The Devil Within (Devil Series Book 3) (10 page)

BOOK: The Devil Within (Devil Series Book 3)
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“Hmm.” Kevin bit his lip. “Maybe he was at the wrong house or something. It happens all the time.”

“You might be right.” Ponder smiled. “Just in case, be careful, and if you see anyone hanging around your place let us know.”

“I definitely will.”

“Goodnight.” Ponder got in his vehicle and left.

Kevin turned to Alexis. “You think I should be concerned?”

“No.” Alexis rubbed his arm. “He probably went to the wrong house, like you said. Why wouldn’t he leave word with a neighbor if not?”

“I’m trying to remember if I know someone who fits that description.” He jiggled his keys. “He said he looked Arab. I certainly don’t know any Arabs.”

“He said he
Arab. He can’t know for sure.” She tugged on his hand. “You don’t have to be scared.” She kissed him. “I’ll protect you.”

* * * *


The next day, Mercy turned around on the park bench to see Blake standing behind her. “Hey,” she whispered back.

Blake sat beside her. “I’m here.” She crossed her legs at the ankles. “What did you wanna talk to me about?”

A couple cuddled on the bench across from them. A woman pushed a baby stroller down the sidewalk. An elderly man shooed pigeons away while reading the newspaper at one of the picnic tables.

Mercy sobbed into her hands. “I’m sorry.” She grabbed her head. “Everything’s so fucked up.”

“This is about Alicia, isn’t it?” Blake closed her eyes. “Please don’t tell me you had something to do with her death. I wouldn’t be able to live knowing that.”

“No.” Tears covered Mercy’s face. “I loved Alicia like a sister! You know that.” She balled a fist. “You’re the only one I can depend on now, Blake.” She laid her head on Blake’s chest. “Please. Please don’t hate me.”

“Shh.” Blake put her arms around her. “I don’t hate you, but I’m afraid of what you’re gonna tell me. It’s obviously bad.”

Mercy sat up, wiping her eyes. “I’ve been hiding something from you and the police. I swear I didn’t kill Alicia. You gotta believe me.”

“What have you been hiding?” Blake took Mercy’s large, trembling hand. “You can tell me. You know I’m your friend.”

“Alicia, Nadine, and I were at Angel’s house the day Alicia died.” She sniffled.

“You lied about being at work that day?”

“Yes. I was off but I was afraid to say anything.”

“Jesus, Mercy.” Blake leaned over. “What have you done?”

“We were just hanging out. They were drinking, but you know…” Mercy sucked in tears. “You know I don’t drink.”

“I’m listening.”

“We were having fun, but her dad kept calling.” Mercy wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “Alicia was pissed because she didn’t wanna speak to him. By this time, Alicia was drunk. You know how she acted when she was drunk.”

“Yeah.” Blake rubbed Mercy’s back.

“We told her she shouldn’t have been drinking since she was pregnant, but you know how she was. She did what she wanted. The drunker she got the crazier she got.” Mercy kicked her feet out. “She started ranting and cursing and she got into it with Angel.”

“What did she do?”

“She told him that he was cramping her style and she wanted to train with this guy who’d worked with some professionals. He’s some big trainer in Los Angeles and he wanted her to move there and he’d provide contacts for her to make it to the next level.”

Blake tapped her feet. “I can imagine Angel’s response to

“You know he has a temper and he was pissed.” Mercy pushed her hands between her thighs. “They went at it and it got violent.”

“What happened?”

“Alicia smacked him and he was about to hit her back until Nadine and I grabbed him. Nadine and I told Alicia we’d take her home.” Mercy crossed her arms and rocked. “So we get in Nadine’s van and everything’s fine but then Alicia goes off on us.” She waved her arms. “She’s sitting in the backseat, waving her arms and cursing at us. She called us whores and bitches because we were sticking with Angel when we all needed to go to LA. Well, you can imagine how Nadine responded.”

“Did she kick her out the van?”

Mercy nodded. “She told her to get out and walk home. We were probably three or four blocks from Soviet Avenue. I begged Nadine not to leave her, but she was sick of Alicia so we left.”

“You left Alicia in that neighborhood alone after she’d been drinking?”

“What could I do?” She turned away. “It was Nadine’s van and you know how she is when she gets mad.”

