The Devil's Lover: The Wish (21 page)

Read The Devil's Lover: The Wish Online

Authors: Dahlia Lu

Tags: #romance, #beauty, #thriller, #friendship, #drama, #adventure, #mystery, #action, #memories, #tragedy, #hate, #relationship, #pregnancy, #hope, #death, #demon, #hell, #destiny, #paranormal, #sad, #family, #sex, #happiness, #true love, #young adult, #sorrow, #angel, #devil, #novel, #baby, #lies, #story, #sacrifice, #princess, #fate, #secrets, #dream, #queen, #obsession, #fairy tale, #jealousy, #power, #lord, #teenager, #lost love, #lovers, #lucifer, #deception, #prince, #wish, #human, #king, #master, #knight, #heaven, #castle, #immortality, #sin, #bodyguard, #palace, #eternity, #nightmare, #eternal, #virginity, #envy, #chance, #promise, #servant, #guardian, #kali, #ever after, #age gap, #chilvary, #wedlock

BOOK: The Devil's Lover: The Wish
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It’s rude to exclude us
from your conversation,” Trent said to the men. He sat next to the
little girl, who was poking his face much to his

Chevalier,” Kali looked
up. “Since you’re back, won’t you stay at our house?”

Lucifer warned Chevalier.

I would love to!”
Chevalier exclaimed excitingly.




When nightfall came, Kali returned to
their bedroom after she tucked Trent in. Lucifer was lying on the
bed with a stiff expression on his face.

What’s wrong, Lucifer?”
Kali asked. “You haven’t said a word since this

She brings a man home and then she
asks me what’s wrong, Lucifer thought. He got off of the bed and
came to her side. Kali blinked. He cornered her against the wall.
His pale blue eyes were staring into hers. “You’re so cruel, Kali,
for making me feel like this all the time.”

Like what?” Kali asked in
a soft voice.

Like I can’t relax, like
I can’t keep my eyes off you for just one second, like…” he kissed
her. He broke the kiss before she ran out of breath and then
lowered his head to kiss her neck. His breath was warm against her
skin. His hands explored her familiar body. Her flesh became numb
wherever he touched. “Tell me, Kali, how can I get rid of this
feeling of wanting so much from you?”


There was a knocking on the

Not again. Lucifer sighed.

Kali fixed her shirt and opened the
door. Chevalier stood smiling. “Do you have a towel I could use to
take a shower?”

Kali nodded. She went to the closet
and took out a white towel. She handed it to Chevalier.

What the hell do you
Lucifer asked, extremely

Just want to ruin your

Do you want me to kill
you a second time?’

Kali would be very sad if
you do.’

She won’t be your shield

Good night, Kali,”
Chevalier gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Good night,” Kali
responded. She closed the door when Chevalier turned away. Lucifer
retreated to his bed and rested his head on his elbow. He seemed



What’s wrong, Chevalier?”
Bi asked once he returned to their room to sit by her side.
Chevalier looked extremely sad.

Then he suddenly started to

"Why are you crying?" Bi

"Can't you see that I'm laughing?"
Chevalier asked. He laughed even harder.

Bi wiped the tears from his eyes and
showed it to him "See? You're crying.”



Chapter 22: All for


Acelin placed a hand on Arvin’s
shoulder and pointed at the five-year-old with the platinum hair
playing alone in the sandbox. His pale blue eyes resembled
Lucifer’s. The two demon lords approached the boy, who already knew
they were there. 

He’s definitely Lucifer’s
son,” Arvin said. “I feel a strong bond with him

Acelin nodded in agreement. “It’s in
our blood, Arvin.”

I want to speak to

He has a strong
protection spell on him. You should be careful.”

Arvin walked toward the boy and knelt
down to his level. The boy only glanced at him then ignored him

What is your name?” Arvin
asked the boy.

If I tell you, would you
leave me alone?” The boy asked as he carefully removed the plastic
bucket from the wet sand. His sand castle was perfectly

We’re not here to hurt
you,” Acelin assured him.

I know,” the boy replied.
“You came for my mother. That is the only reason you’re

We also came to see you.
You are starting to sound like your father already,” Arvin said in
a soft tone. Arvin had a sudden urge to pat the boy’s head. He
slowly reached out his hand.

Arvin, stop!” Acelin
warned. “The protection spell...”

Arvin patted the boy gently. The
protection spell was starting to damage his body. He managed to
smile at the boy.

Are you hurt?”

Arvin shook his head. “No,” he bent
over and kissed the boy’s forehead. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,
little prince.”

When he lets go of the boy, Arvin
didn't have the strength to stand up. If he were a low ranking
demon, he would have been long dead. Acelin used his magic to help
support him.

You are ruthless,” Acelin

Can you blame me?” Arvin
softly laughed.





There were cherry blossoms trees along
the road. So it is spring, Acelin told himself as he walked down
the paved pathway. There were so many fallen petals that it was
difficult to see the road ahead. The soft fragrance danced around
him. He reached out his hand to catch the fallen petals. How long
had it been since he left this place? He wondered.

A young girl accidentally bumped into
him and dropped the grocery bag she held in her hand. She kept
apologizing as she stooped down to pick up her things. Acelin bent
down to help her gather the scattered fruit.

Thank you so much,” the
girl said sincerely. When she had collected all the items, she
lifted her head and stood up.

Acelin stared at her. His heart
skipped a beat and his chest suddenly felt painful. He brought his
hand to his chest, squeezing it tightly. What is this pain? What is
this uncomfortable feeling?

She smiled and then turned away. What
a gentle smile, Acelin thought. He caught her other hand, making
her look back.

