The Devil Duke Takes a Bride (10 page)

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Authors: Rachel Van Dyken

BOOK: The Devil Duke Takes a Bride
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But Katherine laughed.

Benedict cursed. “And there she is. I was wondering when your clumsy self was to make another appearance.”

She curtsied, because really there was nothing else to do in such circumstances, and wonder of all wonders the Devil Duke laughed heartily
causing the footmen to gasp for an entirely different reason.

Naturally his laugh was followed by an excessive amount of throat clearing and chest thumping
fter all, the devil was to never laugh in public.
Benedict had always tried to keep his manners indifferent when in the presence of the
, far be it
them to discover he actually had a heart. The mamas would be relentless in their pursuit if they thought him anything but disagreeable.

Katherine wasn’t sure what possessed her to indulge the man in a bit of playfulness. Maybe it was the way he cloaked his merriment with a devil
care attitude, or the line of his shoulders when he brought them back and tried to escort her into the large house.

she thought as she looped her arms within his,
childhood never truly leaves you. Maybe your physical body grows into what society deems acceptable, but those dreams, the itches you get to do something adventurous and dangerous never die. If anything, they are more intense in their drive, for the minute you decide to give in to the immaturity that plagued you when you were small, you are able to be free, to laugh, and

“Benedict,” she whispered out of earshot of the footman. No doubt they would expire on the spot if they heard her addressing him as such.

“Hmm?” He turned his large body toward hers. Eyebrows drawn in as if he was contemplating the meaning of life.

“I’m sorry.”

“Sorry? Whatever for?”

With a quick tug, she had him on his back against the snowy powder of the ground.

“What the devil!” he shouted.

And then Katherine grabbed a touch of snow in her hand and drizzled it on his face as if it were sand.

He was very serious then.

Almost too serious.

Making her think she had finally gone too far.

And then with a roar
he jumped to his feet firmly packing a snowball in his hand
his eyes turned to steel. “Run.”

So she did.

As fast as her legs could carry her, she ran around the outside of the estate laughing the whole way. Snowballs flew past her head. Giggling, she found it nearly impossible to keep running as she heard him yelling threats from behind.

And then his large arms came around her,
he whispered hoarsely in her ear, “Now, it’s my turn to be sorry.”

“For wh—”

Benedict pushed her to the ground and pounced near her in the snow, he pinned her to the cold wet earth and leaned in. Panting, he lifted the snowball in his hand and laughed. “What will you give me for a truce, my lady?”

Giggling, she pushed the escaped hair away from her face and gazed into his eyes. It felt quite like she was falling, only she was nowhere near a cliff or in danger. Yet
heart screamed
jump, jump, jump
. “Will a kiss be acceptable?”

“No.” He threw the snowball down
to the ground

Her heart thudded in her chest to a near stop.


s hands threaded through her hair pulling her head closer to his until their breaths were mingled. “Just one kiss is never acceptable.”

At the first touch of their lips, she felt her world spin. His kiss was playful, as his tongue wrestled with hers and then slid out of her mouth. He tilted his head at a different angle, his cold nose lighting her skin like a fire, and then warmth met her again, as he tugged her head tighter and pressed his lips harder until it was
to breath

“One kiss is never acceptable,” he repeated out of breath and held out his hand. Unashamed, and still flushed from their little game, she took his arm and walked with him back to the front of the house.

“I fear we’ve caused a bigger scandal than when the
saw my knees,” she said changing the subject

anything to rid herself of the odd tingling sensation Benedict’s mouth had left on her person.

Benedict pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head. “I’m a duke. Believe me, the footmen will be silent, and as for everyone else, it appears we are the first to arrive.”

“But what about Lord Marks
urely he’ll see the state of our dress?” She looked into his eyes and tried to calm her breathing. Breathtakingly handsome, he merely shrugged
“That part, I already have figured out.”

“What do you mean?” Katherine asked.

“You’ll see.”

Fifteen minutes later, standing in front of the fire in her room
she knew exactly what the devil had meant. For the second Lord Marks had greeted them, Benedict had gone into detail of how Katherine
in all her clumsiness
had tripped him
causing them both to fall into the snow. He added that she often fell and took others with her, so it would be wise to watch
footing throughout the week. And then he winked.

“I should have known,” she said before they parted ways to their rooms.

“But of course, my dear. You know how I love telling falsehoods.”


“Does this mean I win this round?” He brought her hand to his lips and kissed each knuckle. His eyes danced with merriment as he licked his lips.


“Then, I believe we’re even
ow change out of those clothes before you catch a chill. After all, I cannot in good sport play a game with someone who’s ill.”

She withdrew her hand and curtsied but not before rolling her eyes at the handsome man. He paused, focusing on her lips and then her eyes.



“I shall see you at dinner.”

“You shall.”

And again they paused, words left unsaid
ut weren’t actions louder than words, for their very actions must have led everyone to believe that a minute without one another was like a thousand deaths, and so Katherine was the first to turn on her heel and enter her chambers.

