’t think
you need to do that. I’m wondering if there’s a connection between Tom Rice and
her. Maybe Leroy found out something. I’ll give you a call tomorrow after Sean
does some research.”

“Sounds good.
I’m whipped. I really don’t know why I seem to have developed a knack for being
exposed to murders, but I have to say it’s not my favorite thing. Sleep well. I
love you, Roger.”

“Love you too,
sweetheart. I cleared my schedule for the end of the week, so I’m planning on
driving up Wednesday after work. Is that okay with you?”

“Are you
kidding? I just wish you lived here permanently! I like it a lot better when
you’re with me.”

“You just made
my night. You sleep well.”



“Good morning, Bertha,” Liz said to
her manager of the spa and lodge as she walked into the kitchen the following
morning. “Did the guests enjoy breakfast?” Five mornings a week Bertha served
the guests a family style breakfast which Liz prepared the day before. The
other two days, Emily, the girlfriend of the young man who had worked for Liz
and was murdered, filled in for Bertha.

“The bacon maple syrup
rolls were a huge hit. I know it’s a new recipe you and Emily concocted, but
it’s definitely one you’re going to have to repeat if the feedback from the
guests is any indication. Actually, I think the guests would have eaten a dozen
more of the rolls if they’d been available. Next time you make them be sure and
make more than you think we’ll need. I don’t usually eat anything here in the
morning, but I couldn’t resist that combination.”

Bertha patted her stomach
and smiled. She was a small woman who wore no makeup but had a smile that
instantly made everyone feel good. She set very high standards for the people
who worked at the Red Cedar Spa and Lodge, and every one of them tried to live
up to her expectations. Liz was certain the success of the spa was in large
part due to Bertha. She couldn’t imagine running the spa without her.

“So, Bertha, how does the
week look? Are the cottages booked?”

“Completely. After the
Brandy Boy incident went viral on You Tube, and he was on every television news
show and in all of the supermarket tabloids, we’re booked solid for several
months. People want to see him deliver brandy in his keg to their cottage when
he hears the ding-ding-ding of the bell. I’ve had to hire more people for the
spa as well. It’s developing quite a reputation as the place to go – a rustic setting
with excellent treatments. I think people are tired of the corporate cookie
cutter spas and looking for something different.”

“Well, we certainly offer
them that. It was one of the reasons I wanted to buy the spa when I first came
here before Joe died. I wanted to get him away from his stress-filled career in
San Francisco, and I couldn’t think of a better place for it than this serene
setting among the trees and by the ocean. Unfortunately it was too late for
him, but I love it here and have never regretted moving away from San
Francisco. I know Joshua and Brittany have a hard time understanding why I
didn’t sell the Red Cedar Spa after Joe died, but this is where I want to be.”

“I’ve never traveled
anywhere, but then again I never felt a need to,” Bertha said. “Everything I
want is right here in Red Cedar. By the way, I had a strange call last night.
You know I have the office phone set to transfer calls to a line I have in my
home when I’m not here. Anyway, a woman called and asked if I had any openings
for massages today. She said her ex-husband was murdered yesterday, and she
wanted to celebrate. Don’t you think that’s a strange thing to say?”

“Very! Were you able to
work her in?”

“Yes. Lisette had a
cancellation, so there was an opening. The woman sounded very strange, almost a
bit demented. I can’t imagine having your ex-husband murdered and wanting to
celebrate it.”

“I can’t either. Do you
remember her name?”

“Yes, her name is Donna
Morris. Do you recognize it?”

“I don’t know if you’re
aware that Leroy Morris, the deputy police chief, was murdered yesterday.”

“Yes, I heard. You know
how small towns love to gossip, and this one’s no different. I stopped at
Gertie’s Diner when I left here yesterday evening to get some cornbread. It’s
the one thing my husband prefers over my cooking. Everyone at the diner was
talking about it. They said he was shot while he was sitting at his desk.”

“Well, given the fact his
last name was Morris, I suppose it’s entirely possible his ex-wife is the one
who made the appointment.”

“I don’t know. I knew him,
but not very well. I’d probably recognize his ex-wife if I saw her, but I’m not
sure I’ve ever met her.”

“What time is she coming
in today?”

“Her appointment’s at 2:00
this afternoon.”

“Thanks. Remember how you
thought I should try and investigate Mark’s murder because Seth Williams, the
police chief, would probably bungle it?”

“Yes, and you did solve
it. Are you thinking of investigating Leroy’s murder?”

“Probably. Seth asked if
I’d help him. He’s afraid people will think he murdered Leroy because Leroy was
thinking of running against him in the upcoming election for police chief.
Because he might be a potential suspect, he had the sense to call the county
sheriff and ask him to conduct the investigation of Leroy’s death. He’s really
worried about the effect this will have on his election. Actually I felt sorry
for him. You know I’ve never been a fan of his, but he seemed really sincere
when he told me he didn’t have anything to do with the murder and for once he
didn’t even act lecherous towards me. I think I’ll ask Lisette to tell me what
Mrs. Morris had to say during her treatment.”

