The Demon Master's Wife (Fantasy, Space Opera, Science Fiction Romance) (FORCED TO SERVE) (9 page)

BOOK: The Demon Master's Wife (Fantasy, Space Opera, Science Fiction Romance) (FORCED TO SERVE)
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Yet the sweaty blonde she found hard at work on the mat was the last crew member Gwen would have expected to be in the training room so early. Ania stood in the middle, twirling a fighting stick with lethal precision. Gwen watched for long moments in awe before she could bring herself to break Ania’s concentration with a greeting.

“I don’t suppose you’d want to kick my ass again today, would you?” Gwen asked humbly, liking the way Ania laughed at her question.

“Feeling a bit disgruntled this morning?” Ania asked, smiling in sympathy and settling the stick at her side.

“I ingested enough sedatives to stop a Klageldon mastiff and still all I can think about is jumping Zade for sex at first opportunity,” she said bitterly. “Are you sure killing him won’t make this stop?”

Ania laughed again. She actually admired the commander’s determination to fight the Siren’s call. Not many females could have lasted even a few minutes with such a promise of fulfillment so steadily beckoning.

Thinking of the agony Dorian was probably in, only increased Ania’s smile.

“No—nothing will stop the process. What you are experiencing can only be cured temporarily by bonding with Dorian. I hate to tell you even more bad news but the exchange of fluids is needed for even that to work—unprotected sex, as the Earth vids say. For a more permanent way to resist the mating urges, you will need to ingest food and other organics from Rylen to build some immunity to his allure. In the meantime, you should just go to Dorian and let him ease this for you,” Ania said softly. “To make him suffer, close your eyes and think of a male other than him during the act.”

“No,” Gwen said fiercely, torn between anger at Zade and laughter at Ania’s outrageous suggestion. Who knew the serene female even had a sense of humor? Plus it was doubtful she’d be able to think of any other male, which was precisely why bonding with Zade wasn’t happening.

“I already told you—Zade’s not touching me.”

“Never in my entire life have I met a creature as stubborn as you, and that’s saying a lot for someone over nine hundred years old,” Ania said, walking to her. “I can try sharing part of it for you again, but I doubt even that will help you sleep. I urge you to reconsider allowing Dorian to help you with this.”

“If Zade likes his male bonding parts that dangle, he better stay the hell away from me while I’m in this mood. I own several sharp knives and I know how to use them,” Gwen said viciously “Are you done with that stick?”

Ania tossed the fighting stick to Gwen, who caught it and stalked to the middle of the mat. She watched the younger female do a series of warm-up moves. If anything, Gwen was even more precise about her movements in her current distressed state.

Since Gwen didn’t want any more help bearing her arousal burden, the least Ania figured she could do was help the stubborn female burn off some of the excess energy that came with it. It had been a long time, but Ania had never forgotten how alluring Sirens could be. Looking back on those males now, she couldn’t believe she’d managed to hold them off herself.

Sirens were not as satisfying as Norblades, but they were still alluring. Ania smiled at the memories of the other males in her life that Malachi had decided to give back to her this morning. She was really going to have to ask the demon to release everything, not just what he wanted her to remember.

Ania walked to the weapons on the wall and chose another fighting stick.

“This is not really my favorite weapon so you might have a decent shot at defeating me. Finish your exercises. When you are sufficiently prepared, we will spar,” Ania said, standing by the mat.

Never stopping her moments, Gwen glanced at the completely groomed female who looked like she had just left a spa. No one who sweated ought to look that good afterwards, Gwen thought viciously, grinning at Ania’s sweat stains. They might be in different places than hers, but that’s what they were.

“I owe you a huge thanks for helping last night,” Gwen said, spinning the stick. “I was able to finish Zade’s shift without coming unglued. Did you sleep okay?”

“Yes,” Ania said. “I spent several hours with Synar burning off the energy I carried for you.”

Gwen fumbled the stick and it went skidding over the mat to land at Ania’s feet. Gwen watched Ania lift it up with her foot, catch it, and toss it back at her like a spear. Fortunately she caught it and didn’t embarrass herself any further.

