The Dumbest Generation (35 page)

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Authors: Mark Bauerlein

BOOK: The Dumbest Generation
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Postman, Neil.
Amusing Ourselves to Death
“Put That Book Down!”
Los Angeles Times
(14 May 2005).
Reich, Charles.
The Greening of America
Richardson, Will. “Blog Revolution: Expanding classroom horizons with Web logs” ( 171203059).
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts, and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms
Ricketts, Camille. “Dialing into the Youth Market: Cellphone Services and Products Become Increasingly Tailored to Teenage Users,”
Wall Street Journal
(3 Aug 2006).
Robbins, Alexandra.
The Overachievers: The Secret Lives of Driven Kids
Roth, Philip.
The Human Stain
Schultz, Katherine. “The Small World of Classroom Boredom,”
Education Week
(21 Jun 2006).
Scotland Inspectorate for Education, Scotland.
Improving Scottish Education: ICT in Learning and Teaching
Sharma, Amol. “What’s New in Wireless?”
Wall Street Journal
(26 March 2007).
Somin, Ilya. “When Ignorance Isn’t Bliss: How Political Ignorance Threatens Democracy,” Cato Insitute Policy Analysis no. 525 (2004).
Strauss, Valerie. “Odds Stacked Against Pleasure Reading,”
Washington Post
(24 May 2005).
Strauss, William, and Neil Howe.
Millennials Rising: The Next Great Generation
Students for a Democratic Society.
Port Huron Statement
Sutherland-Smith, Wendy. “Weaving the Literacy Web: Changes in Reading from Page to Screen,”
The Reading Teacher
(Apr 2002).
Texas Center for Educational Research.
Evaluation of the Texas Technology Immersion Pilot: First-Year Results
Thacker, Paul D. “Are College Students Techno Idiots?” (15 Nov 2006).
TIMSS National Research Center.
Third International Mathematics and Science Study
Trotter, Andrew. “Federal Study Finds No Edge for Students Using Technology -Based Reading and Math Products,”
Education Week
(4 Apr 2007).
Turtel, Joel. “Let’s Google and Yahoo Our Kids’ Education,”
NewsWithViews. com
(24 Jun 2006).
Twenge, Jean M., et al.
Egos Inflating over Time: A Test of Two Generational Theories of Narcissism Using Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis
Twist, Jo. “The Year of the Digital Citizen,” BBC News (2 Jan 2006).
UCLA Higher Education Research Institute.
The American Freshman
( ).
Your First College Year
“Writer, Read Thyself,”
Atlantic Monthly
(October 2004).
Zaslow, Jeff. “Plugged In, but Tuned Out: Getting Kids to Connect to the Non-Virtual World,”
Wall Street Journal
(6 Oct 2005).
Zimmerman, Frederick J., et al. “Television and DVD/Video Viewing in Children Younger Than 2 Years,”
Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
161 (May 2007): 473-79.
Achieve, Inc.
ACT (American College Testing)
culture wars
teens and young adults;
specific issues
mentors; parents
Advertising Council
Alliance for Excellent Education
American Academy of Pediatrics
American College Testing (ACT)
American Competitiveness Initiative
American Council of Trustees and Alumni
American Diploma Project
American Freshman Survey,
American Library Association
American Political Science Association
American Time Use Surveys
Andrukonis, David
New Left culture war and
ramifications of
rejection of cultural tradition
screen time as reinforcement of
unconcern over
Apple Store
Armour, Stephanie
Arnett, Jeffrey
Arnold, Matthew
arts and cultural opportunities -
study (Heath and Smyth)
assessments and tests.
American Time Use Surveys
Bell, Daniel
Bellow, Saul
Benavot, Aaron
Bennett, Stephen and Linda
Bierman, Noah
Bird, Malcolm
BISG (Book Industry Study Group)
Bloom, Allan
Boehlert, Sherwood
Bomer, Randy
Book Industry Study Group (BISG)
Book Manufacturers’ Institute
leisure reading; reading and literacy
Brookings Institution
Brooks, David
Buell, John
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S.
Bush, George W.
Business Roundtable
Carlson, Scott
Carnegie Corporation
Cassar, Ken
cell phones
Centers for Disease Control
heightened moral sense
ignorance of political and world affairs -
intellectuals and
leisure trends and
newspaper readership
political blogs
Rip Van Winkle story
role of debate and contention
role of newspapers
traditional learning and
Cleaver, Eldridge
Clink, Henry C.
cognitive development
aptitudes and thought patterns
IQ scores
learning disabilities
sophistication of program content and
spatial reasoning vs. learned content
through unfamiliar experiences
verbal skills
video games and -
Web’s failure to enhance
college students
civic and historical knowledge, ignorance of
College Republicans
delinquency and negligence
detachment from instructors
dropout rate
enrollment statistics
foreign students
homework time
indulgence of
knowledge surveys of
long-term disadvantages
readiness for college
reading, aversion to
remedial coursework
research skills, lack of
SDS (Students for a Democratic Society)
on technology in classroom
television time
Web site preferences
writing skills
youth movements -
Conference Board
Conkey, Christopher
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Côté, James
Cuban, Larry
cultural opportunities
culture wars
breakdown of familiar niches
ideological disagreements
New Left
New York Intellectuals
role of traditional knowledge in
self-centrism vs. traditionalism
youth movements -
Cunningham, Anne E.
Department of Education, U.S.
Dickinson, Emily
Dickstein, Morris
digital learning.
screen media in education
digital technology.
Dorman, Joseph
teens and young adults;
specific issues
Douglass, Frederick
Downes, Stephen
Du Bois, W. E. B.
college students; school; screen media in education; traditional knowledge
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Eisner, Jane
screen media in education
Englebart, Douglas
Epstein, Joseph
E-Rate subsidies
Erskine, John
ETS (Educational Testing Service)
Executive Summary of the State Legislatures
Fanton, Jonathan
Federation of American Scientists
fine arts and cultural opportunities
Finn, Chester E.
Flynn, James/Flynn Effect
Fordham Foundation
Forrester Research
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Fukuyama, Francis
Gallup polls
benefits attributed to
in classrooms
tween and teen usage
Gardner, Howard
Gates, Bill
Gee, James
Generation Y.
teens and young adults;
specific issues
Gioia, Dana
Gitlin, Todd
Gladwell, Malcolm
Glassman, James
Glazer, Nathan
Grafton, Anthony
Gravois, John
Grossman, Lev
Hall, G. Stanley
Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd
Hargittai, Esther
Harris Interactive Polls
Harry Potter books
Healy, Jane
Heath, Shirley Brice
Heskovitz, Marshall
Hickok, Eugene
higher education.
college students
Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA
High School Survey of Student Engagement
historical knowledge
home environment, screen media in
homework time
Hopf, Harry Arthur
Horatio Alger Association
Horowitz, David
Howe, Irving
Howe, Neil
High School Survey of Student Engagement
Hu, Winnie
Hymowitz, Kay
ICT (Information and Communications Technology).
screen media in education
assessments and surveys of knowledge
of civics and history -
despite opportunities to learn

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