“I’ve never cared for Seth
a whit, but I also wouldn’t want him charged with murder if he didn’t do it.
Have you thought of anyone who might have a reason to kill him?”

“Not yet, but I think I’ll
spend a little time today and see what I can find out.”

“Well if I can help, let
me know. I’ll be in the office if you need me,” Bertha said as she walked down
the hall.    


Liz called the spa and the phone was
immediately answered by the receptionist. “Good morning, Delores, it’s Liz.
Would you ask Lisette to call me when she has a break or between her

“If you’ll hold, I’ll put
her on right now. She just walked out of her treatment room.”

A moment later Lisette
said, “Good morning, Mrs. Lucas. What can I do for you?”

“Lisette, you have a 2:00
appointment this afternoon with a woman whose last name is Morris. I’d
appreciate it if you would call me after the massage and tell me about her. If
you can get her to talk about herself that would be great.”

“This sounds very
intriguing. Is there something I should know about her?”

“No, not now,” Liz said.
“I really don’t know enough to comment about it.”

“All right, Mrs. Lucas.
I’ll call you after her treatment.”

“Thanks,” Liz said and
hung up.

Roger always tells me the
first place to start when someone is murdered is to determine who has the most
to gain from the murder. In this case, the only one who seems to have anything
to gain would be Seth because Leroy wouldn’t be running against him. Leroy
wasn’t wealthy, so no one stood to inherit anything from him. His ex-wife would
probably rather have him alive, so he could pay her the occasional alimony she
got from him. Seth mentioned that Leroy liked to play the ponies. Maybe that
had something to do with it. Why would anyone want to kill Leroy? If I knew
why, I might know who. Then there’s that tarot Death card I found on the floor
in Leroy’s office. Think I need to have a tarot card reading today.

She went to the computer
and pulled up the words “psychic Red Cedar.” Nothing. Then she tried searches
for “tarot card readers Red Cedar” and “seers Red Cedar.” Nothing. As a last
resort, she typed in “Madame Dika” and up popped Madame Dika’s contact information
and a blurb about tarot card readings.

It’s been years since I’ve
done anything like that. Once in San Francisco Judy and I went to a tarot card
reader, and I remember thinking it was pretty stupid stuff, but obviously Seth
didn’t think so
. She read the blurb on the screen that Madame Dika had written.

“I offer three types of
readings. One is an open reading in which I interpret cards you’ve drawn and
tell you what I see happening in your life. In the second type of reading, you
come with a specific question in mind that you’d like answered. You will draw a
card which helps determine the answer to your question. I will interpret this
card for you.

The third type of reading
is one where you shuffle the deck so that your energy is on the cards. Once you
have shuffled them, I will position them in a spread. Each position in the
spread has a meaning which I will then interpret for you. This is more of an
overall approach to what is happening in your life in all areas. This is a one
hour session, and the fee is $150.00. The other two sessions are half-hour
sessions, and the fee for each of them is $85.00.

My readings are 100%
guaranteed, or I will return your money. If you are unfamiliar with what the
tarot deck is, please read the following.

The Tarot deck is made up
of the Minor Arcana and the Major Arcana. Like regular playing
cards, the Minor Arcana of the Tarot deck includes four suits. Rather than
spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs, however, the suits are: wands, swords,
cups, and circles or pentacles.

Each suit also has a
meaning regarding a specific approach to life. The cards within these suits are
numbered one through ten and also include the court cards -- the king, queen,
knight, and page. The Minor Arcana cards represent the more minor, practical
daily ups and downs in life.

The Major Arcana are not
associated with the suits. They include the picture cards that represent
principles, concepts, and ideals. They are numbered one through 21, with the
22nd card (the ‘Fool’) marked as zero. The Major Arcana cards represent strong,
long-term energy or big events in some area of life.

Seeing a Major Arcana card
about a particular subject in one reading and then getting a Minor Arcana card
about the same subject in the next reading would mean that this subject is
becoming less important in your life.

I look forward to meeting
you and helping you achieve success and happiness in your life You may book
your appointment by filling out the following information.”

Liz booked an appointment
for 3:00 that afternoon and indicated she wanted a reading specific to a
question she would like answered. Once she had clicked on submit and paid
through PayPal a map and directions to Madame Dika’s home came up. In Madame
Dika’s bio it indicated she had a master’s degree in psychology from a
prominent university in Romania. She neglected to indicate which university it

I wonder whatever caused
Seth go to her for readings? That is so out of character for him. I’m really
curious. Probably should give him a call.

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