The Dragon Lord's Daughters (32 page)

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Authors: Bertrice Small

BOOK: The Dragon Lord's Daughters
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“Your sister wants to know if you're all right,” Cadi said.
Brynn nodded. “Is she?”
“Aye,” Cadi responded.
“That's enough now,” the guard said, pulling Cadi away. “I didn't say you could talk to him.” He pulled her against him, and began to fumble her breasts.
“I'll make it up to you, then,” Cadi told him, and she fondled his cock with skilled fingers. “Do you like this?”
The guard groaned. “Jesu, wench!”
Cadi laughed, and pulled away from him. “That's enough, now. Thank you!” and she sped off up the stairs again, leaving the guard rubbing himself.
She might have an ugly face, the guard thought, but by God and his Blessed Mother, the wench had a lust for life a man could appreciate. He wouldn't tell any of his friends of this little adventure. He intended keeping that hot little piece for himself. Eventually he'd get her against the wall with her skirts up. He grinned and wondered what her name was.
Cadi hurried back to the chamber where Junia was imprisoned. “I saw your brother myself, lady. He says he is all right and worries for your safety,” she reported.
Junia was already half asleep, but she heard Cadi's words, and smiled weakly. “Thank you,” she murmured before slipping into a deep sleep.
There was a faint scratching at the door, and Elga nodded to Cadi to see who it was. It was Simon.
“How is she?” he asked. His eyes went to the sleeping girl.
“Frightened. Ashamed,” Elga said. “Why on earth did you let your father force you to rape, laddie? Your mother would be furious.”
“I didn't know he had followed me when I left here today to meet with Junia at Mryddin Water. He came upon us so quickly that I couldn't get her to her horse. He said if I didn't take her then and there that he and his men would. He meant it, Elga. The devil was hoping I would refuse so he could have my sweet love. I had no choice in the matter. I tried to be gentle with her, but my father took a strap and beat my buttocks in order to make me perform more vigorously. I begged him to let her go afterwards, but he said if I do not keep her as my leman, he will give her to his men. And, Elga, he means to wed me to Aceline de Bellaud.”
The old woman nodded. Then she said, “You are fortunate he holds both of the Dragon Lord's children captive else that outraged father come down on Agramant with a cruel vegeance and more innocent folk be harmed. Now, laddie, did I not tell you I should call for you when I wanted you?”
“I just came back to tell Junia that her brother is all right. I visited the dungeons myself a short while ago,” he replied.
“We know. Cadi went herself for your lady,” Elga said. “Now go into the hall and eat, Simon. Your Junia will sleep the night through, and she needs that healing sleep far more than food right now. I will remain with her until you return.”
“Have you eaten?” he asked her.
“Cadi will bring me a bowl of pottage, laddie. Go now else your sire come looking for you,” Elga advised.
“He won't come here,” Simon said with a small smile. “He is too busy in the hall boasting of his escape from the dangerous knife attack of an eleven-year-old boy.”
“The laddie is but eleven?” Elga cackled her laughter. “Ah, no wonder his sister is worried about him.”
“I'll be back as soon as I can,” Simon said as he left them.
“The dungeon guard was cooperative?” Elga asked Cadi when Simon had gone.
Cadi nodded, giving the old lady a crooked smile. “Man who spends most of his waking hours in a dungeon gets lonely,” she said with a mischievous wink.
“And?” Elga said, her grizzled head cocked to one side.
“I let him feel my titties,” Cadi said. “But not until after he had let me see the boy, and talk a moment with him. Master shouldn't imprison a boy like that, and for what? The lad was trying to save his sister. Seems it don't make no difference if you're rich or poor if you're a woman. Men will have their way.”
Elga nodded. “You've a sharp eye, lass,” she said, nodding. “But be careful when you play such games.”
“I know what to do,” she told the old lady. “Don't you worry none about me, Elga.”
Junia slept through the night as her young body recovered from the shock it had sustained. She awoke, unsure for a moment just where she was, but then remembering, rolled over to find Simon next to her in the bed. Her sharp gasp woke him.
“How do you feel, sweeting?” he asked her, his gray eyes scanning her face.
“What are you doing here?” she demanded to know.
“My father has ordered that you be my leman, Junia. Do you not remember? You are in my chamber. If I do not sleep here he will think I am not coupling with you, and then he will take you for himself and afterwards give you to his men. This is the only way I can protect you, sweeting.”
Her hand flew to her mouth. “Oh, God, Simon!” And the terrible memory of the previous day welled up. “Brynn!” she said.
“He is safe in my father's dungeons. He had not been harmed, and I will do my best to see that he is not, Junia.”
“I want to go home,” Junia whispered, low.
Simon de Bohun sighed. “I know,” he said. “And I want to take you and Brynn home, but for now my father is adamant. You are safe here in my chamber where he has ordered that you remain until he gives you permission to come into the hall. Elga and Cadi will look after you when I am not here. How do you feel?”
She blushed. “The soreness is gone,” she told him.
“Good,” he replied. “Junia, I told you last night, and I say it again, I am sorry. I beg your forgiveness, sweeting. Tell me you do not hate me for what happened.”
“I do not hate you, Simon,” she answered him. “How could I when I love you, but I know now that love cannot be. Your father is a strong-willed man. He will have this girl he has chosen for your wife, and you cannot escape it. But you must aid Brynn and me. We must escape Agramant before this ancient feud escalates into something far worse, Simon. You are aware that Brynn is my father's only son. He will be wild with anger over his kidnapping.”
“And what of you?” Simon asked her.
“I am his youngest daughter, my love. Daughter of his second concubine. He loves me as much as the others, but I am a daughter. Brynn is the son. My father's heir. If I cannot get away, at least help my brother, I beg you!”