“So you two made up? Oh wait—that’s Earth slang. Let me find better words. Are you and Synar back to being mates again?” Gwen asked, resuming her movements.

Ania raised one eyebrow and leaned on her stick.

“No—Synar and I are not back to being mates. I’m just old enough to take what I need when it is offered with sincerity. After my body is no more, Synar will move on to bonding with others. It is the way of all species to seek companionship bonds. I doubt I will feel such an urge again unless I end up carrying your desire for Dorian around for you.”

do no
t desire Dorian—I mean Zade,” Gwen said, pounding the mat hard with every twirl and kick.

Ania snorted. “If I hadn’t bonded with Synar, I would be in your condition today just from helping you. I’ve never witnessed two creatures who want each other more,” she said. “You are foolish not to save yourself pain when the male with your solution is willing to serve your needs, Gwen.”

“Yeah—well maybe I don’t trust Zade not to use more of his Siren mojo stuff to bind me to him. That’s just the kind of kinky controlling bastard he is,” Gwen said harshly. “He’s not like the men I’m used to. I see past that spiritual crap he spouts all the time. If that irritating male is enlightened, I’m a Greggor with a hairy chest.”

Laughing out loud at Gwen’s disrespect for Dorian, Ania’s compassion got the better of her as she saw just how upset the female was at her potential mate. Pride would keep Gwen away a long time. It was bad for everyone on the crew who by now were feeling the effects of Dorian’s vibrational anguish as well. Ania suddenly felt the need to intervene for the good of everyone onboard.

Telling herself what she was about to do was part of her job as Peace Keeper on the Liberator, Ania walked to the middle of the mat, close to Gwen.

“You’re just afraid, Gwen Jet. I bonded last night with a male who put a demon inside me. I can’t believe you’re so frightened of a Siren’s lust. No one can really control you without your consent. Soon you will see how much I mean that statement when I make my choices. Now we will fight until your mind clears of all concerns,” Ania said, walking around Gwen. “I have decided to train you in the basic Khalsa techniques. If you choose to continue the training, Dorian can help you complete it after I am dead.”

“There you go talking about your death again. You do realize death is a permanent condition, don’t you?” Gwen asked sarcastically, not able to seriously take in Ania’s assumption that her death was both imminent and her choice. “Also, you won’t get the pleasure of making me look bad on the mat anymore if you’re dead.”

Ania laughed and ignored the disparaging but humorous comment.

“So let us begin at the beginning, Commander Jet. A Khalsa does not think in terms of defeating an opponent. Fighting is not about competition to prove who is the bravest or strongest or cleverest. Fighting for a Khalsa warrior has only one goal. Stop your opponent from fighting you. So the first decision is to choose the best method to do this. Many times it means not fighting all.”

“Which is why you tried not to fight me when you knew I didn’t stand a chance of defeating you,” Gwen answered.

Ania nodded and smiled at her eager and intelligent trainee.

“Very good, Commander. Still, there are those opponents who are insistent on—what is your term for it? Oh yes—they are insistent on getting their asses kicked,” Ania said, proud of her use of Earth slang when Gwen laughed loudly. “So you need to quickly size up the opponent and the potential force to be used against you. Sometimes this means letting them have their one shot at besting you.”

Ania swept out with her stick and had Gwen down on the mat as the last word was spoken. “Once you know their potential, your strategy must be to use their force against them by returning it to them.”

As Gwen climbed to her feet, Ania swept out again, but this time Gwen blocked.

“Well that’s good, but blocking is not enough. You must block
turn my force against me,” Ania explained. “Think of how you might do that as you respond—so again.”

Ania lunged and swept at Gwen with the fighting stick, not sparing her the force of the move. This time Gwen blocked and lifted the end of the stick, sending Ania stumbling across the mat in front of her.

“Quiet impressive for a beginner,” Ania said with a grin. “Once more.”

This time she swept, lunged, and attacked repeatedly. Eventually, Gwen did end up flat on the mat, but Ania had to put some real effort into it.

