The Dragons of Ice and Snow (40 page)

BOOK: The Dragons of Ice and Snow
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“We just thought that, if you
didn't succeed last night, it would be easier to dispose of us if we
were immobilized.”

She rubbed her temples.

“Your nobility is giving me a

She looked over her shoulder.

“Gentlemen, could you release our
friends, please?” she asked loudly and the guards stepped
forward to begin to unwind the heavy chains.

“So how did things go?”
Aiden asked as he was helped to his feet. It was easier for the
guards to remove the chains when the men were standing.

The cleric gestured for Simon to

“As well as could be expected. We
followed our instructions to the letter.” He hesitated. “Of
course, that means that you'll have to spend one more night in this,”
he looked around with distaste, “hellhole. We have to be sure
the amulets actually work.”

Simon watched the two men to see their
reactions to that bit of news, but they just nodded.

“Yeah, we figured,” Malcolm
said calmly. “We simply can't assume that the magic works until
we test it.”

“Yup,” Aiden added equably.
“One more night is tolerable. We can't take chances, after

The chains dropped away and the men
spent a few minutes stretching and working out the kinks.

“You two have done very well,”
Clara said to the guards. “I'd like you to go and get some
rest. Oh and could you see if someone could bring our friends some
food? They must be starving.”

“Yes, lady,” they replied.

“Thanks for that,” Malcolm
said as he twisted at the waist, his spine cracking. “Spending
a night wrapped in chains and lying on the cold ground really gives
you an appetite.”

His grin took the sting out of his
words but Clara still looked dismayed.

“I am so sorry for all of this,
my friends,” she told them.

The men immediately protested.

“Oh, for heaven's sake, my lady
cleric, this isn't your fault!” Aiden said loudly, speaking
over Malcolm, who nodded vigorously. “We were attacked randomly
in the forest! Who would have guessed that it would be by a bloody

He sighed and the ghost of a smile
appeared on his lips.

“It's kind of like being stuck in
the middle of a schlocky horror movie, isn't it? I keep waiting for
the creepy music to kick in.”

The four of them laughed at that and
Clara took that moment to present the men with their amulets.

“This is yours, Malcolm,”
she said as she offered him the sphere hanging from its heavy chain.
“And Aiden, here's yours.”

They held the amulets up and examined
them as the metal glowed dully in the brightening light.

“Hmm, I don't know,”
Malcolm said dubiously.

“Yeah, there's something not
quite right about them,” Aiden agreed.

“What is it? What's wrong?”
the cleric asked anxiously.

“I was hoping they'd be a bit
more...stylish,” Malcolm told her and then grinned broadly.

“At least use gold, not silver,”
Aiden said as Clara began laughing again. “Gold is more me.”

“Will the pair of you stop it?
I've been on edge all night worrying about this entire procedure.”

“That's why we needed to lighten
the mood, dear lady,” Malcolm told her.

He became quiet and stared at the
amulet. Whatever he was thinking was hidden behind a blank

And then with a convulsive motion,
Malcolm slipped the chain over his head and allowed the amulet to
fall to his chest.

Aiden paused a second and then followed

Both men stared sightlessly off across
the room, looking so alike that Simon was chilled. What was going on?

“Guys?” he said cautiously.
“You okay?”

“This is really weird,”
Malcolm said. He frowned down at the floor and cocked his head to the
side. “I feel...lighter? Cleaner? I don't know how to describe
it. Aiden?”

The other man was stroking the amulet
softly, his eye's narrowed.

“Yeah. Ever since I was infected,
there's been this shadow on everything. It's like I haven't been
seeing the world clearly.” He seemed to be feeling his way
through his words. “Like my eyes were dirty windows that I was
trying to see out of. And now, suddenly, the windows are clean
again.” He gestured helplessly. “If you know what I mean.
Anyway, it is so weird.”

“I'd say that was a good sign,
gentlemen,” Clara said brightly. “That may be an
indication that the controlling magic is working. Of course, we'll
have to wait until tonight to know for sure.”

With an accepting nod, Malcolm adjusted
the chain around his neck.

“Better get used to these things,
buddy. We'll be wearing them a long, long time.”

“Eh. I always like a little
bling,” Aiden said and grinned at him. “Brings out my
sexy Asian eyes.”

“You see what I have to deal
with?” Malcolm said to Simon and the cleric. “It's not
enough to be locked up in this luxurious suite. Oh no. I have to have
a comedian to keep me company.”

“Is there anything you boys want
sent in, besides food, to help pass the time today?” Clara
asked through her laughter.

“Hot water,” Aiden said
promptly. “It's been a few days and we're getting a bit ripe in
here. Oh and a change of clothes please.”

“I second that,” Malcolm
added fervently.

“Done. I'll make the

The cleric moved forward and quickly
hugged each of the men. They stared at her with surprised delight.

“What was that for?” the
big man asked.

“Just because,” she
replied. “Don't ever change, either of you.” She paused
and added, “Except your clothes. You, gentlemen, are stinky.”

They all laughed at that and Clara and
Simon wished the men a good day and left the building. A new guard
was waiting to lock the door behind them.

Once outside, the cleric said that she
was going to talk to a few people to get Malcolm and Aiden their
bathing things and clean clothing.

“What about you?” she asked

He looked down at the ever-patient

“We'll head home for the day. I
need some sleep and my friend here is anxious to check on the horses,
I'm sure.”

“Oh yes, master. Sunshine may
need me, and they all have to fed and watered. And let out for
exercise. And I have to clean the stable. Oh and the tower has to be
swept and...”

