The Dom Unites Wolf and Panther [Unchained Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (12 page)

BOOK: The Dom Unites Wolf and Panther [Unchained Love 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Yes, Sir.”

Autumn could hear a slight hitch in Nicholas’s voice. Being taken from behind sounded mighty fine to her right now, too. She was more than ready for an orgasm.

“Autumn, would you like Nicholas to fuck you now?”

“Yes, please, Master.”

“You can fuck her now, Nicholas.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

Autumn was so aroused she was worried she’d explode the moment Nicholas touched her and spoil it for him. But he proved to have more control than her. He grasped her hips and drove deep inside her pussy in one long, swift stroke. She gripped the bench tightly, trying not to come, as he paused for a moment before beginning long, slow thrusts into her. She relaxed her grip, pushing back onto his cock and loving the way he slid through her smoothly, in and out.

He kept the deliberate, measured pace for several long minutes then raised himself up on his feet, reaching deeper inside her. That was the end of her control. She shattered around him, once again gripping the bench tightly as her body shook and quivered while the orgasm roared through her, making her legs wobble and her teeth rattle.

Once again Nicholas paused until the tremors slowed down, then he picked up the pace, slamming into her, driving hard and deep. He kept one hand on her hip, and with the other he began touching her nipples, dragging his palm over her skin from one breast to the other then pushing the two globes together so he could massage one with the heel of his hand and the other with his fingers.

Such intense extra sensations had Autumn shivering even more, and now the last tiny seeds of the orgasm were growing once again into the beginnings of a second release.

Nicholas was gripping her waist now with his arm around her like a steel band, holding her hard against him. His other fingers were pinching and tweaking her nipples. The second orgasm blossomed and burst inside her and Autumn heard Nicholas groan as her cunt filled with his hot semen. He pressed his lips to her neck in a silent benediction as his arm loosened and he simply supported her now.

“Lie her on her back on the bench,” said Curtis.

Autumn slid her back onto the bench and Nicholas helped her settle on it, then Curtis pulled her feet so her ass was at the very end of the bench. She reached her arms up to hold the sides as Curtis threw her legs over his shoulders and drove deep inside her still hot, swollen, and sensitive pussy.

He tilted her butt higher and jackhammered into her over and over again, fast and furious.

“Kiss her,” said Curtis to Nicholas.

“My pleasure,” replied Nicholas, evidently having decided the dungeon scene was over.

Nicholas made love to her lips as Curtis slammed into her deep and hard. Just as if it was still a part of the dungeon scene, the contrasts aroused Autumn enormously. Nicholas’s soft little licks and touches, compared to the driving force of Curtis.

Autumn couldn’t think, couldn’t even breathe. Her body was still hypersensitive from the previous two orgasms, yet already she was shivering with anticipation, wanting more.

Nicholas had mighty fine kissing skills. He was sweet, gentle, yet demanding, kissing her nose, her lips, her eyelids and along her jawline, as well as thrusting his tongue into her mouth, touching her everywhere inside. Meanwhile Curtis was slamming into her so deep and hard all she could feel was him and his powerful cock.

Then the heat of a third climax raced through her and her bones dissolved in the inferno. Her eyes closed, and what few remaining working brain cells she had seemed to evaporate under the extreme attentions of the men. If they hadn’t been holding on to her she was sure she’d have melted into a puddle on the bench.

Curtis groaned, and once again her cunt was filled with cum as he pounded into her a few more times before leaning over her body and kissing both her breasts. Since her legs were still on his shoulders, this position made her giggle.

“What, you think I can’t tie you in knots?” he joked.

“I’m sure you can. But I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to walk again. You may need to carry me up to my room.”

“Hmm. How big is your bed?”

“Only big enough for one person, but there’s likely enough space for you to lie on the floor.”

“I don’t think so,” said Nicholas.

“No. Much better to wait until we have a house for the three of us together,” added Curtis.

But with the way the community is feeling, I can’t see that happening anytime soon. Besides, we’re panther, wolf, and human. I can’t see this relationship lasting, either.
And suddenly Autumn wanted to cry. So much had happened tonight. It had been spectacularly wonderful. But really, nothing had changed. The whole situation was completely impossible.

Chapter Six


Raegan had been released from the hospital and was back in his shed on the movie property, sketching new backdrops he planned to paint for the next advertisement they were going to film, the one with the SUV painted red. Autumn had come to sit with him since Nicholas and Curtis were outside measuring the scenes for the shots they would take and didn’t want him to be left alone. He hadn’t had a heart attack or a stroke or anything bad like everyone had automatically assumed, even Tor, the nurse. He’d simply fainted with the shock of seeing his son—a child he’d believed had been born dead all those years ago.

She sat silently on a fold-up camp stool, crocheting the horrendous-colored yarn she hated with a passion. The actual garment she was making, a child’s long jacket, was turning out quite well, but she figured no parent would dress a kid in that color except as a Halloween costume. Oh, well, they were paying her to do it, that’s all that mattered, really.

As she worked, she watched Raegan. He was so focused on what he was doing likely he didn’t even know she was there. She wanted to ask him if he was getting to know Tor, if he was happy to have found his son, but she didn’t want to pry or seem intrusive, so she stayed silent.

He was sketching in charcoal onto an enormous wall-sized piece of canvas that still had flecks of paint on it here and there. Apparently, it had been used before. His right arm moved in broad, sweeping strokes, and she was impressed by how a few simple lines became a lifelike piece of scenery with just a couple touches here and there. She felt privileged, almost as if she were watching a famous artist at work.
Well, you are watching a famous artist. It’s just that so few people know his name.

The double doors to the shed were wide open, letting in the light, and Autumn was sitting in the front corner so all the light fell on Raegan’s work. Although she could still see well enough to crochet. The fewer people who see this ghastly color yarn the better, she thought with a silent giggle.