“More?” Ania asked, smiling down into Gwen’s face as the younger female panted for breath.

“No, I’m good now,” Gwen said, reaching a hand to let Ania help her up.

Ignoring Gwen’s outstretched hand, Ania smiled kindly.

“Do you trust me, Gwen? Trust that I would let no real harm come to you and only want the best?” Ania asked.

“I guess,” Gwen said, dropping her hand. “Why?”

“Sleep then and dream your way free of your burden,” Ania said, speaking several words in the air. Then she pushed firmly on Gwen’s forehead directly between the eyes. The younger female’s head rolled to the side as her eyes rolled up.

“We will spare your stubborn pride today while we see to your needs,” Ania told her, stepping over Gwen’s unconscious, prone body.

At the computer console, she pressed the call button.

“Locate Lieutenant Dorian Zade,” Ania demanded.

Chapter 8


Moments later Dorian came on the line. “Zade—what do you need?” he answered harshly.

Ania had to refrain from laughing at the frustration in his voice.

“Gwen is in the training room unconscious. She needs you. Come at once,” she said brusquely, breaking the link and laughing, unable to remember ever having this much fun. Malachi’s wicked humor seemed to be leeching into her.

In a blink a half-dressed Dorian was filling the doorway, rushing to the mat when he saw Gwen lying there motionless. His hands rushed over her, checking for wounds before Ania could stop him or explain.

“Why did you call me? Why haven’t you called medical?” Dorian demanded, glaring at Ania.

“What more can they do? The largest dose of sedative was not helping her rest because of you,” Ania informed him. “Medical is of no use to her, so I took matters into my own hands. We are going to your room and you will see to Gwen’s bonding needs while she remains in Kataren sleep and dreams of relief. She will of course not be able to reciprocate, but you will bear this burden for both of you since this is mostly your fault. I will sit outside your door for one hour and see to it that you put her in her own room after. She is not to know that you have done this for her.”

“And why should I go along with this foolishness you ask? Gwen is my mate. She is my responsibility,” Dorian said firmly, bending to pick Gwen up to cradle her in his arms. “I am openly willing to take care of any need she has.”

Sweetness, Dorian thought, he could smell Gwen’s desire for him. He could feel his more subtle vibrations seeping into her as he held her. The innocent exchange made his arms quiver.

“Gwen is
not yet
your mate, so do not continue in that line of thought. That is just a story of fiction that you are telling yourself. She is your victim—your
victim. Until that female comes to you of her own accord, this is how it will be viewed by all. The warrior in her has many times said she would stun you again, and I have no reason to doubt her,” Ania said. “If you want this official, I will ask Synar. It is my job to keep peace on this ship. What I have directed you to do is my decision in the matter regarding you and Gwen.”

“Gwen will eventually accept me,” Dorian said quietly, his voice now unsure after hearing the adamancy in Ania’s speech.

Yet the rest of him was all but sighing with the truth of how right the female in his arms was for him.

Ania shrugged. “Right now Gwen doesn’t even like you. This is a
you chose this time, and while I breathe and work as peace keeper on this ship, Commander Jet will be treated with honor and respect. She is not a typical human female pining away for a male to sexually relieve her, and you will not treat her casually.”

“With all due respect to your lecture,
you are not my birth parent, so stop acting like it
,” Dorian said coldly, walking out of the training room with his precious burden.

He was followed by an even angrier Ania who continued to harangue him as they walked.

“And that reminds me of another thing, you will send a request to Rylen for organics to be sent to wherever it is we will be going next. If that doesn’t work, you will keep trying until we find a way to get what Gwen needs to build her immunity to you,” Ania said firmly.

Dorian smiled as he walked along to keep from alarming those they passed. Those few who were out and about at this early hour didn’t seem shocked about him carrying Gwen or with Ania fussing at him, but he could feel their concern. As far as Dorian could tell, everyone accepted how it was—which meant his energy was discernable to others. He intended to make doubly sure it was after today.

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