“But Alicia was our friend. If it had been me, I’d have stayed with her to make sure she was safe. Mercy, how could you leave her alone like that?”

“I hate that we did that. She might still be alive if we hadn’t. Don’t you think I think about this every fuckin’ day?”

“What happened then?”

“We went back to Angel’s and told him what happened. He was still mad at Alicia but he was worried, too. He told Nadine to go back and take her home before something bad happened to her. Nadine agreed, then she left.” Mercy looked at her hands. “That’s the last time Angel or I heard from Nadine.”

“I don’t believe this.” Blake stared at the couple sitting across the park. “How could you keep this a secret?”

“I was scared.” A tear hung from her lip. “I knew it looked bad, that’s why I didn’t say anything. The cops will think we did something to her.”

“Hiding it has made it worse instead of better, I assure you.” Blake sighed. “You gotta tell Adams and Dao.”

“I can’t.” Mercy grabbed her. “What if they don’t believe me?”

to tell the truth.” Blake held her. “If you really care about Alicia then you’ll do all you can to help them find out who murdered her.”

Chapter Seventeen


“How can you not have anything yet?” Pastor Bellows moved the rolling chair up and down between Alexis and Penelope’s cubicles. “There must be some leads.”

“I’m sorry.” Alexis twirled her pencil within her fingers. “But other than what we’ve told you we have nothing else to report about Alicia.”

Penelope rolled her chair from her desk and put her hand on his shoulder. “As soon as we find out something significant you’ll be the first to know.”

“I just wonder if we’re being forgotten here,” he said. “Eli and I have been going through the motions but we’re not feeling anything. We’re dead emotionally.” He covered his eyes. “My baby girl is dead and no one will tell me anything.”

“Pastor, please.” Penelope patted his back. “We understand how hard this is for you and we promise that we wouldn’t hide anything we felt you needed to know.”

He put his hand down. “You’ve talked to her friends and everything. How can there be nothing? Are there any suspects that stick out to you?”

“Unfortunately several people have motive, but you have to understand that we can’t divulge the details of our investigation.” Alexis turned to her computer.

“Not even to her father?” He gawked at her. “I deserve to know what’s going on.”

“And Alicia deserves for us to not compromise this case,” Alexis said. “We can’t risk information getting in the wrong hands.”

“But I won’t
” He stood. “I’m a pastor and her father.” He patted his chest. “You can trust me.” He leaned over Alexis. “I need to know something, please. I’m dying not knowing.”

“I’m sorry,” she said. “We’ve told you all we can at this point, but we’re trying our best.”

He backed away from the desk. “Nadine’s mother came to my church yesterday. She asked me to pray for Nadine and I did.” He looked at Penelope. “I told her I knew Nadine was okay and that she’d come home alive. It was the first time I ever lied during prayer. I don’t believe Nadine is alive and I don’t think she’s coming back.”

Penelope sighed. “We hope that’s not the case.”

“I pray I’m wrong about Nadine.” Bellows grabbed Alexis’s hand. “You have to find the monster that did this. You

Alexis’s cell phone rang.

“Uh…” She tugged to loosen her hand from the Pastor’s grip. “Excuse me.”

He let her hand go.

She checked the phone then answered, “Kevin, I’m busy right—”

“Lexi.” He panted into the phone. “I saw that guy.”

“What guy? Why are you breathing so hard?”

“It’s the guy Officer Ponder told us about who came to my place last night.” He huffed and puffed. “I was eating lunch at that Chinese place down from Copeland Enterprises.” He paused and took a big breath. “When I was driving from the restaurant, some guy in a gray Camry was following me. I got a look at him and he could’ve been Arab or something like Ponder said.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes! He followed me until I got back to the Copeland parking lot and then he drove on.”

“You can’t be sure that’s the same guy. He might’ve just been going in the same direction.”

“The bastard was following me, Lexi. I know it!”

Penelope offered to walk Pastor Bellows to his car and they left.

“Did you get a license plate number?” Alexis asked Kevin.

“No. Shit, I was so scared I could barely drive.” He exhaled into the phone, causing static. “This is too weird for words. Why would this man be following me? What could he want?”

“Come down to the station.” She put her pencil down. “We’ll try to figure it out.”

“Okay, I’ll be there in about ten minutes.”

Alexis clicked off.

