The E. Nesbit Megapack: 26 Classic Novels and Stories

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Authors: E. Nesbit

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Juvenile Fiction, #Family, #Fantasy & Magic, #Adventure, #Young Adult, #Fantasy

BOOK: The E. Nesbit Megapack: 26 Classic Novels and Stories
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The E. Nesbit Megapack
is copyright © 2014 by Wildside Press LLC. All rights reserved. Cover art © Kbuntu / Fotolia.

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The Railway Children
originally appeared in 1906.

The Magic City
originally appeared in 1910.

Five Children and It
originally appeared in 1902.

The Phoenix and the Carpet
originally appeared in 1904.

The Story of the Amulet
originally appeared in 1906.

The text for “The Marble Child” is taken from the anthology
Atlantic Narratives

The Enchanted Castle
originally appeared in 1907.

The Story of the Treasure Seekers
originally appeared in 1899.

The Wouldbegoods
originally appeared in 1901.

“The Road to Rome; or, the Silly Stowaway,” “The Conscience-Pudding,” “Archibald the Unpleasant,” “Over the Water to China,” “The Young Antiquaries,” “The Intrepid Explorer and His Lieutenant,” “The Turk in Chains; Or, Richard’s Revenge,” “The Golden Gondola,” “The Flying Lodger,” “The Smuggler’s Revenge,” “Zaïda, The Mysterious Prophetess of the Golden Orient,” “The Lady and The License; or, Friendship’s Garland,” and “The Poor and Needy” are all taken from
The New Treasure Seekers
, a collection of short stories about the Bastable children (1904).

“An Object of Value and Virtue,” “The Runaways,” “The Arsenicators: A Tale of Crime,” and “The Enchanceried House” are all taken from the collection
Oswald Bastable and Others


Edith Nesbit (married name Edith Bland; 1858–1924) was an English author and poet; she published her books for children under the name of E. Nesbit.

She wrote or collaborated on over 60 books of fiction for children, several of which have been adapted for film and television. She was also a political activist and co-founded the Fabian Society, a socialist organisation later connected to the British Labour Party.

Nesbit published approximately 40 books for children, including novels, collections of stories and picture books. Collaborating with others, she published almost as many more.

According to her biographer Julia Briggs, Nesbit was “the first modern writer for children”: “(Nesbit) helped to reverse the great tradition of children’s literature inaugurated by Lewis Carroll, George MacDonald, and Kenneth Grahame, in turning away from their secondary worlds to the tough truths to be won from encounters with things-as-they-are, previously the province of adult novels.” Briggs also credits Nesbit with having invented the children’s adventure story. Noël Coward was a great admirer of hers and, in a letter to an early biographer Noël Streatfeild, wrote “she had an economy of phrase, and an unparalleled talent for evoking hot summer days in the English countryside.”

Among Nesbit’s best-known books are
The Story of the Treasure Seekers
(1898) and
The Wouldbegoods
(1899), which both recount stories about the Bastables, a middle-class family that has fallen on (relatively) hard times.
The Railway Children
is also known from its adaptation into a 1970 film version. Her children’s writing also included numerous plays and collections of verse.

She created an innovative body of work that combined realistic, contemporary children in real-world settings with magical objects—what would now be classed as contemporary fantasy—and adventures and sometimes travel to fantastic worlds. In doing so, she was a direct or indirect influence on many subsequent writers, including P. L. Travers (author of Mary Poppins), Edward Eager, Diana Wynne Jones, and J. K. Rowling. C. S. Lewis wrote of her influence on his Narnia series and mentions the Bastable children in
The Magician’s Nephew
. Michael Moorcock would go on to write a series of steampunk novels with an adult Oswald Bastable (of
The Treasure Seekers
) as the lead character. Most recently, Jacqueline Wilson has written a sequel to the Psammead trilogy, entitled
Four Children and It

Nesbit also wrote for adults, including eleven novels, short stories and four collections of horror stories.

—John Betancourt

Publisher, Wildside Press LLC


Over the last few years, our “Megapack” series of ebook anthologies has grown to be among our most popular endeavors. (Maybe it helps that we sometimes offer them as premiums to our mailing list!) One question we keep getting asked is, “Who’s the editor?”

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The Martian Megapack

The E. Nesbit Megapack

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The Girl Detectives Megapack

The E. Nesbit Megapack

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The Wizard of Oz Megapack


The Achmed Abdullah Megapack

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The B.M. Bower Megapack

The E.F. Benson Megapack

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The Second Algernon Blackwood Megapack

The Max Brand Megapack

The First Reginald Bretnor Megapack

The Fredric Brown Megapack

The Wilkie Collins Megapack

The Ray Cummings Megapack

The Guy de Maupassant Megapack

The Philip K. Dick Megapack

The Erckmann-Chatrian Megapack

The Jacques Futrelle Megapack

The Randall Garrett Megapack

The Second Randall Garrett Megapack

The Anna Katharine Green Megapack

The Zane Grey Megapack

The Edmond Hamilton Megapack

The Dashiell Hammett Megapack

The C.J. Henderson Megapack

The M.R. James Megapack

The Selma Lagerlof Megapack

The Murray Leinster Megapack***

The Second Murray Leinster Megapack***

The Arthur Machen Megapack**

The George Barr McCutcheon Megapack

The Talbot Mundy Megapack

The E. Nesbit Megapack

The Andre Norton Megapack

The H. Beam Piper Megapack

The Mack Reynolds Megapack

The Rafael Sabatini Megapack

The Saki Megapack

The Darrell Schweitzer Megapack

The Robert Sheckley Megapack

The Lon Williams Weird Western Megapack

* Not available in the United States

** Not available in the European Union

***Out of print.


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