What is your name?” he

Kali. My name is Kali,”
she answered. He slowly let go of her hand and allowed her to




“Acelin, you’re awfully distracted,”
Arvin pointed out. “What is on your mind?”

Her smile. She had a very pretty
smile. Acelin shook his head. “Nothing”

I have decided, Acelin. I
will get rid of that woman.” Arvin stated.

Arvin, what is so wrong
about loving a human?” Acelin asked.

Everything!” Arvin
snapped. “We are arc- I mean demons! Are you telling me to bow my
head down to a lowly human?”

He never asked us to bow
down to her,” Acelin said. Her smile kept haunting him.

Isn’t it obvious enough?”
Arvin noticed something strange about Acelin. “Why are you
defending Lucifer’s woman?”

I am not defending her. I
had never met her and neither have you. Why are you so quick to
judge her just because she’s a human?”

It’s not just that, and
you know it!” Arvin braced his hands on the desk and leaned
forward. “If she were just some mere toy I would have let him have
his fun, but he fed her his blood! Isn’t that a clear declaration
that she is more important than us?”

Lucifer must have had his
reasons for doing what he did,” Acelin sighed. “The other demons
must be hiding something from us. If feeding her his blood is the
problem, I don’t see why you should keep on degrading his

Did you fall in love with
a human girl, Acelin?” Arvin asked, suspicious with Acelin’s
strange defense.

Acelin didn’t reply.

Arvin shook his head. “Those sirens!
First Lord Lucifer, and now you! Human females are truly

Lucifer stepped out from the

Arvin and Acelin were obliged to kneel
to him.

Lord Lucifer,” the two
demon lords bowed their heads civilly.

You two weren’t supposed
to be awakened for at least another several hundred years,” Lucifer

There is no time for
slumber,” Arvin said. “We received disturbing news.”

About my bride?” Lucifer

She is a human

I am well aware of that,”
Lucifer eyed him. “What point do you wish to make by stating the

She is a human,” Arvin
said. “You fed her your blood. What more can I say?”

Whatever plan you two are
plotting, I suggest you abandon it. If you wish to harm a hair on
her head, I would not hesitate to make you my enemies.”

Arvin looked disappointed. “So it is
true. You killed Soren for that woman.”

I did,” Lucifer admitted.
“And I will do it again if the situation calls for it.”

How could you, Lucifer?”
Arvin asked in a soft voice. “We are brothers. We share a bond
stronger than anything in existence. I will not let a woman split
us up. I will not!”

She has done nothing
wrong,” Lucifer said. He lowered his eyes. “Soren did not
understand me. Soren tried to take away the woman I love. Would you
two follow his example and turn against me?”

Never!” Arvin shouted.
“We would never turn against you! That woman is making you turn
your back on us.”

Have I, Arvin?” Lucifer
asked. He stepped forward and embraced Arvin. “Have I, brother? She
is my purpose. Why do you want to take her from me?”


Don’t do it, Arvin,”
Lucifer pleaded. “I already lost Soren. I do not want to lose the
two of you, too.”

He released Arvin and turned to face
Acelin. “You were always the wise one,” he said softly. “I don’t
think it is necessary for me to tell you what you should and should
not do.”

I have one question to
ask,” Acelin said.

What is it?”

Why did you love

Lucifer recalled the moment when he
realized he fell in love. He smiled. “She was the first person who
cried for me.”






Chapter 23: Early Blossoms
This Year


Acelin kept watch on her for a
distance. She was sitting on a swing, moving back and forth. There
was a young man sitting next to her on another swing. He had black
hair and a pair of golden eyes. Acelin picked up a faint smell of
demon on him. There was no doubt that he was one. There was also a
strong protection spell around her, probably one made by that

She was smiling, like before. What a
pretty smile. It was so pure and captivating. His heart was
starting to ache again. It was the same feeling as last

Remember we used to come
here when we were little?” Kali asked.

Chevalier nodded. “Yes, such distant

It’s not so
distant,” Kali said.

Maybe not…”

Kali remained quiet for a little
while. “Chevalier?”


Can you promise me

He turned to face her. “Yeah,

She looked down. “If, and I mean if,
I’m not able to…”

Kali?” Chevalier noticed
Kali was acting strange.

Chevalier, if something
happened to me, would you please take care of Trent?” Kali asked

Chevalier blinked, confused. “Kali,
did something happen? You sound like you’re making a living

She shook her head. “It’s nothing.
I’ve just been having bad dreams lately. I couldn’t tell Lucifer
because he might say that I’m overreacting. I love him, I really
do. It’s just that he’s not the type of person I can talk

If you love him, you
should be able to talk to him.” Chevalier said. It took a lot out
of him.

I should, shouldn’t I?”
Kali said sadly. “Chevalier, in my dreams, I kept seeing Trent
crying. He’s calling out for me. I wanted to hug him so bad but I
couldn’t. It was like I was next to him but I couldn’t touch him.
So he kept crying. It hurt me to see him cry. I’ve been having that
same dream over a couple of days and I think it’s trying to tell me

Don’t be ridiculous,
Kali,” Chevalier lifted her face with his hand. “You’ll live a long
and happy life with Lucifer and Trent.”

I mean, just in case
something did happen, please take care of Trent like you did with
Bi,” her eyes were tearing up. “You practically raised me and I
turned out okay.” she forced a smile.

What a crybaby,”
Chevalier said softly. He wiped the tears that spilled onto her
cheeks with his thumbs. “What if Trent sees you like this? You’ll
set a bad example for him.”

She nodded.

Why is she crying? Acelin wondered. Is
something making her sad? She was just smiling. Did that man made
her sad? The ache in his chest suddenly became painful. What is
this feeling? Why did he feel like he couldn’t breathe?

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