“All right, all right, Kronk.
We're going. Gees.”

Clara chuckled and looked at the little
guy with obvious affection.

“Then I won't keep you. Thanks
again, Simon, for all your help. And you too, Kronk.”

“Any time. I'll be back before
dusk tonight. Let's hope that this has all been worth it.”

“I have a good feeling about
this, my friend. Their reactions to the amulets was encouraging.”

“I agree. Okay, Kronk, grab hold.
Let's go home.”

He waved at the cleric, who smiled and
turned away and then Simon chanted the Gate spell and watched the
world fade to black.


After a light meal and a
very quick dip and wash in the ice-cold lake, Simon collapsed and
slept for most of the day.

Kronk woke him up late in
the afternoon and the wizard rolled out of bed and stood up, feeling
groggy and disconnected.

What time is it?”
he asked the little guy thickly as he looked at the sunlight
streaming into his bedroom.

Perhaps three hours
to dusk, master,” Kronk told him. “I have filled the
kettle for you.”

Simon got dressed slowly
as the elemental chattered away.

The horses are
fine. I've cleaned the stable and the tower as well. There is no sign
of Ana, as usual, master. And my brethren on the walls report no

Good. That's good.”

The wizard rubbed his
hands over his face to help wake him up and then pushed back his mane
of hair.

Okay. I'll grab a
bite and then we'll head back to Nottinghill.”

You will, master,”
Kronk said firmly. “I will stay here and take care of the
tower. I still have much to do.”

They walked out into the
hallway and down the stairs.

You sure? It won't
take too long to see if the amulets are working. As soon as the moon
rises, we'll have our answer.”

I am sure, master.
I need to gather some wood. Our woodpile is getting low. And there
are many weeds trying to sneak into our garden. I must deal with

They reached the main
floor and Simon walked across to the kitchen area, put the kettle
over the fire and pulled out some dried meat and fruit.

Okay then. Excuse
me a second, I have to use the facilities.”

Of course, master.”

After visiting the
outhouse, Simon came back in, made his tea and ate quickly. Kronk
stood on the table and watched him.

Okay,” the
wizard said after his meal, “it's time to get in touch with

He picked up the hand
mirror, chanted the Magic Mirror spell and then paused to look at the

Are you missing him
yet?” he teased.

As usual, Kronk took the
question seriously and pondered his answer.

Yes, I am, master.
But I hope you will keep that between us.”

My lips are
sealed,” Simon told him with a grin and then invoked the spell.

He waited while the mirror
fogged over and then, surprisingly, turned black.

What the hell?”
the wizard muttered. “Aeris? Are you there?” he said

Barely,” came
the answer from out of the darkness.

Why can't I see
you?” Simon asked.

Um, because it's
night time?” came the sarcastic response.

Oh, here we go,”
the wizard said under his breath with an eye-roll at Kronk.

Sorry, I forgot
about the time difference. So what's new?”

What's new? Well,
let me see now. It's snowing. Again. And about a million degrees
below zero, not that it bothers me. Oh and everything is white. Yes,
that's all that's new with me. So how are you doing?”

I don't have time for
this, Simon thought wearily.

Okay, Aeris, let's
cut the whining short today, shall we? I'm going to bring you home,
right now. You obviously hate what you're doing and, even though you
volunteered for this mission, I won't make you continue when you are
clearly miserable.”

The wizard waited, the
mournful sound of the north wind's wailing echoing around the room.

What? No! You can't
recall me now. I'm only about halfway through my scout. It would a
colossal waste if I gave up now.”

That's not what I'm
hearing every single time I talk to you,” Simon told him
impatiently. “What I'm hearing is that you are unhappy and,
frankly, bitchy. And I really have had enough of it. Look, you're
incredibly valuable to me and we need to know where that damned
primal white dragon is, but angry people are hasty people and if you
make a mistake, it could prove fatal. And I value you more than

You do?”
Aeris actually sounded surprised and Simon frowned at Kronk.

He should know
that,” he whispered to the little guy.

He does, master.
But he's been alone in that horrible environment for weeks now. It
could be affecting him more than he realizes.”

Hmm, good point.”

Look, my dear
wizard, don't summon me home,” Aeris spoke up. “I would
be ashamed to have failed in my mission. I...I apologize if I've been
testy when we've spoken. Honestly, I look forward to hearing from
you. I do. But, don't we all need someone to complain to, even if we
are doing something useful?”

The plaintive question
made Simon smile in sympathy.

Yes, of course we
do. Sorry, Aeris. I know this has been hard on you. It's just that
we're waiting for moon-rise right now to find out if the amulets we
made for Malcolm and Aiden will actually control their Lycanthropy,
so I'm a little anxious.”

You did it? But
that's wonderful! I certainly hope the magic is effective. So, um,
are you recalling me?”

Kronk tapped the wizard on
the arm and shook his head vigorously. Simon was amused at the
earthen's support of Aeris and had to agree.

No, I'm not. If you
are absolutely
that you want to see it through, you can continue your mission.”

am, my dear wizard. I am indeed. Thank you for this. I'll try to be
more patient in the future.”

won't hold my breath, my friend, but don't worry about it. We'll both
attempt to learn patience and I'm sure we'll get through this.
Anyway, I have to get going. Stay safe and I'll talk to you

sounds good. Good luck with your friends.”


canceled the spell and put down the mirror. He rested his chin in his
hands and stared at Kronk.

you think that he's cracking up?”

up? I do not understand that term, master.”

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