“I will do what I can, Junia,” he promised her, and he leaned over to kiss her lips, but Junia pulled back from him. He looked at her, puzzled.
“I am sorry, Simon, but I told you last night that I cannot bear to be touched right now,” Junia reminded him.
He closed his eyes a moment feeling physical pain throughout his whole body as her words reached him. Then opening his eyes he looked into hers, which were filled with disgust and loathing as she stared back at him. “It will not get better, Junia, until I have held you in my arms again, and comforted you,” he said quietly. “Each time you reject me your fears will grow larger. I swear to you that I will not touch you with disrespect. We will pretend for my father's sake that we are lovers now, but I will not make love to you, my darling girl, until you are ready again. But how can I believe that you have forgiven me unless I can hold you, and kiss your lips?”
“Oh, Simon, I am afraid,” she admitted. “I can still hear the shouts of your father and his men as you took my virginity. I close my eyes, and I see their faces leering down at us. I see some of them rubbing themselves while you labored atop me. It was horrible!” Her eyes were now filled with tears.
“Aye, it was,” he agreed with her. “I was so afraid for you that it was difficult for me to maintain my arousal. My father knew it, and that is why he beat me—that I would remain hard and plunder your virtue.”
“I never knew people did things like that,” she cried. “I thought love was good and fine. The love my father has for his women and his family is that way. My sisters are so happy in their marriages. I thought it would be that way for me, Simon. I did not know this darkness existed.” The tears were now running down her face.
“Oh, Junia,” he replied, “it should not have been the way it was for us. I am as much a victim as you. I am so ashamed that I was forced to violate the girl I love, and wish to make my wife. But I swear to you that I did not know what else to do. He threatened you, and he would have carried out that threat had we not obeyed him. He is the most wicked of men, and there is no stopping him.” There were tears running down his face now, too.
Seeing them Junia reached up and caressed his cheek. Then she lay her head against his shoulder, sighing as his arms gently enfolded her. “What are we to do, my love?” she asked him.
He kissed the top of her head, rubbing his chin against her hair. “I do not know,” he told her. “For now, all I can do is keep you safe in this chamber, and see that no harm comes to your brother.”
“I think my fear is receding,” she told him. “I told you last night and I meant it, Simon, that should the opportunity arise I will kill your father myself. He has made a mockery of our love, forcing us to couple before him and his men.”
“Be careful, my love, for he is clever as most madmen are. Remember that as long as he holds Brynn his captive he has your cooperation whether you will or not.” Simon kissed the top of her head again. “I will send Elga to you, sweeting,” he said, and arising from the bed he quickly dressed, leaving her.
Junia got up when he had gone, and picking up her gown from the stool where Cadi had laid it the previous evening, she drew it on. She felt better dressed. She had no hairbrush so she ran her fingers through her long hair until it was untangled. Then she plaited it into a single, thick black braid. Bored, she made the bed, fluffing up the feather bed, and tucking the coverlet neatly. She had no sooner finished when there was a scratching upon the door.
“Come in,” Junia called and both Elga and Cadi entered the room. The younger girl carried a tray.
“You should be hungry now, lass,” Elga said. “I've brought you a nice trencher of hot porridge, along with some bread and honey.”
Junia thanked the two women, and sitting on the stool quickly devoured the meal that they had delivered. When she had finished she looked about her, and said, “If I must remain here in this chamber then I must have something to do. Is there a loom upon which I may weave?”
“Aye! My lady Anne had a fine loom,” Elga said. “Cadi, you must remain with the lass while I go to arrange for the loom to be brought here.” She hurried from the chamber.
“Thank you for going into the dungeons last night, and seeing that my little brother was all right,” Junia said.
“ 'Tweren't no trouble,” Cadi said. “He's a brave laddie. I wouldn't want to be in a cell with the rats, and no water.”
“He has no water?” Junia was shocked.
“Master gave orders,” Cadi replied. “No food and no water for the boy. He's going to starve him to death, he says, and then send his body back to your father.”
“Merciful Mother!” Junia cried, realizing with certainty now that Simon's father was indeed an evil man. Then she swallowed back her fear and asked Cadi, “How did you get to see Brynn last night?”
“Gave the guard what he wanted, what they all wants,” Cadi responded.
“I do not understand,” Junia said.
“I let him feel me up,” Cadi answered matter-of-factly. “He's lonely down in that dungeon, lady. He does me a favor. I do him one. There is nothing unusual in it.”
“You bargain with your body?” Junia was both astounded and shocked.
“Women ain't got nothing else of value to bargain with,” Cadi replied sanguinely.
“I have to see my brother,” Junia said. “And I have to get a skin of water to him that he may keep hidden. He can live without food, Cadi, but he cannot live long without water. When my father comes to get us I will tell him how good you were to me, and he will reward you. But his reward will be greater if his only son is still alive.”
Cadi nodded. “I'd do it for nothing just to get back at the master for what he did to my sister,” she said. “But I got to be practical, too.”
Junia nodded. “I understand,” she told the girl.
“Master will soon go out hunting with his son and his men. That would be the best time for us to sneak down to the dungeons. There will be no one in the hall then, for they will all be in the kitchens preparing the meal for when master returns. When he gets back from hunting he wants his dinner hot, and ready, else the kitchen staff suffers. I can get a skin of water. You will hide it beneath your gown. I'll do all the talking, and keep my friend busy.”
“Thank you,” Junia said.
“Will your da really come for you?” Cadi asked, curious.

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