She smiled at the memory of the day then cursed herself for being so infatuated. All was lost, for he already had the better part of her heart.

“Please don’t break it,” she whispered into the fire and closed her eyes as her chest constricted with that all too familiar pain of rejection. Benedict never said he wanted her
and it was clear that Paisley had still thought her a little girl. Fear squeezed the walls of her throat threatening to close it all together. Was he toying with her? Or did he truly enjoy their flirtation
nd if he did, was it enough for him to marry her in

The flames licked into the air as if mocking her. The very flames that the
uke was born out of no doubt, yet a small part of him it seemed was not the man he wanted everyone to believe he was. The more moments they had together, the closer she was to understanding the man behind all the rumors.

He was actually fun.



She cursed. A decision needed to be made. Her heart was already lost, her body his. So, it was without pause that Katherine decided on giving in to the very thing she as most afraid of. If he denied her, refused to repay her vulnerability with his own truth, then at least she tried and would have no regrets, save the absolute horror of falling without the proof that he would be there to catch her.



Erotic Dinners and the Like


The evening of the first day of the house party was upon them, and already Benedict was feeling lost.

A snowball fight? Whatever had he been thinking? Or her for that matter! Then again, he hadn’t remembered a time since he was a boy that he
laughed so hard, or felt freer.

It was her fault.

She even turned her clumsiness into a private joke between the two, smiling at him, making him feel warm inside as if her smile held the secret to the sun’s rays.

The secret to the sun’s rays?

And apparently, in his mad state, he was turning into a poet.

Heaven help him.

He was losing not only his sanity
but also
his heart. Benedict could only hope that Katherine would do something, anything to make him remember the girl she once was, not the seductive woman he currently saw.

It had taken the power of God alone to get him to stop kissing her in the snow and the strength of angels to push his feet toward the house.

He made his way down the stairs to the dining room and cursed his eyes for scanning the room in hopes to see Katherine.

She was nowhere to be seen.

Perplexed, he didn’t even see Lord Marks until the man cleared his throat. “Say, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen you so distracted, your grace.”

“Yes well, I…” Benedict felt off balance, as if someone had pushed him onto ice without skates. “Have an aversion to cold weather,” he offered, wanting to slap himself for such a ridiculous excuse.

“Do you now?” Lord Marks looked amused, his
eyes twinkling as he folded his arms across his chest.

“Yes.” Benedict stood his ground and promptly began to sweat. He still felt odd as if something was off, perhaps the universe was trying to communicate with him that he needed to stop being a besotted fool and kissing girls who would rather fillet him alive than marry him. And then, his eyes again scanned the doors to the dining room. They opened.

His mouth dropped open.

Lord Marks cleared his throat. “Close your mouth before you scare the poor thing. She is not to be the meal.”

Saints alive, let her at least be the des
ert then.

Katherine walked in with more grace than she ought to possess considering she had only hours ago tripped out of the carriage and started the most
snowball fight he had ever had the pleasure of participating in.

His eyes openly admired her form in the blue dinner dress. Had she any idea how much skin she was showing? The poor thing was going to freeze to death! Suddenly irate and irritated that she would think nothing of her health, Benedict stomped over to where she stood and grabbed her arm roughly
placing it within his and growled.

Yes, like a dog. He growled to show his displeasure. Was he now at odds with his body? It seemed to instinctively do things it ought not do. Poetry? Growling? Staring? Salivating? Sweating?

Cursing, he clenched her hand and gave her a tight smile. “Beautiful dress.”

“Why thank you I—”

“—where would the rest of it be? Hmm?” His eyes flickered to her breasts and then back up to her face, and to his ultimate shame
back down to her breasts where they stayed for a painfully long time until she nudged him in the ribs.

“Manners, you devil.” Katherine winked.

His stomach did an odd sort of flop.

His heart increased his blood flow to all the wrong areas of anatomy
and when he made introductions to the rest of the dinner party, he felt such a stab of jealousy when Sir Constantine’s gaze flew to her bosom that he thought his head would explode.

If not for Katherine being on his arm, he would have ripped the man's head off and beat him with it. But the minute he tensed, Katherine looked up through dark lashes and smiled brilliantly, striking him dumb and immobile.

“Shall we sit?” she whispered, her lips only inches from his.

Why did her simple invitation seem to be one of sin rather than common sense?
Shall we sit?
Why the devil would he sit when he wanted nothing more than to lay, plunder, possess… Truly he could think of any number of actions he would rather give his full participation to than sitting.

Alas, he was in public, and though his reputation laughed in the face of propriety, he couldn’t bring himself to ravish the girl in public, no matter how badly he desired it. Katherine’s eyes crinkled at the sides as she offered a small smile and brought her hand down her neck to her chest.


ert, yes she would be his des
ert if he made it through dinner, but he had his doubts.

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