A man’s shadow appeared in the doorway and Autumn looked up quickly, knowing very few people were working on the set today as they were in the planning stages, preproduction.

The man seemed not to see her. For a moment she thought the back of his head looked familiar, but when he went to talk to Raegan she thought she must have been imagining it. Until she heard his voice.

“Where’s that little bitch who hit me with her purse? They said she was here today.”

“I am here. Right behind you. And so is my purse.” With all her strength she swung her purse at his head, but he half ducked and she hit his shoulder instead.

Jim grabbed her arm and twisted it viciously, pulling her to him.

She kicked out wildly, wishing she was wearing boots instead of running shoes, while fumbling in her purse with her free hand. She snatched a long knitting needle and rammed it into his face, piercing his cheek.

Jim screamed and let her go, grabbing for his face, while Raegan stepped up behind him and hit him behind the knees with a sturdy piece of wood. As soon as Jim dropped to the ground, Raegan flipped him over onto his front and sat on the center of his back. “Now would be a good time to call 9-1-1 and tell them we just caught an escaped criminal,” said Raegan.

“Good point.” Autumn breathlessly rummaged in her purse again for her cell phone and made the call, picking her knitting needle up from the floor and stowing it back in her bag as she did so. Then she called Nicholas and told him what had happened.

“Now the police will be here for the rest of the day and I won’t get this finished,” said Raegan, staring at his canvas.

“If it’s anything like last time, they’ll try to blame us instead of him,” agreed Autumn. She watched as Jim tried to buck Raegan off his back. “Let me join you.” She plopped herself down on Jim’s thighs while Raegan leaned his weight more heavily on the man underneath them.

Curtis appeared in the doorway, panting. “Where did he come from?”

“Also, where has he been ever since he escaped from jail?” added Nicholas, who was right behind him and not breathless at all.

“I expect those are just a few of the questions the police will want answers to as well as you,” said Raegan.


* * * *


Officers Nguyen and Diaz were a lot faster with their questioning this time. Likely an escaped criminal was assumed to be a little more guilty than a man who’d illegally entered a building, thought Nicholas. At least they weren’t presumed to have invited him in, although Officer Diaz insisted on looking inside every building to ensure he hadn’t been hiding on the property all along.

“He’d have starved to death. There’s no food here except for a few bottles of water and a coffee machine,” said Curtis.

Diaz just stared at him and insisted on videoing their statements on his cell phone.

Finally, Jim was taken away and they were free to take Autumn back to Carnal Connections after watching Raegan get into his car to go to his home.

Nicholas desperately wanted to spend the night with Autumn but knew it wasn’t possible. Also she’d be much safer with her panther pack than he could keep her right now.

“Fuck it, we have to get a home together. I can’t stand being separated like this. I need her to be with us all the time,” he said to Curtis after they’d left her in the barn with Jill, Jubilee, and Diane, the Carnal Connections accountant.

“We need to explain everything to Larry one-on-one before he takes it to his committee or whoever. Let’s get everything into a simple bullet-point list, one, two, three, so we can prove to him that their land will be as secure as we can make it and having us as neighbors will be to their advantage,” said Nicholas.

“So point one is we’re going to have a nice high fence all around our land like they do to stop people wandering in unexpectedly, like our friend Jim today,” said Curtis.

“Anyone working for us will have to show the guard at the gate photo ID. One of their young panthers would make a great security guard on the days when we need it. When it’s just our few regulars you or I can wait at the gate to let them in.”

“Exactly. Point two will be the cameras we’ll have operating on the joining fence between our properties. We’ll run the cable through the fence itself instead of having visible poles and suchlike,” added Curtis.

Nicholas grinned at Curtis. “And point three will be us in a nice little house on their land with Autumn tucked up in bed between us every night.”

“I don’t think we really need a house.”

“What? We can’t stay on the set. The bathrooms—”

“Calm down. Larry, Carey, and Jubilee share a small apartment on the top floor of the main house.”

“But that’s because they really only need a bedroom, bathroom, and an office for Carey,” argued Nicholas, starting to get angry with Curtis.

“That’s right. And all we need is a bedroom and a private bathroom, too. Think about it. We have the lunchroom on set, plus our offices there. Autumn likes to do her craftwork socializing with all her friends. We don’t need a house.”

Nicholas felt a weight lifting from his chest that he hadn’t realized had been sitting there. But Curtis was correct. Of course he was. The Dom was always right. “As long as we can fit three armchairs in the bedroom there’s nothing more we need. A house would be a waste of money for us and a waste of effort and land for them. We’ll have to ask Larry if JB can remove a wall between one of the bathrooms and a bedroom for us. Or maybe turn two bedrooms into one large one plus a bathroom. Either way it’ll be a lot cheaper than building a house, even one of those kit-form ones most of them seem to be using lately.”

“Which brings us to the real point three,” said Curtis.

“Ah, right.” Curtis was obviously waiting for him to say it. Nicholas thought for a few moments, scratched his head, looked at the ground, then got it. Grinning, he said, “Point three is us using as many of their people as possible when we need extra actors or helpers.”

“Precisely. Now let’s go and see Larry and set up the one-on-one with him.”

“Yes, Sir,” said Nicholas, suddenly feeling ridiculously happy. Larry was sure to change his mind and agree with them. Autumn was almost in their arms.


* * * *


“Hi, Lucy, is Larry in at the moment?” asked Curtis. If Larry was in an approachable mood and not due to rush off to another meeting or something, Curtis hoped they could talk to him now. Get it done while everything was falling into place for them. They really needed to get this whole issue sorted. Get their property sold, their new land bought, the future organized.

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