Penelope made it to her desk. “What’s going on?”

“Remember that guy I told you was supposedly at Kevin’s place last night?” Alexis laid the phone down. “The same guy…at least Kevin thinks it’s the same guy, just followed Kevin on his way back from lunch.”

“What?” Penelope sat at her desk. “Why would someone be following Kevin?”

“I don’t know.” Alexis stared at her computer screen. “I just hope he’s not in any danger.”

* * * *

“I don’t get this.” Kevin sat in the chair between Alexis and Penelope’s cubicles, bouncing his legs. “This makes no sense whatsoever. Why would someone be following

Alexis glanced at Penelope. “You work for a very powerful man. Could this have something to do with Grant?”

“Oh.” He rolled his eyes. “Lexi.”

“I’m not trying to accuse him for the hell of it, but I wonder.” She rolled her chair back from her desk.

He flattened his hands on his thighs. “Does everything have to be about Grant with you?”

“Is Grant involved in some type of illegal dealings concerning his company?” she asked.

“Hell no. It’s just a pharmaceutical company and nothing more.”

“Are you sure?” Alexis looked at him.

“Course I’m sure. You think I’d be involved with a crooked company?”

Alexis scratched her head. “You’re involved with a crooked
And what if you don’t know what might be going on with Copeland Enterprises?”

He held a stern expression. “I know everything about Copeland Enterprises.”

“Copeland isn’t just any pharmaceutical company but one of the top in the United States,” Penelope said. “You can never be sure what’s going on in a company that big and powerful.”

“This is nuts.” Kevin closed his eyes and exhaled. “I don’t think this has anything to do with Grant or Copeland.”

“How do you know?” Alexis squinted. “Unless there’s something
been hiding.”

“Excuse me?”

“Have you had any dealings with anyone who would have a need to follow you?”

“No!” He put his hand on her desk. “I swear I’m as clueless as you.” He sprang up in the chair. “Shit. You think the man following me could be a terrorist or something?”

Alexis’s mouth dropped. “And could you be any more racist right now?”

“I’m not trying to sound racist, but how can we know? Maybe it’s some plot to bomb Copeland Enterprises or something.”

Penelope and Alexis grinned.

“I’m serious.”

“No offense Kevin, but I think a terrorist would have more important things to worry about than some executive in Tate Valley, California.” Penelope smirked.

“Are you guys even taking this seriously?” He grabbed Alexis’s hand and put it on his chest. “Feel my heart. I’m scared to death.”

“Do you think you can describe him to our sketch artist?” Penelope asked. “Think you saw enough of him to do that?”

“I’ll try.” He rubbed his hand down his face. “Lexi…what the hell could be going on?”

“I don’t know.” She patted his thigh. “But we’ll figure it out.”

Chapter Eighteen


“So.” Penelope grabbed a pack of gum and threw it into her shopping basket as she and Alexis waited in the grocery store line that evening. “You think Kevin is overreacting?”

“I can’t say that.” Alexis checked the cart on her arm to make sure she’d gotten everything. “I’d be scared too if I was a civilian and someone was following me.”

Penelope grabbed the latest issue of
off the rack. “So as a cop you wouldn’t be scared?”

“Shit no.” Alexis laid her groceries on the counter. “I’d just blow his brains out.”

They laughed.

The cashier greeted Alexis and rang up her groceries without giving Alexis a total.

The female sacker put the items in the sack and handed them to Alexis. “Have a nice day, Detective Adams.”

“Umm.” Alexis took the bag and looked at the cheerful cashier. “Didn’t you forget something? I haven’t paid yet.”

“It’s fine.” The cashier started ringing up Penelope’s groceries.

Penelope watched Alexis and shrugged.

“Uh, excuse me,” Alexis said. “I have to pay for my groceries.”

“No you don’t.” The cashier smiled, finished with Penelope, and told her a total.

Penelope grimaced. “Can I get a hook up too?” She handed the woman her debit card.

“Hold on.” Alexis laid the sack on the counter. “I don’t know what’s going on here but never before have I come in here and not had to pay for my groceries.” She looked around, grinning. “Did I win some sweepstakes or something?”

“No.” The cashier handed Penelope her card. “Your money’s no good here, Detective Adams.” The cashier reached for the next customer’s groceries.

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